Rough and Working Bibliography

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Rough and Working Bibliography


Proverbs: Rough and Working Bibliography

Ted Hildebrandt

Gordon College, 2004


Compiled by Ted Hildebrandt May 1, 2003 Gordon College, Wenham, MA 01984 2 Brief Selected Bibliography: Top Picks

Alster, Bendt. The Instructions of Suruppak: A Sumerian Proverb Collection. Mesopotamia. Copenhagen Studies in Assyriology, vol. 2. Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag, 1974. Barley, Nigel. "A Structural Approach to the Proverb and the Maxim with Special Reference to the Anglo-Saxon Corpus." Proverbium 20 (1972): 737-50 Bostrom, Lennart. The God of the Sages: The Portrayal of God in the Book of Proverbs. (Stockholm: Coniectanea Biblica, OT Series 29, 1990). Bryce, Glendon E. A Legacy of Wisdom: The Egyptian Contribution to the Wisdom of Israel. London: Associated University Presses, 1979. Camp, Cladia V. Wisdom and the Feminine in the Book of Proverbs, (England: JSOT Press, 1985). Crenshaw, James L., Old Testament Wisdom: An Introduction. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1981. ______, ed. Studies in Ancient Israelite Wisdom. New York: KTAV Publishing House, 1976. EXCELLENT! Dundes, Alan, "On the Structure of the Proverb." In Analytic Essays in Folklore. Edited by Alan Dundes. The Hague: Mouton and Company, 1975. Also in The Wisdom of Many. Essays on the Proverb. Ed by W. Mieder and Dundes 1981. Fontaine, Carol R. Traditional Sayings in the Old Testament: A Contextual Study. Bible and Literature Series. Edited by D. M. Gunn. Sheffield: The Almond Press, 1982. Fox, Michael V. Proverbs 1-9. Anchor Bible Commentaries. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 2000. Gammie, John G. and Leo Perdue (eds) of The Sage in Israel and the Ancient Near East (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1990). Gammie, John G., W. A. Brueggemann, W. L. Humphreys, and J. W. Ward, ed. Israelite Wisdom: Theological and Literary Essays in Honor of Samuel Terrien. Missoula, MT: Scholars Press, 1978. Garrett, Duane A. Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs in The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman Press, 1993). Gemser, B. "The Importance of the Motive Clause in Old Testament Law." in Supplements to Vetus Testamentum. vol. 1. G. W. Anderson, et al. ed. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1953. Gordon, Edmund I. Sumerian Proverbs: Glimpses of Every Day Life in 3

Ancient Mesopotamia. Philadelphia: The University Museum, 1959. Expansion of his Diss at University of Pennsylvania in 1955 (Sumerian Proverbs and Their Cultural Significance). Hildebrandt, Ted. "Proverbial Pairs: Compositional Units in Proverbs 10- 29," JBL 107.2 (1988) 207-224. Hoglund, Kenneth. "The Fool and Wise in Dialogue," in The Listening Heart ed Kenneth Hoglund et al., (JSOT suppl. 58; 1987) 161-180. Hubbard, David A. Proverbs in The Communicator's Commentary (Dallas: Word Books, 1989). Humphreys, W. L. "The Motif of the Wise Courtier in the Old Testament." Ph.D. dissertation, Union Theological Seminary, 1970. Kaligula, Leonidas. The Wise King: Studies in Royal Wisdom as Divine Revelation in the Old Testament and Its Environment. Coniectanea biblica, 15. Lund: CWK Gleerup, 1980. Kovacs, Brian. "Sociological-Structural Constraints upon Wisdom: The Spatial and Temporal Matrix of Proverbs 15:28-22:16." Ph.D. dissertation, Vanderbilt University, 1978. Lichtheim, Miriam. Ancient Egyptian Literature. 3 vols. Los Angelos: University of California Press, 1980. Longman, Tremper, III. How to Read Proverbs. Downers Grove, Il.: InterVarsity Press, 2002. McCreesh, Thomas P. Biblical Sound and Sense: Poetic Sound Patterns in Proverbs 10-29. (JSOT supple. 128, Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield, 1991). McKane, William. Proverbs: A New Approach. Old Testament Library. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1970. Malchow, Bruce V. "The Roots of Israel's Wisdom in Sacral Kingship." Ph.D. dissertation, Marquette University, 1972. Mieder, Wolfgang and Alan Dundes. The Wisdom of Many: Essay on the Proverb. NY: Garland Publishing, Inc. 1981. This is a superb work!!! ______. Proverbs are Never Out of Season: Popular Wisdom in the Modern Age (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1993). Excellent collection of articles on the proverb and its use in modern culture. Milner, George B. "Quadripartite Structures." Proverbium 14 (1969): 379-83. Murphy, Roland E. he Tree of Life: An Exploration of Biblical Wisdom Literature (NY: Doubleday, 1990). 4

