Bernard S Township Sewerage Authority s2

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Bernard S Township Sewerage Authority s2


CALL TO ORDER The vice-chairperson called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Those assembled saluted the flag and the chairperson read the open public meeting statement in accordance with the law.

ROLL CALL Present: Bianchi, Gaziano, Malay Absent: Carpenter, Pavlini Also Present: Director Timko, Attorney John Belardo, Hatch Mott MacDonald Consultant Peter Kocsik, PE, VP, Roger Bowlby, Superintendent, Collections Specialist Plesnarski

APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Bianchi, second Malay to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of November 25, 2014. All in favor; motion carried.



ACTION/DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Resolution #1469 – Conduit and Walk in Easement Block 8401, Lot 6 Motion by Malay, second Bianchi to approve the revised resolution #1469.

Gaziano noted that even with revisions she is not in favor of allowing anything above, or around a sewer easement.

ROLL CALL Aye: Bianchi, Malay Nay: Gaziano Abstain: Motion Carried b. Resolution #1501 – 2015 Holiday Schedule Motion by Malay, second Bianchi to approve Resolution #1501. ROLL CALL Aye: Bianchi, Gaziano, Malay All in favor; motion carried. c. Resolution #1502 – 2015 Meeting Schedule Motion by Bianchi, second Malay, to approve Resolution #1502. ROLL CALL All in favor; motion carried. d. Resolution #1503 – 2015 Prior Year Encumbrances Motion by Malay, second Bianchi to approve Resolution #1503. ROLL CALL Aye: Bianchi, Gaziano, Malay Nay: Abstain: Motion Carried e. Resolution #1504 – Time Extension – HMM-Crown Court PS Rehabilitation Design Motion by Malay, second Bianchi to approve Resolution #1504. ROLL CALL Aye: Bianchi, Gaziano, Malay Nay: Abstain: Motion Carried f. Resolution #1505 – Time Extension-HMM Oxidation Ditch Aerator Replacement Motion by Bianchi, second Malay to approve Resolution #1505. ROLL CALL Aye: Bianchi, Gaziano, Malay Nay: Abstain: Motion carried g. Discussion – DEP Settlement Agreement – In June the plant had a spike in ammonia levels that exceeded allowable levels. Adjustments to the treatment process which would normally address spikes did not drop the levels quickly. Over a period of two weeks the levels slowly returned to normal. Any exceedance of the permitted pollutant levels requires immediate notification to DEP which is done accordingly. Notice of the violation and a draft settlement agreement which proposes a fine of $2,000 for this incident was received. This is the minimum fine possible due to our good track record.

Motion by Malay, second by Bianchi to approve the DEP settlement agreement and pay the $2,000 fine. ROLL CALL Aye: Bianchi, Gaziano, Malay Nay: Abstain: Motion carried h) Discussion – Utility Bill Late Fees – Timko and Terri Johnson, CFO, discussed the issue of utility bill late fees. Due to the fact the Authority meets once a month, which does not always coincide with staying current with utility payments, thereby incurring late fees, propose that a mid-month utility payment process be put into effect.

The Authority members agreed and will approve a resolution at the January 13, 2015 meeting.

2 9. Consulting Engineer’s Report

BTSA ENGINEER’S REPORT December 9, 2014 Meeting


Basking Ridge Animal Hospital HMM awaits submittal of the application and TWA application materials for review.


Harrison Brook STP Oxidation Ditch Aerators Beaver Electric returned to work on 11/17/2014 after the repair to the center wall leak was completed. Contractor has pumped out all liquid waste and solid waste materials and is power washing clean the concrete surfaces for inspection. Contractor is currently preparing to place formwork for new concrete walls and hopes to pour concrete by 12/12/2014. The Aerator is being loosely fit and the roof structure materials are all on site.

Hatch Mott MacDonald will undertake a structural inspection of Oxidation ditch #1 on 12/5/14 to evaluate the condition of the existing oxidation ditch structure and to review the condition of all other expansion joints for the purpose of identifying areas that require repair.

The Contractor should complete installation of the first aerator by the end of December.

Harrison Brook STP Crown Court Pump Station HMM awaits NJDEP approval of the LURP permit. To date, NJDEP has not issued the permit. HMM is prepared to bid the project in coordination with the Township Purchasing Agent upon issuance of the permit.

Harrison Brook STP Lagoon Valve Chamber Improvements The preconstruction meeting was held and a Notice to Proceed was issued on 11/26/2014. Shop drawings are being submitted by the Contractor. A key component of the project is by-pass pumping procedures. An alternate method was submitted but denied by HMM. A field meeting may be required to work through all the details of an acceptable by-pass pumping plan. Stonehouse Road Pump Station The Contractor has submitted many shop drawings for review.

