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SD / Amb Care Script 2015 PLEASE EMAIL [email protected] with any suggested changes Contents SD / Amb Care Script 2015 PLEASE EMAIL [email protected] with any suggested changes

Updated Mar 24, 2015 Scenario Name: Walter Zickler Age: 70 Condition: Congestive Heart

(Actor 1 starts outside the door to the room, Actor 2 starts by the bedside)(Actor 1 walks into the room as soon as the script starts)

Introduction: Hello, welcome to the Step – Down Ambulatory Care area of the Intelligent Hospital. This room represents two distinct environments; a typical step down area which provides an intermediate level of for patients between the intensive care and a normally staffed in-patient area; and an ambulatory care area providing consultation, treatment or intervention delivered on a out-patient basis. These areas rely on a combination of medical technologies for treatment delivery, patient care as well as workflow optimization and process validation.

Stepdown Bed

SD1 Wireless Communications (Intelligent InSites/Stanley/Vocera) These areas utilize a robust network and wireless infrastructure, coupled with real operational Intelligence from multiple RTLS / RFID systems with integrations including several modalities of communication and visualization that provide rapid enterprise level interaction as observed on the large screen or a hand held device. (Actors point to large screen, hold up tablet and iphone) In addition all clinicians utilize VoIP communications devices, enabling staff to staff communications with integration to the hospital phone system supporting incoming and outgoing calls. [Actor holds up the Vocera pendant around neck] Streamlined communication improves patient care and throughput, making every minute count. The ability to quickly and easily communicate puts patients back at the center of care while improving efficiencies throughout the care process.

SD2 Environmental Monitoring (Extreme Networks, Intelligent Insites] The Intelligent Hospital also continuously monitors environmental conditions of devices, such as freezers as well as the building itself, including temperature, and humidity. Enabled by the robust network and wireless infrastructure we can visualize environmental conditions via a dashboard throughout the hospital.

SD3 Embedded RTLS Solution (Zebra)

Vital to providing effective patient care includes the management of resources, supplies, devices, and staff. Embedded RTLS solutions visibility to all aspects of healthcare including SD / Amb Care Script 2015 PLEASE EMAIL [email protected] with any suggested changes patient, specimen, medication, asset, and staff. This unique identification enables global tracking throughout the institution. At any moment in time the equipment management system can use this location information to ensure that lean workflow is being followed to reduce the critical time wasted when finding needed devices. RFID analytics report on equipment and device movements, enabling discussions on device quantity, distribution and optimal par levels. Equipment and supplies can be automatically re-ordered from the floor when inventories fall below defined thresholds (Actor points to the display).

SD4 EMR Scenario: CHF Monitoring: The ambulatory area is currently managing to patients, a 70 yr old man, Walter Zickler who has been undergoing treatment for Congestive Heart Failure. Over the last 9 months he has been undergoing home monitoring of vital signs including weight, BP, Pulse Rate and data has been collecting using a portable home monitoring system from his instrumented iHome.

The nurse calls the patient at home to check in. During the routine check of vitals and tele- weigh-in (home monitoring information), the nurse realizes that the patient has gained well over 4 lbs. overnight and his diastolic blood pressure has risen 10 mmHg. The nurse confirms that the patient varied from his routine over the weekend. The patient was at a family gathering the day before and may have had some food not on his recommended diet and was standing for many hours.

Walter Zickler is asked to go to the ED or out patient clinic, where physician completes a check-up, admits the patient into the Step Down cardiac unit and orders the patient be placed on monitoring, orders several tests, including labs, CXR, ECG and Echo). (Extension Health) SD6 Bed Description (Hill-Rom, Critical Alert) Mr Zickler lies in an instrumented smart bed providing a secure dynamic environment capable of monitoring patient weight, as well as, wheels, side rail status, and patient communications integrating with Nurse Call System.