______. Proverbs. Word Biblical Commentary (Dallas TX: Word Books, 1998). Nel, Philip J. The Structure and Ethos of the Wisdom Admonitions in Proverbs. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1982. Ogden, Graham S. "Better Proverb (Tob-Spruch), Rhetorical Criticism, and Qoheleth." Journal of Biblical Literature 96 (1977): 489-505. Pemberton, Glenn D. "The Rhetoric of the Father: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Father/Son Lectures in Proverbs 1-9," Ph. D. Diss. The Iliff School of Theology (Denver, Colorado) 1999. Excellent!!! Incredible!!! Perdue, Leo G. Wisdom and Cult. Missoula, MT: Scholars Press, 1977. ______. Proverbs. Interpretation Series. Louisvile, Ky.: John Knox Press, 2000. Ruffle, John. "The Teaching of Amenemope and Its Connection with the Book of Proverbs." Tyndale Bulletin 28 (1977):29-68. Seitel, Peter. "Proverbs: A Social Use of Metaphor." In Folklore Genres. Edited by Dan Ben-Amos. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1976. Also in Mieder and Dundes, The Wisdom of Many. Essays on the Proverb, 1981. Sjoberg, Ake W. "In Praise of the Scribal Art." Journal of Cuneiform Studies 14 (1972): 126-31. Skehan, Patrick W. Studies in Israelite Poetry and Wisdom. Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series I. Edited by Joseph A. Fitzmeyer et al. Washington, DC: The Catholic Biblical Association of America, 1971. Review done by W. Brueggemann in JBL 91 (1972): 258-60. Snell, Daniel. Twice-Told Proverbs and the Composition of the Book of Proverbs (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbraun's, 1993). Excellent work!!! Sternberg, Robert, J. Wisdom: Its nature, origins, and development (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990). From a psych. persepctive. Exc!!! Taylor, Archer. The Proverb. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1931. Thompson, John M. The Form and Function of Proverbs in Ancient Israel. The Hague: Mouton and Company, 1974. Van Leeuwen, Raymond. The Problem of Literary Context in Proverbs 25- 27: Structures, Poetics, Semantics (SBLDS: Atlanta: Scholars Press, May 1988). ______. "Proverbs." In The New Interpreter's Bible. Nashville: 5

Abingdon, 1997. Von Rad, G. Wisdom in Israel. Nashville: Abingdon, 1972. Classic! Waltke, Bruce K. "The Book of Proverbs and Ancient Wisdom Literature." Bibliotheca Sacra 136 (July-September 1979): 221-38. ______. "The Book of Proverbs and Old Testament Theology." Bibliotheca Sacra 136 (October-December 1979):302-17. Whybray, R. N. Wealth and Poverty in the Book of Proverbs (Sheffield: JSOT: supllement Series 99, 1990). ______. Wisdom in Proverbs: The Concept of Wisdom in Proverbs 1-9. Studies in Biblical Theology. Vol. 45. Edited by C. F. D. Moule. Naperville, IL: Alec. R. Allenson, Inc., 1965. [Reviews: J. M Zinkand, in WTJ 39 (1976): 387-89; R.A.F. MacKenzie, in Biblica 56 (1975):266-67.]. ______. The Composition of the Book of Proverbs. JSOT Sup 168 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1994). Williams, James G. Those Who Ponder Proverbs: Aphoristic Thinking and Biblical Literature. Bible and Literature Series. Edited by D.M. Gunn. Sheffield: The Almond Press, 1981. Wolters, Al. "Nature and Grace in the Interpretation of Proverbs 31:10-31." Calvin Theo Journ 19 (1984): 153-166. Zuck, Roy B. Learning from the Sages: Selected Studies on the Book of Proverbs. (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1995). Excellent collection of classic articles on Proverbs. Proverbs Bibliography 6

Alphabetic Table of Contents

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Proverbs Bibliography 7 A Back to Top

