Appendix D. an Overview of Programs Across Tasmania for Monitoring, Assessing and Reporting
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Appendix D. An overview of programs across Tasmania for monitoring, assessing and reporting estuarine condition. Condition element What monitoring/assessment is Thresholds for ascertaining How is monitoring data summarised and Comments/References undertaken or planned? element status and/or reported? invoking management response? Pressures/threats/ Condition and conservation status of Estuaries classified into Technical report. Edgar et al. (1999a); recommendations made vulnerability 111 estuaries statewide were assessed groups with similar physical, concerning future management of high by Edgar et al. (1999a). geomorphological, conservation value estuaries. hydrological and biological attributes, then ranked by level of anthropogenic disturbance using human population density data. Least-disturbed estuaries were assigned the highest conservation rank (Class A), through to severely degraded estuaries (Class E). Water chemistry Broadscale Environmental Monitoring BEMP results from 2009- Technical review of BEMP monitoring data Ross and Macleod (2013). Program (BEMP): assessing potential 2012 compared to historical from 2009-2012, contains summarised data No significant or adverse environmental effects of finfish farming on ecological data (1996-2005) to quantify only. effects of salmon farming observed on water condition in D’Entrecasteaux Channel spatial and temporal quality. and Huon Estuary since 2009; variability in WQ temperature, salinity, nutrients, parameters, and compared dissolved oxygen (DO) and chlorophyll- against low to high risk a (chl-a) monthly (fortnightly in trigger values proposed by summer) at 15 sites. Thompson et al. (2008). Salmon industry extended water quality (WQ) monitoring in 2014 to around salmon farms in Tasman Peninsula region. Storm Bay monitoring: temperature, Baseline data for potential FRDC technical reports; publications in Crawford et al. (2011). salinity, silicate, NO3, NO2, PO4, NH3, expansion of salmon industry preparation. Monitoring ends mid 2015. DO, turbidity and chl-a monthly at 5-6 and changing climatic sites since November 2009. conditions Tasmanian Shellfish Quality Assurance Sanitation Survey Reports, Annual Reports, Program (TSQAP), monitoring c. 20 Monitoring sites and Annual Data Reviews and triennnial review integrity/food-safety/seafood/shellfish-quality shellfish growing areas since mid-1980s frequency are determined via and data analysis for each growing area. for food safety (total suspended solids risk assessments for each (TSS), bacteria). growing area, based on previously recorded concentrations, surveys of pollution sources, and hydrographic and climatic conditions.
1 Condition element What monitoring/assessment is Thresholds for ascertaining How is monitoring data summarised and Comments/References undertaken or planned? element status and/or reported? invoking management response? Derwent Estuary Program (DEP): DEP WQ monitoring results, DEP produces quarterly eBulletins, annual DEP established in 1999 as regional Monthly WQ monitoring at 30 sites and those for Zn, analysed Report Cards (DEP, 2013) and five-yearly partnership between 6 Councils, Tasmanian throughout the Derwent Estuary; against ANZECC and State of the Derwent Reports, most recently in Government, 4 major industries in physicochemical suite, true colour, TSS, ARMCANZ (2000) guideline 2010 (Whitehead et al., 2010). cooperation with University of Tasmania, nutrients, organic carbon, chl-a and Zn values. DEP Report Cards are narrative-driven, with CSIRO and community groups. as a proxy for other heavy metals/ some plotting of indicator results. See Whitehead et al. (2010) and metalloids. Other heavy metals surveyed monthly at 11 mid-estuary sites and elsewhere periodically. Ongoing monthly fish and shellfish flesh analysis to determine spatial and temporal differences in heavy metal concentration of fish flesh. Tamar Estuary and Esk River (TEER) EHAP WQ indicator data EHAP data collated and reported annually in EHAP established in 2009 to coordinate data Ecosystem Health Assessment Program compared to ANZECC Report Cards (e.g. NRM North, 2012) and collected by 14 monitoring partners