114.5 Cmr: Division of Health Care Finance and Policy s1

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114.5 Cmr: Division of Health Care Finance and Policy s1


114.5 CMR: DIVISION OF HEALTH CARE FINANCE AND POLICY Health Plan Information. 22.03:22.02: continued114.5 continued CMR 22.00:6. The HEALTHDivision will CARE post CLAIMS applications DATA on the RELEASE Division's website. The Division will not post those portions of applications that specify security measures or applications from law Section PublicInformation Useenforcement1. the Files submitted purpose. Public entities forby Use whichHealth toFiles the the Care areextent data Payersdatasets is that requested in postingderived accordance is the fromin theapplication withrecords public interest.submitted on the websiteUses by payers that may serve pursuant impede the toProvider114.5 114.5 CMRthepublic .CMR A investigatory health21.03(2). interest 21.00 care that include, practitioner, process. contain but de-identified Theare health notDivision limited care member facility,will to: invitehealth healthand publiccost utilization care and comments group, utilization data medical elementson analysis applications product and to exclude for at 22.01: Generalpayervendor Provisions identifiers. orleastformulate pharmacy. ten business publicPublic policy; daysUse Filesfollowing financial contain the studies daydata onand elements which analyses the that applicationof willprovider not isbepayment posted disclosed systems;on the unless website. the 22.02: DefinitionsDivision Publicutilization determines comments review that an studies;that applicant comply health fulfills with planning all the applicable requirements and resource internet imposed allocation policies by studies; 114.5 for public CMR and studies posting that will 22.03: Procedures22.03. for Seebepromote Data posted 114.5 Requests improvement CMRon the 22.07:Division's in Appendix health website. care A quality - Public or Usea mitigation Data Elements of health Table care for cost list growth. of Public 22.04: Data DisclosureUse(b) elements. Data Restrictions Release Criteria. The Commissioner will approve an application if he or she 22:05: Other Provisionsdetermines2. the applicantthat: has demonstrated it is qualified to undertake the study or accomplish the 22.06: SeverabilityRestricted intended Use Files use;. Restricted Use Files are datasets derived from records submitted by payers 22.07: Appendixpursuant A -3. Publicto the 114.5 applicant Use CMR Data requires Elements21.00 thatsuch Table containdata in orderdata elementsto undertake that the will study not orbe accomplish disclosed unlessthe the 22.08: AppendixDivision B -intended Restricteddetermines use; Use thatand Data an applicantElements fulfillsTable the requirements imposed by 114.5 CMR 22.03(2). See 114.54. theCMR applicant 22.08: can Appendix ensure thatB - patientRestricted privacy Use willData be Elements protected. Table for list of Restricted 22.01: GeneralUse Provisions(c) elements. Data Release Committee. The Commissioner shall establish a Data Release Committee to advise the Commissioner on individual applications for claims data upon the request of the 22.03: Procedures(1) ScopeCommissioner. for Dataand PurposeRequests In .addition, 114.5 CMR the Committee22.00 governs provides the disclosure advice on of best health practices plan information regarding claimsand claimsdata data release submitted and data by protectionhealth care policies. payers pursuant to 114.5 CMR 21.00. The purpose of 114.5(1) Public CMR1. Theand 22.00 RestrictedCommittee is to make Use shall healthFiles include,. Theplan but Divisioninformation not be will limited and create data to, Claims representation available Data as Public a resourceof health Use Fileswherecare plans,and such accessRestricted servesproviders, Use the Files public and to consumers.which interest Applicants while The safeguardingCommissioner may request the accessmay privacy appoint in accordancerights additional of claims with members data 114.5 subjects. CMR to the Pursuant22.03(2).Committee. to M.G.L. c. 118G, § 6, data submitted by health care payers are not a public record, and no public2. disclosureThe Commissioner of any data shall and convene information the Committee shall be made as necessary, except in accordanceand post the with agenda the of the provisions(2) ApplicationCommittee of 114.5 Review onCMR the Procedures 22.00.Division's . website. When convening the Data Release Committee, the (a) Commissioner Applications for shall Data concurrently. consult with one or more representatives of the state (2) Effective1.agencies All Date Applicants that. 114.5 participate CMR must 22.00 submitthrough is aeffective intergovernmentalwritten application.July 23, 2010. services Each Applicant agreement(s) shall: in 114.5 CMR 21.00..1 specify the data requested, including Public Use Files and any (3) Authority3. Advicerestricted. 