Abhaya, Muata. Ancient Egyptian Proverbs: Mystical Wisdom Teachings and Meditations (Cruzian Mystic Books, 1997). Abrahams, Roger D. "The Collection and Study of Proverbs." Proverbium 8 (1967). ***** ______. "British West Indian Proverbs and Proverb Collections." Proverbium 10 (1968): 239-443. ______. "On Proverb Collecting and Proverb Collections." Proverbium 8 (1967): 181-84. ______. "Proverbs and Proverbial Expressions." In Folklore and Folklife: An Introduction. Edited by Richard M. Dorson. Chicago, Ill: The University of Chicago Press, 1972. ______. "A Rhetoric of Everyday Life: Traditional Conversational Genres." Southern Folklore Quart 32 (1968): 44-59. ______. "Riddles." In Folklore and Folklife: An Introduction. Edited by Richard M. Dorson. Chicago, Ill: The University of Chicago Press, 1972. ______. "Such Matters as Every Man Should Know, and Descant upon." Proverbium 15 (1970): 425-27. Abrahams, Roger D. and Barbar B. Abrahams. "A Socio-linguistic Approach to Proverbs." Midwestern Journal of Language and Folklore, 1 (1975): 60-64. ______& B. Babcock. "The Literary Use of Proverbs." Journal of American Folklore 90 (1977): 414-29. Ackerman, James S. "Satire and Symbolism in the Song of Jonah." In Traditions in Transformation. Edited by Baruch Halpern and J. D. Levenson. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1981. Acuna, L. A. "Catalogacion del material paremiologico." Revista de folklore (Bogota Colombia) 4 (1949): 1-11. Ahlstrom, G. W. "Solomon, the Chosen One." History of Religions: An International Journal for Comparative Historical Studies 8 (1968): 63-110. ______, "The House of Wisdom (Prv 9,1)." Svensk Exegetisk Arsbok 44 (1979) 74-76. Ahuviah, A. "Whatever That A Sman Shall Utter With an Oath". Beth Mikra Proverbs Bibliography 8

93 (1983) 107 - 110. Aitken, Kenneth T. Proverbs. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1986. Akbar, Fatollah. The Eye of an Ant: Persian Proverbs and Poems Rendered into English Verse (Ibex Publ. 1995). Alagoa, E. J. "The Use of Oral Literary Data for History: Examples from Niger Delta Proverbs." Journal of American Folklore 81 (1968): 235-42. Alberi, Mary. "The Mystery of the Incarnation and Wisdom's House (Prov 9:1) in Alcuin's Disputatio de Vera Philosophia." J of Theological Studies 48.2 (1997) 505-516. Albertz, Rainer. "The Sage and Pious Wisdom in the Book of Job: The Friends' Perspective," in The Sage in Israel and the Ancient Near East. eds. John Gammie & Leo Perdue (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1990) 243-262. Albig, William. "Proverbs and Social Control." Sociology and Social Research 15 (1931): 527-35. Albright, William F. "An Archaic Hebrew Proverb in an Amarna Letter from Central Palestine." Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 89 (February 1943): 29-52. ______. "A Teacher to a Man of Shechem about 1400 B.C." Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 86 (1942): 28-31. ______. "Notes on Egypto-Semitic Etymology, III." Journal of the American Oriental Society 47 (1927):198-237. ______. "Some Canaanite-Phoenician Sources of Hebrew Wisdom." Wisdom in Israel and in the Ancient Near East. Martin Noth and D. Winton Thomas, ed. in Supplements to Vetus Testamentum, Vol. 3. G. W. Anderson et al. ed. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1969. ______. "The Gezer Calendar." Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 92 (1943): 16-27. ______. "The Goddess of Life and Wisdom." American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literature 36 (1919-20): 258-94. ______. "The Role of the Canaanites in the History of Civilization." In The Bible and the Ancient Near East. Edited by George E. Wright. Garden City: Doubleday and Company, Inc., 1961. ______. "A New Hebrew Word of 'Glaze' in Proverbs 26:23," BASOR 98 (1945) 24-25. ______. "The Hapa harak in Proverbs 12, 27," Bib 63 (1982) 60-62. Proverbs Bibliography 9

______. "Philological Observations on Five Biblical Texts (Prv 14, 35)." Bib 63 (1982) 370-89. Aletti, J. N. "Proverbs 8,22-31. Etude de structure." Biblica 57 (1976): 25-37. ______. "Seduction et parole en Proverbes I-IX," VT 27 (1977) 129-44. Alfred, Cyril. The Egyptians. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1961. Allegro, John M. "The Wiles of the Wicked Woman," PEQ 96 (1964) 53-55. Allen, Gary. "A Study of Slothfulness and Industriousness in the Book of Proverbs." Th.M. thesis, Dallas Theological Seminary, 1983. Alonso, S. "Hermeneutical Problems of a Literary Study of the Bible." in Supplements to Vetus Testamentum. Vol. 28. G. W. Anderson, et al. ed. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1975. ______. "Sapiential and Covenant Themes in Genesis 2-3." In Studies in Ancient Israelite Wisdom. Edited by James L. Crenshaw. New York: KTAV Publishing House, 1976. ______. "The Vision of Man in Sirach 16:24-17:14." In Israelite Wisdom: Theological and Literary Essays in Honor of Samuel Terrien. Edited by J. G. Gammie, W. A. Brueggemann, W. L. Humphreys, and J. W. Ward. New York: Union Theological Seminary, 1978. Alster, Bendt. The Instructions of Suruppak: A Sumerian Proverb Collection. Mesopotamia. Copenhagen Studies in Assyriology, vol. 2. Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag, 1974. ______. "Paradoxical Proverbs and Satire in Sumerian Literature." Journal of Cuneiform Studies 27 (October 1975): 201-27. ______. Studies in Sumerian Proverbs. Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag, 1974. ______. "Sumerian Proverb Collection Seven." Revue D'Assyriologie et D'Archeologie Orientale 72 (1978): 97-112. ______. "A Sumerian Riddle Collection." Journal of Near Eastern Studies 35 (1976): 263-67. ______. "An Akkadian animal proverb and the Assyrian letter ABL 555," Journal of Cuneiform Studies 41 (Aut 1989): 187-193. ______. Studies in Sumerian Proverbs. Cpenhagen Studies in Assyriology 3 (Copenhagen: Akademisk, 1975). Alt, A. "Solomonic Wisdom." In Studies in Ancient Israelite Wisdom. Edited by James L. Crenshaw. New York: KTAV Publishing House, Proverbs Bibliography 10

