Beth S New Piano

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Beth S New Piano

Beth’s New Piano “The house is beautiful.” Beth

“They are friends of mine from college. Freddy Vaughn and Avril Watson. They won’t bite.” Laurie

“No, don’t sit there, sit here!” Amy

“Sit here child, sit here. Merry Christmas!” Mr. Lawrence

“I should have given it to you long ago. It belonged to my little girl who had to leave us when she was very young. But now, it will make music again.” Mr. Lawrence

“Thank you Mr. Lawrence. Merry Christmas” Beth

“Play something Beth.” Amy

“Shall I?” Beth

“That was good!” Aunt March

John and Meg’s Twins “Surprise” Jo

“John, you have a daughter.” Marmie “And a son” Hannah

“Oh Marmie, I can’t believe you did this 4 times.” Meg

“Yes but, but, never 2 at once my darling!” John

Beth Exposed to Scarlet Fever “Laurie’s home for the weekend. In need of funds no doubt he can have a week of groceries for what he spends on billiards.”

“Oh Jehoshaphat! Meg, Meg you won’t believe it! I’ve sold the Last Duke of Baluster. Five whole dollars! I’m an author!” Beth?” Jo

“The Hummel baby is sick. I feel so strange.” Beth

“She’s burning up but she says that she is freezing. She has a terrible thirst, but she won’t drink.”

“I saw the Hummels. Two children taken up to Jesus. Scarlet fever. You, Miss Jo won’t be harmed. You had it when you were babies but Miss Amy, we have to send you away.” Hannah The Proposal “Teddy, we have to talk about this reasonably.” Jo

“I have loved you ever since I clamped eyes on you. What can be more reasonable than to merry you?” Laurie

“Oh, we’d kill each other!” Jo

“Nonsense” Laurie

“Neither of us can keep our tempers. Jo

“I can, unless provoked” Laurie

“We’re both stupidly stubborn. Especially you. We’d only quarrel. You can’t even propose without quarreling. Jo

“Jo, dear Jo. I swear I’ll be a saint. I’ll let you win every argument. I’ll take care of you and your family. I’ll give you every luxury you have ever been denied. You won’t have to write unless you want to. Grandfather wants me to learn the business in England. Can’t you see us bashing around London?” Laurie

“London…Oh Teddy I’m not fashionable enough for London. You need someone who is elegant and refined.” Jo

“I want you.” Laurie

“Teddy, please don’t ask me. Teddy, I’m desperately sorry. But I do care for you with all of my heart you’re my dearest friend. I just can’t go be a wife” Jo

“You say you won’t but you will.” Laurie

“Won’t, Won’t.” Jo

“One day you’ll meet some man. A good man. And you love him tremendously and you will live and die for him.” Laurie

“Teddy, please!” Jo

“You will. Jo. I know you. And I’ll be hanged if I stand by and watch.” Laurie John Escorts Marmie “Jo, Meg? It’s a telegram from Washington Hospital. Your father’s been wounded.” Marmie

“The household account is in this ledger. It should see you through to the end of the month.” Marmie

“Of course, don’t worry about us.” Meg

“Oh, Beth? Look in on the Hummels for me, will you?” Marmie

“I will Marmie.” Beth

“Where’s Jo, it’s almost six.” Amy

“Doing battle with Aunt March for Marmie’s railway ticket?” Meg

“John. I mean Mrs. Brook.” Meg

“I’ve come to offer myself as an escort to your mother.” John

“Mrs. March, as young Lawrence no longer requires a tutor Mr. Lawrence has commissions for me in Washington. I should like to be of service to you there. We couldn’t let you drive there alone.” John

“Oh Mr. Brook, how kind of you. “ Marmie

“May I? (taking her basket) Are we to go on the six o’clock train?” John

“Yes, I sent Jo off but she hasn’t returned.” Marmie

“I’m here.” Jo

“Twenty five. Can Aunt March spare this?” Marmie

“I couldn’t bare to ask her. I sold my hair.” Jo

“Jo, how could you? Your one beauty.” Amy

“Well, it isn’t going to affect the state of the union. It’ll grow back.” Jo

“It suits you.” Meg

“Oh, I shall miss my little women.” Marmie Freidrich’s Criticism “I have some good news. The newspaper has published two of my stories. And they wish to see more.” Jo

“This is, this is wonderful. The Daily Volcano, The Sinner’s Corpse by Joseph March? Lunatics, vampires? This, this interests you? ” Freidrich

“People like thrilling stories Freidrich. This is what the newspapers want.” Jo

“Yes, yes, I suppose. It is true.

