Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Nhs Trust

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Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Nhs Trust


RNOH Patient Group Issues from ward & department fact finding visits (April 2008 to March 2009)

Orthotics Department – Visit 8 April 2008 Issue/Recommendation Action Lead Update Health & Safety of operatives. Policy on ear, Policy is in the ISO 9001 Kelvin Smith Complete eye and lung protection needs to be in place documentation and is audited and enforced for operatives own safety Succession planning and training schemes for Awaiting reinstatement of technical Kelvin Smith Awaiting new operatives. If no external courses exist, training at Salford/Strathclyde information the Trust to consider running a scheme or University from liaising with a local college/university for Strathclyde provision of apprenticeships scheme. University The access leaflet mentions the mini bus The timetable is on the Trust website. Lynne Wilson Complete service that there is no mention at Stanmore The bus service is mention in the Station that it runs every 15 minutes and is hospital literature. free and can be used by patients Map on the web cannot be viewed in a larger The map has been reviewed and Jackie Stephen Complete size so difficult to find Orthotics. It was individual areas have been enlarged suggested this could be published as a .pdf file

1 Ward 4 – Visit 24 June 2008 Issue/Recommendation Action Lead Update Storage problem – cluttered areas need to be The ward is part of the Productive Trish Treacy This is causing cleared and alternative storage facilities Ward Releasing Time to care some issues as no found. It was suggested that a hut could be programme and aims to address this. more storage erected on the grounds outside the ward to available on unit, store equipment and therefore provide better however ward staff access to the men’s toilets/shower room. have worked with supplies to limit the amount of deliveries and preventing surplus which needs to be stored in ward The sluice room is small and the plan is to The ward manager is planning to do Trish Treacy The sluice is well reorganise and refurbish this area this organised which has mitigated the problem. Ward awaiting quote for refurbishment of sluice and have identified this year’s ward improvement money to fund this work. The Staff room requires furniture. Washable Furniture was ordered February 2008 Trish Treacy Complete flooring may be more a hygienic alternative to the carpet

2 Physiotherapy Department – Visit 19 August 2008 Issue/Recommendation Action Lead Update Storage space is small. The issue has been highlighted to the Heather Will be addressed When renovation of the accommodation is Healthcare Planner. McDowell in refurbishment planned in the new build, to ensure both To be completed in line with working and storage spaces are not reduced refurbishment/Redevelopment and possibly increased

Alan Bray ITU – Visit 11 September 2008 Issue/Recommendation Action Lead Update The security doors require urgent attention as The maintenance department has Matt Hardy Complete it is continually out of order. been contacted Storage/space is high priority due to the large Discussion took place with Estates to Betty Wynne Complete amount of specialised equipment required. It address storage was suggested that a portakabin could be erected. Poor drains prevent installation of a macerator The maintenance department to Matt Hardy This is an ongoing bedpan machine. investigate the drain problem problem with drainage however the ward has a pan steriliser which is adequate

Bolsover Street Outpatients – Visit 10 November 2008 Issue/Recommendation Action Lead Update Difficulties arranging paediatric nursing cover There is now a paediatric nurse Siobhan Lalor- Complete at clinics treating children working one day a week in the McTague department on a day when the paediatric surgeons have a clinic. Advice is also available by telephone on other days. Lack of security/or sufficient portering staff in Staff have been notified to call 999. Lynne Wilson Deadline for the event of abuse on staff. Security is changing its role when the security role to be new development opens later in the implemented - year December 2009

3 X ray Department – Visit 6 January 2009 Issue/Recommendation Action Lead Update The waiting area needs to be made brighter The current x ray department was due Pauline Deadline to and more stimulating. for refurbishment but there is no Lodwick improve area - July No indication of expected waiting times capital monies left. They will assign a 2009 Patients seem to come in and are seen reception area monitor. immediately while other wait. Receptionists do Communication is continually Matron now not update or inform the patients. improving with various work streams identified to assist The toilet is not suitable for the disable, no to look at the whole patient journey. alarm, no handrails and the light switch is out of reach Introduce a telephone or computer terminal As communication improves the Pauline Complete booking point for x ray to be located in outcome will be that each patient will Lodwick outpatients to save patients the trip to x ray to know their follow-up appointment make bookings. Also to look at booking dates and times when they leave the systems for convenient patient access. clinic and Imaging will appoint There is a significant number of missed x ray accordingly. appointments

Angus Mackinnon Unit – Visit January 2009 Issue/Recommendation Action Lead Update Staffing ratio should be reviewed and To be reviewed with Matron and Ward Kathy Coultry Ongoing project – improved both for staff and patients wellbeing Manager September 2009 Wet room should be sealed so more patients Ward Manager to discuss with the Jayne Brown Complete can shower comfortably Estates department for repairs Ensure patients rooms are made as Ward Manager to take forward with Jayne Brown To be achieved by comfortable as possible Matron August 2009 Internet and TV access for patients should be Ward Manager to discuss with IT and Jayne Brown Complete reviewed to find a way of improving reception Facilities


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