Theme That This Lesson Would Tie To: Inventions Through Time

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Theme That This Lesson Would Tie To: Inventions Through Time

Title: Kickin’ Up Recess

Educators on the team - full names and titles: Jessica Kupcik, Colleen Landry, Melanie Pendleton and Kourtney Salvarola

Trained: June 2015 in Land O’Lakes, FL

Theme that this lesson would tie to: Inventions through time

Specific Topic Concept within that theme: Forms of Energy

PROJECT IDEA + brief notes & supplies BASIC CONCEPTS Skill level (Grade Range):

Summary of Essential Concepts: Science – Learn about forms of energy and relate their knowledge of energy After studying colonial inventions that transformations to design their toy. helped improved colonial society, ● Concept – Forms of energy found in toys used during recess time. students will invent a game/toy to help Energy transformations during the actual play time with the toy. improve recess. Students will design, ● Goal / Objectives - Students will be able to identify the energy and construct, and implement their transformation of energy sources found in the toy their group has created invention. They will create a cost sheet to finance their product. They will for use at recess. create a commercial to “sell” their ● Standards –SC.5.P.10.1 Investigate and describe some basic forms of product. energy, including light, heat, sound, electrical, chemical, and mechanical. SC.5.P.10.2 Investigate and explain that energy has the ability to cause Coordinating Basic Plan: motion or create change. This project will take approximately ● Careers – toy inventor and/or designer, brand managers, advertising two weeks. executives, product developer. ● The project will be introduced by Project – Students will learn about forms of energy by conducting labs facilitating a discussion with students and participating in hands on studies. As forms of energy are mastered, on how recess could be more fun. students will increase understanding by discovering how energy can be transferred from one form to another. Students will create a oral Students will study colonial inventions presentation to explain the energy transformation found within their toy in Social Studies. For Technology & invention. Finally, students will present independently to their science Engineering, students will design and teacher, showing their mastery of forms of energy as well as energy construct their invention. They will use their invention for PE. For math they transformations. will create a cost sheet to finance their ● Assessment – Students will create a verbal presentation using a product. For Science, they will study rubric, to demonstrate their understanding of the forms of energy being forms of energy. For Fine Arts, they will used within their toy, as well as the energy transformations taking place create a commercial to “sell” their during the use of the toy invention. Students will present independently product. and will be assessed via a rubric. Rubric assessing. The end product is each group’s toy/game invention. They will be Technology & Engineering – Designing and constructing a toy to improve assessed using rubrics on the recess C. 2013STEAM EducationLesson Brief invention’s functionality, the ● Concept –E- Students will plan, design and build a toy to improve instructions they provide on how to recess with given materials. T- Students will advertise their toy by play their game/toy, and their recording a television commercial that they will write using the commercial. Screencastify App.

Skill level (Grade Range): 5-8 Standards Paperwork written for upper ISTE 1. Creativity and innovation- Students demonstrate creative thinking, elementary level. construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, Timing of Lesson: 7 class periods of 45 products, or processes b. Create original works as a means of personal or min. each day. Math 1 period, group expression c. Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues d. Identify trends and forecast possibilities Basic Supplies: Math: Cost Calculation Worksheet ISTE 2. Communication and collaboration- Students use digital media and Technology/Engineering: environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a Chromebook, Screencastify App, distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of copy paper, lined paper, long others. a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others cardstock, pencils, scotch tape, employing a variety of digital environments and media b. Communicate masking tape, duct tape, glue, scissors, information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of paper clips, rubberbands, index cards, media and formats c. Develop cultural understanding and global colored pencils, crayons, staples, yarn, awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures d. Contribute to pipe cleaners, construction paper, project teams to produce original works or solve problems gallon bags, plastic cups

● Careers - Film/video editor, camera operator, producer, project Math:Brainpop- Multiplying Decimals design manager, electronics engineer

Technology/Engineering: ● Project Element- Students will design and construct a new toy to Google Drive account, Google improve recess. Students will have a given list of materials that can be Chromebooks, ,Screencastify is a used. Not all materials have to be used. After students have written their simple video screen capture software commercial, they will record the television commercial using their (aka. screencast recorder) for Chrome. Chromebooks and the Screencastify app. It is able to record all screen activity inside a tab, including audio. It also ● Assessment – Only using the materials given, was a toy created that supports desktop capturing, allowing would improve recess? Does it work? Does it demonstrate energy users to record anything on their transformation (science portion)? screen (not just tabs).

