Site Acceptance Test

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Site Acceptance Test

A N E X O 1 Pruebas de Aceptación en Sitio Laguna Azul

Test instructions

1.1 Requirements  VHF handportable radio.  Stabilock 4040

1.2 System overview for SAT The system to be delivered is depicted in Figure 1.

Ixtoc-A VHF Eco 1 VHF Rebombeo VHF Dos Bocas VHF Caya Arcas VHF

2x4 wire 2x4 wire 2x4 wire 2x4 wire 2x4 wire leased line leased line leased line leased line leased line

Laguna Azul VHF

1x4 wire leased line Caya Arcas CCE Laguna Azul CCE 3 x 64 kbit/s full duplex in 2Mbit/s G703

2Mbit/s 2Mbit/s 2Mbit/s 2Mbit/s 2Mbit/s 2Mbit/s 2Mbit/s

Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator

Figure 1 The entire system

Commercial - in - Confidence File: 00382618005bb42c400627bfea5a35c0.docPage 1 of 23 21-05-2018/r 2. System test

2.1 Power on test.

No/Pass System Action Result O.K. Test 1 LA/CA Power off system No LEDs on any module are lit Test 2 Power on system Software is read from hard disk. Run K.BAT on PC. (only for System is initialised. controlling the system under the SAT in real this is done automatically from autoexe.bat) Test 3 Observe LTC and PCM racks All units in system are running Test 4 Observe DCU display DCU displays are initialised.

Note: The tests in sections 2.2 and 2.3 are performed for one DCU only.

2.2 DCU display control

No/Pass System Action Result O.K. Test 5 LA Press (Display control key) Display responds: CONTRASTE/ PANTALLA 1=PANTALLA//TECL. LUM. Test 6 Use the arrow keys (up/down) to Display contrast is adjusted adjust display contrast Test 7 Press '1' Display responds: PANTALLA/TECL. LUM. Test 8 Use the arrow keys to adjust the Display light is adjusted display backlight Test 9 Press Enter Exit from Display control mode, display control text disappears

Commercial - in - Confidence File: 00382618005bb42c400627bfea5a35c0.docPage 2 of 23 21-05-2018/r 2.3 DCU speaker/microphone control VHF transceiver #1 is used (Ixtoc-A).

No/Pass System Action Result O.K. Test 10 LA Select RX on VHF#1. RX key for the chosen base is lit. Enter channel 12 and press Channel no. for the base is shown Enter. in DCU display. Test 11 Key portable VHF radio on that Voice from VHF radio is heard in channel, and speak DCU monitor speaker. Test 12 Press 'Monitor Volume' Display responds: VOL. BOC. MONITOREO Test 13 Use the arrow keys to adjust the Monitor speaker volume is monitor speaker volume adjusted Test 14 Press Enter Exit from Monitor volume control mode. Monitor volume control text disappears. Test 15 LA Select TX on VHF#1 Laguna Azul TX key for the chosen base is flashing. Channel for chosen base flashes in display. Test 16 Key portable VHF radio and Voice from VHF radio is heard in speak or use normal traffic on DCU traffic speaker. transceiver Test 17 Press 'Traffic Volume' Display responds: VOL. BOC. TRAFICO 0=DESACTIVAR BOCINA 1=AURICULAR 2=TELEF. Test 18 Use the arrow keys to adjust the Traffic speaker volume is traffic speaker volume adjusted Test 19 Press ‘0’ Traffic speaker is disabled Display responds: VOL. BOC. TRAFICO 0=ACTIVAR BOCINA 1=AURICULAR 2=TELEF. Test 20 Key portable VHF radio and No voice is heard from the speak or use normal traffic on speakers. Voice is heard in transceiver headset. Test 21 Press ‘0’ Traffic speaker is enabled Test 22 Key portable VHF radio and Voice is heard from the speakers. speak or use normal traffic on Voice is heard in headset. transceiver Test 23 Key VHF#1 using DCU’s PTT Voice is heard in portable VHF button, and speak in headset radio or from another site using microphone the same channel. Test 24 Press '1' Display responds: VOL AURICULAR (Bar graph)

Commercial - in - Confidence File: 00382618005bb42c400627bfea5a35c0.docPage 3 of 23 21-05-2018/r Test 25 Use the arrow keys to adjust the Headset volume is adjusted. headset speaker volume. The bar graph shows the setting.