1976. Altenmuller, Hartwig. "Bemerkungen zu Kapitel 13 der Lehre des Amenemope." in Fontes atque pontes. Ed. by H. Brunner. (Bamber: Manfred Gorg, 1983) 1-17. Amali, Emmanuel. "Provebs as Concept of Idoma Performing Arts," Nig M 53.3 (July-Sept 1985) 30-37. (MLA) Ammons, R. B., and C. H. Ammons. "Use and Evaluation of Proverbs Test: Partial Summary through March, 1976." Perceptual and Motor Skills 47 (1978): 1044-46. Amsler, Samuel "La sagesse de la femme," in Gilbert, M. La Sagesse de l'Ancient Testament (Leuven: University Press, 1979): 112-116. Anat, M. A. "Von der Form zur Bedeutung im Buch Mischle," Beth Mikra 39.4 (1969) 77-86. Anbar, M. "Proverbs 11,21; 16:5; yd lyd 'sur le champ," Biblica 53 (1972): 537-538. Anderson, Bruce W. "Human and Divine Wisdom in Proverbs: Readings in Biblical Morality," in Understanding the Old Testament (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1967) 55-60. Anderson, G. W., ed. Tradition and Interpretation. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979. Anderson, R. T. "Was Isaiah a Scribe?" Journal of Biblical Literature 79 (1960): 57-58. Andreason, Nancy C. "Reliability and Validity of Proverb Interpretation to Assess Mental Status." Comprehensive Psychiatry 18 (1977):465-72 [Also in The Wisdom of Many. Essays on the Proverb ed. W. Mieder 1981] Andrew, M.E. "Variety of Expression in Proverbs 23:29f." Vetus Testamentum 28:1 (1978):102-103. Andrews, D. K. "Preaching from Proverbs." Canadian Journal of Theology 4 (1958): 120-126. Anonymous. "African Proverbial Philosophy." Putnam's Monthly Magazine 44.22 (Oct 1854):362-371. Anthes, Rudolf. "The Legal Aspect of the Instruction of Amenemhet." Journal of Near East Studies 16:3 (July 1957): 176-190. ______. "Zur Echtheit der Lehre des Amenemhet," FAL (1977) 42-54. Aparicio, Eduardo. 101 Spanish Proverbs (McGraw-Hill/Contemporary Books, 1998). Proverbs Bibliography 11

Appiah, Michael. "Okyeame: An Integrative Model of Communication Behaviour." Diss State University of New York at Buffalo, 1979. Aquilina, Joseph. A Comparative Dictionary of Maltese Proverbs. The Royal University of Malta, 1972. Arewa, E. O. "Proverb Usage in a 'Natural' Context and Oral Literary Criticism." Journal of American Folklore 83 (1970):430-37. Arishur,Y. " Phoenician Topoi in Proverbs 3." Shanton 1 (1975):13-25. Arnander, Primrose (ed.) The Son of a Duck is a Floater: An Illustrated Book of Arab Proverbs (Stacey Intl, 1985). Arnot, William. Laws from Heaven for Life on Earth: Studies in Proverbs (Grand Rapids: Kregel reprint, 1998; original 1884). Arora,Shirley L. "Proverbial Exaggerations in English and Spanish," Proverbium 18 (1972):675-683. ______. "Some Spanish Proverbial Comparisons from California." Western Folklore 20 (1961):229-37. ______. Proverbial Comparisons and Related Expressions in Spanish: Recorded in Los Angeles, California. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1977. ______. "The Perception of Proverbaility," Proverbium: Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship, 1 (1984) 1-38. Arthaber, Augusto. Dizionario Comparato di Proverbi e Modi Proverbiali. Milan: Ulrico Hoepli, 1972. (Italian, Latin, French, Spanish, Greek and English) Asala, Joanne. Czech Proverbs (Proverb Series) (Penfield Books, 1998). Ashton, John. "The transformation of wisdom: a study of the prologue of John's Gospel," NTS 32.2 (Ap, 1986): 161-86. Assman, A. "Wholesome knowledge: Concepts of wisdom in a historical and cross-cultural perspective. In D. L. Featherman, R.M. Lerner, and M. Permutter (eds.) Life-span development and behavior (Vol. 12, pp. 187- 224) (Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1994). Assmann, Jan "Weisheit, Loyalismus und Frommigkeit," SAL (1979) 12- 70. ______. "State and Religion in the New Kingdom," in Religion and Philosophy in Ancient Egypt. Ed. by W. K. Simpson. YES 3. (New Haven, Con.: Yale Univeristy Press, 1989) 56-88. ______. Ma'at: Gerechtigkeit und Unsterblichkeit im alten Agypten. (Munich: C.H. Beck, 1990). Audet, J. P. "Origines Comparees de la Double Tradition de la Loi et de la Proverbs Bibliography 12

