Biology 302: Classroom Policies

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Biology 302: Classroom Policies

Forensics 323: Class Information and Policies Mr. Palme’

School Phone Number > Voice Mail …………... 215-643-8900 ext. 2227 Email address …………………………………….. [email protected] (preferred) Website……………………………………………. Office Hours: By appointment

Textbook: Forensic Science for High School, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company © 2006

Expectations / Class Rules: I was raised on the ideal that if you want something bad enough, you are going to have to work for it and sacrifice time and effort. Every one of you is completely capable of earning an A or B in this class. To do this, all you need to do is stay on top of your work…know due dates, study for quizzes and tests, be thorough in lab work, don’t cut corners or be lazy.

Here are a couple of other rules and expectations that I have in regards to this class and you students:  Timeliness is key – be on time!!! We are working on the school bell schedule. Three latenesses = a 2½ hour detention with the school. If you are going to be late, get a pass from your teacher. Plan your locker stops accordingly so that you have everything needed for class ahead of time.  Be prepared with notes, notebooks, pencils, textbooks, and any due assignments EVERYDAY. Your job is to be a student and a student needs these tools to make sure they do the best job that they possibly can.  I encourage personality in my classes but your behavior and attitude needs to be of a classroom nature. DO NOT – run around, dance, randomly get up and walk around the room, punch, push, touch, sit on tables, drink, eat, leave the class without permission, talk out of turn, throw things – you get the idea. I typically have high expectations and I have a short tolerance for this kind of elementary behavior . You know what you need to do, all you have to do is follow through and there will be no problems.  Listen – when I talk, I am usually saying something important. Pay attention to directions and discussions. I will usually repeat directions two or three times; if I need to repeat them more than that, you are not paying attention. Therefore, I take points off of assignments if directions cannot be followed.  Treat my room and my materials with respect. To me, this room is like my house – you break something in class, you break something in my house; you write on my furniture in class, you write on furniture in my house. Think about what you are doing before you do it – ask yourself “Is this going to upset Mr. Palmé?” If the answer is yes, do not do it.  Be responsible for your actions. Do not make excuses for poor choices. Do your work, be on time, and be polite – everything else will turn out great and we will have a great year.  My job is to teach individuals science, and hopefully a couple of things about life. If you disturb my attempts to teach individuals, I will remove you from class. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY WORK MISSED IN CLASS!!!! Grading: Your grade will be based on your knowledge, understanding, and application of the vocabulary and concepts that are presented in class or through homework, and the completeness of assignments. Your grades will be posted in Room 227 throughout the year so that you may keep track of your grade. Your grade will be based on total points earned during the marking period.

 Tests and quizzes – Throughout the year there will be tests and quizzes given to assess your knowledge and understanding of the material covered during the previous days or weeks. The tests or quizzes will be one or any combination of the following types of questions: multiple choice, matching, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, short answer, essay, or identification. All tests will be announced. Quizzes are always going to be the first day of the “work week” so make sure you study over the weekend. There will not be a quiz on a test week. o There will be a midterm, which covers the first half of the year, and a final, which covers just the second half of the year. Each of these tests accounts for 10% of your end of the year grade.

 Labs, Projects, and Presentations – Forensics is a subject that you cannot learn by just reading a book - you must experience forensics to truly understand it. Therefore, throughout the year, we will conduct laboratory investigations of concepts that deal with the material covered in class. Projects and presentations are other ways of expressing understanding.

 Homework – Homework will be given out on a regular basis. It may be collected or checked on the day it is assigned for. If you have trouble with your homework, try calling friends – BUT DO NOT COPY. Again, plan ahead and be responsible.

 Late work – Any work that is handed in after the class on the due date is considered late. Standard deductions can be taken off of the assignment. On top of the standard deductions, a 10% penalty is going to be placed on the assignment per day late.

 Make-up work – You must have a valid EXCUSED gray card to make up work. If you are absent for one day, any assignment is due the day you get back or it is considered late. You will still be required to take any announced quiz or test the day you come back (this does not apply to pop quizzes). If you are absent for two or more days, a schedule for make up work will be made. If a lab is missed during your absence, you will have to make it up after school.  If you cut my class, there will be no opportunity to make up the work. You will receive a zero on anything that is given out or due that day (including tests). You will also be written up to the school for your actions.  If you know that you are going to be absent (school trip, doctor’s appointment, vacation), the assignments are due the assigned day.


Intellectual dishonesty is unacceptable. This includes answers from another student or “cheat sheet” during a test, copying/sharing homework, and plagiarizing in written assignments (see for an explanation and tips avoiding plagiarism). All assignments are individually completed and are to be your own work, unless it is announced to be a group assignment. Students found guilty of dishonesty will receive a zero for the assignment.

ANYTHING LESS THAN A 40% IS CONSIDERED AN “F” Seniors: Do not wait until the 4th quarter to care about your grade – your ability to go on community study is determined by the entire year.


School Year: 2012-2013

Dear Parent or Guardian:

At some point during our forensics class, we study forensic psychology. The focus of this unit is serial killers and the use of psychological profiles to analyze these killers. The purpose of this memo is to get permission for your student to view a documentary on Aileen Wournos. Aileen Wournos is considered this first female serial killer. The documentary covers her case in great detail and includes many interviews leading up to her execution in 2002. In 2003, Hollywood produced the movie Monster, starring Charlize Theron based upon the Aileen Wournos case.

This documentary discusses sexual crimes in detail, with the use of explicit language. It is not mandatory for your child to watch the movie, but it will certainly enhance this unit and the information in it. An alternative assignment will be provided if you prefer your student not watch this video.

Thank you kindly,

Mr. Brian Palmé

______Student’s Name

______Parent/Guardian Signature


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