O.K. Test 26 Press Enter Exit from Headset volume control mode Test 27 Press “Traffic Volume” Display responds: VOL. BOC. TRAFICO 0=DESACTIVAR BOCINA 1=AURICULAR 2=TELEF. Test 28 Press “2” Display responds: VOL TELEFONO (Bar graph Test 29 Press “Enter” Exit from Handset volume control mode Test 30 Press TX for VHF#1 Tx key is turned off. Channel number stops flashing in display. Test 31 Key portable VHF and speak or Voice is heard in monitor speaker, use normal traffic on transceiver not in traffic speaker. Test 32 Press RX for VHF#1 RX key is turned off. Channel number disappears from display.

2.4 VHF radio channel selection Two DCUs are used at LA.

No/Pass System Action Result O.K. Test 33 LA/ Press the VHF#1 RX-key Display responds: DB 00 DCU1 First digit is flashing Test 34 Wait approx 15 sec. (timeout) Channel number disappears from display Test 35 Press the VHF#1 RX-key Display responds: DB 00 First digit is flashing Test 36 Select channel 35 using multi- Channel number disappears from keys and press ‘Enter’ display. Error message in display: CANAL NO VALIDO Test 37 Press ‘Enter’ Error message disappears Test 38 Press the VHF#1 RX-key Display responds: DB 00 First digit is flashing Test 39 Select channel 35 Display responds: Don’t press ‘Enter’ DB 00 (last digit is flashing)

Commercial - in - Confidence File: 00382618005bb42c400627bfea5a35c0.docPage 4 of 23 21-05-2018/r Test 40 Press the VHF#1 RX-key Display responds: DB i.e. ready for another chan. selection Test 41 Select channel 12 on DCU#1 for The Channel number is shown in VHF#1, using multi-keys, press display. ‘Enter’ The RX key is lit. Test 42 Key a portable VHF radio on The voice is heard in the monitor channel 12, and speak or use speaker. normal traffic on transceiver

Test 43 LA / Select TX on for channel 12 on Channel number flashes in display. DCU 1 the DCU (DCU#1) TX key is lit. Test 44 LA / Select the VHF base on another Display responds: DB 12 DCU 2 DCU (DCU#2), only RX. First digit is flashing. Channel 12 is selected automatically Press “Enter” if “Enter” is selected, or waiting 15 seconds. Test 45 LA / Press PTT on DCU#1, and The voice is heard in the monitor DCU 1 speak. speaker of DCU#2, and in the portable radio. Test 46 Deselect all bases for all DCUs. All keys are turned off. All Channel numbers disappear from DCU displays. O.K. Test 47 LA Press the VHF#1 RX-key on Display responds: DB 00 DCU#1 First digit is flashing Test 48 Press the VHF#1 RX-key on Error message: DCU#2 ACCESO DENEGADO Test 49 Press ‘Enter’ on DCU#2 Error message disapears. Test 50 Select channel 12 on DCU#1 for The Channel number is shown in VHF#1, press ‘Enter’ display. The RX key is lit. Test 51 Press the VHF#2 RX-key on Display responds: DB 00 DCU#1 First digit is flashing Test 52 Select channel 12 on DCU#1 for The Channel number is shown in VHF#2, press ‘Enter’ display. DB 12 The RX key is lit. Test 53 Key a portable VHF radio on The voice is heard in the monitor channel 12 and speak or use speaker normal communication on channel Test 54 Deselect all bases for all DCUs. All keys are turned off. All base names disappear from DCU displays. Test 55 LA Press the VHF # 1 TX-Key on Display responds: DB 00 DCU#1 First digit is flashing

