ATOA-FPR-UP (145) 8 September 1992
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1. AUTHORITY: Title 5 U.S. C., Section 301; Title 10 U.S.C., Sections 2101-2111. 2. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE(S): To provide management and individuals performance data. 3. ROUTINE USES: Used primarily as a source of affording an individual the opportunity of obtaining effective performance evaluations. 4. MANDATORY OR VOLUNTARY DISCLOSURE AND EFFECT ON INDIVIDUAL NOT PROVIDING INFORMATION: Voluntary. Failure to provide information may possibly result in failure to develop career potential. ______BASIC COURSE NONSCHOLARSHIP CADET COUNSELING RECORD ______Date of Counseling
PURPOSE: To counsel Army ROTC Nonscholarship Basic Course Cadets on the agreements, responsibilities and requirements as prescribed by law and Army regulation for enrollment in the ROTC Basic and Advanced Courses, the ROTC curriculum to include the PME requirements, the terms of the ROTC contract, available scholarship options, the military service obligation, and waiver conditions. SUMMARY OF COUNSELING, COMMENTS, AND RESULTS: I Cadet ______, SSN: ______, having being counseled by ______, MSL ____ Instructor on the requirements of AR 145-1 for enrollment in the ROTC Basic and Advanced Courses, the ROTC curriculum to include the PME requirements, my responsibilities, the terms of the ROTC contract, available scholarship options, the military service obligation, and waiver conditions. 1. I understand that the requirements for enrollment in the Army ROTC Basic Course are: a. Be a US citizen. b. Be medically qualified by meeting the medical fitness standards for the ROTC Basic Course (a program not more physically strenuous than a normal college physical education program) by completing DA Form 3425- R.
c. Be registered for and attending a full-time (in accordance with university policy – usually 12 or more credit hours) a regular course of instruction leading to an undergraduate or graduate degree at an Army ROTC Host or Partnership School in a recognized field of study throughout the period of ROTC enrollment. Voluntary withdrawals and incomplete grades do not count towards full-time academic status. There are no restrictions as to the academic major (except for scholarship Cadets).
d. Maintain, as a minimum, a cumulative academic grade point average of 2.00 or higher on a 4.00 or equivalent scale throughout the period of UPR FORM 90-R, 20 Sep 07 Previous Edition is obsolete Page 1 of 10 Basic Course enrollment. FAILURE ON MY PART TO MEET THESE STANDARDS WILL BE CAUSE FOR DISENROLLMENT FROM THE ROTC BASIC COURSE.
e. Maintain, as a minimum, a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or higher on a 4.00 or equivalent scale in all ROTC courses each school term.
2. I understand that the requirements for enrollment and participation in the ROTC Advanced Course are:
a. Be a US citizen.
b. Be less than thirty nine years (39) of age at the time of commissioning. Waivers may be authorized for outstanding candidates.
c. Be medically qualified by meeting the medical fitness standards of Chapter 2, AR 40-501 and DODMERB approval.
d. Meet the weight standards of tables 2-1 and 2-2, AR 40-501 if a nonprior service student or the weight standards of table 1, AR 600-9 if a prior service, Reserve or National Guard unit member prior to enrollment in the ROTC Advanced Course. NO WAIVERS AUTHORIZED.
e. Meet and maintain upon contracting the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) standards and the screening weight or body fat percentage required by the Army Weight Control Program as required of active duty soldiers each year and prior to the end of the of the MS III year or the second semester from the date of the contract. FAILURE TO MEET THIS REQUIREMENT MAY BE CAUSE FOR MY DISENROLLMENT.
f. Satisfactorily complete the ROTC Basic Course, receive placement credit in lieu of the Basic Course for other military training/service or satisfactorily complete the Leader’s Training Course (LTC).
g. Be academically and militarily (ROTC) aligned and must maintain such alignment throughout the Army ROTC Advanced Course enrollment to ensure simultaneous granting of a bachelors/advanced degree and commissioning.
h. Be enrolled in and attending a regular course of instruction leading to an undergraduate or graduate degree at an Army ROTC Host or Partnership School in a recognized field of study throughout the period of ROTC enrollment in the Advanced Course. There are no restrictions as to the academic major (except for scholarship Cadets).