114.5 issued dataCMR by elements the22.00 Data is requested; adoptedRelease pursuantCommittee to M.G.L.is not binding c.118G. on the Commissioner. 4. The.2 Divisionspecify thewill purpose post information and intended about use the of Datathe data Release requested, Committee's including membership, a 22.02: Definitions scheduleddetailed meetings project descriptionand meeting that agendas describes on the any Division's other data website. sources to be used (d) The forCommissioner's the project; decisions to approve or deny claims data release applications are final Asand used not .3subject in 114.5specify to CMRfurther security 22.00, review and theprivacy or followingappeal. measures words that shall will havebe taken the infollowing order to meanings: (e) Thesafeguard Commissioner patient may privacy impose and conditions to prevent on unauthorized the subsequent access use to and or disclosureuse of of data releasedsuch under data; 114.5 CMR 22.00. Applicant. .4An individualspecify the or Applicant's organization methodology that requests for health maintaining care data data and integrity information and in accuracy; accordance .5withdescribe 114.5 CMR how 22.03.the results Claims of the Data Applicant's. Information analysis consisting will be of, published; or derived directly from, member.6 eligibility agree to provide the results of all analyses, research, or other product information,of medical, the data pharmacy, requested toor thedental Division claims for and the encounters, Division's andown all use; other data submitted by Health Care.7 Payersagree in to accordance the data disclosure with 114.5 restrictions CMR 21.00. in 114.5 CMR 22.04; and .8 obtain prior approval from the Division to release any reports that used CMS. The federalrestricted Centers use files for Medicareprior to publication and Medicaid or other Services. release Data to another Use Agreement person or. A entity. The Division will review the report to determine whether the document detailingprivacy rightsrestrictions of any on data the subjectDisclosure would and be use violated of Claims by the release of the report Data. 1. Applicants for Public Use Files shall specify which pre- developed module of public use files is requested. Additional or Disclosure. Thecustomized release, transfer, public provision use files willof, access only be to, provided or divulging at the in any manner of Health Commissioner's sole discretion; Plan Information2. or Claims Applicants Data. Division for Restricted. The Division Use Files of mustHealth demonstrate Care Finance a need and Policy established underfor M.G.L. each restricted c. 118G. data Health element Care requested.Payers. A Payer The Division required will to submit release health care only those restricted data elements which it determines to be necessary information andto data accomplish under the applicant's intended use; 114.5 CMR 21.00.3. Applicants requesting Medicare data will be required to conform with CMS requirements to obtain and use applicable data. 4. Medicaid data will not be released in response to any application, unless the release of such data conforms to all applicable federal and state laws and regulations, including laws and regulations governing the de-identification of such data, and any data release restrictions in the agency's interagency service agreement. 5. 114.5 CMR: DIVISION OF HEALTH CARE FINANCE AND POLICY

22.04: continued (c) restricted data elements will not be released to any other person or entity except as specified in 114.5 CMR 22.04(2); and (2) Other(d) the Government applicant will Agencies obtain these. The assurancesDivision may in writingrelease fromclaims any data recipient to: of data or agent (a)that processesa state agency data oron authoritybehalf of whichthe applicant. has, pursuant to its statutory or regulatory authority, directed third parties to submit data as required by statute, regulation or contract, to the Division in fulfillment of its legal or regulatory obligation. The Division will release claims data only to the state agency or authority with such legal authority, or as directed by such agency or authority to legally authorized entities. (b) organizations under contract with the Division to undertake studies; and (c) other government agencies whose applications meet the criteria set forth in 114.5 CMR

(3) Other Disclosures. The Division or its agent may release draft reports or other analyses that contain or use restricted use claims data for review and comment. If the Division or its agent provides an individual or entity with a draft report or other analysis for review and comment, the contents of such report or the analysis contained in such report are confidential, and may not be disclosed without prior approval by the Division. The report must conform to the standards for de- identification set forth under 45 CFR 165.514(a), (b)(2), and (c).