The nurse call system enables workflow optimization starting from an initial patient request through fulfillment. A centralized unit clerk answers call request using patient name, triages call based on request type and forwards the message to the correct nurse via her device of choice. The system enables full reporting on entire workflow. SD5 Bedside Workstation (HID, Zebra) This room is equipped with a bedside PC patient station, which can be either wall mounted or a hand held tablet Actor 1 holds up the tablet and scrolls through, showing the audience what is on it) providing an alternative to the computer on wheels implementations. This PC is capable of running all hospital applications and provides the clinician bedside access to clinical applications such as the EMR, , PAC’S, Lab data, cardiology management, or supporting applications such as RTLS mapping and overall real time patient information aggregator. The workstation also integrates with bar code scanners, and printer to support the processes SD / Amb Care Script 2015 PLEASE EMAIL [email protected] with any suggested changes focused on patient centric identification and association, such as medication administration and laboratory processes.

Proving security to patient sensitive information is achieve utilizing One Time Password security into cloud applications leveraging your ID Badge and NFC communication protocol with a single tap of the card. The innovative technology card both generates and sends a One Time Password without the inconvenience of re-entry. (Actor picks up the tablet and taps their ID badge to the tablet – screen shot of the authentication application).

Once the nurse is assigned to our patient she uses mobile device to associate and assign herself to our patient. This ensures that all relevent information and communications will be forwarded to her. (Extension Health) SD7 Dome Light (Critical Alerts) Based on his condition the nurse additionally classifies him as a potential fall risk, requiring observation and monitoring. (Actor points out dome light to audience) SD8 In Room Wristband Replacement (Sunquest/ Zebra) While setting up the patient, placing him on oxygen and attempting to take his vitals the nurse realizes that his wristband ID was damaged and unusable requiring a new wristband to be generated. A replacement is easily generated in the room by accessing and confirming the patient’s medical record and using the room based printer generating a replacement wristband. (actor presses button and wristband comes from the printer). The wristbands are the unique identifier and scanned prior to any medication administration, sample draw, or clinical procedure. Wristbands can be barcode, passive RFID or both and as in this case an active RFID is also added to enable patient tracking throughout the institution. AC 8: Staff Communications and Information Delivery (Extension Health) The nurse takes the patients vital signs and notifies the physician. A few minutes later, the Dr. arrives at the patient's bedside to do a complete physical exam. Prior to entering the room, the physician is able to review the results from the diagnostic tests from admission orders. Reviewing the patient tests, symptoms and current vital signs he orders a Cardiology consult. Upon consult, a physician order is written for the patient to be placed on ECG telemetry and provide a low dose IV Natrecor, 0.005 μg/kg/min without bolus, prior to considering Milrinone treatment. SD10 Physiological Monitoring: (Draeger) Telemetry provides continuous monitoring to enable a comprehensive assessment of the patients condition. In the Intelligent Hospital Mr. Zickler’s physiological SD / Amb Care Script 2015 PLEASE EMAIL [email protected] with any suggested changes parameters are monitored using wi-fi based telemetry, archived and visualized on the telemetry pack and at the nursing station, or central monitoring or war room. SD11 Connectivity: (Nuvon) Using a connectivity solution medical device data is archived and available anywhere inside or out of the hospital. Bed data from multiple sources can be integrated into a rules engine to alert and provide analytics vital to the patient’s treatment. platform designed by the Hospital. As an example, patient distress has traditionally focused on pulse-oximetry measured oxygen saturation. However, studies have shown that blood oxygen does not react as quickly to signs of imminent distress in patients, and measurements of end-tidal carbon dioxide are a better indicator of problems occurring in opioid- dependent patients. Monitoring of patients such as Walter can include etCO2 which provides remote visual notifications as to changes in the measurements of etCO2 and other vitals parameters collected through connected medical devices so that notifications of potential issues can be communicated to nursing and other clinical staff via AC 8a: Staff Communications and Information Delivery (Extension Health) During the course of the patient care the Nurse is able to securely communicate via text to all physicians involved in the care of Me Zickler including the Cardiologist and the attending physician to a private text conversation. The patient weight is calculated and sent directly from the instrumented bed to the patient demographics content within Engage Mobile. The Cardiologist receives the text message on his mobile application (Vocera) along with the patient contextual information including demographics, weight, and diagnosis. The Cardiologist is able to see the text and the associated patient information. In addition is able to review retrospective waveforms from a mobile application.

