CPT Test-1 (Block-1) Duration : 2 Hours

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CPT Test-1 (Block-1) Duration : 2 Hours

CPT Test-1 (Block-1) Duration : 2 Hours Test Booklet No. – 110011 Date: - 01.05.2017 Total Marks : 100

(1) Ans. a Explanation: Cash Book (6340) Less: (2360) Add: 2368 Pass Book 6332

(2) Ans. d Explanation: Pass Book 10585 Add: (35x12) 420 Less: (25+42+39+57) (163) Cash Book 10842

(3) Ans. b Explanation: Cash book + Less: __(-)_ Subtract __ -__

(4) Ans. a Explanation: Rs. 112 to be added Cash Book + Add: + +

(5) Ans. d Explanation: Any error is cash book is to be recorded in adjusted cash book.

(6) Ans. c Explanation: If starting point is overdraft as per Pass Book then a wrong carry forward of credit balance of Rs. 2,000 as a debit balance will be deducted with twice the amount i.e. Rs. 4,000 will be deducted.

(7) Ans. a Explanation: Bank Reconciliation Statement

Particulars + – Dr. Balance as per Cash Book (Bank Column) 3000 Cheque Issued but Presented for Payment 500 Interest Collected by Bank 400 Deposited by a Customer Direct into the Bank 250 Cr. Balance as Per Pass Book 4150

MITTAL COMMERCE CLASSES 1 | P a g e (8) Ans. a Explanation: Bank Reconsiliation Statement

Particulars + – Dr. Balance as per Cash Book (Bank Column) 10000 Cheque Issued but Presented for Payment 2300 Cheque Send to Bank but not Credited BIP Paid by Bank 2000 800 Cr. Balance as per Pass Book 12300 2800 9500

(9) Ans. b Explanation: Dr. Balance as per Cash Book + Interest Collected by the Bank (9000) + Amount Directly Deposited by the Customer (18000) + Added

(10) Ans. a Explanation: Cash Book (Bank Column) (March) Dr. Cr. Receipt Amount Payment Amount To Cash 10000 To Cash 20000

Pass Book (April) Dr. Cr. Payment Amount Receipt Amount By Cash 10000

(11) Ans. c Explanation: Overdraft Balance as per Cash Book (–) Bank Charges Charged by Bank (–) Added

(12) Ans. d Explanation: Bank Reconciliation Statement Particular + – Dr. Balance as per Cash Book 2370 Cheque Issued but not Presented into Bank 700 Bank Charges Charged by Bank but Cash Book charged by 9 more than 9 Rs. Balance as per Pass Book 3079

MITTAL COMMERCE CLASSES 2 | P a g e (13) Ans. a Explanation : Pass Book – – + 100

(14) Ans. c Explanation : Cash Book 10000 + 4000 - 3000 Pass Book 11000

(15) Ans. b Explanation : Cash Book (2000) + 200 + 150 + 175 - 600 Pass Book (2075)

(16) Ans. d Discount is 7000-6700 = 300 Share of X = 300

(17) Ans. c Explanation: Bill acceptance date ® 21/2/13 Add: 30 days to above date Due date ® 23/3/13 + 3 days ® 26/3/13

(18) Ans. d Explanation: Actual bill amount Rs. 150000 Add: Noting charges Rs. 200 Rs. 150200

(19) Ans. c Explanation : In case of after sign bill due date is calculated from date of acceptance, so due date will be : 2 April, 2006 + 1 Month + 3 Days of Grace = 5 May, 2006.

(20) Ans. a When bill paid before date of maturity then holder of bill allow rebate to the acceptor.

(21) Ans. b MITTAL COMMERCE CLASSES 3 | P a g e Explanation: Amount of Bill = 100000-(100000×5%) =95000

(22) Ans: d Explanation: Bill payable a/c Dr. 5000 To B/R a/c 5000

(23) Ans. d Explanation: 70 =(100000 + 1000)� 70700 100 Deficiency Amount

(24) Ans. d Explanation: Noting charges are borne by drawee in the event of dishonor of bill.

(25) Ans. a Explanation: Pay B, Rs.500 on Presentment

(26) Ans. c Explanation: Total Bill Amount = 30,000 - Discount = 2000 Half Dis. 1000 Received Amount 28,000 Half Remmited to B 14,000 15,000 So, A Remmited to B on due date 15000 Rs.

(27) Ans. d Explanation: One Month Calculate from 23rd Dec. to 23rd Jan. 23rd Jan. + Grace Period 3 3 Day 26th Jan. (Public Holiday) So, due date will be 25th Jan.

(28) Ans. c Explanation: Due Date = 4 April 2006 Bill Dis. Counting Date = 4 Feb., 2006 So Discount Calculate for 2 months only. Discount Amount =

(29) Ans. a Explanation: 3 Months Calculate from 10 Aug. 2006 10 August 2006 to 10 September 2006 10 September 2006 to 10 October 2006 MITTAL COMMERCE CLASSES 4 | P a g e 10 October 2006 to 10 November 2006 10 November 2006 Add: Grace Period 3 Days Due Date = 13 Nov. 2006

(30) Ans. b Explanation: Before the acceptance Bill is Called draft

(31) Ans. d Explanation: Offer is defined u/s 2(a) of Indian Contract Act 1872. There should be intention to create legal relation. In the case, Harve V/s Faisi, it was held that if any person doesn’t expresses his final willingness, but only expresses an offer for which he will agree for bargaining than it will be called as invitation to offer.