i. Be registered for and attending a full-time (in accordance with university policy – usually 12 or more credit hours) (ROTC included) a regular course of instruction leading to an undergraduate or graduate degree at an Army ROTC Host or Partnership School in a recognized field of study throughout the period of ROTC enrollment in the Advanced Course. Completing with passing grades (A, B, C or D) for academics and (A, B, or UPR FORM 90-R, 20 Sep 07 Previous Edition is obsolete Page 2 of 10 C) for ROTC, the number of credits prescribed by the academic institution. Voluntary withdrawals and incomplete grades do not count towards full time academic status. FAILURE ON MY PART TO MEET THESE STANDARDS MAY BE CAUSE FOR DISENROLLMENT ACTION.
j. Maintain a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2.00 or higher on a 4.00 scale or its equivalent for enrollment and retention in the ROTC Advanced Course. NO WAIVERS AUTHORIZED.
k. Maintain an ROTC Basic Course performance grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 or higher on a 4.00 scale or its equivalent each semester to enroll in the Advanced Course, if a four-year program progression Cadet.
l. Take and pass with a Score of 75 or higher the English Comprehension Level Test (ECLT) and an Oral Proficiency Interview(OPI) of 2/1+ or higher prior to attending the Leader’s Training Course (LTC), enrollment in the ROTC Advanced Course, and contracting. Also, I must meet within the prescribed times all other ECLT and OPI requirements need to maintain enrollment eligibility in the Advanced Course. NO WAIVERS AUTHORIZED.
m. Take and pass the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) with a minimum score of 60 points in each event for a minimum total score of 180 points. NO WAIVERS AUTHORIZED.
3. I understand that the ROTC curriculum and Professional Military Educational (PME) requirements are:
a. My attendance to and completion of all Military Science Leadership Course(s) enrolled including all required leadership laboratories and training exercises and the Leader’s Development and Assessment Course (LDAC).
b. That I must take as part of my educational curriculum and complete before commissioning an undergraduate course in Military History, preferably one that includes a battle analysis. 4. I understand that the terms of the US Army ROTC contract are: a. The period of my enlistment is for eight years in the US Army Reserve (USAR) or Army National Guard (ARNG) and constitutes my military service obligation upon successful completion of the contract requirements and appointment as an officer, or as an enlisted soldier if I fail to fulfill the contractual requirements. b. I must enroll in the necessary courses and successfully complete, within the Completion Date indicated in my contract and in my Planned Academic Program Worksheet, the requirements (including the Professional Military Education requirements) for the (Undergraduate or Graduate) degree in the academic major stated in my contract. I must remain enrolled in and successfully complete the ROTC Program including the Leaders Development and Assessment Course (LDAC) and all training as UPR FORM 90-R, 20 Sep 07 Previous Edition is obsolete Page 3 of 10 prescribed by the Secretary of the Army or his/her designee as a prerequisite for commissioning. FAILURE ON MY PART TO MEET THESE STANDARDS MAY BE CAUSE FOR DISENROLLMENT ACTION. c. I must obtain prior written approval from the Professor of Military Science (PMS) if I desire to transfer to another institution. If I receive approval and transfer to another institution at which Army ROTC is offered the provisions of my contract will remain in effect. Permission to transfer is contingent on my remaining academically aligned in Military Science (MS), (i.e. MS III/JR, MS IV/SR). Transfer to an institution that does not offer any Army ROTC does not relieve me from the obligations specified under my contract. If I fail to obtain prior written approval from the PMS, I will be in breach of my contract and MAY BE CAUSE FOR DISENROLLMENT ACTION. d. I must obtain prior written approval from the PMS if I desire to change my academic major or graduation date. If I request and am granted written approval to change my major or graduation date, I am not relieved of the terms of my contract and I will be required to fulfill my obligations under the contract. If I fail to obtain prior written approval from the PMS, I will be in breach of my contract and MAY BE CAUSE FOR DISENROLLMENT ACTION. e. I must maintain, as a minimum, a cumulative academic grade point average of 2.0 or higher on a 4.0 or equivalent scale. Also, I must maintain this cumulative academic grade point average of 2.0 or higher each semester, quarter, or trimester. If I am required by my academic major or by the school I am attending to maintain a higher cumulative and semester, quarter, or trimester grade point average, I must maintain that higher standard until completion of the academic requirements for my degree. FAILURE ON MY PART TO MEET THESE STANDARDS MAY BE CAUSE FOR PROBATION OR DISENROLLMENT ACTION. f. I must maintain at least a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher on a 4.0 or equivalent scale in all ROTC courses. Also, I must maintain this ROTC cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher each semester, quarter, or trimester. FAILURE ON MY PART TO MEET THESE STANDARDS MAY BE CAUSE FOR PROBATION OR DISENROLLMENT ACTION. g. I must take and successfully complete as part of my professional military education (PME) requirements one college undergraduate course in Military History This course will be included in my initial Planned Academic Program Worksheet (ROTC Cadet Command Form 104-R) and must be taken during time phases of ROTC training and completed before graduation and commissioning. Also, I must obtain a score of 80 or higher in the English Comprehension Level (ECL) Test with an OPI of 2/2 to attend the Cadet Professional Development Training (CPDT), Leaders Development and Assessment Course (LDAC) and MSL III and IV progression and that I must obtain a score of 90 or higher in the English Comprehension Level (ECL) Test with an OPI of 2+/2 for commissioning (NO WAIVERS ARE AUTHORIZED FOR THE ECL TEST SCORE OR THE OPI RATING FOR PROGRESSION TO MSL III AND IV AND COMMISSION). IF I FAIL TO MEET ANY OF THESE STANDARDS, I WILL BE IN BREACH OF MY CONTRACT AND MAY BE CAUSE FOR MY DISENROLLMENT FROM THE ROTC PROGRAM.