As a follow-up the physician has ordered a hemoglobin and hemocrit labs and a low dose IV Natrecor, 0.005 μg/kg/min without bolus.

SD 12a: ePrescribing HID According to DEA requirements, to write a schedule II-V prescription on-line the physician needs to be identity proofed and bound to a certified credential. Within the EHR module, two factors of authentication must be presented. You need to prove you are who you say you are. The prescriber can do any one of the following supported methods: [Actor#1: Holds up ID Badge, inserts it into desktop reader, types four digit PIN 1234] Insert their ID credential for presentation of their digital certificate, and add PIN. [Slide 2: Screen shot: Identity accepted] SD / Amb Care Script 2015 PLEASE EMAIL [email protected] with any suggested changes OR, the prescriber can initiate a One-Time-Password from the certified credential, types in six numbers. 123456 [Actor#1: Holds up ID Badge, types six digit PIN 123456] [Slide 3: Screen shot: Identity accepted] OR, the prescriber can use a biometric that matches the issuer profile. [Actor#1: Holds places index finger on the sensor] [Slide 4: Screen shot: Identity accepted]

[Slide 5: Prescription successfully sent to the Pharmacy] Again, any ONE of these three authentication methods meets DEA requirements. Two- factor authentication when E-Prescribing for all drugs increases security and improves both the physician and patient’s experience. SD12 Draw Labs (Zebra) As a follow-up, the physician has ordered hemoglobin and hematocrit labs. The nurse uses a barcode-based sample collection system to positively identify the patient by scanning their armband. The nurse then prints the vial labels directly at the bedside, ensuring that all of the draw samples are accounted for and associated with the patient, minimizing the chance of mislabeling errors. (Actor/Actress - scan patient wristband, output label, scan affix label, scan vial, scan own badge.) The drawn samples can be delivered quickly to the laboratory using the institution’s pneumatic tube system. The labeled samples are loaded into RFID containers, ensuring accuracy and the chain of custody from the bedside to the laboratory, in addition to establishing the unique identifier to accurately document results into the patient record. SD9 Medication System (Carefusion) The nurse continues to administer the physicians medication order, confirms patient identification, using the wristband, and the bedside medication tracking system confirming the physician medication orders for The mobile mediation system streamlines medication tracking and transport by communicating seamlessly with the Automated Dispensing Cabinets. Clinicians are able to capture patient information from these dispensing systems, eliminating redundant data entry, allowing them to stock their system in advance with the patient specific ordered medications. The label is scanned by the barcode scanner on the mobile medication workstation to enable the administration of patient specific medications to comply with the five rights of patient administration at the bedside. In the event that other medications are required they can be rapidly prepared and delivered to the bedside. SD9a: Mobile Medicaiton Dispensing (Emerson) Medications dispensed from the Medication System are placed into the drawer specified for Mrs Millhouse. After the nurse has dispensed all of Mrs. Millhouse’s medications, she would securely transport them to the patient’s bedside in the intelligent Mobile Medication Workstation. Patient drawers are assigned using the HL7 ADT (Admission/Discharge/Transfer) transactional data from the HIS, eliminating time consuming and error-prone manual drawer labeling. Once at the bedside, the individually locking, SD / Amb Care Script 2015 PLEASE EMAIL [email protected] with any suggested changes patient-specific drawers can be opened by scanning the patient ID barcode. The configurable, time-based access controls reduce the risk of medication administration at an incorrect time and aids in pharmacy reconciliation for unused medications. Centralized, web-based console provides access to reports while allowing for Active Directory-compatible user management, fleet management and system setup. SD17 Infusion System (BBraun) The Intelligent Hospital has deployed an advanced infusion system operating wirelessly with interoperability with the EHR system. This integration helps to close the safety loop in the medication administration process by associating the pharmacy validated order with the patient, the medication, the IV pump and the patient record using bar code medication administration technology. The nurse can scan barcodes on the patient ID, the medication and the smart pump to initiate the population of order information from the EHR to the pump . With this integrated system, the ordered infusion settings automatically populate on the pump screen, eliminating manual programming steps and decreasing opportunities for error. Running infusion status is also sent from the infusion system to the EHR to promote more timely, accurate and complete clinical documentation in addition to enabling infusion surveillance through the EHR system. SD18 Nurse call Pump Integration (Critical Alert) Before setting up the pump, the nurse plugs the cable from the IV pump into the nurse call system. (Actor either depresses