across (EHAP): monthly WQ monitoring at 20 guidelines; average accompanying technical Monitoring Reports five functional zones covering the estuary. sites throughout estuary; 7 indicators frequency of exceedance (e.g. Attard et al., 2012). EHAP operates on a four year cycle, with 24 (DO, pH, total nitrogen (TN), total across WQ indicators Report Cards summarise condition grades months of monthly ambient monitoring phosphorus (TP), turbidity, chl-a and a determines Ecosystem Health across 5 estuary zones. followed by 24 months of research focusing range of metals) employed; temperature, Index (EHI) score. Technical Monitoring Reports provide on specific issues and implementation of salinity, NO3 + NO2, NH3 and other Overall grade determined by detailed analysis of monitoring results, and management actions. supporting WQ parameters also averaging scores for the WQ interpretation of changes in estuary condition. measured. EHI and a recreational EHI (faecal pollution indicator). Locally specific water quality objectives (WQO) being developed for the Tamar Estuary to replace ANZECC guidelines. Previous WQ monitoring in smaller estuaries: Estuarine Decision Tree Landscape Logic Technical report and Fact See Fact Sheets #15 and 16 available at Landscape Logic Project; collated WQ developed for monitoring Sheets. data from 31 smaller estuaries around and management of Tas. ons/landscape-logic-library Tasmania (see below). estuaries. Recommended indicators of estuarine Technical report Murphy et al. (2003); recommendation that Baseline monitoring of WQ condition and thresholds of comparative broad-scale assessments be (temperature, salinity, DO, turbidity, potential concern. conducted every five years, linked to State of dissolved nutrients, suspended solids Data used to derive locally- the Environment (SoE) reporting cycle. and chl-a) every 2 months July 1999- relevant, draft trigger levels June 2000 in 22 estuaries statewide. for WQ indicators across Technical report Hirst et al. (2007) North-west region: Comparison of Tasmania. Beard et al. (2008). ecological health of impacted and relatively pristine estuaries 2004-2006; 2 Condition element What monitoring/assessment is Thresholds for ascertaining How is monitoring data summarised and Comments/References undertaken or planned? element status and/or reported? invoking management response? baseline surveys of WQ, including WQ and chl-a data from the temperature, salinity, DO, turbidity, pH, six estuaries compared to nutrients and chl-a across six key ANZECC guideline values estuaries 2006-2008; supplementary for south-eastern Australian data from 2 estuaries in 2012. estuaries. Southern region: baseline assessment of WQ and chl-a data from the Technical report. Temby and Crawford (2008); monitoring the status of five priority estuaries; WQ five estuaries compared to program enabled derivation of locally- (temperature, salinity, DO, turbidity, ANZECC guideline values relevant, ‘draft’ trigger values for some pH, dissolved nutrients, silica and Chl- for south-eastern Australian estuaries. a) monitored at five or more sites per estuaries. estuary, monthly from April 2007-April 2008. Data collated by Break O’Day Council Report to Break O’Day Council by Aquatic Georges Bay, St Helens: community Science in 2011. monitoring monthly 2007-2011 at 5 sites for temperature, salinity, DO, chl- a, turbidity, dissolved nutrients. Data held by IMAS, currently being analysed Little Swanport: WQ data (temperature, for publication. salinity, DO, chl-a, nutrients, some phytoplankton and zooplankton) collected every 2-4 weeks at 3 sites Data collated and held by Government and from 2006. industry as commercial-in-confidence. Macquarie Harbour: up to 35 stations monitored quarterly by EPA; temperature, salinity, DO, profiles from 1991, dissolved nutrients 1996-98, 2013. Salmon industry monitoring: monthly at 13-17 sites since 2011; temperature, salinity, DO profiles, dissolved nutrients, chl-a, phytoplankton counts. Continuous data loggers (temperature, salinity, DO) at ~4 sites at various depths since 2013. Sediment BEMP: Annual monitoring of sediment BEMP results from 2009- Technical review of BEMP monitoring data Ross and Macleod (2013). parameters (including redox potential, 2012 compared to historical from 2009-2012. No indication of any specific farming related sulphide concentration and organic data (1996-2005) to quantify or broad-scale deterioration in sediment content) at 15 sites in the spatial and temporal condition. D’Entrecasteaux Channel and Huon variability in sediment Estuary. parameters, and compared against low to high risk trigger values proposed by Thompson et al. (2008). DEP: 10-yearly sediment surveys, Monitoring results for Some narrative-based reporting of sediment Majority of Derwent sediments do not meet