UPR FORM 90-R, 20 Sep 07 Previous Edition is obsolete Page 4 of 10 h. I must maintain eligibility for enrollment in ROTC, enlistment in the USAR or ARNGUS, and commissioning throughout the period of my ROTC contract unless otherwise indicated. I must meet the same requirements of the Army Body Composition Program (AR 600-9) and the Army Physical Fitness Test (FM 21-20) as are required of active duty soldiers prior to the end of the last school term of my Military Science (MS) III year. That these then become continuous requirements and that I must take whatever measures are necessary to continue to meet those standards until the date I am appointed as a commissioned officer. That commissioning eligibility standards, including the Army Physical Fitness Test and the Army Body Composition Program standards, are subject to change and I will keep myself informed of such changes through contact with the PMS. FAILURE ON MY PART TO MEET ANY OF THESE STANDARDS MAY BE CAUSE FOR DISENROLLMENT FROM THE ROTC PROGRAM. i. I must obtain written approval from the Professor of Military Science (PMS) if I desire to extend the period of my contract or if I desire to take a leave of absence from the continuous performance of my contract. If permission is granted, I am required to voluntarily extend my enlistment by an amount of time such leave of absence would extend beyond my eight-year statutory of enlistment obligation. If I fail to obtain prior written approval from the PMS, I will be in breach of my contract and MAY BE CAUSE FOR DISENROLLMENT ACTION. j. If I am a nurse candidate, complete the baccalaureate nursing program and ROTC Training requirements by my projected commissioning date, and accept, if offered, a commission in the USAR. If selected for active duty Army Nurse Corps, I must pass the professional nurse licensing exam prior to entry on active duty. I must take the professional nurse licensing exam within 60 days after graduation. If I fail the exam, I must retake it within 120 days after the first exam. If I fail the second exam, I will be branched based on the needs of the Army. k. I must undergo precommissioning drug and alcohol screening tests, normally administered during LDAC training or as may otherwise be prescribed by US Army ROTC Cadet Command. If the result of any test is positive, I WILL BE DISENROLLED FROM THE ROTC PROGRAM. l. I must undergo testing for HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) during my precommissioning physical examination, normally during LDAC training or as may otherwise be prescribed by US Army ROTC Cadet Command. If the results of the testing are confirmed positive, I WILL BE DISENROLLED FROM THE ROTC PROGRAM at the end of the current academic term. 2. I further understand that: a. If I am placed on a leave of absence or administrative suspension, due to my failure to meet academic or military retention standards as prescribed by law, Army regulations or my contract, I will not be relieved of my obligations to the U.S Army and my obligations under the contract remain in effect.