Sagesse dans la Proche-Orient Ancien." International Congress of Orientalists (25th). Vol. 1. Moscow: 1960. Auffret, Pierre. "Note sur la structure litteraire de Proverbes 22, 8-9 selon la restitution proposee par J. Carmignac," Folia Orientalia 21 (1980) 43- 46. Austin, Mary. "Sayings." Virginia Quarterly Review 9 (1933): 574-77. Avigad, Nahman. "Baruch the Scribe and Jerahmeel the King's Son." Israel Exploration Journal 28 (1978): 52-56. Avishur, Yitzhaq. "Phoenician Topoi in Proverbs 3" Shnaton 1 (1975) 13-25 [in Hebrew] Proverbs Bibliography 13 B Back to Top Bailey, Karen. Irish Proverbs (Chronicle Books, 1997). Bailey, L. W. and Darrel Edwards. "Use of Meaningless and Novel Proverbs as a Projective Technique." Journal of Personality Assessment 37 (1973): 527-30. Bain, Read. "Verbal Stereotypes and Social Control." Sociology and Social Research 23 (1939): 431-46. Baker, D. S. and Grahame Smith. Greek Proverbs (Appletree Press, 2001). Baker, Shlomoh. "Reflection of the Book of Proverbs in the Book of Job and its Meaning." Beth Mikra 25 (1979): 349-55. (in Hebrew) Baltes, Paul. "Wisdom: The orchestration of mind and virtue." (Manuscript in preparation, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin 1999. Baltes, Paul B. and Ursula M. Staudinger. “Wisdom: A Metaheuristic (Pragmatic) to Orchestrate Mind and Virtue Toward Excellence,” American Psychologist 55.1 (Jan. 2000) 122-36. Good overview from a solid pscyhological perspective. ______. "Wisdom" in H. Friedman (Ed.) Encyclpedia of mental heath (Vol. 3, pp. 699-706) (San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1998). Bamberger, Bernard J. "Fear and Love of God in the Old Testament." Hebrew Union College Annual 6(1929): 39-53. Banzhaf, Richard. "Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Modern Religious Education." Religous Life 37 (1968): 361-381. Barackman, Paul F. "The Secret of National Glory." Interpretation 2 (1948): 311-320. Barbiero, Gianni. "The Massoretic Text of Proverbs 3:36." Biblica 63:3 (1982): 370-389. ______. "Il Testo Massoretico Di Prov 3, 34," Biblica 63.3 (1982) 370 - 389 Barbour, Frances M. "Some Uncommon Sources of Proverbs." Midwest Folklore 13 (1963): 97-100. ______. "Embellishment of the Proverb." Southern Folklore Quarterly 28 (1964): 291-98. Barilgo, H. "The Case of the ne`arim." Beth Mikra 27 (1981/82): 101-8. [Prov 22:6] Barker, Kenneth L. "Exegesis in Proverbs." Introduction and Syllabus. (Summer, 1985 at Grace Theological Seminary) Proverbs Bibliography 14