(3) The Division may charge a fee to all applicants requesting claims data, as established under M.G.L. c. 7, § 3B and approved by the Executive Office for Administration and Finance. Established fees shall reflect the total cost of systems analysis, program development, computer production costs incurred in producing the requested data, vendors' fees, consulting services, and any other costs related to production of the requested data. Fee schedules will be issued by the Division by Administrative Bulletin. The fee may be waived for the following entities: (a) CMS; (b) an agency of the Commonwealth; or (c) researchers who can demonstrate that imposition of a fee would constitute an undue hardship.

22.04: Data Disclosure Restrictions

(1) Required Assurances. All applicants shall provide the Division with written assurances that:

(a) data will be used only for the purpose stated in the request; (b) no attempt will be made to use any data supplied to ascertain the identity of specific insured individuals or patients; 114.5 114.5CMR: CMR: DIVISION DIVISION OF HEALTH OF HEALTH CARE CARE FINANCE FINANCE AND POLICYAND POLICY

114.5 CMR: DIVISION OF HEALTH CARE FINANCE AND POLICY NON-TEXT PAGE 22.07:22.08:22.07:22.07: continuedRevenueNon-coveredStateMemberServicePharmacyData continued Appendix SalesCodeElement Provider DeductibleCode ZIP TaxCountry Amount ACodeName Amount -Number Public Code Member of UseZip applicable Data Deductible Elements sales tax across Table on the all benefit typesAmountServiceStateDescriptionRevenueZipdefined code of Providerby the ofCodeof APCD claimProviderthe asPharmacy Identification line definedCMS Country charge National forCountry not useCode Number onPlan of an Product File Data Elements for Public Use Data Element Name Description Product ID 22.07:REGULATORY continuedDiagnosticCodeNationalPharmacy Taxonomy AUTHORITY ServicePlan Country Pointer ID ProviderMailing ReferringCode Street ID claim line FormularycoveredNationaltheInstitutionalCodeIdentification Provider ofCode Diagnostic theProvider Formulary PharmacyClaimZip Number code Identification HCPCSPointer of (PlanID)Claiminclusion the Number/ Provider CPTLine Payer (NPI) Code ProviderAddress1ProcedureidentifierMembernumberPayerClaim Status Product Deductible ID RouteName Code Payment DrugAPPENDIX ofProcedureIdentificationMailing AdministrationCode Used Street A MedicalNumber Member Pharmaceutical APPENDIXProductClaims amountsAPPENDIXAPPENDIX BenefitData paid Route A Elements towards Type BA of IndicatesCarrierReferringofPrimaryHCPCSStatusClaim deductiblefor the Public NationalNationalControl Specific /combinationsTaxonomy CPTProvider IdentificationCode Service DrugSubmitter Number Code Modifier Code of Provider offerings.of Code (NDC) Payment theCarriers HCPCS asService / ArrangementAddress2ModifierServicePayerDrug114.5 NameClaim Provider -NameCMR 1 NewAPPENDIXProcedureControl APPENDIXTypeUse 22.00:Medical Entity APPENDIX(continued)Excluded Number Medical M.G.L.Type ClaimsA A Member Pharmacy Qualifier Claimsc. A Data118G. Member Eligibility ServiceElementsData Claims Eligibility Elements Data Datafor Public ElementsElements Datafor Public UseElementsdefinedArrangementProviderCPTNamegroup forfor(continued) UseCode orPublicofPublic by policyEntityStreetthe ModifierAPCD drug Code addressIdentifiernumber asCMS Amount ICDsupplied ofCityNational PrimaryCode the not name Firstcovered Plan of Risk Type Indicates if the product was an at-risk ExpensesModifierBehavioralProviderPlanInsuredPrescription ID Group First - 2Health orICD9-CM Name PharmacyorRefillDental Policy Benefit Service DentalProduct Provider ClaimsNumber ClaimsFlag ClaimsProvider File Data Data Data Data Data MiddleElements IndicatesElements Elements Elements Elements NameAdministration forif for for Behavioral for Restrictedfor Public Restricted Public Public Use IdentificationatnameProviderProcedurePrescriptiontheIndicator /Use ReleaseUse Mentalthe (continued)Member/PatientRelease (continued) ofclaim(continued) Service /HealthDrug 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toCodepolicy line beDate Provider Name