Elmira City School District

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Elmira City School District



Elmira Free Academy Community Room March 29, 2004 933 Hoffman Street 6 p.m.

Elmira, New York 14905

MEETING CALLED TO President Badeau called the Work Session of the Board of ORDER Education to order at 6:02 p.m. and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

ATTENDANCE Present: Walter M. Badeau, Samuel D. Castellino, Michael J. Crimmins, Daniel Hurley, Robin Long, Betsy Mattoon, Paul A. Sartori, Susan J. Skidmore, Mary Beth Turner

Others: Laura E. Sherwood, Robert S. Gosden, Donald M. Keddell, Pat Stayments, Betsy Stiker, Mike Thomas (Cafeteria, Maintenance, Custodial Workers President), Alex Shephard (Elmira Free Academy student representative), Kelly McWhorter (Southside High School student representative)

VISITORS TO THE Alex Shephard discussed proposed budget cuts. BOARD Donnalee Kelsey spoke in opposition to the possibility of cutting the hours and benefits of 30-hour aides.

Carol Kennedy spoke in opposition to potential cuts to the orchestra program.

Lisa Kelly discussed the importance of administrators.

Cynthia Morrissey spoke in opposition to the possibility of cutting the hours and benefits of 30-hour aides.

Fred Betschen spoke in opposition to potential cuts to instrumental music lessons.

Sharri Reep spoke in opposition to the possibility of cutting the hours and benefits of 30-hour aides.

43 Samantha Holtgrewe and Michaela Moshier spoke in opposition to potential cuts to the orchestra program.

Nick Lian spoke in opposition to potential cuts to music and art.

Nancy Conley-Wheeler spoke in opposition to potential cuts to the orchestra program and instrumental music lessons.

Meghan Sullivan spoke on behalf of Girl Scout Troop 840 in opposition to the elimination of the orchestra program.

Tim Meyer spoke in opposition to potential cuts to music and art.

Kathryn Robinson spoke in opposition to potential cuts to the orchestra program and instrumental music lessons.

Jeff Chrabaszcz spoke in support of the music program.

Joel Robinson spoke in opposition to potential cuts to the music program.

Barton Graham discussed potential budget cuts.

Melissa Bravo spoke in opposition to potential cuts to the orchestra program and instrumental music lessons.

Jill Kelley spoke in opposition to potential cuts to the orchestra program and instrumental music lessons.

Jen Donnelly spoke in support of a full-day pre-kindergarten program.

Anthony Marks spoke in support of the drivers’ education program.

Kimberly Henry spoke in opposition to potential cuts to instrumental music lessons.

BUDGET DISCUSSION Assistant Superintendent for Management Services Robert S. Gosden discussed a proposed fine arts and fitness equipment proposition, the impact of additional retirements on the 2004-05 budget, a proposal for an alternative high school and potential budget initiatives and reductions.

44 By straw vote, the Board agreed to:  present a resolution to voters asking for approval to purchase fine arts and fitness equipment and renovate the EFA fitness room;  reduce one administrator position;  add a behavioral specialist at Hendy, eliminate a social worker position at Hendy and add a full-time social worker at Pine City;  not cut a teaching assistant position at Southside High School;  maintain the current number of hall monitors;  maintain the orchestra program;  maintain instrumental lessons for students in grades 10- 12;  reduce the number of Southside counselor to the contract limit;  maintain the kindergarten art program.

BREAK The Board took a 10-minute break at 8:45 p.m.

BUDGET DISCUSSION By straw vote, the Board agreed to:  move high school health from grade 11 to grade 9;  not increase elementary class size by eliminating teacher positions;  not cut four elementary librarian positions;  not cut non-mandated teacher aide hours from 30 to 25;  reduce one non-mandated social worker position districtwide;  reduce the paint crew to two men.

The Board discussed increases in the management services portion of the administrative budget, specifically legal services, personnel and central printing.

The Board discussed increases in curriculum development and supervision and research, planning and evaluation and instructional technology.

Mr. Gosden said taking approximately $500,000 from the General Fund Fund Balance, along with cuts currently made, would lower the tax levy increase to 9.9 percent.

By straw vote, the Board agreed to support a 9.9 percent tax levy increase.

45 VISITORS TO THE Mike Thomas discussed alternatives to cutting the four-man BOARD paint crew.

EXECUTIVE SESSION Commissioner Crimmins moved, seconded by Commissioner Sartori, that the Board move into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing collective negotiations pursuant to Article 14 of the Civil Service Law (10:58 p.m.).

Motion Carried Yes: Badeau, Castellino, Crimmins, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Sartori, Skidmore, Turner No: None

Kristin Butler Board Clerk

CLERK PRO TEM President Badeau appointed Commissioner Skidmore Clerk Pro Tem in the absence of the Clerk.

RETURN TO OPEN Commissioner Sartori moved, seconded by Commissioner SESSION Crimmins, that the Board return to open session (11:21 p.m.).

Motion Carried Yes: Badeau, Castellino, Crimmins, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Sartori, Skidmore, Turner No: None

ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Crimmins moved, seconded by Commissioner Long, that the meeting be adjourned (11:22 p.m.)

Motion Carried Yes: Badeau, Castellino, Crimmins, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Sartori, Skidmore, Turner No: None

Susan J. Skidmore

46 Clerk Pro Tem


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