NGHA Board Minutes
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Nepean Girls Hockey Association
2010-2011 Board Meeting Minutes
DATE: Wednesday, November 17, 2010
TIME: 7:00 p.m.
PLACE: Variety Room West, Walter Baker Center
PRESENT: Jay Greco, Trina Lepine, Steve Wolfe, Lynne Carroll, Patrick Coady, Tracy Lafreniere, Joanne Erbach, Alex Kincaid, & Michael Doiron
ABSENT: Cathy Devenny, Heather McEwan, Jason Corrigan, Phil Clarke, Trish Calof, Rod Emby, Mary-Lou Zywicki
1.0 Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 7:18 p.m. – Chaired by Patrick Coady
2.0 Previous Meeting Minutes
The minutes of the October 20th board meeting were reviewed.
o A motion by Joanne Erbach was tabled to approve the minutes
o seconded by Alex Kincaid
o Unanimous
3.0 Reports a) President’s Update – Phil Clarke
Phil not present
Walter Baker 30th Anniversary
o Sunday, November 7 from 10 am – 4 pm
o Overall, things went well
o A consistent question by many was what age can girls start playing with NGHA
o Lynne Carroll handed out copies of NGHA information
o Nothing new to report
First Aid Kits o Email to go out telling teams that they are ready
o Midget team added from Clarence-Rockland
o New rules for 2010/2011 season – to be distributed to all coaches
o New Referee case book should also be coming out
NGHA Pins – Belinda Aurora placed the order
o Jay still following up on the options of using a single supplier
o Selecting a style to go with for consistency among all teams
o Also the focus is getting the best price for the association
o It was suggested that we add a couple extra questions to our survey to see how members feel about one source for NGHA gear
b) Program report – Pat Coady
Program meeting took place on November 10th – Minutes from that meeting as follows:
Mid-Season Survey o Steve Wolf circulated two sets of questions that he suggested be used for our coaches surveys – junior players (Atom, Novice, FUNdamentals) and parents/players. o Discussion followed suggesting that the survey becomes more of mid-season program looking at multiple areas – head coach, bench staff, CSM and NGHA program as a whole o CSM section should have a statement telling the parents and players how important this ice is to the overall NGHA program o Midgets would have additional questions made available to them perhaps considering the frequency of practices and other matters. o Ask coaches the level of practices that would work for them o Steve Wolf to condense the number of coach specific questions and circulate the proposed questions to Trish, Heather, Jason and Jay for comment. Pat will take final review once others have been through it.that o Target date to have the survey posted on surveymonkey is Nov. 24th and results completed by Dec 10th o Convenors are to be provided stats of teams members participation and asked to follow up with the managers to get participation close to 85%
CSM o The contract needs to be negotiated for next season o Jason indicated that he would be meeting with the CSM reps over the next week or so and the topic of renewal would likely come up o Things to consider during the next year: - Currently contract ends March 2nd – should it go longer? - Flex dates so we can avoid HL tournaments – Cornwall, Kingston and Nepean o Jason to provide a series of sample instruction emails would be appropriate for coaches to send to CSM several days in advance (obviously coordinated with the other coach) Development o Goalie sessions continue to be well attended o Plan in the works for a coaching session for the delivery of goalie training
Ice o Mike mentioned that there is much less ice available from current contracts during the Christmas break given where the weekends fall o Plan is to assign it to competitive teams – if they don’t want it they can post it for sale for other teams to pick up – any demand not filled – teams can go directly to the city o MCAA – the NGHA informed OWHA that we would only be providing ice for single round-robin playdowns, thus setting the standard that must be adopted by the division. There is still a decision outstanding as to the duration and format of the games. o Number of League games – perhaps 20 games is too many given: - Shortage of ice - Compressed season dictated by MOGHL and ODWHL - Cost is creeping up – registration fees - Increased number of tournaments available to HL and competitive teams - Action: Phil and Pat to raise the shorter season with the leagues o Spring try-outs - PCAA selection a consideration but still the issue of girls continuing to develop over the summer - MCA selection is much more doable – would help us nail down some of our goalies early on o Playdown dates o Pat took an action to email ODWHA to find out when playdown ice is required o Ice submission to MOGHL o One association continues to have very few hours of weekday ice submitted for MOGHL league play
