Press Release No:170 Date: 23rd June 2003 Roundup

Conference on Science and Mathematics Education Concludes its work at the Library of Alexandria.

International participants discussed ways to improve teaching methods and

developing math and science literacy.

Alexandria, Monday 23 June --- The Fifth Plenary Session "Reporting on Panels" started at 9:00 a.m. Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina chaired the session, the co-chair was Dr. Yousry El-Gamal, Vice President for Education and Research at Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport and the Rapporteur was Dr. Rafiq Nakhla, Quality Management, Marketing and Sales expert and the Human Resource and Training Consultant to the Library.

مكتبة السكندرية The Library of Alexandria الشاطبي السكندرية مصر El Shatby, Alexandria, Egypt 21526 21526 تليفون :+ (203) 4839999 فاكس: +(Phone: +(203) 4839999 Fax: +(203) 48303394830339 (203 E-mail: [email protected] www.bibalex.org The three speakers were Dr. Effat Badr, Professor of Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Alexandria, Dr. Salah Soliman, Professor of Chemistry and Dr. Rafik Nakhla. They reported on the conference plenary and parallel sessions, confirming that this international meeting, organized by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, is an opportunity to interact and exchange innovative ideas, research findings and practical applications in science and mathematics education.

مكتبة السكندرية The Library of Alexandria الشاطبي السكندرية مصر El Shatby, Alexandria, Egypt 21526 21526 تليفون :+ (203) 4839999 فاكس: +(Phone: +(203) 4839999 Fax: +(203) 48303394830339 (203 E-mail: [email protected] www.bibalex.org The conference addressed issues relating to the significance of science and mathematics education (SME) for economic development, science literacy in Egypt, global challenges and the importance of science and mathematics education in the 21st century. It also focused on the role of professional bodies in promoting SME in developing countries, the reform experiences in Asian and industrialized countries and the popularization of SME. One of the important issues addressed at the conference was the need to improve girl's education in science and mathematics and enhance the education of children and youth in these areas. The use of information technology to teach science and mathematics was emphasized, especially in relation to distance education. Improving pedagogical approaches, curriculum development and teacher training were stressed upon as important means for developing SME. Learner-centered education, the employment of hands-on activities and evaluating student knowledge and skills were themes that the conference highlighted. Finally, underscoring the role of the industrialized nations in improving SME in less developed countries as well as international cooperation were considered of paramount importance in promoting SME worldwide.

مكتبة السكندرية The Library of Alexandria الشاطبي السكندرية مصر El Shatby, Alexandria, Egypt 21526 21526 تليفون :+ (203) 4839999 فاكس: +(Phone: +(203) 4839999 Fax: +(203) 48303394830339 (203 E-mail: [email protected] www.bibalex.org At the outset, the conference posed important questions on whether children in developing countries were being given the knowledge and skills that they will need as adults in the 21st century, and what is the definition of science and mathematics literacy? Moreover, how important is it to have access to scientific information, and what are the guidelines that teachers and educators should employ to improve instruction in these two subjects. How to popularize SME education was another question that was raised at the conference, and what is the responsibility of scientists and scientific institutions towards promoting SME. Most importantly, however, is what can the less developed countries learn from the industrialized nations' experiences in developing SME and how can international cooperation be achieved. At the last session, the conference considered the possibilities of establishing a regional program to improve SME and where could this endeavor ?

مكتبة السكندرية The Library of Alexandria الشاطبي السكندرية مصر El Shatby, Alexandria, Egypt 21526 21526 تليفون :+ (203) 4839999 فاكس: +(Phone: +(203) 4839999 Fax: +(203) 48303394830339 (203 E-mail: [email protected] www.bibalex.org The session also emphasized that it was time to realize that science and mathematics have major influences in the lives of all citizens, no matter what their roles in society are. Understanding issues such as global warming, genetic research computing and other issues that affect all humans leads to better responding with appropriate actions, especially in the less developed world. The rapid growth in science and technology has greatly benefited the industrialized countries, while the less developed nations have not taken advantage of the scientific advances. That is why it is very important for stakeholders in developing countries to examine the efficiency of the educational system through the prisms of other, more industrialized countries. There was a need to enhance the performance of students by applying innovative curricula and using modern instructional materials and advanced teacher training courses that governments can afford.