Commercial - in - Confidence File: 00382618005bb42c400627bfea5a35c0.docPage 5 of 23 21-05-2018/r Test 56 Select channel 12 from multi-keys RX-key for chosen base is on. and press “Enter” TX-key for the chosen base is flashing. Channel number of chosen base flashes in display DB 12 Test 57 Key a portable VHF radio on The voice is heard in the traffic channel 12 and speak speaker Test 58 Press the VHF # 1 RX-key on RX / TX keys are turned off. DCU # 1 Channel number disappear from DCU

2.4.1 VHF radio channel selection fast speed buttons O.K. Test 59 Press the VHF # 1 TX-Key on Display responds: DB 00 DCU#1 First digit is flashing Test 60 Select channel 11 from Fast RX-key for chosen base is on. speed buttons TX-key for the chosen base is flashing. Channel number of chosen base flashes in display Test 61 Press the VHF # 1 RX-key on Display responds: DB 11 DCU # 2 First digit is flashing Test 62 Select channel 12 from Fast Displays on DCU # 1 and DCU # 2 speed buttons change to channel 12 TX is removed from DCU # 1 display. Test 63 Key a portable VHF radio on The voice is heard in the monitor channel 12 and speak or use speaker on DCU # 1 and in monitor normal traffic on channel speaker on DCU # 2 Test 64 Press VHF#1 RX-key on both RX / TX keys are turned off. DCU Channel number disappear from DCUs

2.4.2 VHF Scanning O.K. Test 65 Press the SCAN and then VHF#1 Display responds: DB 00 RX-key on DCU#2 First digit is flashing

Commercial - in - Confidence File: 00382618005bb42c400627bfea5a35c0.docPage 6 of 23 21-05-2018/r Test 66 Press from the Fast Speed Display responds: DB 99 wait, the buttons Channel no: 6–8-10-11- display responds with DB and the 12 and finaly press “Enter” channel number changes. RX key for chosen base is on. Test 67 Key a portable VHF radio on Display responds: DB 11 * or first channel 11 and speak or use channel with traffic on normal traffic on one of the Voice is heard in monitor speaker selected channels Test 68 Dekey the portable VHF and wait Display responds: DB xx 15 seconds or until no And scanning continue communication Test 69 Key a portable VHF radio on Display responds: DB 08 * or next channel 08 and speak or use channel with traffic on normal traffic on channels Voice is heard in monitor speaker Test 70 Dekey the portable VHF and wait Display responds: DB xx 15 seconds or until no and scanning continue communication Test 71 DCU 2 Press VHF#1 RX-key on DCU#2 RX / TX keys are turned off. Channel number disappear from DCUs Test 72 DCU 2 Press the SCAN and then VHF#1 Display responds: DB 00 RX-key on DCU#2 First digit is flashing Test 73 Press from the Fast Speed Display responds: DB xx buttons Channel no: 6–8-10-11- RX-key for chosen base is on. 12 and finish with Enter Test 74 DCU 1 Press RX-key on DCU#1 Display responds: SCA99 First digit flashing Test 75 Press “Enter” on DCU#1 Display responds: DB xx Test 76 Key a portable VHF radio on Display responds: DB 11 * on both channel 11 and speak or use DCUs or first channel with traffic on normal traffic on channels And voice is heard in monitor speaker on both DCUs Test 77 Dekey portable and wait 15 Display responds: DB xx on both seconds or wait until no DCUs communication Test 78 Key a portable VHF radio on Display responds: DB 12 * on both channel 12 and speak or use DCUs or next channel with traffic on normal traffic on channel And voice is heard in monitor speaker on both DCUs Test 79 Press TX-Key on VHF#1 on Display responds: DB 12 DCU#2 Light in TX button flashes and display flashes

Commercial - in - Confidence File: 00382618005bb42c400627bfea5a35c0.docPage 7 of 23 21-05-2018/r Test 80 Dekey portable and wait 15 Display responds: DB 12 seconds Light in TX button flashes and display flashes. Base will stay on channel 12 on both DCUs Test 81 Press TX-Key on VHF#1 on Display responds: DB xx on both DCU#2 DCUs and scanning will continue. Test 82 Press VHF#2 RX-key on both RX / TX keys are turned off. DCUs Channel number disappear from DCUs