______. "Proverbs 23:7 - "To Think" or "To Serve Food?" Journ of the Ancient Near Eastern Soc, Columbia Univ 19 (1989) 3-8. Barley, Nigel. "A Structural Approach to the Proverb and the Maxim with Special Reference to the Anglo-Saxon Corpus." Proverbium 20 (1972): 737-50 ______. "The Proverb and Related Problems of Genre-Definition." Proverbium 23 (1974): 880-84. ______. "Some Comments on Krikmann," Proverbium pp. 991-92. Barnes, D. R. "Telling it Slant: Emily Dickinson and the Proverb." Genre 12 (1979): 219-41. Barr, James. "Ba'ares--Molis: Proverbs 11:31, I Peter 4:18." Journal of Semitic Studies 20:2 (Autumn 1975): 149-159. Barre, Michael L. "Fear of God and the World View of Wisdom." Biblical Theology Bulletin 11 (April 1981): 41-43. Bartina, S. "Carbones Encendidos, Sobre La Cabeza O Sobre Il Veneno? Proverbs 25: 21-22; Romans 12:20." Estudios Biblicas 31(1972): 201-203. ______."La Sabiduria en Proverbios 8:22-36." Old Testament Abstracts 1(1978): 59-260. Bartruff, Bryce. Insight: Uncommon Sense for Common People. (Minneapolis: Bethany Fellowship, 1973). Barucq, Par Andre'. "La Sagesse nous invite a sa table, Proverbs 3:1-6." Premiere Lecture Annee B:32-37. ______. Le Livre Des Proverbes. Paris: Librairie Lecoffre, 1964. ______. "Une Veine De Spiritualite Sacerdotale et Sapientielle Dans L'Egypte Ancienne." Bibliotheque de la Faculte Catholique de Theologie de Lyon 8 (1961): 193-202. ______. "Dieu chez les sages d'Israel," BETL 41 (1976) 169-89. Bascom, Wm. "Stylistic Features of Proverbs, A Comment." Journal of America Folklore 78 (1965):69. ______. "Proverb Collecting in Africa." Proverbium 15 (1970): 434-35. Basgoz, Mehmet Ilhan. "Riddle-Proverbs and the Related Forms in Turkish Folklore." Proverbium 18 (1972): 555-568. Bass, Bernard. "Validity Studies of a Proverbs Personality Test." Journal of Applied Psychology 41.3 (1957): 158-60. ______. Development and Evaluation of a Scale for Measuring Social Acquiescence." Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 53 Proverbs Bibliography 15

(1956): 296-99. ______. "Development of a Structured Disguised Personality Test." Journal of Applied Psychology 40 (1956): 393-97. Basset, Delfin C. Dictionary of Proverbs, Sayings, Maxims, Adages, English and Spanish (Barrons Educational Series, 1998). Bauckmann, Ernest Gunter. "Die Proverbien und die Spruche des Jesus Sirach." ZAW 72 (1960) 33-63. Bauer, Hans, and Pontus Leander. Historische Grammatik der Hebraischen Sprache des ATs. Bd. I (repr. 1962. Hildesheim: Georg Olms; 1922). Bauer, Jean."Encore une Fois Proverbs 8:22." Vetus Testamentum 8:1 (1958): 91-92. Bauer, Johannes B. Wann heisst 'appayim "Zorn"? Ex 15,8; Prov 30,33; Dan 11,20 (When Does 'appayim Mean "Anger"? Exod 15:8; Prov 30:33; Dan 11:20)." Z fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 111.1 (1999) 92-94. Bauman, Richard, and N. McCabe. "Proverbs in an LSD Cult." Journal of American Folklore 83 (1970):318-24. Baumann, Gerlinde. Die Weisheitsgestalt in Proverbien 1-9. Forschungen zum Alten Testament 16 (Tubingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 1996). Baumgartner, W. Israelitische und altorientalische Weisheit. Sammlung Gemeinverstandlicher Vortrage und Schriften aus dem Gebiet der Theologie und Religionsgeschichte, vol. 166. Edited by P. Siebeck. Tubingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1933. ______. "Die Israelitische Weisheitsliteratur." (vid next entry) ______. "The Wisdom Literature." In The Old Testament and Modern Study: A Generation of Discovery and Research; Essays by Members of the Society for Old Testament Study. Edited by H. H. Rowley. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1957. Bea A."Der Zahlenspruch Im Hebtaischen und Ugaritischen." Biblica 21 (1940): 196-198. Beardslee, William A. "Plutarch's Use of Proverbial Forms of Speech." Semeia 17-19 (1980): 101-112. ______. "The Wisdom Tradition and the Synoptic Gospels." Journal of the American Academy of Religion 35 (1967): 231-40. ______. "Use of the Proverb in the Synoptic Gospels." Interpretation 24 (1970): 61-73. Beaucamp, Evode. Man's Destiny in the Books of Wisdom. Translated by J. Clarke. New York: Alba House, 1970. Proverbs Bibliography 16