button at bed or IV pump) This allows a secondary annunciation of pump alarms to go directly to the nurse call system, which then directs the alarm to the assigned staff. Rapid intervention to IV pump alarms, whether due to infusion completion, or interruption, decreases the potential for adverse events, increasing patient safety. When the pump goes into alarm, it is indicated with the dome light, staff console, and the staff communication badge. (Point to dome light and hold up vocera badge) For the purposes of demonstration, we will fast-forward to the next day. Walter’s condition has improved and she is ready to be sent home.. The discharge process was initiated after the physician entered the discharge orders. AC8b: Alert Notification (Extension Health) While reviewing the patients information the nurse receives the alert notification from the lab system with the test results. She heads to the computer to review the lab results. SD13 Eliminating Transfusion Errors and Increasing Efficiencies (Sunquest) In this case, the laboratory results confirmed low hemoglobin so the physician ordered blood to be transfused. Transfusion Manager is used to positively identify the patient and ensure SD / Amb Care Script 2015 PLEASE EMAIL [email protected] with any suggested changes the correct blood is given to the patient. The Nurse scans the patient’s armband and carries out positive patient identification. Using the same device, the nurse also scans the unit of blood. The match is confirmed, and the patient is given the blood transfusion. (Actor – goes through the scanning process) SD14 Interactive Patient System (Skylight) To ensure a high degree of patient satisfaction, the use of an interactive patient system enables the patient to view her personalized electronic whiteboard. Through integration with the hospital’s ADT system, Walter has access to a snapshot of her care team, pain management tools, and other information necessary to help orient the patient during their stay. (Actor picks up pillow speaker and scrolls through the screens as if they were teaching Walter how to use the system, pointing out stuff on the screen as they go along) Walter can easily view all her prescribed health education including orientation and safety, fall prevention, discharge planning, and condition-specific education based on integration with the hospital order system. Viewing of patient education is automatically documented into the patient’s health record through integration with the hospital’s EMR system. The interactive patient system engages Walter in her care, empowering and connecting her to her care team.

Actions: Will Need to water this down !!!!!!!  From the Main Menu, actor selects “ABOUT ME”  On the About Me/Electronic Whiteboard screen, actor pretends to speak to the patient, pointing to the screen, explaining the electronic whiteboard to the patient  Actor then selects “TEACH ME”, navigates down to “To-Do’s”, then confirms patient identity by selecting “Confirm”  As actor scrolls down through the videos listed on the screen, actor pretends to explain the To-Do list to the patient  Actor scrolls down and selects “Fall Prevention” o Select “Play Video” o Automatically launches 5 second video clip o Automatically displays survey question after the video  Actor turns to the patient as if asking for a response to the survey question and selects “NO” (that the patient does not have further questions) o Automatically goes back to “To-Do’s” screen SD15 Meal Ordering (CBORD) SD / Amb Care Script 2015 PLEASE EMAIL [email protected] with any suggested changes To improve efficiency and enhance the patient experience, the hospital uses an integrated web-based mobile meal ordering application for entry of patient and guest meal selections for either on-demand room service or a tray line meal service. (Actor picks up tablet)The application interfaces with the hospital’s CPOE providing real time diet order and allergy information along with clinical tools to ensure that all foods served are appropriate and meet the patient’s needs. To help ensure patient safety, the staff member is automatically alerted that Walter is a diabetic who requires insulin, and that she is allergic to peanuts. (Hold up tablet to audience and show the alert that is sent to the tablet) The system automatically tracks and displays carbohydrate totals compared to her prescribed diet goals reinforcing the hospital’s patient education initiatives. (Actor switches through the screens on the HP Elite tablet) Once the meal order is placed, tray tracking information automatically displays on monitors at the nursing unit to facilitate communication with nursing for a pre-meal blood glucose check. (Actor puts down the tablet and brings over the tray of food to Walter) When the tray arrives on the floor, foodservice staff delivers the tray, updates the tray monitoring system using the smart phone or handheld to confirm the delivery and set a tray pickup reminder so dirty trays won’t spoil your patient experience. Upon retrieving the tray, the host records the patient’s actual food intake using a mobile device which provides valuable nutrition information for the hospital’s multi-disciplinary Malnutrition Initiative. Screening for malnutrition at admission and monitoring patient intake helps reduce complications, shorten length of stay and prevent readmissions.