مكتبة السكندرية The Library of Alexandria الشاطبي السكندرية مصر El Shatby, Alexandria, Egypt 21526 21526 تليفون :+ (203) 4839999 فاكس: +(Phone: +(203) 4839999 Fax: +(203) 48303394830339 (203 E-mail: [email protected] www.bibalex.org Following on the reports, Dr. Ismail Serageldin invited the participants to contribute with the comments and proposals. Dr. Zaynab Mohran said that she has a dream that some day people would become one global cooperative family and added that she believes that this conference has provided the chance for taking the first step towards making her dream come true. Dr. Shamsher Ali commented that this conference has achieved its goals but speculated on how to follow up on this. Dr. Ali suggested that an annual Science and Mathematics “Olympiad” should be established and held in a different country every time. He added that more conferences should take place so that scientists and mathematicians can meet and exchange innovative and creative techniques that were devised and carried out in the suggested Olympiads. Dr. Ali remarked that although this incurs a lot of hard work, it is, nevertheless, worth the effort.

Dr. Farouk El Baz mentioned that using the expertise of foreign teachers yields great benefits, adding that “we can take many of their experiences and apply them in Egypt”. Dr. El Baz stated that, as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, he believed that it was the role of the library to promote the resolutions, the experiences and the themes of this conference within the institutions concerned such as educational bodies, the media… etc.

مكتبة السكندرية The Library of Alexandria الشاطبي السكندرية مصر El Shatby, Alexandria, Egypt 21526 21526 تليفون :+ (203) 4839999 فاكس: +(Phone: +(203) 4839999 Fax: +(203) 48303394830339 (203 E-mail: [email protected] www.bibalex.org Addressing the important issue of "Ethics of Science", Dr. Midhat Gazale hoped Egypt, and Alexandria in particular, could emulate the international scientific bodies such as the San Francisco Auditorium and others, and establish a similar institution. More questions were then raised concerning the importance of promoting girls’ education. Organizing debates, where young people could contribute and present their views, ideas and dreams, was suggested. There was also an emphasis on the need to make connections between politics, policy making and science.

Before ending the session, Dr. Serageldin spoke about the library's contributions in the area of scientific education and national development. He referred to the conference on the Ethics of Science and Technology that was held at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina immediately after the inauguration and added that the Bibliotheca has an Exploratorium that is being expanded at the moment. Dr. Serageldin also remarked that the Library is trying to contribute to public education and development, adding that it was already preparing for the upcoming “Einstein celebration”. The Bibliotheca Alexandrina is also helping in establishing a huge science museum in Cairo. Furthermore, there are projects that are geared towards the study of the history of Egyptian science and its development. In addition, the library has a huge outreach program for children. Dr. Serageldin also confirmed that the Bibliotheca Alexandrina will not only pass on the ideas, suggestions and recommendations of this conference to the Ministry of Education, but will also urge the ministry to implement them. مكتبة السكندرية The Library of Alexandria الشاطبي السكندرية مصر El Shatby, Alexandria, Egypt 21526 21526 تليفون :+ (203) 4839999 فاكس: +(Phone: +(203) 4839999 Fax: +(203) 48303394830339 (203 E-mail: [email protected] www.bibalex.org He then informed the audience that he had received a letter of intent signed by the Minister of Education Dr. Hussein Kamel Bahaa El- Din to implement the “Hole in the wall” project - public computer access pilot project for children - in Alexandria as a guided pilot project that, should it succeed, will be implemented in Cairo as well. He also said that in a telephone conversation, Dr. Bahaa El-Din promised to implement any other pilot program and give it full support.

In his closing remarks, Dr. Serageldin assured the audience that this conference may be the first, but, it certainly will not be the last, adding that “it is only a milestone in an effort to change the way we approach science and mathematics education worldwide” He also promised that the Bibliotheca Alexandrina would take the responsibility of sustaining this effort. Indicating the strategic geographic position of Egypt, and Alexandria, as an intersection point, Dr. Serageldin stated that this will enable it to radiate all the new findings and discoveries across the whole region.

At the end of the session Dr. Serageldin gave a brief talk on the role and history of women scientists and their present condition. He also stressed the fact the they are being under represented in the fields of science and mathematics.


مكتبة السكندرية The Library of Alexandria الشاطبي السكندرية مصر El Shatby, Alexandria, Egypt 21526 21526 تليفون :+ (203) 4839999 فاكس: +(Phone: +(203) 4839999 Fax: +(203) 48303394830339 (203 E-mail: [email protected] www.bibalex.org