“This will be a new coat for Beth. And I am sure she will be grateful to have..” Jo

“I did not want to be your teacher. Understand me. I am saying that only you should only please yourself. My opinion is of no importance. Do you forgive me?” Freidrich

“Of course.” Jo

“Can I make a gift? In experience. You like the opera?” Freidrich

“Oh I do! I mean I think I do. I mean we don’t seem to get a lot of opera in Concord. Well, I don’t have an opera dress.” Jo

“You will be perfect. Where we are sitting. We shall not be so formal.” Freidrich

Laurie meets grownup Amy “I expect a proposal any day.” Amy

“You’ll regret it. I’ll regret it. I’m reminded of a promise. Didn’t I say I would kiss you before you die?” Laurie

“Do you hear from Jo? She has befriended a German professor.” Amy

“Yes, well no doubt he is showing her the ways of the world.” Laurie

“I do not wish to be courted by someone who is still in love with my sister.” Amy

“I’m not in love with Jo. “ Laurie

“Then how do you explain your jealousy?” Amy

“I envy her happiness. I envy his happiness. I envy John Brook for marrying Meg. I hate Fred Vaughn and if Beth had a lover, I’d despise him too. Just as you have always know you would never marry a pauper. I have always known I should be a part of the March family.” Laurie

“I do not wish to be loved for my family.” Amy

“Any more than Fred Vaughn wishes to be loved for his forty thousand per year.” Laurie Laurie leaving for college

“No, I don’t want them now. And keep the music. I won’t be going near a piano for ages.” Laurie

“You need your books in college” Jo

“Honestly, Jo, I won’t be taking all of Dickens to Harvard with me.” Laurie

“Oh no, you will have much more important things to read.” Jo

“Nothing’s going to change Jo.” Laurie

“ I wish I could go.” Jo

“I wish you could too.” Laurie

“You’ll come back knowing all sorts of things I don’t know and I’ll hate you.” Jo

“Well, as it happens, I already know something you don’t know. About Meg and a certain former tutor of mine. Soon to be employed at the firm of Lawrence and Lawrence.” Laurie

“Liar.” Jo

“Has Meg mislaid a certain personal article such as a glove?” Laurie

A Kiss Before Death “She won’t die, will she Laurie? God wouldn’t let her die. I don’t want to go away.” Amy

“I’ll come and see you every day. I swear it, you won’t be alone.” Laurie

“I’m afraid of Aunt March.” Amy

“If she’s unkind to you, I will come take you away.” Laurie

“Where will we go?” Amy

Paris? “Laurie”

If I get Scarlet Fever and die, give Meg my box with green doves on it and you must have my turquoise ring.” Amy

“I’ll see to that.” Laurie

“I don’t want to die. I’ve never even been kissed. I’ve waited my whole life to be kissed. And what if I miss it?” Amy

“I’ll tell you what, I promise to kiss you before you die.” Laurie The Doctor’s Diagnosis “If we may, I wish my personal physician Dr. Bangs to examine the little girl.” Mr. Lawrence

(Doctor shakes his head) “There’s nothing to be done. If I bleed her it would finish her. Best to send for the mother.” Dr. Bangs

“Forgive me, I’ve already done so. Mrs. March arrives on the train this night.” Laurie

Laurie Protects Meg’s Reputation “Well I would dance with you Mr. Parker, but I fear for my new slippers. My credo is don’t tread on me.” Meg

