Town of West Bend Plan Commission
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Minutes Town of West Bend Plan Commission Thursday May 27th, 2017, 7:00 PM Town of West Bend Town Hall
1. Order of Business.
A. Call Meeting to Order Chairman Mike Holz called the meeting to order. B. Roll Call. Present were commission members Mike Holz, John Behrens, Dave Moore and Tod Maclay. Bob Werner and Zoning Administrator Gordon Hoffmann were absent. C. Approval of Minutes of April 27th, 2017. Behrens made a motion to approve the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Holz and passed unanimously.
2. New Business.
A. Discussion re: Proposed addition of 7 single family homes and 1 duplex at Cedar Community, Town of West Bend, Washington County, Wisconsin.
Don Thoma from Accurate Surveying introduced Chris Cherney, CFO of the Cedar Community. A summary of the facilities and services offered on the campus was given, as well as a base map reviewed. The summary included a description of the CCRC, or, Continuing Care Retirement Community, 49 units of rehabilitation care, 85 beds consisting of assisted living, another 235 beds providing different levels of care, and 85 single family homes. It was noted that the number of nursing home beds has lessened since 2006. Approximately 1000 persons reside on the campus, with 600 employees, on 245 acres. It was noted that more market demand for the independent style living is evidenced, with a target demographic of those aged 65 to 85. Requested were possible access points to German Village Road and Paradise Drive. Holz queried about the rental/ownership arrangements provided to the residents of the single family dwellings. Some discussion ensued regarding the request to access both Paradise Drive and German Village Road. Moore indicated that the present single access from County Highway Z is an issue, with some discussion of potential relief. Congestion occurs when employees’ shifts begin and end (6-7 AM, 2-3:30 PM). Discussion of the idea that one ingress/egress better controls access was followed by the potential of the establishment of a gated access on Paradise Drive which would allow for emergency vehicles. Holz brought up the matter of setting a precedent with further development approvals. It was indicated that further proposals for additional development will be forthcoming in years hence. Maclay asked about sewer capacity, which was deemed adequate by the maintenance supervisor. It was noted that a third high capacity well was anticipated. Behrens indicated that the proposed dwelling square footage does not meet the minimum requirement for single family in the town. Behrens opposed a duplex configuration. Some discussion ensued regarding previous conditional use permit approval language that addressed clustering of dwellings into three and four. Proposed are 3 bath/2 bedroom, double garage dwellings with full basements. Holz reviewed the conditional use process. Thoma calculated the residential density allowances based on the total parcel acreage factoring in two different zoning districts - R-1R and R-1S. It was noted that impervious area percentages are not an issue. Some discussion followed regarding the language in the zoning code which allows for ten units per acre, and the actual definition of ‘unit’. It was suggested that absent a definition of ‘unit’ in the code, the Zoning Administer make a determination as to the word’s meaning. Behrens brought up the matter of whether a new conditional use permit should be issued, or, whether the three existing CUs of record to expand a nonconforming use need to be amended in this process. They are dated 6/27/1974, 4/17/1978, 3/11/1994 and were distributed to commission members prior to the meeting, with copies given to the applicant at the meeting. Maclay noted that in 1974, when the residential clusters were approved, no access to German Village Road would be approved. It was suggested that further review of documents in town files was in order to understand the history of the development of the parcel. And, a review of any past permits issued which may have merit in further conditional use approvals should be researched. Some discussion followed regarding the process of applying for a CU permit, public hearing requirements, and abutting property owner notifications. The nature of renderings needed to be submitted was also discussed. Representatives of the Cedar Community indicated they would hold an open house.
3. Report from the Zoning Administrator. None. 4. Report from the Town Engineer. None. 5. Adjournment. Maclay made a motion to adjourn at 8:30. The motion was seconded by Behrens and passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Tod Maclay, Plan Commission Secretary, 6/4/17