3 Condition element What monitoring/assessment is Thresholds for ascertaining How is monitoring data summarised and Comments/References undertaken or planned? element status and/or reported? invoking management response? reviewed by Whitehead et al. (2010) and sediment contaminants survey results within the Derwent Estuary the guidelines for heavy metals, particularly conducted most recently in 2011; commonly compared to annual Report Card. for Hg, Pb, Zn, Cd. Future assessments of samples from 123 sites were analysed ANZECC and ARMCANZ sediment contamination may use data on for levels of heavy metals and organic (2000) Interim Sediment geochemistry, toxicity and biological matter (DEP, 2013). Periodic student Quality Guideline communities under a multiple lines of research projects investigating sediment concentrations (Whitehead et evidence approach (Whitehead et al., 2010). concentrations. al., 2010). TEER: No recent sediment monitoring Monitoring results for Technical reports. Elevated Cu and Pb levels in the upper Tamar in the Tamar Estuary. Pirzl and sediment contaminants Estuary and in the mid-lower estuary zone; Coughanowr (1997) summarised earlier commonly compared to attributed to historic mining activities and surveys for organic toxicants (e.g. ANZECC & ARMCANZ other industry, as well as urban runoff hydrocarbons, phenols, PAHs). Assorted (2000a) Interim Sediment (Aquenal and DEPHA, 2008). surveys of sediment condition and Quality Guideline contamination (mainly metals) concentrations (Aquenal and conducted since 1997, usually with DEPHA, 2008). restricted spatial and temporal coverage (reviewed by Aquenal and DEPHA, 2008). Previous sediment monitoring in smaller As above. MSc. Thesis; paper in progress. Beard (2011); differences in macrofaunal estuaries: Technical reports. assemblages between estuarine types related Sediment analysis in 7 mesotidal and 5 to differences in salinity, seagrass extent and open barrier estuaries for pore water DO. salinity, sediment chl-a, TN, TP, sediment particle size, stable isotopes C & N. Phytoplankton BEMP: phytoplankton species Data on chl-a concentration, Technical review of BEMP monitoring data Ross and Macleod (2013). composition (counts & HPLC) and used as a surrogate for from 2009-2012. Monitoring results used to refine the locally- abundance monitored monthly at 15 phytoplankton biomass, and relevant guideline trigger values proposed by sites. frequency of algal blooms. Thompson et al. (2008). DEP: phytoplankton community Monthly surveys sample chl- Technical reports. Whitehead et al. (2010) recommended regular composition monitored monthly during a; used as a surrogate for monitoring of primary production (e.g. 2013 at three sites throughout the phytoplankton biomass, with phytoplankton, microphytobenthos, Derwent Estuary. Occasional previous levels compared to ANZECC macroalgae and epiphytes), to quantify studies (see Whitehead et al., 2010). trigger value of 4 µg/L. changes in species composition and biomass. TEER: limited phytoplankton surveys Technical reports. Previous surveys reviewed by Aquenal and conducted in the Tamar Estuary, usually DEPHA (2008). with restricted spatial and temporal coverage. Details of monitoring Weekly reports provided to industry. TSQAP: monitors shellfish growing program and threshold levels Summary provided in Annual Reports, tions areas for algal species containing are detailed in TSQAP Annual Data Reviews and triennnial review biotoxins, largely for early warning; Biotoxin Management Plan and data analysis for each growing area. 4 Condition element What monitoring/assessment is Thresholds for ascertaining How is monitoring data summarised and Comments/References undertaken or planned? element status and/or reported? invoking management response?