______. "Sagesse et salut dans l'Ancien Testament," LTP 18 (1982) 239-44. Beaulieu, Gary. The Little Words That Grew: A Guide to Using Proverbs in Therapeutic Process (Idyll Arbor, 1998). Beck, Brenda. "Body Imagery in the Tamil Proverbs of South India." Western Folklore, 38 (1979): 21-41. Beck, James. "The Tree of Life Motif in Proverbs." (M.Div. Thesis, Grace Theological Seminary, 1986). Beckman, Gary. "Proverbs and proverbial allusions in Hittite." JNES 45.1 (1986): 19-30. Becker, Wesley C. "A Genetic Approach to the Interpretation and Evaluation of the Process-Reactive Distinction in Schizophrenia." Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 53 (1956): 229-36. Bedi, S. S. "Women in the Folk-Sayings of Panjab." Folklore (Calcutta) 9 (1968): 381-89. Beek. M. A. "Spinne Oder Eidechse Luther's Uberserzung von Spr. 30:28." In Ubersetzung und Deutung. Edited by Alexander Reinardhulst. Nijkerk, Holland: Uitgeverij G.F. Callenbach, 1977. Beentjes, P. C. "Recent Publications on the Wisdom of Jesus Ben Sira." Bijdragen: Tijdschrift voor Filosofie en Theologie 43 (1982): 188-98. Begrich, J. "Sofer und Mazkir." Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 58 (1940): 1-29. Beiderwieden, George "Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost: Prov 9:8-12 [Homelitical Guide]." Conc Th Q 447 (Jan 1983): 59-60. Bellia, Giuseppe and Angelo Passaro, “Proverbi e Qohelet; Eredita e Prospettive di Ricerca,” HT 19 (2001) 115-32. Bellis, Alice Ogden. "The Gender and Motives of the Wisdom Teacher in Proverbs 7." Bulletin for Biblical Research 6 (1996) 15-22. Ben-Amos, Daniel, ed. Folklore Genres. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1976. Ben-Naeh, Emanuel. "Zar and Nokri in the Bible: A Philological Discussion" D.H.L. Diss. The Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1993. Benas, Baron L. "On the Proverbs of European Nations." Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool 32 (1877-78): 291-332. Benjamin, John. "A Method for Distinguishing and Evaluating Formal Thinking Disorders in Schizophrenia." Language and Thought in Proverbs Bibliography 17

Schizophrenia. Ed. Jacob Kasanin, Berkeley: Universty of California Press, 1944, reprint NY: W. Norton, 1964. pp. 65-90. Bennett, Robert A. "Wisdom Motifs in Psalm 14=53- nabal and esah." BASOR 220 (1975): 15-21. Berezov, Jack L. "Singel-Line Proverbs: A Study of the Sayings Collected in Proverbs 10-22:16 and 25-29," (Ph.D. diss., Hebrew Union College, 1987). UMI 8718391. Have copy. Berger, Paul R. "Zum Huren bereit bis hin zu einem Rundlaib Brot: Prov 6:26," ZAW 99.1 (1987) 98-106. Berger, P.-R. Zum huren Bereit bis hin zu einem rundlaib Brot: Prov 6, 26. Z fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 99.1 (1987) 98-106. Bergsma, Harod. "Tiv Proverbs as a Means of Social Control." Africa 40 (1970): 151-63. Berman, Louis A. (ed.) Proverb Wit and Wisdom: A Treasury of Proverbs Parodies, Quips, Quotes, Clinches, Catchwords, Epigrams, and Aphorisms (Perigee, 1997). Beuchat, P.D. "Riddles in Bantu." In The Study of Folklore. Edited by Alan Dundes. Englewood Cliff, New Jersey: Prentice N., 1965. Bewer, Julius A. "Two Suggestions on Proverbs 30:31 and Zechariah 9:16." JBL 67 (1948): 60-62. Biggs, R. D. "Pre-Sargonic Riddles from Lagash." Journal of Near Eastern Studies 32 (1973): 26-33. Billions, Bill. Proverbs: A Poetic Paraphrase (Giganano Books, 2001). Bimson, John J. "King Solomon's Mines? A Re-assessment of Finds in the Arabah." Tyndale Bulletin 32 (1980): 121-149. Bird, Ronald. "The Identification of the Personification of Wisdom in Proverbs One through Nine." Th.M. thesis, Dallas Theological Seminary, 1977. Biscoglio, Frances M. "The Wives of teh 'Canterbury Tales' and the Tradition of the Valiant Woman of Proverbs 31:10-31," Fordham University, Ph. D. Diss. 1991. Biser, Eugen. "Wisdom." Sacramentum Mundi 6 n.d: 359-362. Bissing, F.W. Altagyptische Lebensweisheit. Zurich: Artemis-Verlag, n.d.. Bjorndalen, Anders Jorgen. "Forms und Inhalt des motivierenden Mahnspruches." ZAW 82 (1970): 347-361. Blackman, Aylward M. "The Rite of Opening the Mouth in Ancient Egypt and Babylonia." Journal of Egyptian Archeology. 10 (1924): 47-59. Proverbs Bibliography 18