2.5 VHF radio squelch indication

No/Pass System Action Result O.K. Test 83 LA Press the VHF#1 RX-key Display responds: DB 00 First digit is flashing Test 84 Select channel 12 on DCU#1 for The channel number is shown in the VHF#1, press ‘Enter’ display. DB 12 The RX key is lit. Test 85 Key a portable VHF radio on The voice is heard in the monitor channel 12, and speak, or use speaker. normal traffic on channel Observe that the squelch indication (an asterisk) is shown next to the channel number in the DCU display. Test 86 Dekey portable VHF radio or wait Observe that the squelch indication until no communication changes to a + and disappears after 7 seconds. Test 87 Deselect all bases for all DCUs. All keys are turned off. All channel numbers disappear from DCU displays.

2.6 Voice logging Connect a Stabilock to the output from the voice logger, in order to monitor voice output from the voice logger equipment (VLO769), or use the Norcontrol voice logging system..

The system must be in idle state, i.e. no bases are selected.

The voice logging is unit associated, i.e. voice logging for RIM705 unit #1 is always on VLO769 channel #1. These are used in the following to test the voice logging.

No/Pass System Action Result O.K. Test 88 LA Select channel 12 for monitoring. LA 12 is shown in DCU display.

Commercial - in - Confidence File: 00382618005bb42c400627bfea5a35c0.docPage 8 of 23 21-05-2018/r Test 89 Key portable VHF radio on Audio from VHF radio is heard in channel 12. DCU monitor speaker and in stabilock. Test 90 Select channel 12 for traffic LA 12 is flashing in DCU display. Test 91 Key VHF base and speak in Audio from DCU is heard in headset microphone stabilock. Test 92 Deselect all bases for all DCUs. All keys are turned off. All channel numbers disappear from DCU display.

This test can be repeated on any base.

Commercial - in - Confidence File: 00382618005bb42c400627bfea5a35c0.docPage 9 of 23 21-05-2018/r 2.7 Test of Intersite link. Se chapter 12 Comments “System” describes the location of the action.

2.7.1 VHF remote selection of channel (timeout)

No/Pass System Action Result O.K. Test 93 LA Select RX on CA VHF At LA: DCU display start: CA 00 Test 94 CA Select RX on LA VHF#1 At CA: Error message “ACCESO DENEGADO”. Test 95 LA Wait 30 sec. At LA: DCU display is cleared for channel input

2.7.2 VHF remote selection of channel (automatic)

No/Pass System Action Result O.K. Test 96 CA Enter channel 68 at CA VHF At CA: Channel number CA 68 + key light RX Test 97 LA Select RX on CA VHF from LA At LA: channel 68 is selected DCU automatically: CA 68 in DCU display. Test 98 LA Select RX off CA VHF At LA: Channel number and key lights off. Test 99 CA Select RX off CA VHF At CA: Channel number and key lights off.

2.7.3 VHF remote selection of channel (manual)

No/Pass System Action Result O.K. Test 100 LA Select RX on CA VHF At LA: DCU display start: CA 00 Test 101 LA Enter VHF channel 12 At LA: Channel number CA 12 + key light RX Test 102 CA Select RX on CA VHF At CA: channel 12 is selected automatically: CA 12 in DCU display.

2.7.4 VHF remote selection of channel (audio)

No/Pass System Action Result O.K. Test 103 CA Key portable VHF radio on At LA: Voice is heard in DCU channel 12, and speak or use monitor speaker. normal traffic on channel At CA: Voice is heard in DCU monitor speaker. Test 104 LA Select TX on CA VHF#1 At LA: Channel number flashes. Tx key light is turned on. Test 105 LA Key CA VHF from DCU, and At CA: Voice is heard on portable speak in headset microphone VHF. Test 106 LA Dekey

Commercial - in - Confidence File: 00382618005bb42c400627bfea5a35c0.docPage 10 of 23 21-05-2018/r Test 107 LA Deselect all bases for all All keys are turned off. DCUs. All Channel numbers disappear from DCU display. Test 108 CA Deselect all bases for all All keys are turned off. DCUs. All Channel numbers disappear from DCU display.

