PLVN General Meeting Agenda 130618
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Minutes of General Meeting
Held 10 September 2013 at 60 Collins St, Melbourne
1. Welcome The President, John Murrell, welcomed all attendees Present Bayside Library Service – Karyn Siegmann Brimbank Libraries – Chris Kelly Campaspe Regional Library – Jenny Mustey Casey-Cardinia Library Corporation – Peter Carter Central Highlands Libraries – Tara Hossack Corangamite Regional Library Corp –Ros Cousins Darebin Libraries – Melanie McCarten East Gippsland Shire Library – Anna Cook Eastern Regional Libraries Corporation – Joseph Cullen Frankston City Libraries - Kim Kearsey Gannawarra Library Service – Nerida Dye Geelong Regional Library Corporation – Patti Manolis, Alison Katona Glenelg Libraries – Susan Bentley Goldfields Library Corporation – Carolyn Macvean Goulburn Valley Regional Library Corp – Charles Gentner Greater Dandenong Libraries – Natalie Brown, Monique Godbere High Country Library Corporation – Jenny Wylie Hobsons Bay Libraries – Katie Dawson Hume Libraries – Mieke Mellars Maribyrnong Library Service – Michael Byrne Melbourne Library Service – Paula Kelly Mildura Rural City Council Library Service – Sue Kelly Mitchell Shire Library Service – Kristen Cherry Monash Public Library Service – Anne Maree Pfabe Moonee Valley Libraries – Troy Watson Moreland City Libraries – Gennimaree Panozzo Port Phillip Library Service – Damian Tuyquin Stonnington Library & Information Service – Dianne Panjari Vision Australia – Anthea Taylor
1 Wellington Shire Library – Stephen Dempsey West Gippsland Regional Library Corp – John Murrell, Janet Aumann Whitehorse Manningham Regional Library Corp – Sally Both Wimmera Regional Library Corporation – Paula Clark Wyndham City Library Service – Rhonda Rathjen Yarra Libraries – Margherita Barbante Yarra Plenty Regional Library Service- Christine Mackenzie State Library of Victoria – Debra Rosenfeldt, Harlinah Teo
Apologies: Central Highlands Libraries – Jenny Fink Hobsons Bay Libraries – Suzanne Gateley Kingston Information & Library Service – Trish Smyth Latrobe City Libraries – Julie Kyriacou Mitchell Shire Library Service – Sue Wilson Mornington Peninsula Library Service – Geoff Carson Murrindindi Library Service Swan Hill Regional Library Service – Camille Cullinan Vision Australia – Tony Iezzi Whitehorse Manningham Regional Library Corp – Geoff Rockow State Library of Victoria – Jo Watson
2. Confirmation of Minutes That the minutes of General Meeting of 18 June 2013 and Executive Meetings of 4 June, 2 July, and 6 August 2013 be accepted as a true record Moved: Carolyn Macvean Seconded: Karyn Siegmann Carried
3. Business arising from previous minutes and not included on the agenda. Nil
4. Correspondence In & Out (includes electronic format) That the correspondence as per the attached list be noted. Moved: Joseph Cullen Seconded: Chris Mackenzie Carried
5. Financial report – Attached
5.1 Financial Status PLVN currently (31 August 2013) has a bank balance of $570,531, within income of $549,656 and expenses of $150,902 to 31 August 2013 That the financial status report to 31 August be accepted Moved: Joseph Cullen Seconded:
2 Carolyn Macvean Carried 5.2 Accounts for Payment That the accounts for payment totalling $516.70 as per the attached list be approved Moved: Joseph Cullen Seconded: Carolyn Macvean Carried
3 6. State Library of Victoria The State-wide Library of Victoria attached Items to note re that Michael Byrne has been accepted as the new PPLVN representative on the Advisory Committee on Public Libraries to the Library Board of Victoria, and that the new Library Board of Victoria member is Karen Quinlan 6.1 State-Wide Public Library Development Projects – Planning 2014-17 Update
6.2 Skills Audit, Gill Hallam Presentation on the process being undertaken now available on the PLVN website 6.3 Cultural Benefits Study, Annie Talve The objective is the measurement of the cultural value of public libraries through a range of processes including interviews, surveys and focus groups with library staff and users. Public libraries are the key community connector with more participants that sporting activities.