(32) Ans. a Explanation: When letter of revocation is put in transit.

(33) Ans. b Explanation: Not Avoided.

(34) Ans. d Explanation: According to Sec.2 (h) of Indian contract act 1872 every agreement which is enforceable by law, is contract.

(35) Ans. c Explanation: Promise should not be such for which promiser is already bound. Since it the legal liability of police inspector to investigate, hence consideration can not be given. Agreement is void.

(36) Ans. a Explanation: Valid.

(37) Ans. d Explanation: According to sec 19 of Indian contract act 1872, contracts which are caused by coercion, undue influence , Fraud , mis – statement, will be voidable at the will of aggrieved party.

(38) Ans. c Explanation: Consensus ad idem means parties should be agreed on same thing in same manner.

(39) Ans. c Explanation: According to section 20 of Indian contract Act 1872, if both the parties to the contract are unknown of any fact than Agreement will be void.

MITTAL COMMERCE CLASSES 5 | P a g e (40) Ans. c Explanation: Restrain in marriage is immoral. According to sec 23 of Indian contract Act 1872, agreements which are immoral will be void.

(41) Ans. a Explanation: It is valid contract because the commodity which is to be delivered is capable of being ascertained.

(42) Ans. a Explanation: Void agreement.

(43) Ans. b Explanation: These are void agreements as provisions contained v/s 29 of Indian contract Act 1872.

(44) Ans. b Explanation: Because as per 2(h) every agreement is contract if enforceable by law.

(45) Ans. b Explanation: because Silence cannot be treated as acceptance unless it was liability of party to speak.

(46) Ans. a Explanation: Because as per Sec. 17(3) promise mode with intention of not to perform will be fraud.

(47) Ans. c Explanation: The agreement is not enforceable because it is forbidden by law due to unlawful of consideration as well as object in the agreement.

(48) Ans. b Explanation: Maintenance.

(49) Ans. b Explanation : Not forbidden under law

(50) Ans. a Explanation: Earnest money

(51) Ans. c Explanation : Supply curve can never be negatively sloped because there is a direct relationship between price and quantity supply hence it is having positive slope.

(52) Ans. b Explanation: Since due to adverse climatical conditions supply decreases.

MITTAL COMMERCE CLASSES 6 | P a g e (53) Ans. c Explanation:

P1 = 20/ - Q1 = 250

P2 = 30/ - Q2 = 320

Q  Q P  P   1 2  1 2  Q1  Q2 P1  P2 

= ea=  70 50      570 10 = = 0.61

(54) Ans. a Explanation: Law of supply states that price increase supply also increases & vice versa.

(55) Ans. a Explanation:

= =

(56) Ans. a Explanation: Arc elasticity of supply formula is .

(57) Ans. d

(58) Ans. d Explanation: By Using the formula of Arc Elasticity Ed=

Q1 = 500

Q2 = 300

P1 = 10

P2 = 15 Or Or = Or -1.25 or 1.25 (Minus Sign can be ignored)

(59) Ans. b Explanation: Since there is direct relationship between income and demand

MITTAL COMMERCE CLASSES 7 | P a g e (60) Ans. a Explanation: If the proportion of income spent on goods increases as income increases, then the income elasticity for the goods is greater than 1.

(61) Ans. d

(62) Ans. a

(63) Ans. c Explanation: Since there is inverse relationship between price and Quantity demanded

(64) Ans. a Explanation : Since whenever the price rises there is contraction in Q.D. and whenever the price falls there is expansion in Q.D.

(65) Ans. b Explanation: Under Inductive method, conclusions are drawn on the basis of collection and analysis of date & facts relevant to the inquiry. After the perception of problem, data is collected, classified and analysed.

(66) Ans. b Explanation: PPC is a curve which shows combinations of two goods which can be produced with the given resources & technology.

(67) Ans. d Explanation: When demand changes due to factor other than price, it is called increase/decrease in demand, which causes shift in the curve.

(68) Ans. b Explanation: Since Elasticity between any two given points of a demand curve is called ARC Elasticity.

(69) Ans. d

(70) Ans. c Explanation: Normative science is related with solution of problems. It involves value judgments.

(71) Ans. a Explanation: Greater capital formation indicates economic growth of the economy.

(72) Ans. b Explanation: Point Method is used when there are small changes in price.

MITTAL COMMERCE CLASSES 8 | P a g e (73) Ans. a Explanation: In case of Habituality, the elasticity will be e < 1. It means it will be inelastic.

(74) Ans. b Explanation: As this will lead to shifting from inside PPC to the original PPC

(75) Ans. d Explanation: As market is a combination of different elements & mixed economy is intervention of Government & Private Sector.