Tournaments o Frustration on the part of numerous teams that have had short notice that a division is being cancelled due to lack of teams - Issue of number of tournaments overlapping in the same geography – OWHA issue? o Phil took and action to consider writing to OWHA to raise our concern. o Lisa DiNardo – number of house league teams look very light at this point o Phil to attend next tournament committee meeting
Competitive o Jay was not in attendance but he is gathering info from competitive coaches from survey and is planning a meeting o No major issues
House League o Heather not in attendance – she had reported that no major issues other than a few discipline issues on a Midget team o Trish – overall things are fine
Other o Elmwood Bursary – NGHA player past recipient - email sent out with info
c) Registration – Joanne Erbach
Conducted a preview of what next year’s numbers may look like at this point
Everything was paid to the ODWHA Proof of insurance was received by everyone
Rosters due from house league teams as well as payment
o 60 players registered
o Jen looking for some Midget players to come and help out with coaching the Fundamental girls
d) Ice – Mike Doiron
A few ice times are available on Saturday November 20th
Nothing else new to report e) Development – Jason Corrigan
Jason not present
Nothing new to report f) Equipment – Alex Kincaid
Alex is sending out a notice regardingan invoice for First Aid kits
Socks have been sent out to teams
Socks for PCAA and ACA were not received – request to place order again
Storage room still available at Bell Arena?
Jerseys – a strategy is needed regarding jerseys
o We can do a 4-year plan to phase in new jerseys
o Do we need new ones?
o Do we sell off the old ones - especially to the last year midget players??
ACTION: Alex to contact Bell Arena to see if we get our storage room back
g) Finance – Trina Lepine
Trina drafted our mid-year review and everything is on track
Finalizing the financial assistance
It was noted that we enforce that ALL recipients MUST meet all the criteria for financial assitance
Bursaries – all have been completed except one, which will be going out next week NSF Cheques
o Still chasing NSF cheques
o Deadline for full payment is set for November 26th
o Trina has sent out THREE notices now
o The issue will be directed to the Convenors to handle
Competitive surcharge email notice needs to be sent out
o 1 hour = $648
o 1.5 hours = $2500 (which can be made in 2 installments)
o 2 hours = $10,000 (which can be made in 3 installments)
ACTION: An email will go out to advise the competitive teams of the surcharge and that the payments can be made in installments for the 1.5 & 2 hour sessions
h) Competitive Report – Jay Greco
15 responses from the survey
OWHA has implemented some changes on how the FORM A is to be completed
Joanne sent an email to managers and coaches regarding the changes
i) House League Report – Trish Calof
Trish not present
A couple of discipline issues at the Midget level
Nothing else new to report
j) Publicity / Fundraising – Lynn Carroll
Lynn updated the display case
o Taking photos of all the trophy’s o Going forward, Lynn will record the coach’s name on the trophy so that we know who it should go back to
o It was suggested that we take all the old trophies and donate them to the Boys & girls Club
Ottawa 67’s Fundraiser
o Lynn was in-touch with Jessica from the 67’s
o We can carry over the 300 from last year
ACTION: Lynn to check if we can purchase 1000 tickets but see if we can use them over a two-year period since we will already be into December by the time we purchase them
k) Other Issues
Jay received an email from a parent about a coach/practice issue
o ISSUE – coach has outdoor ice at his home (located outside of Ottawa) and is issuing a mandatory, weekly practice starting in January
o No facilities to change or use washroom
o 45 minute drive one-way
o Nowhere for parents to go once the girls are dropped off
o Currently no insurance – insurance forms have to be submitted
o Many parents apparently do not want to drive this distance for a mandatory practice when outdoor ice is available in Nepean – with proper facilities.
o It has been suggested by the Board to first submit a request to the ODWHA for Insurance. If it is approved, then come back to the Board for further discussion
4.0 Adjournment
Motion was made by Mike Doiron to adjourn the meeting at 9:22 p.m.
o 2nd – Jay Greco
o Unanimous
5.0 Next Meeting
Wednesday, December 15th at 7:00 at Walter Baker. Room to be determined.