frequency of sampling depends on for 2013-14, available at environmental conditions and history of FRDC reports, publications in progress. Crawford et al. (2011). biotoxin occurrence. ap Monitoring ends mid-2015. Storm Bay: monthly chl-a at 5-6 sites since November 2009. Baseline. Habitats and SAV Habitats and SAV in many Tasmanian NA - Currently unclear how Data available in technical reports and at Detailed maps, benthic descriptions and video estuaries have been mapped as part of the data from these surveys footage available. Seamap Tasmania, based on extensive will be built into future field surveys and aerial photography monitoring programs. (see below). DEP: habitats, including subtidal, Foreshore condition index Information on habitat types and their 51% of the Derwent Estuary foreshore has mapped over 197 km2 (Lucieer et al., calculated (1 = unmodified, distributions compiled into a web-based been cleared of native vegetation (Whitehead 2007); condition of the intertidal zone to 5 = very highly modified), Derwent Estuary Habitat Atlas (Whitehead et et al., 2010). A monitoring program should be has been assessed and mapped representing the degree of al., 2010). established to track change in foreshore (Aquenal, 2008), and all foreshore deviation from pristine state condition (Aquenal, 2008). vegetation within 100 m of MHW mark at 19 regional reference sites has been mapped in detail. (Aquenal, 2008); foreshore Technical reports on SAV. Barrett et al. (2010) Some quantitative SAV data in Derwent pressures also quantified and Jordan et al. (2001) Estuary Surveys 2009-2010; collected mapped. Mount (2011) remote sensing imagery. 2010 baseline Whitehead et al. (2010). survey of algal species on intertidal/ subtidal reefs and adjacent sediments in Derwent Estuary; belt transect and timed swim methods at up to 24 estuarine sites. Annual aerial survey for SAV habitat extent conducted since 2011. Project underway to assess SAV change in cover using historical aerial photography. TEER: comprehensive survey of Vegetation condition Technical report. Blake and Cannell (2000); very little of the foreshore vegetation in the Tamar assessed across a 100m native vegetation along the Tamar Estuary Estuary. riparian zone; rated from foreshore remained in pristine condition. Category 1 to 4 (i.e. least disturbed to few native Technical report. Lucieer et al. (2009). Tamar estuary habitats mapped. Ramsar species and lowest sites (Moutling Lagoon, Orielton conservation value). Lagoon and Ringarooma lower flood plain) and Macquarie Harbour habitats also mapped. North-west region: Black, Detention, NA Technical reports Hirst et al. (2007) Inglis, Duck, Arthur, Leven, Port Sorell, Lawler (2009)
5 Condition element What monitoring/assessment is Thresholds for ascertaining How is monitoring data summarised and Comments/References undertaken or planned? element status and/or reported? invoking management response? Robbins Passage mapped. See SEAMAP Tasmania website. Southern region: Mapping and NA Technical report. Mount et al. (2005a, b). assessment of habitat extent & condition Maps published on the Land Information Mapping of habitat types across 11 estuaries in 11 estuaries in the Bruny bioregion. System Tasmania (LIST) web mapping site facilitates future assessment of habitat Mapping and description of habitats in and the SEAMAP Tasmania website. change; protocols for future habitat Georges Bay, east coast of Tasmania. monitoring also developed. Fauna Widespread compliance monitoring of Monitoring results compared Technical reviews of monitoring data from Woods et al. (2004) BMI species composition and to those from references sites 1997-2003. Edgar et al. (2010). abundance around salmon farms (1997- to determine localised effects 2003). of aquaculture activities. BEMP: Monitoring of sediment infauna BEMP results from 2009- Technical review of BEMP monitoring data Ross and Macleod (2013). conducted every four years at 15 sites in 2012 compared to historical from 2009-2012. Existing control location at Recherche Bay the D’Entrecasteaux Channel and Huon data (1996-2005) to quantify judged not to be a meaningful ecological Estuary. spatial and temporal comparison point for other sites in the Huon variability in benthic infauna, and D’Entrecasteaux. and compared against low to high risk trigger values proposed by Thompson et al. (2008). DEP: periodic surveys but little N/A - currently unclear how Technical reports. See Whitehead et al. (2010). comparable quantitative data on long- the data from these various Some narrative-based reporting of faunal BMI diversity relatively high throughout term trends in Derwent Estuary fauna. surveys will be built into any survey results within Derwent Estuary annual Derwent Estuary; metal contamination not the Several previous BMI surveys, but future monitoring programs. Report Card. overriding determinant of BMI community largely limited in duration and spatial Huon Estuary found to be a composition, although both organic scale; undertaken periodically. relevant and valuable enrichment and metal contamination had a BMI communities of subtidal sediments biological reference point for significant influence in localised areas surveyed in 2004 at 55 sites in Derwent comparison with the Derwent (Macleod and Helidoniotis, 2005). Estuary, and at 25 sites in the Huon Estuary. Some evidence of declines in migratory Estuary. 