AmountpaidCompound number of toService of /the EntityServicepaid provider Drug for State Providerthe upon Compound Drug Indicator guaranteeProvidernameclaimIndicator ofline the NamePrescription of Providerperformance Suffix / filledSpecialtyEntity date CodeClaim DataAuthorizationLaboratoryMailingWithholdInsuredNumber Element Group CityDate Amount Benefit Name ofNeeded orName Service Policy Flag Indicates Number- From Laboratoryif the service Benefits required indicator a Member/Patient's date ofDescription birth City PrepaidDate Prescription Amount Filled Amountlineproduct carrierunits or dispensed selfhas prepaidinsured towards InsuranceDiseaseLastServiceMailingMemberProductPharmacyDate Activityof ServiceProviderManagementActive CountryStateDate TypeTax Date Codeof ID FlagCode/Product- BirthCityCodeSuffixThru Number Date Indicator EnrolleeName MemberLastCountry Pharmacy date City to Flag name offurther name service Taxof Chronicof refinethe Identificationthe for Provider Providerthisactivitypre-authorization Illness service / status EntityServiceManagement Number lineType AnnualMailing nameTypeActivity Provider number/Prescribing Product / of Perindicator ProductZip theDate StateforPerson Code IdentificationMember/Patient payment.Member'sPhysician Identification State ZipDeductible ofcode Referral the YearStreet Code of Service ZipCode theof Address Deathcode Per of DaysQuantity Supply Dispensed Prescription Supply Days LineIndicatorofEligibilityYearProviderPaidServiceCityPersonStreetBilling Death NameAmountCounter address Deductible ProviderProvider ServiceProviderDisabilityReferral Determination of Residenceof TaxtheSpecialtyProvider RequiredTypebandwidth PrescribingID Code NumberMember Date ZIP Indicator Providerreporting Code Eligibility PhysicianThe ZIP PCPBilling TypeAnnual Code dateIndicatorPrescribing CodeProvider's of Per the Primary Family PCP Service Physician Federal Serviceclaim IncrementalDeductibleSpecialty ProvidertheEligibilityDisability lineTax Street PerformanceMember/Patient Code Facility Code LineAddress Identifieryear Specialty CounterPer reported TypeIndicator 2Family SecondaryEmployment -ProfessionalCode in DeductibleDRG this Street Level Status ChargeVersionCopayDiagnosticIndicatorPlaceProviderIDCodeZIPbandwidthAddress Code of Amount 22.03.Amount NumberServiceof Flag reportingRelatedthe CodeProvider Group Coordinated as used Identification(DRG) on Care model Code IndicatesMedicare if Id Amounta ClaimProvider'spatient'ssubmissionCodeIdentificationAmount service of careStudent CopayMedicare ofisline Reporting clinicallyprovider member/patientNumberStatus version Number Indicator charges Month coordinated(FTIN)number Begin ofis forMarital Date the or MemberEmploymentMonthProviderCarriermanaged CoverageSpecific GenderStartRecord Status Date Unique TypeLevel End File MemberDate Type Provider IdentifierID Member/Patient End Date National Carrier responsibleProviderMember/Patient's UniqueEligibilityStatus ID Codeto National pay Benefit Benefit Gender Provider Coverage Status claimCode Level line Code MemberCoinsurancePaidStudentCodeIdentification Amount Member Status State Amount (NPI) orMaritalGender Province CodeProfessionalPrescribing LevelAmount PhysicianStateGlobal ClaimsTheEmployeeIdentification of of Payment Member'stheClaim AmountcoinsuranceScript Member/Patient Type Status numberFlag paidGender Code GlobalClaim member/ for Prescription Member's Statethe Line Payment claim of Status the dateline of MemberIngredientStatusMethodCDTNumber Code Benefit Indicator BillingZIPState Cost/List HCPCS Code Statusor Provider ProvinceDenied /Price CDT Tax Flag Code ID Denied ProcedureNumber Claim The Modifier Line BillingCarrier Indicator - Provider's1Specific HCPCSpatientFirst DenialMemberRetirement Unique Amount 3 Federal/is digitsCPT responsibleReason SubscriberCode Indicator of definedTax COBRA ZIPDenial Modifier Codeto as topay IDReason theusagerefine of Subscriber ProcedureList the Indicator ProductCode Price Carrieror or DeductibleEmployeeAttendingMedicalModifierFormerUnique IdentificationClaim Coverage - ProviderType 2Amount HCPCS Number Date