Math – Calculate cost to build toy and calculate the retail price of the toy

● Concept - multiply and add decimals ● Standards - MAFS.5.NBT.2.7 Add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals through thousandths using strategies based on concrete models, Misc: Extensions: Students will be place value, properties of operation and/or the relationship between required to extend their learning by multiplication and division. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using presenting and pitching their toy inventions to a lower grade level. equations, arrays and/or models. Students will be provided feedback ● Careers - sales person, retail manager and accountant about their inventions and will be ● Project Element – Students will keep track of the materials used to required to make adjustments as they build their invention. This information will be used tocalculate cost to see fit. C. 2013STEAM EducationLesson Brief build toy by multiplying cost by quantity. Then students will add the products. Finally, students will multiply the total cost to build the toy by Photos: 30% to reach the retail price. ● Assessment – Students will calculate cost to build toy by multiplying cost by quantity. Then students will add the products. Finally, students will multiply the total cost to build the toy by 30% to reach the retail price.

LA/ELA – Students will write directions on how to make and use their new toy invention. ● Concept - Functional Expository Writing ● Standards - LAFS.5.W.1.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. LAFS.5.W.2.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. LAFS.5.W.2.5 With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach. ● Careers - technical writers, resume writers, career training, marketing, negotiation ● Project Element– Using a list of materials, students will write directions to make the toy as well as how to use the toy. The directions must be clear, complete, and in proper sequence. ● Assessment – A rubric will be used to determine the completion and proper sequence of the directions. ● Extension - Have students pass their invention and directions to another group of students to test. Can students use the invention based on the directions provided? Students will determine how their directions can be improved.

SS – Create a new recess toy to improve the quality of free time. ● Concept - Use ideas and understandings about inventions to improve the quality of recess time. ● Standards - SS.5.A.1.1 Use primary and secondary sources to understand history.SS.5.A.4.4 Demonstrate an understanding of political, economic, and social aspects of daily colonial life in the thirteen colonies. ● Careers - Mattel, Legos, Toy R Us inventor ● Project Element – Students will read about numerous inventions during the Colonial period of our country. The inventions of Ben Franklin improved the lives of Colonists. Children invented their own games and C. 2013STEAM EducationLesson Brief toys to keep them busy and entertained, thus improving their quality of life. ● Assessment – A rubric will be used to assess the quality, functionality, and appropriateness of the invention. ● Extension- Students can share their toy with their classmates and improve the quality of their recess.

FA – Create an aesthetically pleasing presentation of the invention, using motion and music. ● Concept – Creating and performing an advertising commercial to “sell” the toy invention. ● Standards- VA.5.F.1.2 Develop multiple solutions to solve artistic problems and justify personal artistic or aesthetic choices. ● Careers - advertising ● Project Element - Students will develop a commercial to sell their product. It will include the name of the product, a catchy slogan or jingle, and a demonstration of the product. ● Assessment – Rubric assessing ● Extension - Students can sing and dance their jingle during recess

PE – Test their toy invention. ● Concept - Testing out individual toy inventions to determine durability and quality. ● Standards -PE.5.C.1.2 Design a new game incorporating skills, rules, and strategies. PE.5.L.1.2 Demonstrate involvement in physical activities both during and after the school day. ● Careers - Product/toy tester. ● Project Element – Students will test out the quality, efficacy and functionality of the toy. Students are given the opportunity to determine if their toy would be functionable and usable by peers and students. ● Assessment – Does the toy work? Is it usable? Quality and functionality?

Music –Create an aesthetically pleasing presentation of the invention, using motion and music.

● Concept - Create a “jingle” to make their advertisement more appealing. ● Standards - MU.5.5.2 Development of skills, techniques and processes in the arts strengthens our ability to remember, focus on, process andsequence information. MU.5.5.3 Through purposeful practice, artists learn to manage, master, and refine simple, then complex skills and

C. 2013STEAM EducationLesson Brief techniques.

● Careers -advertising ● Project Element – Students will use rhythm, rhyme, and an upbeat melody to hook other students to use their product. ● Assessment – The commercial will be assessed based on the audience appeal.

C. 2013STEAM EducationLesson Brief

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