2.7.5 Link disconnected in idle.

No/Pass System Action Result O.K. Test 109 CA Disconnect Link. At CA/LA: DCUs display ERROR ENLACE CYA-LA Test 110 CA Connect Link. View alarm log At CA/LA: DCUs display using DCU arrow buttons. ERROR ENLACE CYA-LA * is removed (change indicated by asterisk)

2.7.6 Link disconnected during active sessions on remote No/Pass System Action Result O.K. Test 111 LA Select RX on CA VHF, channel At LA: Channel number and key light 12. on at DCU. Test 112 CA Key portable VHF radio on At LA: voice is heard in DCU monitor channel 12 to check the speaker. connection. Test 113 LA Select TX on CA VHF. At LA: Channel number flashes, TX key light is turned on. Test 114 CA Disconnect link At CA/LA: DCUs display ERROR ENLACE CYA-LA. At LA: DCU Message displays FALA COM. CAYO ARACAS. At LA: base name disappears from DCU display. RX and TX keys are turned off. Test 115 LA Connect link. The ERROR ENLACE CYA-LA * is prefixed with a *. Test 116 LA Select RX on CA VHF, channel At LA: Channel number and key light 12. on at DCU. Test 117 CA Key portable VHF radio on At LA: voice is heard in DCU monitor channel 12 to check the speaker. connection. Test 118 LA Select TX on CA VHF. Key the At LA: Channel number flashes, TX base and speak in the headset key light is turned on. microphone. At CA: voice is heard in portable VHF radio. Test 119 LA Dekey CA VHF, and select TX At LA: Channel number disappears

Commercial - in - Confidence File: 00382618005bb42c400627bfea5a35c0.docPage 11 of 23 21-05-2018/r and RX off. in DCU display. RX and TX keys are turned off.

Commercial - in - Confidence File: 00382618005bb42c400627bfea5a35c0.docPage 12 of 23 21-05-2018/r Link disconnected during PTT on remote No/Pass Syste Action Result O.K. m Test 120 LA Select RX on CA VHF, channel At LA: Channel number and key light 12. on at DCU. Test 121 CA Key portable VHF radio on At LA: voice is heard in DCU monitor channel 12 to check the speaker. connection. Test 122 LA Select TX on CA VHF. At LA: Channel number flashes, TX key light is turned on. Test 123 LA Key the base and speak in the At LA: Channel number flashes, TX headset microphone. key light is turned on. At CA: voice is heard in portable VHF radio. Test 124 LA Disconnect link At CA/LA: DCUs display ERROR ENLACE CYA-LA At LA: DCU Message displays FALA COM. CAYO ARACAS. At LA: Channel number disappears from DCU display. RX and TX keys are turned off. Test 125 LA Connect link. ERROR ENLACE CYA-LA *This is prefixed with a *. Test 126 LA Select RX on CA VHF, channel At LA: Channel number and key light 12. on at DCU. Test 127 CA Key portable VHF radio on At LA: voice is heard in DCU monitor channel 12 to check the speaker. connection or use normal communication Test 128 CA Select TX on CA VHF. At LA: Channel number flashes, TX key light is turned on. Test 129 LA Key the base and speak in the At LA: Channel number flashes, TX headset microphone. key light is turned on. At CA: voice is heard in portable VHF radio. Test 130 LA Dekey CA VHF, and select TX At LA Channel number disappears in and RX off. DCU display. RX and TX keys are turned off.

Commercial - in - Confidence File: 00382618005bb42c400627bfea5a35c0.docPage 13 of 23 21-05-2018/r 3. System alarms

The AOM768 may show 3 different alarm types on the front plate LEDs:

 Type A is for base transceiver alarms  Type B is for DCU Link alarms  Type C is for Intersite Link alarm