2010 baseline survey of shorebird populations. distribution and diversity of Whitehead et al. (2010) recommended that a macroinvertebrate species on representative suite of biological indicators of intertidal/subtidal rocky reefs and estuarine health, including both habitat and adjacent sediments in Derwent Estuary; species indicators, be developed and belt transect and timed swim methods at monitored in the Derwent Estuary. up to 24 estuarine sites (Barrett et al., 2010). Quantitative baseline survey of the distribution and diversity of fish species on intertidal/subtidal rocky reefs and adjacent sediments; belt transect and timed swim methods at up to 24
6 Condition element What monitoring/assessment is Thresholds for ascertaining How is monitoring data summarised and Comments/References undertaken or planned? element status and/or reported? invoking management response? estuarine sites (Barrett et al., 2010). Regular surveys of Little penguin population since 2004, and of Spotted handfish distribution, abundance and habitat. TEER: no long-term monitoring NA Edgar et al. (1999b); exceptionally high BMI programs for BMI or other fauna in the diversity in the lower Tamar Estuary (and Tamar Estuary; some BMI surveys but many of the species found were not recorded trends in abundance and diversity of from any other sites); also high fish diversity BMIs are difficult to ascertain (Aquenal in the Tamar Estuary. and DEPHA, 2008). North-west region: 2006-2008 baseline Baseline. Technical reports. BMI communities in NW estuaries often surveys of BMI community composition ‘healthy’ despite reduced WQ (Beard et al., across six key estuaries. 2008); thus BMI are unlikely to be useful indicators for minor disturbances, but may detect moderate or major disturbances (Hirst et al., 2007). Southern region: baseline assessment of Baseline. Technical report. Temby and Crawford (2008). BMI communities in 5 priority estuaries in Spring 2007; 5 replicate cores per site. MSc. Thesis, paper in progress Beard (2011). BMI communities assessed at 3 locations in 7 mesotidal and 5 open barrier estuaries, spring 2008. Other: Integration Condition and conservation status of See Pressures, above, for Technical report. Edgar et al. (1999a); recommendations made 111 estuaries statewide were assessed details. concerning future management of high by Edgar et al. (1999a); incorporated conservation value estuaries. baseline information on BMI abundance and biomass, data on fish distributions and two disturbance indices developed as indicators of estuarine health. Metal bioaccumulation DEP: surveys of Hg in flathead Median metal levels Technical reports and scientific papers. Hg levels regularly exceed national food (annually since 1984) and heavy metals compared to Food Standards Some narrative-based reporting of other standards in several fish species, although in shellfish (since 1991); also a range of Australia and NZ maximum survey results, including metal levels in recent studies suggest changes to the metals recently surveyed in other fish permitted levels (e.g. 0.5 faunal species, within Derwent Estuary monitoring regime may be needed to better species (Whitehead et al., 2010). mg/kg for Hg). Exceedance annual Report Card. account for effects of natural variability Pilot study of baseline heavy metal triggers release of public (Verdouw et al., 2010; Jones et al., 2013). levels in selected faunal trophic groups advice by Director of Public (phytoplankton, macroalgae, Health.
7 Condition element What monitoring/assessment is Thresholds for ascertaining How is monitoring data summarised and Comments/References undertaken or planned? element status and/or reported? invoking management response? zooplankton, invertebrates and elasmobranchs) from the Derwent Estuary (Swadling and Macleod, 2009); 71 samples collected from three sites within the Derwent and also from reference sites in the Huon Estuary and offshore from Bruny Island. Invasive species DEP: Periodic surveys for introduced Data on pest distributions Technical reports and scientific papers. Over 70 introduced marine species have been pest fauna and invasive weeds. and numbers inform control Some narrative-based reporting of other identified in the Derwent Estuary (Aquenal, measures and help to limit survey results, including invasive species, 2002). Annual surveys and control actions ecological impacts (Aquenal, within Derwent Estuary annual Report Card. have reduced area of Rice grass infestation 2002; Whitehead, 2008). from two ha in 1995 to c. 4 m2 in 2009 (Whitehead et al., 2010). TEER: 2001 baseline survey of marine Presence. Technical report (Aquenal 2001). Currently exploring potential biological pests in the Port of Launceston indicators for EHAP monitoring; e.g. (Aquenal, 2001). indicators based on Pacific oyster, spotted shore crab, benthic foraminifera, seagrasses &/or fish health surveys (Attard et al., 2012).
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