(76) Ans. c Explanation: Ram:Shyam = 3:4 Shyam:Mohan = 4:5 5 = �600 1000 3 ∴ Amount of Mohan will be =

(77) Ans. c Explanation:

Using componendo & dividendo

(78) Ans. c Explanation: x 17 = x+ y 23

� 23x+ 17x 17y

� 23x= 17x 17y

� 6x 17y

x 17 = y 6

x+ y 17 + 6 23 = = x- y 17 - 6 11 Now

(79) Ans. a Explanation: Boys : Girls = 3 : 5.

MITTAL COMMERCE CLASSES 9 | P a g e Sum of the ratios = 3 + 5 = 8. (3 720) / 8 Number of boys in the school = = 270 (5� 720) / 8 450. Number of girls in school = Let the number of new boys admitted be x, then number of boys become (270 + x). After admitting 18 new girls, the number of girls become 450 + 18 = 468. According to given condition of the problem : (270 + x)/468 = 2/3 � 3(270= x) 2 468 or 810 + 3x = 936 or 3x = 126 or x = 42.

(80) Ans. b Explanation: 1st If man spent = Rs. 125 2nd man spent = Rs. 125 Similarly 125 man spent = Rs. 125 125th So 125 men spent Rs. each, therefore the total money spent by them is given 125� 125 15625 by

(81) Ans. c Explanation:

(82) Ans. a Explanation: a+ b = 6x b+ c = 7x c+ a = 8x

2(a + b + c) = 21x 2(14) = 21x 4 = x 3

4 a+ b = 6 \ 3

a+ b = 8

Given a + b + c = 14 MITTAL COMMERCE CLASSES 10 | P a g e 8 + c = 14 c = 14 – 8 c = 6

(83) Ans. c Explanation: n m 骣xy+ 1 骣 xy - 1 琪. 琪 桫y 桫 y n m 骣xy+ 1 骣 xy - 1 琪. 琪 桫x 桫 x n m xy+ 1 . xy - 1 n+ m 薮 ( ) ( ) x (y)n+ m (xy+ 1)n .(xy - 1) m n+ m 骣x 琪 桫y

(84) Ans. c Explanation: n n 骣 n 5 2n+ 1 琪5 (243)5 . 32n+ 1(3)5 3 3桫 5 创 3 2n + 1 3 n 3 2n + 1 n n- 1= n = 2n n - 1 = 2n n - 1 9创 3(32) 3 n- 1 3 3 3 3 Here 3n+ (2n + 1) 3 (3n + 1) = =3(3n+ 1) - (3n - 1) = 3 2 = 9. 32n+ n - 1 3 (3n - 1) =

(85) Ans. b Explanation : Suppose that I am x years old and my son is y years old. Then, according to question, …(i) and …(ii) from (i) and (ii),

y = 15 Substituting in (i) gives, Hence, my age = 45 years.

(86) Ans. b Explanation: Let third proportial be T x2- y 2 , x - y, T

x2- y 2 : x - y:: x - y:T

MITTAL COMMERCE CLASSES 11 | P a g e (x- y)2 = (x 2 - y 2 ) T

(x- y)2 = T x2- y 2

x- y = T x+ y

(87) Ans: (b) Explanation:

(88) Ans: b Explanation: Let the share of each nephew be Rs. x Then , share of each daughter = Rs. 4x; share of each son = Rs. 5x, So,

Share of each daughter = Rs. (4 x 200) = Rs. 800

(89) Ans. b Explanation:

Given n1 = k, n2 = 2k

x1 = 16 x2 = 10

Combined mean n x+ n x x = 1 1 2 2 n1+ n 2

= = 12

(90) Ans. (a)

(91) Ans. d

(92) Ans. c Explanation: x x x x x , , , , , x 7 6 5 3 2 Arrange the observations in ascending order: 6+ 1 = 3.5th 2 Median = size of term MITTAL COMMERCE CLASSES 12 | P a g e x x + sizeof3 rd term+ sizeof 4 thterm �24 �5 3 x 90 2 2 Median =

(93) Ans. b Explanation:

(94) Ans. a Explanation : Sum of marks of 300 students = 300 x 40 = 12000 after replacing wrong and missing observations sum of marks = 12000-60+66+14-41+60 = 12039 Correct mean = 12039/300 = 40.13

(95) Ans. b

(96) Ans. c Explanation : Average speed =

(97) Ans. d Explanation: 1 4 20363 G.M. = 43 45 =

(98) Ans. b Explanation: First 5 and last five observations are same in magnitude but opposite in sign. So 10

xi = 0 i=1 For given observation and 10 5 2 2 邋xi =2 x = 2� 80 160 i=1 i = 1

 = = = 4

(99) Ans. c Explanation :

MITTAL COMMERCE CLASSES 13 | P a g e M  T  W  37  3  111 _ TH  T  W  34  3102 M  Th  9 4 M  M  9 5 On subtracting  1    M  9  5 

M = 45 4 45   36 0 C 5 TH =

(100) Ans. c



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