3.1 Type A alarm

No/Pass Syste Action Result O.K. m Test 131 LA Remove the base for LA VHF#1. Alarm shall appear on the AOM768 (type A). DCUs on LA shall indicate base alarm on the base. Test 132 Select channel 12 for VHF#1. The DCU rejects the channel selection due to alarm on base. Test 133 Reinsert the base. Observe that the DCU alarm log is updated (an asterisk appears in the DCU alarm display segment). Check the DCU alarm log with the arrow buttons (the alarm for base has disappeared). Test 134 Select channel 12 for VHF#1 Audio connection is ok (using base and test the audio both ways. transceiver) Test 135 Deselect channel 12. Test 136 Disconnect the connection AOM768 reports alarm type A. between the RIM705 and the DCUs on LA shall indicate base LLI745 for VHF#1 (e.g. on the alarm on base (wait for alarms to RIM705 backplane). appear in the DCU alarm display segment). Test 137 Select channel 12 for VHF#1. The DCU rejects the channel selection due to alarm on base. Test 138 Reconnect the RIM705/LLI745 Observe that the A alarm on connection. AOM768 is cleared. Observe that alarm for VHF#1 are cleared in the DCU display. Test 139 Select channel 12 for VHF#1 Audio connection is ok and test the audio both ways. Test 140 Deselect channel 12.

Commercial - in - Confidence File: 00382618005bb42c400627bfea5a35c0.docPage 14 of 23 21-05-2018/r 3.2 Type B alarm

Test 141 Remove the cable from DCU733 Alarm B shall appear on the to LIM752 (not supervisor DCU). AOM768. Other DCUs on Laguna Azul report DCU Link error in the alarm display segment. Test 142 Press ‘*’ on the supervisor DCU The alarm is deactivated on the to acknowledge the alarm. AOM768. Test 143 Reconnect the cable None Test 144 Remove the cable from DCU733 Alarm B shall appear on the to LIM752. AOM768. Test 145 Reconnect the cable The alarm is automatically deactivated on the AOM768.

3.3 Type C alarm

Test 146 Remove the intersite link Alarm C shall appear on the connection Cayo Arcas/Laguna AOM768. Azul. The DCUs report intersite link error in the alarm display segment. Test 147 Reconnect the cable The alarm is deactivated on the AOM768.

Commercial - in - Confidence File: 00382618005bb42c400627bfea5a35c0.docPage 15 of 23 21-05-2018/r 4. Leased lines

4.1 Introduction The leased lines are 4 wire telephone lines with normal quality, i.e.

 Minimum bandwidth 300Hz - 3400Hz (3dB)  Maximum loss end-to-end: 19dB.  0dB is preferred.

The test limits in the following section are only applicable if the required quality of the telephone lines is supported.

4.2 Measurements The gain is to be adjusted for both the LLI745 and the RIM705 modules, in order to compensate for the loss experienced for each individual 4-wire leased line circuit. The tests in this chapter are performed to ensure the correct reception level.

Test frequencies used:

Test frequency no. Frequency (in Hz) #1 3200 Hz

The transmission level is 200mV / 600 3 kHz tone.

The received level limit is 200mV ± 50mV / 600.

No/Pass VHF base trc. Measurements RIM705 Measurements LLI745 site Test 148 Dos Bocas RX from LLI TX to LLI RX from RIM TX to RIM

RX from LLI TX to LLI RX from RIM TX to RIM

Test 149 Ixtoc-A RX from LLI TX to LLI RX from RIM TX to RIM

RX from LLI TX to LLI RX from RIM TX to RIM

Test 150 Eco 1 RX from LLI TX to LLI RX from RIM TX to RIM

Commercial - in - Confidence File: 00382618005bb42c400627bfea5a35c0.docPage 16 of 23 21-05-2018/r RX from LLI TX to LLI RX from RIM TX to RIM

Test 151 Rebombeo RX from LLI TX to LLI RX from RIM TX to RIM

RX from LLI TX to LLI RX from RIM TX to RIM

Test 152 Cayo Arcas RX from LLI TX to LLI RX from RIM TX to RIM

RX from LLI TX to LLI RX from RIM TX to RIM

Test 153 Laguna Azul RX from LLI TX to LLI RX from RIM TX to RIM

4.3 Comments for 4-wire leased lines

Test no. / initials Comment

Commercial - in - Confidence File: 00382618005bb42c400627bfea5a35c0.docPage 17 of 23 21-05-2018/r Commercial - in - Confidence File: 00382618005bb42c400627bfea5a35c0.docPage 18 of 23 21-05-2018/r 5. DCB4140 test procedure The base transceiver tests during SAT are limited to the tests described in section 5.2. For reference, the tests carried out during FAT are listed in the following section.