Attending /of CPT Previous Code Provider Claim Modifier NumberID numberCharge Amountfound AmountMember/Patient AmountdefineCounty of of deductibleBenefit of provider the Memberwithin member/patientcharges Ingredienta FullyProduct for Insuredthe IndicatorCost PostageDateRetirement Service Amount COBRA Approved Claimed (AP Date) IdentificationisDate responsible Numbertoidentifier Service Amountrefine (FTIN) Product toInterpreterApproved of pay postage Carrier on or the define Required claimed Specificclaim Benefit line Indicatoron Unique the within AdmissionServiceStatusMember County Provider ID Type Subscriber of CountryMember Carrier ProviderCode Unique Data Identification Elements for Carrier RestrictedCountryAdmission SpecificaMember Product name Release Unique Type Standard ofIndicator the Code Subscriber Provider SIC to refine Code IDclaim ProductMedicare line or Secondary Street Address of the Member/Patient Former Claim Number Previous Claim Number 22.08: AppendixAdmissionDRGDispensingFullyPrescription insured B - SourceFee RestrictedDrug member Coverage Use Data Elements Tableof the NationalDiagnosticAdmission ProviderdefinePlanin theAmount Indicator Provider RelatedBenefit Source National of Code GroupwithindispensingCodeFile Provider2 (PV002). Annual (DRG)a Product fee amount ID Thisfor the of Data Element Name Description DischargeInterpreterNational Provider StatusMembers Identification SIC (NPI) claim line PaidCodeInpatient AmountMember'sappliednumber Discharge member's isAmount selfdefined disclosed Status paid deductiblein the for Code Primarycarrier's theclaim Annualclaim lineRace line APPENDIX B 22.05: OtherServiceCopayDRGCodeDental Provisions MedicareVersion AmountCoverage Provider CodeAmount Number of Copay member/patientof the is ProviderDiagnosticService SecondaryMember'samountsystemsAmount Provider Related of andof selfmember'sSpecialty2 Copay may Identification disclosedGroup be member/patient equaldeductible (DRG)Code Secondary to NumberSpecialty any applied other isRace to Payer Carrier Specific Submitter Code as NationalMedicalCode Secondary DeductibleService Specialty3Provider ID Code Specialty Code SecondaryCodeNational Specialty4Member'spharmacyidentifier, Version Provider NumberCode i.eAmountself., NPI,disclosedIdentification Specialty of State member's Other CodeLicense (NPI) RaceP4PFlag deductible Medical Claims Data File for Restricteddefined Release by APCD responsible to pay APCRacePay-for-Performance 1 (P4P) indicator NonClaimsFlagresponsible Non-claimsAmbulatory to payIndicatorappliedNumber CoinsuranceFinancial Paymentto to services define Transaction Amount Classification HispanicAmount Amount ofstatus member's of CoinsurancePlan Provider Amount ID Carrier Member Unique EligibilityProvider Code Data File for Restrictedof the ServiceAmount Release Provider of coinsurance member/ ServiceAccidentRacecoinsurance(1) 2 Administrative Provider Indicator member/ Entity Service patient Bulletins Type is isrelatedQualifier responsible. The to Division an accident to pay may, Deductible Family from timeServicePlanning AmountMember'sdeductible to time, Provider Indicator Amount issue selfapplied Entity disclosedAdministrative Service of to deductible Identifier behavioral is Primary related CodeBulletins health to DataTax Id Element The Federal Name Tax Description ID associated with (APC) Numberpatient is responsible to pay Familymember/patientto clarify Planning its policyEmployment on substantive Related provisionsIndicator Service of 114.5 related CMREthnicityAmount to22.00. Employment of InMember's member'saddition, Injury self thedeductible EPSDTdisclosed Division applied may ServiceDeductibleAPCData VersionElement Provider Amount Name First DescriptionName AmbulatoryFirstAmountthe name provider ofPayment deductibleService identified Classification Provider member/patient in PV002 IndicatorOther22.00.issue Race AdministrativeService related Bulletinsto Early Periodic to specify the filing requirements under 114.5 CMR ServicePayerDEA IDCarrier Provider Primary Specific MiddleDEA Submitter number Name for Code the provideras defined