SD16 Alerts (Critical Alerts) Mr Zickler realizes he needs to go to the rest room and presses the patient call button. The call is then sent to the staff worn communication badge, rings the staff console, and lights the dome light. (Point to dome light and staff console) Before the staff can respond Mr Zickler attempts to go to the bath room on her own triggering bed exit alerts to the central station and to the staff phone. (Actor puts the rails down which will trigger the alarm, Puts rails back up to cancel the alarms) The staff responds immediately to prevent the patient fall. The nurse system SD / Amb Care Script 2015 PLEASE EMAIL [email protected] with any suggested changes automatically cancels the bed exit alarm and corresponding indicators. (Actor point to dome light) The nurse requires assistance in getting Walter to the bathroom, back into bed and stabilized. The nurse can issue a request for assistance on the nurse call system. The nurse activates the fall risk notification on the dome light from the work flow station, indicating to all staff on the unit that this patient is a fall risk. (Actor presses workflow buttons for assistance). SD 16 a Patient Discharge Good to Go (Vocera): Several days later the nurse is preparing to discharge Mr Zickler. The nurse pulls out an iPod touch and informs the patient that she will be recording the discharge instructions, and this will be available to them and their family members for replay, along with other resources about their diagnosis and follow up treatment plan. The nurse goes through the discharge instructions, and provides the patient with their personalized link and instructions for accessing the instructions when they return home. The nurse can also set-up a quick reminder to the patient and or their family member with these instructions via email or SMS. The nurse then uses their hands-free VoIP Badge to call for transport to escort the patient out of the hospital.

Suggested Action/Demo: Nurse pulls out iPod, clicks into the VCE good to go application, finds the patient in her list of patients for the day, and clicks to enter the discharge instruction. She records the teaching and saves it to the patient’s record. When complete, she clicks the call button on the Vocera badge to ask for a transport tech to escort the patient out of the hospital.