UPR FORM 90-R, 20 Sep 07 Previous Edition is obsolete Page 5 of 10 b. My enrollment, continuation in, and completion of the ROTC Advanced Course Program does not commit the Army to appoint me as an officer. If I complete the ROTC course of instruction and I am appointed as an officer, any concurrent enlisted service with a Reserve Component Unit while I am an ROTC Basic or Advanced Course cadet will be credited in computing my entitlement to basic pay (37 U.S.C 205(d)). In addition, if I am appointed as an officer, I will be credited with length of service for any purpose for the period of my membership in a Reserve Component Unit while I am a member of the ROTC Advanced Course (10 U.S.C 2106(c)). c. If I at any time apply for and receive conscientious objector status, I will be disenrolled from the program. d. Homosexual conduct as define in my contract is grounds for disenrollment. e. As a contracted Cadet, I may not withdraw from the advanced course program without incurring an active duty obligation after the first day of MS III class. I may not enlist in the Active Army, another military service or in a military service academy while I am a contracted ROTC Cadet unless I am properly released from my ROTC cadet status. f. If I was conditionally discharged from the active Army to become a nonscholarship advanced course Cadet (Green to Gold), I am obligated and may not voluntarily withdraw from the ROTC program from the date of discharge without incurring an active duty obligation as stipulated in paragraph 5 of my contract. If my contract is terminated due to personal hardship, I may request to be returned to active duty in my enlisted status to serve out the time remaining on my original active duty enlistment contract instead of the obligation stipulated in paragraph 5b of my contract, if there is at least one year remaining on my original active duty enlistment and I am otherwise eligible for active duty. 3. Upon completion of all requirements for appointment, I must: a. Apply for and accept an appointment, if offered, in the USAR or ARNG, in accordance with governing Army regulations. I understand that upon appointment, I will incur a military service obligation not to exceed eight (8) years and cannot resign such appointment before completion. I further understand that active duty service may include worldwide assignment or assignment to a branch which involves combat or nuclear, chemical or biological weapons. b. Accept an appointment, if offered, as a commissioned officer in the USAR or the ARNG and not resign such reserve appointment before completion of my eight-year contractual military service obligation has been served. c. Serve on active duty as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army as prescribed by Army regulations if selected for such duty based on the needs of the Army, followed by service in the Reserve Components until the remainder of my eight-year contractual military service obligation has been served. UPR FORM 90-R, 20 Sep 07 Previous Edition is obsolete Page 6 of 10 d. Serve a short period of active duty or active duty training if appointed in a Reserve Component. If I am not selected for extended active duty, I will complete an officer's basic course for branch qualification followed by service in a Reserve Component Unit (ARNG or USAR) which has Monthly Unit Training Assemblies and an annual training period of approximately two weeks until the remainder of my eight-year contractual military service obligation has been served. e. If fulfilling my obligation through Reserve Component duty and an appropriate troop unit assignment is not available or becomes unavailable in either the U.S. Army Reserve or the Army National Guard, agree to participate as a member of the Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) program by serving at least twelve (12) days, excluding travel time, on annual training each fiscal year as directed by the U.S. Army Reserve Personnel Center. If neither an appropriate unit nor an IMA assignment is available, agree to participate as a member of the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) by serving up to twelve (12) days of training each fiscal year until such time as an appropriate unit or IMA assignment becomes available or until the expiration of my contractual military service obligation. 4. I understand that I may apply for a Reserve Component appointment and request service on active duty or service with a Reserve Component Unit (ARNG or USAR) at my discretion. My selection for the appointment and service shall be determined according to the needs of the Army at the time that my requested appointment is considered. Specific career field choices and branch assignments cannot be guaranteed but will be made according to the needs of the Army no earlier than 12 months before commissioning. 5. After having completed all requirements for appointment except completion of all commission requirements and obtaining a baccalaureate degree as a Cadet who is not appointed (MS VI CADET), I agree to: a. Diligently continue the pursuit of my degree to completion by remaining a full time student under the rules established by the school, which I am attending, and my contract. b. Complete my degree requirements as soon as possible after completion of the ROTC instruction. c. Maintain a minimum semester, quarter, or trimester cumulative academic grade point average of 2.0 or higher on a 4.0 or equivalent scale. d. Meet with my PMS on a monthly basis to provide a status report on my academic progress, permanent/local address, phone number and administrative records update. Also advise him/her of my status as it may affect my qualification for continued military service or appointment or my ability to complete my degree requirements (e.g., illness, financial). e. Participate in the ROTC Battalion’s Physical Fitness Training program and Field Training Exercises (FTXs) at least once each quarter. I will maintain the Army physical fitness and weight control standards as required by paragraph 2f of my contract, AR 350-15, and AR 600-9, and arrange with the PMS to take the Army Physical Fitness Test with height/weight verification at least twice yearly until I graduate. UPR FORM 90-R, 20 Sep 07 Previous Edition is obsolete Page 7 of 10 f. FAILURE ON MY PART TO COMPLY WITH THE ABOVE WILL BE CAUSE FOR DISENROLLMENT ACTION. 