by APCD(APC)Middle NationalisSecondaryto responsible Versiondental initial Plan services ofEthnicity ID toService CMS pay Amount on Member'sNationalProvider the ofclaim member's Plan self line isIndicator responsible Uses to Electronic pay on the Medical claim line Records Product Provider ID ServicingDrugPrescribingPayerIdentificationHispanicPharmacy CodeCarrier Indicator ProviderDeductible ProviderID Specific Last Submitter Name or CodeOrganization as defined Name by APCD NationalLast Nationalidentifieddiscloseddeductible name Drug PlanorPrescribing OtherCodeOrganizationin applied ID PV002 CMS (NDC)Ethnicity toProvider Nationalvision Name Indicator servicesNumber ofPlan to (2) Confidentiality. The Division shall institute appropriate administrative procedures and BillingPrescribingIdentificationMedicaidEthnicityScreening,NumberUses EMR Provider Product 1Id Diagnosis indicatorPhysician Medicaid NumberIdentification EMR and Firstassigned Treatment VendorName Number number Electronic (EPSDT) Paidfor the Date Medical Procedure Paid Record date CodeBillingService of defineIndicatesVendorname theTypeFirst Provider claimProvider nameClaimif Insurance ifline VisionNumber of lineAccepting AllowedPrescribing Procedure Servicesis Amount New Physician areCode Patients a covered Type mechanisms to ensure that it is in compliance with the provisions of M.G.L. c. 66A, to the extent ServicePrescribingNationalMedicalAllowedIndicates Provider and BillingAmountif providerPhysician Pharmacy ProviderSuffix Tooth or Middle providerDeductible Number/Letter ID Name group Tooth NumberNumber or(PlanID) NationalLetterProviderMiddleProviderbenefit IdentificationPayer Provider Nameinitial in Claimin the PV002 Suffixof Identificationmember's PrescribingControl Dental QuadrantNumbereligibility Physician(NPI) Payer that the claims data collected is "personal data" within the meaning of that statute, and the security ServicePrescribingClaimEthnicityDental ControlQuadrant Provider 2 Physician Identification ToothSpecialty Last Surface Name Insured Tooth Group Service or IdentificationPolicyNumberDOB Date Number (PlanID) ofProvider'sSpecialty theClaim Carriers BillingLast Insured Line dateCodename groupProvider Type Groupof of birth orPrescribing Claim orpolicy Policy Line number PhysicianNumberActivity provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. In addition, the Division ServiceBillingPrescribingIndividualCarriersBehavioralType Code Provider Providergroup Relationship HealthRecordPhysician or Last Citypolicy Deductible Type NameNameDEA Code numberFile Number or Type Member/Patient Organization Individual Identifier Relationship Name toStreetIdentifier Subscriber Address1 InNetworkCodeLastCity Prescribing nameis Member/Patient NameName accepting Indicatoror Streetof Organization the Physicians new addressProvider Network topatients Subscriber of Name DEA therates as it ProviderNumberof applies PrescribingOtherappliedshall Ethnicity identifier ensure Physician Primarythat Service any NPI contractor Class Service or third Class party Code that Plan processed RenderingBillingNationalto or thisProvider analyzes Provider carrier's Provider the Identifier products/plans Identificationdata shall Plan comply (NPI) ServiceStreetwith Address2 Provider these statutory Name State Secondary requirements. Street Address of the State of the Service Provider ServiceProductInsuranceRenderingDentalOffers e-VisitsDeductible ProviderID Indicator NumberNumber Indicates ZIP Provider Primary Code if the Location provider Location uses e-VisitRelationship of Provider toolsProduct (webZIP DischargeCodeProvider Code based IdentificationMember of software)Diagnosis ofthe the DateService Prescribing Numberoffor ICD Birth Providerwell Member'svisits Physician TypePrescribingReasonMember/Patient'sdateSSNCoverageDischarge of Idof birth Provider'sforBill TypeDiagnosis AdjustmentPhysician -onMember Market Facility dateSocial Code City Planof ClaimsSecuritybirth NameRecordNumber Member City Number Type name City File of NameType the Member IdentifierCity nameReasonType Member of of thefor Bills