7. Local Government Victoria 7.1 The Victorian Library update: The Business Case for the Victorian Library concept has been completed by MACHII and the process has included an Investment Logic phase as required by the Department of Treasury; this task included representatives of key stakeholders including PLVN. The Investment Logic phase included consideration of the connections between the different elements as well as elements for local or State funding. The MACPLL is meeting on 11 September to consider the business case including the elements to be recommended to the Minister and governance models. The Business Case including costs will be presented to the Minister then to Cabinet for consideration and the budget process. The communication process with stakeholders is to be developed by the MACPL. Dependent on the outcome of the September MACPL meeting a joint MAV/PLVN forum is scheduled for 212 November 2013; this will be confirmed after the MACPL meeting. Premiers’ Reading Challenge Funding will be distributed in the next few weeks to all Victorian public library services
7.2 8. ALIA Conference 2014, 15 to 19 September 2014, Pullman Hotel The Conference Theme is Together We are Stonger with the focus being Content, Collaboration and Capability across the days. The conference committee comprises Chris Mackenzie (Chair), Laurie Atkinson (Specials), Craig Anderson (Academics) Mike Robinson (Trade), David Feighan (VALA and Schools), Sue Roberts (NSLA), Karyn Siegmann (Library Tours), Sue McKerracher (ALIA),Christine Granata (ALIA and Conference Organiser) and Margie Anderson (ALIA). Each sector is providing a key contact for coordinating the papers to be presented. The conference (16 to 18 September) schedule is being developed, with a public library stream Call for Papers to be issues in November 2013 – the requirements are being developed by PLAC with Karen Ward-Smith representing PLAC . Satellite events include: Library tours on 15 September, and A Skills Summit will be held on 19 September
4 5 9. PLVN Sponsors Updates Possibilities of public libraries and schools having joint arrangements for database access Working group to be set up to review current arrangements for access to e-resources Including access via mobile devices Choice is unlikely to be offered through the Gale/Cengage suite of products based on the state of negotiations.
10 Other Business and Updates
10.1 Review of Subcommittees and Special Interest Groups The executive will review the Subcommittee and Special Interest Group arrangements and will schedule a discussion at the December meeting 10.2 General Meetings Schedule General meetings will continue to be full day meetings on a quarterly basis 10.3 Annual Survey Reminder that surveys are due for completion by 4 October 2013. If you need your login and password, please contact Karen Ward-Smith by close of business on 11 September 2013. 10.4 Mobile Library Conference was held in Wagga with 55 attendees representing 70 mobile library services. SVN is no longer building mobiles and Brimarco is back in business 10.5 e-Smart Libraries: with the pilot completed, libraries are invited to register for the e-Smart process with e-Smart Libraries to be launched in October. 10.6 Standards and Guidelines: a complete review of the national standards and guidelines is to be completed in 2014- 15 with a competitive process to select the tenderer to be undertaken. 10.7 Google Update: the Google Discover Layer work being proposed by Google is on hold pending the decisions relating to the Victorian Library concept. 10.8 Sir John Gorton Library (Gannawarra), the first Living Library will celebrate its 10th birthday on 11 September
Meeting closed at 3.00pm
Future General Meetings: 3 December 2013 (Colac Library)
6 Item 4: PLVN Correspondence 19 June to 3 September 2013
Number Date From Subject Action By 13/062 26/6/2013 Sue Welcome to Love2Read 2013 Distributed – members. KWS McKerra Alternates, plvn e-list, cher subcommittee e-lists 13/063 8/07/2013 Melanie Request from Mai-Wel group to use McCarte the Open Road Disability Awareness n Kit as a training resource for its organisation 13/064 5/08/2013 Christine INELI-Oceania Leadership Refer to September KWS Mackenz Development Initiative general meeting for ie consideration
Number Date To Subject O13/032 20/06/2013 Sue Roberts (SLV) Request for co-contribution to Love2Read 2013
O13/033 3/9/2013 Brendan McGrath (Indigo Shire) Invitation to Join PLVN
O13/034 3/9/2013 Patience Herrington (Wodonga) Invitation to Join PLVN
O13/035 3/9/2013 Juliana Phelps Invitation to Join PLVN
7 Item 5: Financial Report
5.1 Financial Summary
July August Septemb October Novemb Decemb January February March April May June er er er Bank Balance Opening 171,596 271,649 570,351 Balance Closing Balance 271,64 5 9 7 0, 3 5 1
July A Septemb October November D January February March April May June YTD u er e g c u e st m b e r Profit and Loss Income 126,69 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 549,656 2 2 2, 9 6 4 Expenditure 26,640 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 150,902 2 4, 2
8 6 2 Net 100,05 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 398,755 2 9 8, 7 0 3
5.2 Invoices for Payment
Invoice From For Amount Date 31/08/201 3 MAV Exec Officer Salary and Related less Workshop Income $341.70 2/09/2013 Vicnet Customer Service e-list $55.00 2/09/2013 Vicnet Community Participation e-list $55.00 C.Kelly Registration for brave New World Seminar, July $65.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $516.70
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