West U Rotary Club

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West U Rotary Club

West U Rotary Club June 8, 2010 Minutes of the Board of Directors and Officers

Officers, Directors and Visitors: X =Present Name/Position J A S O N D J F M A M JU U U E C O E A E A P A N L G P T V C N B R R Y

Ronnie Hallenberger-Pres X X X X X X X X X X X X John Collier – Pres Elect X X X X X X X X X Don Raskin – Vice Pres X X X X X X X X X X X Linda Holter -Secretary X X X X X X X X X X Cecile Schutter – Board Sec. X X X X X X X X X X Dee Ullrich – Past Pres. NoVote X X X X X X X X X X X X George Adams - Treasurer X X X X X X X X X X X

Board members: Honey Leveen X X X X X X Kathy Kokas - International X X X X X X X X X X Clarence Miller X X X X X X X X X Jerry Gips X X X X X X X X X X Greg Faldyn X X X X X X X X Philip Bryant - PR X Carl Stutts X X X X Sharon Williams X X X X X X X X X X Terry Ziegler – Polio (1yr) X X X X X X X X X X X X Michael Larsson X X X X X X X X Vanessa Lanceley Hauser (1yr) X X X X X X X X X X X X Vivian Dawkins X X X X X X

Visitors: Wally Kronzer (2010-2011) Michael Silver (2010-2011) Leslie Cauffman (2010-2011) Clyde Hayes (2010-2011) Russ Schulze (WURCF) Gene McFaddin Carol Gradziel Bill Diecks Meeting called to order by President Ronnie Hallenberger 7:01am. Minutes from April 13 and May 11, 2010: Motion to accept: Terry Ziegler Second by: Greg Faldyn. Approved by acclamation.

Secretary Report: Linda Holter Attendance 60.82%, Activities: meeting at Pershing Middle School, 15th anniversary party, District Assembly, Books for Africa, The Women's Home, Challenger Division of WULL, Memorial Day Flags, ESL classes.

Membership Report: John Collier - 104 Members

Roger Friedberger is formally removed from the rolls. New member application – Marcus Aguirre, sponsored by Posey Parker. Marcus works for Verizon Wireless. Motion proposed by Dee Ullrich, second John Collier. Accepted by acclamation.

Membership resignations and concerns: Philip Bryant, Marvin Beasley and Sue Maas are resigning. Michael Koerner remains a member although he lives in Galveston. Michael is active with the Guerrero, Mexico clinic. Manash Shah remains although very busy with his personal life. Tim O'Conner is very busy with the opening of the new recreation center. Ken Walker is just traveling but remains. Dan Estes and Michael Ross – to be followed up.

Classifications: Dee proposed an amendment to our classification list to consolidate all fragmented sales and retail categories to be just sales and retail. Member badges can read how member prefers. This is not an item that needs top be voted on. Dee will just take care of.

The application for a Leave of Absence from John Urbanek was approved.

Treasurer Report: George Adams Balance at end of May was $45,354.09. George discussed some of the line items. Emphasis on getting all expenses submitted for this year by the end of the month.

Foundation Report: Russ Schulze. Approximately $78,000 in the bank.

International Report: Kathy Kokas $750 expenditure for Youth Exchange expenses such as orientation and District Conference. (WURCF account – has been budgeted for) Alan Wylie requested our participation for scholarships (outbound students) for $2,000. We will contribute $1,000 from the 2010-2011 budgets. (WURCF) Books for Africa: Last week we had 13 members and friends packed 13 pallets. Water projects: no updates. Greg Faldyn is working on the matching grant with Bill Davis.

Water – Jerry Gips: no updates Polio Plus: Terry Ziegler Ronnie and Terry discussed Paul Harris points and how to encourage members to increase their contributions to TRF.

Community Report: Sharon Williams Continues with the bagels for Star of Hope 4th of July will be celebrated by the City of West U on the 3rd. BBQ and parade.

Vocational Report: Carol Gradziel Carol will be meeting with the Weekley YMCA for their ESL needs.

Other Business: Ronnie Hallenberger About 13 club members will be attending D5890 Governor Sunny Sharma’s Installation – June 11, 2010.

There will not be an installation party for John Collier; rather the club meeting of July 1 will be the installation. PDG Suzi Howe will be officiating.

New Business: Ronnie introduces and welcomes the new 2010-2011 Board of directors.

 Club & Foundation Budgets for 2010-2011 – John Collier. Voted by the Board Elect.  Discussion of club budget. Motion to move from John Collier, seconded by Vivian Dawkins. Approved by acclamation from the incoming board.  Club foundation budget. Motion to move from John Collier and seconded by Kathy Kokas. Approved by acclamation from the incoming board.  Club Assemblies: throughout the year in 15 minute breaks before guest speaker to present each lane of service activities. Hoping to increase member involvement.

Phone Duty:

Jun 1 – 15 Laney Littlejohn Jun 16 -30 Linda Holter

Meeting Adjourned: 8:00 AM Respectfully submitted,

Cecile Schutter, Board Secretary

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