Member/PatientZIPPrescribingAdjustment asCode used ZIP on PhysiciansCode CodeInstitutional Member of theCarrier ZIP (3) Sanctions. If an approved Applicant fails to comply with any of the requirements and CapitatedCodeMemberCategoryVision ZIP Deductible Member CodeEncounterCode Memberof PCP the Flag Member/Patient ID Member's PCP Admission Identification Date InpatientNumberIndicatesClaimsType GeocodedAdmit if of the Coverage Dateservice MemberAssigned Admission isCode covered Address Plan Market Hour Number conditions for receiving restricted claims data in 114.5 CMR 22.00, the Division may: SitePrescribingAdmissionGeocodedlanguageHas ofmultiple Service preference Address TimePhysician offices -on Discharge NSF/CMSDate License ProductIndicates of DeathHour 1500Number File ifDischargeMember's theClaims Data provider Elements TimeDate has ofService multipleDeath for underRestricted Provider PlaceMemberPrescribing Category a of capitation Service Taxrating Release IDCodePhysician category NumberCodearrangement. Member's as License MemberServiceused self on Number disclosedRating Vision Benefit(a) deny future accessProvider to claims Data data; Elements office locations for Public verbalwhere Use languageit sees patients preference Member's OtherPrescribingProvider'sCategory ICD-9-CM Code Tax Physician IDCarrier Procedurenumber City Specific Date Code ofUnique -Service 1 Member - From ID Date Member/Patient ofICD ServiceProfessionalCity Secondary name Date Carrier ofofClaims Procedure theService Unique Prescribing - To Code Date Physician of Medical/Healthcare(b) terminate Home current ID access Medical to allHome claims Identification data; and/or Number PCP Flag Indicates if the ClaimOtherPrescribingServiceData Element ICD-9-CMStatus Discharge Physician Name Procedure Date DescriptionState Discharge Code -Date 2 Patient Control NumberICDClaim selfOther Patient Line disclosed Procedure Status Control verbal State Code Number oflanguage the CarrierPhysician providerData Element(c) is ademand PCP. Name For Pharmacyand Description secure Claimsthe destruction Data Elements or return forof allPublic claims Use data AdmittingOtherPrescribingSpecificMember ICD-9-CM Uniquelanguage Diagnosis Physician Member Procedure preference Zip ID CodeMember/Patient - Other - 3 Carrier UniqueICDAdmitting ZipsecondaryOther code Procedure Diagnosis of preference the Prescribing Code Code Health Physician Care OtherProductPayer ICD-9-CMCarrier ID Number Specific Procedure Submitter Code Code - 4 as ICD HomeOtherFacilities ProductProcedureAssigned or entities Identification IndicatorCode where Health this Number is Carenot E-Code ICD Diagnostic External Injury Code OtherMailHealthUPINData(4) Order ElementICD-9-CMId Care Penalties Unique pharmacy Home Name .Physician Procedure AnAssigned Descriptionapproved DentalIdentification CodeFlag Applicant Health -Claims 5 Number Datathat applicablefails Elements (UPIN) to comply ICD valueLicense for HomeOtherdefinedwithPublic of NId theMail Procedure(No)NumberState Useby requirements Order APCD ispractice allowed Health CodePharmacy license ProviderofCare 114.5 indicatorHomefor CMRthe EIN Principal Diagnosis ICD Primary Diagnosis Code OtherCareProviderAffiliation22.00 Home ICD-9-CM will Provider Number also Procedure be AffiliationHealth subject CareCodeProduct to Code all Home - penalties6 Name Provider Carrier and TelephoneIdentification remedies defined ICDTelephone allowed Product Subscriber NationalOther byName Procedurenumber law, ProviderCity including associatedName Code Identification City M.G.L. with name thec. of(NPI) 214, the § OtherRecipient Diagnosis PCP ID - 1 ICD SecondaryMember/Patient's Diagnosis PCP Code ID Number PaidSubscriberInsuranceTaxData 3B. IDDate Element Number The Type Subscriber Division Name Code/ProductHealth ZIP willCare Code notify Home Type Zip the / CodeProduct Attorney of theIdentificationCarrier General'sSubscriber LicensePaid Office CodeCarrier ofDescriptiondateType theLineand of SpecificCarrierHealth the theCounter claimU.S. Care LicenseUnique IncrementalDepartmentline Home TypeSubscriber Provider Lineof Health ID OtherSingle/Multiple