Teacher Email Address/Contact Number & School Office Phone Number : (706) 737-7266

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Teacher Email Address/Contact Number & School Office Phone Number : (706) 737-7266

We would like to welcome all of our students and parents back for a wonderful school year. We hope that all of you had a fun and restful summer! We know that you and your child have a lot of questions about what to expect this school year. In this welcome letter, we have included what to expect in fifth grade and our goals & expectations. Have a great year and if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call, email or send us a note. We will be sending information about REMIND101 (our classroom messenger system) at a later date. We know that strong parent and teacher communication is the key to your child’s educational success. We have our email addresses listed below. This is a great way to contact us during the school day. If you call, you must leave a message and we will return your call within 48 hours. Teacher Email Address/Contact Number & School Office phone number: (706) 737-7266 Mrs. Kelly- [email protected] Mr. Ashley- [email protected] Ms. Holaway- [email protected] Mrs. [email protected] Ms. Sherman- [email protected] Ms. [email protected] Ms. Simmons- [email protected]

What to expect in 5th Grade? Our goal for fifth grade is to give your child the academic and social skills needed to progress to sixth grade and beyond successfully. Also, we want to provide a supportive, fun, and safe classroom environment that will help your child to become a lifelong learner and productive member of the school community. In fifth grade, your child is expected to take ownership of his/her learning and to be able to be more independent in completing tasks given to them. Our goal is to teach responsibility. Students will become critical thinkers and work cooperatively to discover the answers to their questions. This year, our grade level will be departmentalized. Mrs. Kelly and Ms. Sherman will teach Mathematics. Ms. Holaway and Mrs. Simmons will teach Language Arts.

Homework/Assessments Homework is assigned Monday through Thursday. Occasional projects may require some weekend work. Agendas and take-home papers are considered homework and therefore should be returned the next day signed. If any part of the homework is not returned or is incomplete students will receive a strike and/or loss of recess. For Assessments, we will use a variety of tests including I-Ready, weekly subject tests

Behavior/Daily sheet Fifth grade will use the strike system for their behavior. Each Monday your child starts the day with 100 points. If your child has been given a verbal warning to correct their behavior but continues the behavior, he/she will receive a “strike” and 5 points deducted from their conduct grade; However, he/she will have the opportunity for redemption with a minor infraction to be specified at a later date.

Signed Papers Signed papers will be sent home bi-weekly. Please review all papers with your child and discuss their progress. Also, if you feel that your child is experiencing difficulty, please contact us so that we can discuss ways we can help your child’s progress. Please sign and return the entire stapled packet the next day.

Progress Reports We will send home progress reports after the fourth week of the nine weeks. Please sign and return the required copy of the progress report.

Report Cards When you receive your child’s report card you may keep it at home for your records, but please return the signed report card jacket the next day.

Grading Policy/Projects Students will receive numerical grades in all subject areas including STEM Science, STEM Social, and PE. Projects will be assigned provided ample time for completion and will be counted through teacher’s discretion. Students are expected to complete all class work in a neat and timely manner. Missing assignments will receive a zero. Late assignments will result in a loss of 5 points each day. If your child is absent for any reason, they must ask for missed assignments when they return. These assignments be completed and turned no later than one week from the return date. No extra credit will be given to students so please encourage your child to work hard to complete all assignments.

Classroom Community We are a community of classrooms. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. These rules are mandated by I.L.M.C. and our 5th grade team. Our class rules include but are not limited to the following:  I will listen and follow directions the first time I am asked to do something.  I will keep my hands and my feet to myself at all times.  I will raise my hand and wait for permission to speak.  I will walk at all times in the building and on school grounds.  I will respect myself, my classmates, and all adults.  I will follow the dress code every day. Thanks, Fifth Grade Team Ms. Holaway (Mrs. Adkins), Mrs. Kelly (Mr. Ashley), Ms. Sherman (Ms. Clark) and Mrs. Simmons

Contract If you have read over the information provided in this welcome letter, please sign, and return the attached contract. Thank you for the opportunity to be your child’s teacher this year! We know that this will be a year that you and your child will always remember.

Thanks, Fifth Grade Team Ms. Holaway (Mrs. Adkins), Mrs. Kelly (Mr. Ashley), Ms. Sherman (Ms. Clark) and Mrs. Simmons



I______the parent/guardian of (Print Name)

______have read and reviewed the ILMC 5th Grade Team’s Welcome Letter with my child. I understand that it is important for me to work with my child nightly to complete all homework assignments, read and return all information sent home, including, but not limited to, their daily conduct sheet and homework folder nightly. I also understand the importance of parent/teacher communication and I will notify Ms. Holaway, Mrs. Kelly, Ms. Sherman or Mrs. Simmons of any concerns I have regarding my child’s education.

Parent Signature ______Student Signature ______

Teacher’s Signature______

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