SD 16b: Discharge Profile Vivify The Discharge order and diagnoses in the EMR have generated a patient profile with appropriate care plans for this patient, and an alert to the Care Transitions Team to bring a kit for this patient to continue remote care at home. (Patient receives kit from Care Transitions nurse and is shown how to use tablet, input PIN, and view videos and answer survey questions.) A complex chronic or high risk patient in the hospital is given a kit to use at home upon discharge for Remote Patient Monitoring; this solution is used by patients of all ages, even up to 92. During her stay, the patient can watch educational videos about their condition, upcoming tests and procedures, and medications (patient watches video for medication). Upon discharge, care transitions are eased as all providers have access to the same post discharge SD / Amb Care Script 2015 PLEASE EMAIL [email protected] with any suggested changes patient data through the CareGiver Portal and can collaborate via virtual visits with the patient within 2 days of discharge as a qualifier for reimbursable Transitional Care Management Services. These mHealth capabilities are an enabling factor to improve patient engagement, satisfaction and outcomes while reducing the overall cost of care. SD19 Interactive Patient System – Discharge (Skylight) To ensure a high degree of patient satisfaction, the use of an interactive patient system enables the patient to view her personalized electronic whiteboard. Through integration with the hospital’s ADT system, Walter has access to a snapshot of her care team, pain management tools, and other information necessary to help orient the patient during their stay. (Visuals will show the electronic White Board on the TV) Actor picks up pillow speaker and scrolls through the screens as if they were teaching Walter how to use the system, pointing out stuff on the screen as they go along) Lauren can easily view all her prescribed health education (Visuals will show the “Teach Me” icon on the TV” including orientation and safety, fall prevention, discharge planning, and condition-specific education based on integration with the hospital order system (Visuals will show screens moving the video selection and brief snippet of health education) . Viewing of patient education is automatically documented into the patient’s health record through integration with the hospital’s EMR system Visuals will show brief survey at conclusion and return to main screen). The interactive patient system engages Walter in her care, empowering and connecting her to her care team.

Using the Interactive Patient Systems to access the different services available to her including the ability to fill prescriptions by way of the on-site retail pharmacy.

Actions:  Actor selects “ASSIST ME”  Then scrolls down to “Leaving Hospital”  From the “Leaving Hospital” menu, actor scrolls down to “Fill Prescriptions”  Then selects “YES” (that the patient would like to fill their prescriptions now)  SD20 Print Prescriptions: (Zebra) SD / Amb Care Script 2015 PLEASE EMAIL [email protected] with any suggested changes Prescriptions can be printed directly in the room and provided to Lauren’s as part of her discharge packet.

SD21 Environmental Services. (Stanley) The nurse will remove the telemetry pack and IV access so that the patient can get dressed. In a few minutes, Mrs. Millhouse and Molly will be going home to recuperate. Once they have left the room the nurse takes the laundry and pushes the button from the nurse call labeled DC, for discharge. (actor presses the large button on the RFID tag on the wall, and points to the monitor as the room changes color, and then presses the small button on the same tag to reset the color between presentations). This will send a message to Environmental Services to request that the room be cleaned. Room status changes–from soiled, available and occupied–are indicated on the map with a visual color change.

SD22 Equipment Shrinkage (Stanley) A common occurrence during clean-up processes, portable medical devices or otherwise valuable inventory is misplaced or discarded. In the Intelligent Hospital™, devices incorporate an RFID tag, and the laundry chute houses an RFID transmitter – receiver. This creates a choke point that identifies inventory passing through the chute, preventing valuable assets from accidentally being discarded by triggering various notification modalities. As you can see, the clinician placed the telemetry box on the bed, (Actor puts pack on bed deliberately) which became entangled with the linens. (Tangles it with the sheets and throws it through the laundry chute) Inadvertently it was discarded with the sheets down the laundry chute. The nurse call station receives an alert from the RFID system. This choke point level of device tracking enables improved loss management and inventory shrinkage.

Patient Demographics: Lauren Black Female, 39 years old Pre-op patient in ambulatory surgery center Pre-op kit we are pulling • Midazolam 2mg/2mL injection • Glycopyrrolate 1mg/5mL injection • CeFAZolin 1gm / 0.9% NS 250 mL