Diagnosis Source - 2 Indicator ICD Other DiagnosisDrug Code Source Indicator LOINCSubscriberProductCounterNationaland HumanCodeLine MemberProvider Carrier of ServicesBusiness Gender IDUnique OfficeMember/Patient'sModel for The Civil Line Rights of Gender Business/Insuranceinprovider of PV002 any Member violationsidentified LastLogical State NameName Model of ObservationinState theLastPV002of Healthofprovisions name the Delegated Member/Patient Identifiers, Careof the of Home Provider114.5 Provider Product CMR in OtherPaid Date Diagnosis - 3 ICD Other DiagnosisPaid date Code of the claim line DateDentalPV002Record22.00. PrescriptionService InsuranceFirstFlag Name ProviderApproved TypeWritten First Record Code/Product (APname Date) Source of the Date Provider Indicator Service in Office ApprovedPV002 Type Middle Pharmacy OfficeIdentificationDentalthe Initial ProductDateType NumberProduct/Type Middle prescriptionCode relates Number PharmacyinitialPrescribing to Identifier was ofthe the Numberprescribeddate Provider Provider the Other Diagnosis - 4 NamesICD Other and Codes Diagnosis (LOINC) Code Code PharmacyHealthLineinPrescribing PV002 Counter Care SuffixName privilege Home Individual SuffixName Name indicator of InsuranceRelationship Pharmacythe Provider Provider Plan National in MarketAffiliation PV002 PharmacyIdentification Insurance Entity Start Name DateID Plan Number Former Provider memberIncrementalIdentification GroupMarket ClaimPharmacy / CodeFacilityStartwas LineNumberenrolled Date nameLocation Counter Provider Previousin Entity the City productAffiliation Code ClaimCity OtherCoordinationCovered Diagnosis Days of Benefits/TPL- 5 Liability Amount CoveredICDAmount Other Inpatient dueDiagnosis from Days a CodeSecondary Carrier 22.06: SeverabilitynameProductNumberCodeProviderEnd Date of ID theCarrierfacility Provider Number Pharmacy Specificcode End Product Gender Pharmacy Date Unique PPO Code SubscriberLocation Indicator Gender State IndicatesofID ProviderOther Subscriber State Productif of theCity the Carrierprovider PharmacyName BenefitEnrollmentMember/Patient Unique City is Description a ofcontracted Date the Provider toPCP SubscriberBenefit Effective Date OtherNon Covered Diagnosis Days - 6 Non-coveredICD Other Diagnosis Inpatient DaysCode when known EnrollmentDescription Start Date Dental Claims Data ElementsProduct forStart Restricted DatewithRelationship Product Member Release Start Code PCP Date Member/Patient'sTermination Date OtherType ofDiagnosisInsurance Claim Paid- 7 Amount TypeICD ofOtherAmount Claim Diagnosis Indicator paid by Code a Primary Carrier MemberProductThe End provisionsGender Date Member Last of date114.5 State on CMR whichor 22.00 members are severable.could be If anywithGenderIdentification provision Member State ofor thethe Member/Patient application of any OtherMedicareCoordination Diagnosis Paid of Amount Benefits/TPL- 8 Liability Amount AmountICD Other dueAmount Diagnosisfrom Medicarea Secondary Code paid Carrier on claim ProductProvinceDataprovision Element Enrollment Date is ServiceName held End toDescription Approved beDate invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidityTheenrolled date shall inthe this claim not product be or construed service was to affect OtherAllowed Diagnosis amount - 9 whenICD knownOther Diagnosis CodeAllowed Amount Member(APthe Date) validityPCP Effective or Pharmacy constitutionality Date Claims of Data any Elements provider remaining for provisions Restrictedapproved of Releasefor 114.5 payment. CMR 22.00 or the OtherMember DiagnosisInsurance Self Pay Paid- Amount10 Amount AmountICD AmountOther paid Diagnosis by member/patient a Primary Code Carrier paid out of Member PayerRecordapplication Carrier Type PCP SpecificTerminationFile of suchType Submitter provisions. Identifier Date Code as OtherMedicare Diagnosis Paid Amount - 11 AmountICD Other Medicare Diagnosispocket paid Codeon on claim the claim line OtherRebateAllowed Diagnosis Indicator amount - 12 AllowedICD Other DrugAmount Diagnosis Rebate Eligibility Code Indicator

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