5.1 Tests made during Factory Acceptance Test The tests in section 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 have already been carried out during the FAT. These tests are not to be repeated during the SAT. Please refer to section 5.2 for the SAT procedure for the DCB4140 base transceiver.

Power supply in all tests: 13.2V.

5.1.1 Transmitter

Parameter Condition Limit Output Power Direct 156.3000 MHz 22.5 W +/- 2.5 W Output Power after 12,5 –16 Watt circulator depends on insert loss in circulator. Current Consumption 156.3000 MHz < 6,5A Output Power Direct 162.0250 MHz 22.5 W +/- 2.5 W Output Power after 12,5 –16 Watt circulator depends on insert loss in circulator. Current Consumption 162.0250 MHz < 6,5A Output Power Direct 159.1625 MHz 22.5 W +/- 2.5 W Output Power after 12,5 –16 Watt circulator depends on insert loss in circulator. Current Consumption 159.1625 MHz < 6,5A Max. Deviation 159.1625 MHz 4.8 KHz 1100 mV / 1 KHz +100 Hz -300 Hz Modulation Sensitivity 159.1625 MHz 3 KHz +/- 200 Hz 110 mV / 1 KHz Adjacent Channel 159.1625 MHz < -70 dBc Power 1100 mV 1.25 KHz Modulation Distortion 159.1625 MHz < 3% 110 mV 1 KHz Modulation Response 159.1625 MHz 6 dB/oct. +/- 4dB 110 mV 300,1K,3KHz modulation Hum and Noise 159.1625 MHz 1100 < -40 dBrel mV 1 KHz

Commercial - in - Confidence File: 00382618005bb42c400627bfea5a35c0.docPage 19 of 23 21-05-2018/r 5.1.2 Receiver test

Parameter Condition Limit Current Consumption Transmitter OFF < 600 mA Sensitivity 156.0250 MHz 20 dB < 0.5 V Pd SINAD CCITT filtered Sensitivity 156.7250 MHz 20 dB < 0.5 V Pd SINAD CCITT filtered Sensitivity 157.4250 MHz 20 dB < 0.5 V Pd SINAD CCITT filtered AF output level 156.7250 MHz 3 KHz 1100 mV +/- 50 mV deviation 600  Distortion 156.7250 MHz 3 KHz < 3% deviation Audio response 156.7275 MHz 3 KHz -6 dB/oct. +/- 4dB deviation 300 Hz, 1 KHz, 3 KHz Hum and noise 156.7250 MHz 5 KHz < -40 dBrel deviation

5.2 Base transceiver tests during SAT

5.2.1 Test frequencies Channel Position Type TX freq. RX freq. 1 Low Duplex 160.050 MHz 156.050 MHz 16 Centre Simplex 156.800 MHz 156.800 MHz 88 High Duplex 162.025 MHz 157.425 MHz

5.2.2 Receiver sensitivity Specification: Better than 0.5 V Pd / 20dB SINAD (CCITT filtered)

5.2.3 Transmitter output Specification: Better than 12.5 W -16 W. On sites where no Circulator’s are mounted 20-25 W

Commercial - in - Confidence File: 00382618005bb42c400627bfea5a35c0.docPage 20 of 23 21-05-2018/r 5.2.4 Laguna Azul

Reciever 1 No/Pass Channel Measured value Accept ? Test 154 1

Test 155 16

Test 156 88

Transmitter 1 No/Pass Channel Measured value Accept ? Test 157 1

Test 158 16

Test 159 88

Commercial - in - Confidence File: 00382618005bb42c400627bfea5a35c0.docPage 21 of 23 21-05-2018/r 6. Punch list Test no. / initials Comment

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7.7.x Test of Intersite Link Due to problems with the link from Laguna Azul to Cayo Aracas this test will not be performed. If the Link will come up the test will be done. This test was made during FAT.

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