A Commitment to Partnership
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Local Covenants
A commitment to Partnership in Worship and Mission
The following text provides a simple generic framework for a constitution for a Local Covenant Partnership between Anglican and Methodist Churches. Under each heading, a list of issues for consideration may generate the need for more specific statements in the constitution.
It will always prove valuable when representatives of the partner Churches have spent time together thinking through these issues in advance of making their covenant commitment. Diocesan, District and County Ecumenical Officers are on hand to assist with the process.
MODEL CONSTITUTION for a Local Covenant Partnership
Opening statement:
In the light of the affirmations and commitments made by our two churches in an Anglican-Methodist Covenant, we insert the names of the churches commit ourselves to sharing our mission and ministry in the service of God. To enable this sharing we commit ourselves to becoming a Local Ecumenical Partnership as defined by the regulations of our Churches.
1. Practicalities
· Getting the right name · Defining the area to be served · Identifying all the potential partners ( These two may need to be taken together) · Structures for support, encouragement and oversight
The Partnership shall be known as N. The area served by the Partnership shall be …
Local Covenants B2 Model Constitution draft Page 1 4/3/2018 The Partnership shall be registered with insert name of Intermediate Body* as a Local Ecumenical Partnership. Support, encouragement and oversight will be provided by insert name of Intermediate Body*
* The ‘Intermediate Body’ will normally be the County Sponsoring Body set up by all the Church leaders. In some circumstances, however, the Sponsoring Body may well be willing to entrust its role to a Diocesan/District Covenant steering group.
2. Common policy on Christian Initiation
· What common policy is needed? · Alternatives to infant baptism · Re-affirmation of baptism vows · The possibility of joint Confirmations · When someone previously baptized wants believer’s baptism
Baptism will be administered according to the rite and practice of the partner Churches in line with denominational legal requirements. The legal requirement to keep a register of baptisms and confirmations shall be met in each local church. Thanksgiving after childbirth and the re-affirmation of baptismal vows will both be offered as appropriate. Where Confirmation and reception into Church Membership are celebrated jointly, confirmation shall be administered by laying on of hands by the Bishop and by a Methodist Minister according to a rite approved by the confirming ministers. Membership discipline shall continue to be a matter for each Church following its own procedures.
3. Ministry
· Parallel ministries? (Each congregation with their own) · Shared ministry? (Who will do what? Any limitations?) · New ministerial appointments · Planning ministry jointly
Ordained and lay ministers shall share in the liturgical, pastoral and teaching ministry of the churches in the partnership and shall meet together regularly for prayer and discussion. Where there is a ministerial vacancy Methodist input shall be invited at Section 11 and Section 12 Meetings as part of the Church of England vacancy procedure and Anglican input shall be invited by the Circuit Invitation Committee during the stationing process.
Local Covenants B2 Model Constitution draft Page 2 4/3/2018 Each church shall be consulted in the drawing up of a parish/circuit profile in advance of an appointment/invitation. A re-affirmation of the commitment to shared mission and ministry shall be incorporated into services of induction or licensing of new ministers. A partner Church shall not act individually in any area of ministry or mission except when there are compelling reasons to do so which other partner churches have accepted in advance, or when partner churches have commissioned an individual church to act on their behalf.
4. Worship
· Frequency of shared worship · Making the most of what is permitted
There shall be regular joint worship. Joint worship shall safeguard and present the doctrines, practices, traditions and developing traditions of each church and be conducted in accordance with denominational regulations.
5. Decision-Making
· A ‘Partnership Enabling Group’? · How big, how appointed, ex officio places for clergy etc · Frequency of meetings? An Annual General Meetings? · The remit of the group. What can be decided by the group? · What must be referred back to the Churches?
Each partner church shall invite representatives of the other partner churches to attend meetings of its Church Council as observers. To facilitate joint decision-making and the sharing of information between the partner churches, there shall be a Partnership Enabling Group consisting of ordained ministers, n representatives appointed by the PCC and n representatives appointed by the Circuit Meeting (or Church Council). The Partnership Enabling Group shall be a forum for planning of mission and ministry and for discussion of matters of joint concern. A chairman and secretary shall be elected from its number. The Partnership Enabling Group shall report regularly to the PCC, Church Council and Circuit Meeting. If it is envisaged that the partnership shall hold funds an honorary treasurer shall be appointed who shall account for these funds to the PCC and Church Council / Circuit Meeting.
Local Covenants B2 Model Constitution draft Page 3 4/3/2018 6. Premises
· Any commitments regarding the use of buildings · Any commitments regarding development plans
Churches in the Partnership commit themselves to seek the consent of their partners before undertaking any major mission initiatives based on their premises or commissioning major re-development schemes.
7. Ongoing Development
· How can other churches in the area join the LEP? · How, and how often, shall the life of the LEP be reviewed? · Who has the authority to amend the constitution? · If things don't work out, how can the LEP be terminated?
Other Churches in area may be invited to join the Partnership, subject to the consent of the Church Councils of all the existing partner Churches and of the relevant denominational authorities. Where the new partners are not churches of the Church of England or the Methodist Church, oversight of the Partnership shall thereafter be handled by the Intermediate Sponsoring Body on behalf of all Church leaders. The partnership shall be subject to periodic review by the designated Intermediate Body on behalf of the denominations as set down in denominational regulations. Amendments to this constitution may be proposed by the Partnership Enabling Group or by the Church Council of any of the partner Churches. Amendments will take effect only when approved by the Church Councils of all participating Churches and by the designated Intermediate Body. Any individual Church may withdraw from the Covenant Partnership with the consent of its denominational authorities by giving notice after consultation with all other partners. If the Covenant Partnership is terminated, any assets shall be shared proportionately between the former partner Churches as determined by the denominational authorities acting through the designated Intermediate Body.
Published by the Local Unity Panel of the Church of England’s Council for Christian Unity, Church House, Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3AZ 020 7898 1479 www.cofe.anglican.org/info/ccu
Version 1 February 2007
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