How to write a CV A CV really highlights your skills and experience. By following some really basic principles, you'll present the information in a clear, concise, persuasive way. Here are some important things to include... Personal details You should include your name, address (optional), phone number and email address. Personal profile This statement at the beginning of the CV should sum up the whole document and explain to the reader why your application is relevant to them. Keep it simple and specific. Remember that you are competing against many other candidates so this section should explain what makes you stand out. Employment History Honesty really is always the best policy. Please don't embellish or exaggerate the truth, this will inevitably catch you out if you get through to the interview stage.  List your most recent work experience first.  Describe your experience in short sentences or bullet points.  Highlight the general responsibilities of your role, your achievements, plus the skills required.  Cover any gaps in your experience. Education History and Professional Development List details of any qualifications you've gained, including your grades. You might also like to include any additional qualifications or courses that you've attended which would be relevant to the role you're applying for. Computer Skills Highlight any IT skills that may be relevant to or useful in the role. Additional Skills Highlight any other skills that you have for example additional languages that may be relevant to or useful in the role. Presentation Good presentation is essential to create the right impression, so your CV should have a good layout, clear highlighted headings and all the relevant information. Highlight your achievements and not just your responsibilities. Include examples of your work, if appropriate.  Use clear fonts and colours when writing your CV  Always use a readable typeface and select a sensible font size  Always use spell check  If in doubt, phone a friend, because it never hurts to get a second opinion. Ask someone else to read through your CV and give you constructive feedback