Ch 14: Manifest Destiny (P. 489 523)

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Ch 14: Manifest Destiny (P. 489 523)

Ch 14: Manifest Destiny (p. 489-523) Unit 5 - Skip: The settlement of California p.498 - Skip: Labor in the Missions p.498-9 Assignmen - Skip: Early Development in California p. 499-501 Ch 16: the Crisis of the Union (p.565 – 605) t Sheet - * Important chapter – covers all of the causes of the Civil War Ch 17: The War of the Union (p.607-656) Ch 18: Reconstruction: North & South (p. 659-697)

Nov. 17th – 21st Assignments: - Read ch 14 - Ch 14 Quiz Quiz : B = Tues 18th & A = Wed 19th - Read Ch 15/16 (will cover causes before break- Ch 16 is very dense with information, reading it before class will make it easier!!)

Thanksgiving Week NO SCHOOL  - work on getting ahead on assignments (it is the end of the Nov. 24th – 28th semester and you don’t want to get bogged down with all of your classes)

Dec. 1st – 5th Assignments: - Ch 16 Assignment: Due B = Mon 1st & A = Tues 2nd o Terms (at end of this sheet) o Maps with Questions from Textbook . The Compromise of 1850 (p. 576) . The Gadsden Purchase, 1853 (p. 582) . The Kansas-Nebraska Act, 1854 (p.584) o Warfare in Kansas with Questions (article on blog) - Ch 16/17 Quiz (Causes of the Civil War & War) o B = Wed 3rd & A = Thurs 4th

Dec. 8th -12th Assignments: - POTUS Quiz #1-16 (no notes, will need to know last names & years in office – go to blog page “POTUS” to help you out) o B = Tues 9th & A = Wed 10th - Read Ch 18 o Ch 18 Assignment (Due B = Thurs 11th & A = Fri 12th) . Terms (at end of sheet) . Article “The South’s Lost Cause” with Questions (on blog) . Short Answer Questions on Reconstruction (on blog)

Dec. 15th – 19th Review Days in class = B Mon 15th & A = Tues 16th ** The Review days are the VERY LAST DAY to turn in late work from this unit** Unit 5 Test = Same as Exam period B = Wed 17th & A = Thurs 18th Ch 14: Manifest Destiny (p. 489 – 523)

- Study Suggestions:

o Account for Tyler’s difficulties with Congress and explain the accomplishments of his administration.

o Explain the issues settled in the Webster-Ashburton Treaty and account for its compromises.

o Describe the westward surge and trace the impact of settlement in Oregon, California, and Utah.

o Explain how the annexation of Texas developed.

o Account for the acquisition of a clear claim to Oregon.

o Analyze the responsibility for starting the Mexican War.

o Describe the results of the Mexican War.

- Terms to Master:

o William Henry Harrison o Liberty party

o John Tyler o Zachary Taylor

o Manifest Destiny o Winfield Scott

o Fort Laramie Treaty o Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

o Santa Fe Trail o Spot resolution

o Wester-Ashburton Treaty o Mexican Cession

o “54°40’ or fight!” o Wilmot Proviso

o Oregon Trail o Annexation

o John Charles Fremont o Battle of the Alamo

o Stephen Austin o Sam Houston

o Santa Anna o Mexican War 1846-1847

o James K. Polk

o Ch 16: The Crisis of the Union (p.565 - 605)

- Study suggestions:

o Explain the controversies that grew over the issue of slavery in the western lands acquired from Mexico.

o List and explain the terms of the Compromise of 1850 and show to what extent those terms were fulfilled through 1861.

o Account for the decline of the Whig party and the rise of the Republican party, and note the consequences of the change. o Explain the controversy over the Kansas-Nebraska Act and the resolution of that controversy.

o Explain the meaning and importance of the Dred Scott decision.

o Show how the election of 1860 demonstrated the breakup of political cohesion in the United States.

- Terms to Master:

o Denmark Vesey revolt (review) o Compromise of 1850

o Nat Turner revolt (review) o Popular sovereignty

o Missouri Compromise (review) o Fugitive Slave Act

o Kansas-Nebraska Act o John Brown’s Raid

o Dred Scott Decision (Scott v. Sandford) o Uncle Tom’s Cabin

o Free Soil Party o Lincoln Douglas Debates

o Know-nothing Party o House divided speech

o “bleeding Kansas” o Freeport Doctrine

o Pottawatomie Creek massacre o Crittenden compromise

o Sumner-Brooks incident o Secession

o Lecompton constitution o Presidential Election of 1860


o Ch 17: The War of the Union (p.607 - 656)

- Study suggestions: o Explain how the outbreak of fighting occurred. o Analyze the advantages that each side had in the war. o Describe the problems associated with raising an army for both the North and the South. o Trace the major strategic and military developments of the Civil War. o Explain the political problems of the governments in both the North and the South. o Account for the emancipation of the slaves and describe its impact. o Explain how each side financed the war and the economic effects of the war on the North. - Terms to master: o Fort Sumter o Monitor v. Merrimack o Writ of habeas corpus o Ironclads o Robert E. Lee o Stonewall Jackson o Winfield Scott o Anaconda Plan o Battle of Bull Run o Gettysburg Address o Conscription o Copperheads o Trent affair o Clement L. Vallandigham o Ulysses S. Grant o George B. McClellan o Battle of Shiloh o Jefferson Davis o Battle of Antietam o Draft riots o Emancipation Proclamation o Battle of Chancellorsville o Dorothea Dix (involvement in the War) o Battle of Chattanooga o Clara Barton o Battle of Vicksburg o Morrill Tariff o Battle of Gettysburg o Legal Tender Act o Lincoln’s second inaugural address o Greenbacks o William T. Sherman o Radical Republicans o Appomattox o Ch 18: Reconstruction: North and South (p.659 - 697)

- Study Suggestions:

o Describe the impact of the Civil War on both the South and the North and on the status of freed blacks.

o Explain the circumstances that led to Radical Reconstruction. & Assess the nature and extent of Radical Reconstruction.

o Explain the process that returned control of the South to the conservatives.

o Discuss the contributions and failures of the Grant administration.

o Understand the outcome of the election of 1876 and the effects of that election and the special arrangements made to conclude it.

o Appraise the overall impact of Reconstruction.

- Terms to master:

o 13th, 14th, 15th amendments o Congressional reconstruction

o Homestead Act (1862) o Radical republicans

o Morrill Land Grant (1862) o Thaddeus Stephens

o Pacific Railway Act (1862) o Civil Rights Act of 1866

o Presidential reconstruction o Reconstruction acts (1867)

o Proclamation of amnesty & reconstruction o Tenure of office act (1867) (1863) o Impeachment o Wade-Davis Bill (1864) o Civil rights act of 1875 o Andrew Johnson o Scalawags o Freedmen’s Bureau o Carpetbaggers o Black codes o Sharecropping o Panic of 1873 o Compromise of 1877 o Ku Klux Klan o Rutherford B. Hayes o Force acts (1870, 1871) o

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