“Miss March, I thought your family were temperance people.” Laurie

“If you don’t cover up, there may be one or two gentlemen who haven’t seen all of your charms. And I did promise Jo I would show you off.” Laurie

“Girls dressed me up and I rather like it.” Meg

“That’s what reveals a whole new Meg. What do you call this?” (said while touching bare shoulder) Laurie

“Meg, I’m sorry” Laurie

“Please don’t tell Jo how I have behaved” Meg

“Of course not, if you won’t tell anyone how I have behaved.” Laurie

“I was only playing a part to see who it would feel to be Belle Gardner with four proposals and twenty three pairs of gloves.” Meg

“You’re worth ten of those girls.” Laurie

“Did you see the way this March girl went after the Lawrence heir?” Woman 1

“The best thing that could happen to the March’s.” Woman 2

“Oh, this ridiculous dress I’ve been tripping over it all night.” Meg

“Tie something around it your neck, where it can do you some good.” Laurie Meg’s Burnt Hair “Meg look, what cunning little heels.” Amy

“They’re rather small” Beth or Jo

“That’s alright, it’s only for one night. You don’t suppose anyone will know they came out of the rag pack, do you?” Meg

“You have to have heels.” Amy

“What’s that strange smell…like burnt feathers?” Meg

“You’ve ruined me!!!” Meg

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! You shouldn’t have had me do it! I spoil everything!” Jo

“I can’t go out like this!” Meg

“Well good! I’m not going either.” Jo

“Here, we’ll place my bow in the front.” Amy

“Yes, that covers it.” Beth

“It’s very becoming, Meg.” Amy

“I’ll never have any suitors, I’ll just be a dried up old spinster.” Meg

“You don’t need scores of suitors; you only need one---if he’s the right one.” Amy

“Listen to the child.” Hannah

“Meg isn’t going to be married right away is she?” Beth

“With Jo’s help I never will.” Meg Beth’s Death “I feel stronger with you close by.” Beth

“We’re gonna get you better yet.” Jo

“If God wants me with him there is none who will stop him.” Beth

“I don’t mind. I was never like the rest of you---making plans about the great things I’d do. I never saw myself as anything much, not a great writer like you.” Beth

“Oh Beth, I’m not a great writer.” Jo

“But you will be. Oh Jo, I’ve missed you so. Why does everyone want to go away? I love being home. But I don’t always like being left behind. Now I’m the one going ahead. I am not afraid; I can be brave like you. But I know I shall be homesick for you---even in heaven.” Beth

“I won’t let you go.” Jo

“Oh my Jo.” Beth

The Burned Manuscript “Still sulking?” Jo

“Beth where did I put my manuscript? Beth?” Jo

“No! No! No!” Jo

“I didn’t do it!” Amy

“I’m gonna kill you! I’m gonna kill you!” Jo

“Marmie!” Amy

“I’m gonna kill you! Do you hear me? How could you do this to me?” Jo

“Marmie! Marmie!” Amy

“Jo! Jo! Stop it! You are hurting her. Jo! Jo! Let go of her! What happened?” Marmie

“ I hate you!” Jo

“Jo! Jo! Don’t touch it! Come, come---just let it go.” Marmie

“You’re dead! You’re nothing! I never want to see you again!” Jo

“It is a very great loss and you have every right to be put out. But don’t let the sun go down upon your anger. Forgive each other. Begin again tomorrow, hmm?” Marmie

“I will never forgive her.” Jo

“I’m sorry, Jo.” Amy Amy on the Ice “Looks like the last ice we’ll have this year.” Jo

“Say go.” Laurie

“Laurie, Jo, wait for me.” Amy

“Ignore her.” Jo

“Ready…blast!” Jo

“Jo! Please!” Amy

“Amy!” Jo

“Help!” Amy

“Hold on! I’m coming! Hold on Amy!” Jo

“Get a rail!” Laurie

“Grab the stick Amy!” Grab it!” Jo

“Come on! Hold on!” Laurie

“There we go! That’s it. There we go.” Jo

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