6. After having completed all requirements for appointment except for obtaining a baccalaureate degree as a Cadet who has completed the ROTC course of instruction but is not appointed (COMPLETION CADET), I agree to: a. Diligently continue the pursuit of my degree to completion by remaining a full time student under the rules established by the school, which I am attending, and my contract. b. Complete my degree requirements as soon as possible after completion of the ROTC instruction. c. Maintain a minimum semester, quarter, or trimester cumulative academic grade point average of 2.0 or higher on a 4.0 or equivalent scale. d. Maintain requirements of the Army Weight Control Program, as required by AR 600-9, and the Army Physical Fitness Test standards as required by AR 350-15. Participate in a semiannual APFT with height/weight verification. e. Meet with my PMS on a monthly basis to provide a status report on my academic progress, permanent/local address, phone number and administrative records update. Also advise him/her of my status as it may affect my qualification for continued military service or appointment or my ability to complete my degree requirements (e.g., illness, financial). f. Participate in professional development and technical proficiency requirements necessary to successfully complete BOLC II & III. g. FAILURE ON MY PART TO COMPLY WITH THE ABOVE MAY BE CAUSE FOR DISENROLLMENT ACTION. 7. I understand and agree that if I am disenrolled from the ROTC program for failing to comply with the terms and conditions of my contract (breach of contract) or other criteria established by Army regulation now or in the future or I complete the ROTC program but decline to accept a commission, if offered, I may be ordered to active duty as a private (E1) for a period of not more than two years. Any unexpired portion of my eight-year enlistment agreement remaining after such active duty service must be served in a Reserve Component. I understand that I may be deemed to have failed to comply with the terms and conditions of the contract regardless of whether I knew that the failure violated the contract and regardless of whether the failure was the result of an act or omission on my part made with a specific intent to avoid responsibilities under the contract. 8. I understand and agree that if I voluntarily or because of misconduct fail to begin or fail to complete any period of active duty or duty in a reserve status not on active duty that I have incurred under my contract whether as an officer or an enlisted soldier, I may be subject to disciplinary action under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).
UPR FORM 90-R, 20 Sep 07 Previous Edition is obsolete Page 8 of 10 9. I understand that either as an enlisted member or as a commissioned officer in the Reserve Component of the Army of the United States or upon my transfer or assignment thereto, I may be ordered to active duty without my consent in the event of war, national emergency declared by Congress or the President, an order of the Selected Reserve to active duty authorized by the President, and as otherwise authorized by law, such call to active duty could be for the duration of a war or any period of time authorized by law. I also understand, as a statutorily obligated member of the Ready Reserve, that if I am not assigned to or am not participating satisfactorily in a unit of the Ready Reserve and have not served on active duty for a total of 24 months, I may be ordered to active duty without my consent by order of the President until my total service on active duty equals 24 months, the terms of my enlistment notwithstanding. 10. I understand that if I successfully complete all of the requirements for appointment as a commissioned officer, but am not tendered an appointment, I will be completely discharged from all obligations I incurred under the provisions of my contract. 11. I understand that the Secretary of the Army or his/her designee may at any time release me without notice from the obligations under my contract and disenroll me from the ROTC Program without further benefits thereunder if, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Army or his/her designee, it is in the best interest of the Army. 12. I understand that I, as a Nonscholarship Cadet and possible member of the Cadet Chain of Command, must set the example for all other Cadets to follow. I must speak English any time that I am within the confines of the ROTC area, activities and events. I will do so not only to help other Cadets to improve their English skills, but to improve my very own. I also understand that all Basic Course cadets, must speak and practice English at all times to gain the skills required to attend and successfully pass the ROTC Basic Course, Advanced Camp and, upon commissioning, the BOLC II & III. 13. The provisions in my contract contain the only binding promises by and between the United States Army and me. 14. My signature on this counseling form acknowledges that the content of the counseling has been explained to me and I understand the action(s) which are required on my part and the possible effects on my future as a cadet. UPR FORM 90-R, 20 Sep 07 Previous Edition is obsolete Page 9 of 10 EVALUATION BY THE MILITARY SCIENCE INSTRUCTOR:
______(Nonscholarship Cadet Signature) (Military Science Instructor Signature)
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