North Maple Avenue Gravity Sewer Replacement HMM has provided final drawings for review by BTSA. It is anticipated the project will be advertised in early December. 10. TOWNSHIP OF BERNARDS SEWERAGE AUTHORITY

OPERATOR’S REPORT December 2014Meeting November 2014 Report


Total Flow 52,534,000 Gallons Average Flow 1,751,000 Gallons Maximum Flow 2,661,000 Gallons Minimum Flow 1,308,000 Gallons

OPERATION Suspended Solids Dry Weight NJDEP Limit

Influent 1569 Kg Effluent 16 Kg 280 Kg/Day Net 1553 Kg 99.0 % Removed 85% Suspended Solids In Effluent 2.3 Mg/l 30 Mg/l

CBOD Dry Weight NJDEP Limit

Influent 863 Kg Effluent 20 Kg 75.7 Kg/Day Net 843 Kg 97.7 % Removed 85% CBOD in Effluent 2.2 Mg/l 8 Mg/l

Phosphorus Dry Weight NJDEP Limit

Influent 29.0 Kg Effluent 10.2 Kg Phosphorus in Effluent 1.54 Mg/l 5.0 Mg/l

Remarks Hypochlorite Used: 538 Gals. Sulfur Dioxide Used: 838 Lbs. Alum Used: 0 Gals. Influent pH: 7.6 S.U. Effluent pH: 7.1 S.U. Total Precipitation 5.2 Inches

Comments  This period TV’d (Cedar Street, Dyckman Place, Forbes Court, Henry Street, & Rankin Avenue). TV’d 258 Alexandria Way. Roots in lateral.  TV’d lateral for CO at 67 Keystone Court.  Alward repaired 302 Alexandria Way.  Inspected capping of 255 South Maple Avenue lateral.  Found a breach in the common wall of the ditches which flooded ditch #1 with 6 feet of sludge. Set up pumps along with a rental unit to pump down. Repair completed by Northeast Remco in ditch #1. Weniger repaired leak in #1 alum tank. Replaced WAS pit #1 wasting valve.  Foley performed quarterly generator inspections. 4  Eagle Fence installed gate at Juniper pump station.  Reuter Electric replaced heater at Madisonville Pump Station.  Quarterly testing of RPZs.  Installed SS eye bolt in wet well ceiling for confined space entry at East Oak Street.  Replaced panel strip heaters at Jamestown and Rebel Hill.  Cleaned wet well at Stonehouse Road.  Exercised all generators.  Changed carbon at Juniper.  Checked syphons.  We continue to meet permit parameters without any problems.

SAFETY  Monthly fire extinguisher, lighting, safety shower, & storm drain checks completed.  Attended township safety meeting.  Lost time accident free for 68 days.


I&I: No report. Flood Prone manholes: Waiting for contractor quotes Lagoon Valves: Attended precon meeting on November 25th. Monarch Circle: Waiting for LURP permit from DEP. Roof repairs: Attended rough draft meeting on November 26th. Oxidation Ditches: Started removing cake solids from ditch and trucking residual liquids to PVSA. Found a breach in the common wall of the ditches which flooded ditch #1 with 6 feet of sludge. Set up pumps along with a rental unit to pump down. BTSA personnel installed a 1-1/2” pipe into leak and cut flow back significantly which saved the Authority $26,000.00. Northeast Remco completed repair on Ditch #1 leak.

Stonehouse Road: Reviewing equipment cut sheets. BERNARDS TOWNSHIP SEWERAGE AUTHORITY

Resolution #1506 Approval of the Bill List Dated: December 9, 2014

BE IT RESOLVED, that this bill list dated 12/9/2014 be audited, and if found correct, be paid. Amounts listed as PY Unencumbered Bills will be transferred from Unrestricted Net Assets to the current liability line Accounts Payable

Accounts Payable Current – Operating $21,726.15 Total Accounts Payable $21,726.15

Prior Year Bills-Operating $13,381.88 Total Prior Year Bills-Capital $13,381.88

Accounts Payable Capital-2014 $ 1,922.75 $ 1,922.75

Payroll-Current-S&W $14,640.17 Payroll-Current-FICA $ 974.22 Payroll-Prior Year (11/14) $15,779.19 Payroll-Prior Year-(11/14) FICA $ 1,252.75 Total Payroll $32,646.33

Total $69,677.11

11. Resolution # 1506-Approval of Bill List Dated: December 9, 2014 Motion by Malay, second Bianchi to approve Resolution #1506-Bill List Dated December 9, 2014. ROLL CALL Aye: Bianchi, Gaziano, Malay Nay: Abstain: Motion Carried

6 12. Member/Staff Comments –

1. At the preconstruction meeting with Fred Devens Construction for the Lagoon Valve Replacement project, the contractor demanding payment on bond. That payment normally is made when 10% of physical on the job work is completed, not just in-house shop drawings. 2. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year. 3. Join us everyone for the Reorganization meeting of the Township Committee on January 2, 2015, party to be held at Liberty Corner Fire Station.

13. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Malay, second by Bianchi, to adjourn at 6:50 PM. All in flavor; motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Lorraine J DeGrande

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