Ambulatory Care: SD / Amb Care Script 2015 PLEASE EMAIL [email protected] with any suggested changes Providing the continuum of care in the outpatient setting requires the environment to establish a seamless integration of data enabling the review of past patient information. Enabled by the robust network and wireless infrastructure establishing continuity between all areas of the hospital. In addition the out-patient setting relies on many of the same technologies for clinical care, treatment or follow-up, but requires increases focuses on the optimization of workflow, patient throughput and satisfaction. • CeFAZolin 1gm / 0.9% NS 250 mL AC1 Workstation (HID, Zebra) Part of the continuity is established through the networked bedside PC patient workstation ( Actor 1 holds up the tablet and scrolls through, showing the audience what is on it) This PC securely interfaces to all hospital applications and provides the clinician bedside access to clinical applications such as the EMR, , PAC’S, Lab data, cardiology management. One Time Password security into cloud applications leverages staff ID Badges and NFC communication protocol with a single tap of the card. The innovative technology card both generates and sends a One Time Password without the inconvenience of re-entry. (Actor picks up the tablet and taps their ID badge to the tablet – screen shot of the authentication application). AC2 Embedded RTLS Solution (Intelligent Insites) Vital to providing effective patient care both in-patient and out is the management of workflow and management of resources, supplies, devices, and staff. Embedded RTLS solutions enable all devices, staff and patients to be tracked globally throughout the institution. At any moment in time the equipment management system can use this location information to ensure that lean workflow is being followed to reduce the critical time wasted when finding needed devices. RFID analytics report on equipment and device movements, enabling discussions on device quantity, distribution and optimal par levels. Equipment and supplies can be automatically re-ordered from the floor when inventories fall below defined thresholds (Actor points to the display). Scenario: Thirty five old Lauren Black is scheduled for her oncology visit at the Intelligent Hospitals Oncology Outpatient Clinic after being diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. She will be receiving her chemotherapy treatment. Julia’s appointment was prescheduled and she is to report to the Harbor Falls Medical Center at 8:00 a.m. Lauren is accompanied by her husband John.

As Lauren Black arrives at the Registration Desk she is greeted by the Patient Service Representative and issued an RTLS badge.

AC3 Self-Rooming, Patient Status, and Provider Workload Application (Intelligent InSites) SD / Amb Care Script 2015 PLEASE EMAIL [email protected] with any suggested changes The Patient Service Representative reviews room status and locates an available room on the RTLS clinic map and tells to proceed to the Room 9. The Patient Service Representative takes her husband cell phone number to receive updates about Lauren’s visit while she waits for her in the coffee shop. Room status is automatically changed once Lauren is brought to the room. The nurse is notified to go to Room 9 to draw Lauren’s blood AC4 Draw Labs (Zebra) The hospital bar code based sample collection system, scans Julia’s wristband and prints sample vial labels directly at the drawing site. This ensures that all the drawn samples are verified and associated with the correct patient minimizing the chance of mislabeling errors. (scan patient wristband, output label, scan affix label, scan vial, scan own badge

The nurse continues the assessment, take her height, weight, and vital signs. After finishing the initial assessment, the nurse leaves the room and the oncologist is notified to proceed to the patient room. (Notification received on mobile device)

The oncologist sees the change in the patient status and quickly proceeds to the Room 9 to conduct the physical exam and review the laboratory results. Lauren’s lab results showed that she made the CBC count and can proceed with the chemo infusion. AC6 Medication Management & Administration (Carefusion Pyxis) Managing the entire patient care continuum, delivering patient care doesn’t stop with a patient discharge. Treatment centers depend on a compact, high-efficiency medication management system for the non-acute, ambulatory settings. The system leverages and integrates with hospital’s medication management platform and Enterprise Server communicating over the hospital’s IT infrastructure. AC7 Business Intelligence - Room Occupancy Reporting (Intelligent InSites) The next day, the Process Improvement Department reviews operational performance data to identify improvement opportunities in the ambulatory environment. The Room Occupancy reports identify the percentage of time that the exam room is occupied by a patient and also the percentage of time the exam room has a patient and provider/clinic staff in the room together. You can use this information to improve your patient workflow and staff efficiency (point to monitor, 3 screen shots) SD / Amb Care Script 2015 PLEASE EMAIL [email protected] with any suggested changes

Closing Statement: This concludes the demonstration within this area, which I hope highlighted how the integration of these different technologies and applications, enhance patient care and safety, optimize staff workflow, and assist the inventory and supply management. Please visit the other rooms in the Intelligent Hospital™ to find out how the other patients fair, pick-up the Ambulatory Care Tour Handout and visit our sponsors in the Pavilion kiosks to learn more about these dynamic technologies. Thank you.

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