Blanchette, Oliva A. "The Wisdom of God in Isaia." The American Ecclesiastical Review. 145 (1961): 413-423. Bland, Dave. "Formation of Character in the Book of Proverbs." Restoration Quarterly 40.4 (1998) 221-237. ______. "A Rhetorical Perspective on the Sentence Sayings of the Book of Proverbs," Ph. D. Diss. University of Washington, 1994. Blank, Josef. "Die Sinnfrage als Thema der Alttestamentlichen." In Zur Geschichtlichkeit der Beziehungen von Glaube, Kunst und Unweltgestaltung. Edited by Claus Bussman. Frankfurt: Haag Herchen, n.d. Blank, Sheldon. "Wisdom." IBD 4 n.d.: 853-860. Blauner, D. G. "The Early Literary Riddle." Folklore 78 (Spring 1967): 49-58. Bleeker, C.J. "Lidee de Iordre Cosmique dans Iancienne Egypte." Revue d'Historie dt de Philosophie Relgieuses. 42 (1962): 193-201. Blehr, Otto. "What is a Proverb?" Fabula 14 (1973): 243-246. Blenkinsopp, Joseph. "The Sage, the Scribe, and Scribalism in the Cronicler's Work," in The Sage in Israel and the Ancient Near East. eds. John Gammie & Leo Perdue (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1990) 307-318. Blocher, Henri. "The Fear of the Lord as the 'Principle' of Wisdom." The Tyndale Bulletin 28 (1977): 2-28. Blom, Stanley W. "Incidence of Information Processing Deficits among Positive and Negative Symptom Schizophrencis (Anhedonia)," Ph. D. Diss. Wayne State University, 1991. (Used proverbial sentences for evaluation). Boadi, L. A. "The Language of the Proverb in Akan." In African Folklore. Edited by Richard M. Dorson. Garden City: Anchor Books, 1972. Boadt, Lawrence. "Preaching the Trinity." New Theology Review 8.3 (1995) 69-74. Bock, J. Kathryn, and Brewer, Wm. F. "Comprehension and Memory of the Literal and Figurative Meaning of Proverbs." Jour of Psycholinguistic Research 9.1 (1980): 59-72. Boesky, Dale. "Proverbs and Psychoanalsis." Psychoanalytic Quarterly 45 (1976): 539-64. Bogardus, Emory S. "Earliest Social Thought." in E. Bogardus. Development of Social Thought. NY: Longmans, Green and Co., 1940; reprint NY: David McKay, 1968. pp. 10-27. Proverbs Bibliography 19

Bohmer-Wood, Christine. Flexibility in Language Comprehension: Paraphrasing Metaphors, Proverbs, and Vague Sentences. Diss Kent State Univ, 1978. Bonora, Antonio, "Quale ideale di "societa" secondo Pro 22, 1-16?" Rivista Bibilica 39 (1991) 145-56. Bond, Donald. "English Legal Proverbs." Publications of the Modern Language Association 51 (1936): 921-35. Bonnard, P. E. "De la Sagesse personnifiee dans l'Ancien Testament a la Sagesse en personne dans le Nouveau." in Gilbert, M. La Sagesse de l'Ancient Testament (Leuven: Univ Press, 1979): 117-49. Bonora, Antoinio. "La donna eccellente, la sapienza, il sapiente (Pro 31:10- 31)," Rivista Biblica 36 (April-June 1988) 137-164. ______. L'enigmatico proverbio di Pr 14:9," Rivista Biblica 36 (Jan- March 1988) 61-66. ______. Accogliere la vita in Pr 11:30," Rivista Biblica 37 (July-Sept 1989) 313-316. Bonser, Wilfrid. Proverb Literature: A Bibliography of Works relating to Proverbs. London: William Glaiser, LTD., 1930. (old and not helpful, on proverb collections and study throughout the world) Boston, James R. "The Wisdom Influence upon the Song of Moses." JBL 87 (1968): 198-202. Bostrom, Gustav. Paronomasi I Den Aldre Hebreiska Maschallitteraturen: Med Sarskild Hansyn till Proverbia. Lund: Gleerup, 1928. ______.Proverbiastudien. Lund: C.W.K Gleerup, 1935. Bostrom, Lennart. The God of the Sages: The Portrayal of God in the Book of Proverbs. (Stockholm: Coniectanea Biblica, OT Series 29, 1990). Bouffier, Robert J. "The 'Heart' in the Proverbs of Solomon." Bible Today 52 (1971): 249-251. Bourke, Joseph. "The Wonderful Counsellor." CBQ (1960): 123-143. Bowen, James. A history of Western Education: Volume One, The Ancient World: Orient and Mediterranean 2000 B.C-A.D. 1054. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1972. Bowman, John. "The Fear of the Lord." In Studies in Wisdom Literature. Edited by W. C. van Wyk. Die Ou Testamentiese Werkgemeenskap in Suid-Africa 15 & 16 (1972-73). Boyd, Mary D. "The House that Wisdom wove: An analysis of the functions of household in Proverbs 31:10-31," Union Theological Seminary, Ph. D. Diss. 2001. Proverbs Bibliography 20

Boyd, Steven. "The Use of Zamam and Mezimmah in Proverbs," (Th.M. thesis, Dallas Theological Seminary, 1985). Brandes, Stanley. "The Selection Process in Proverb Use: A Spanish Example." Southern Folklore Quart 38 (1974):167-86. Bratcher, Robert. "A Translator's note on Proverbs 11:30." Bib Trans 34.3 (July 1983): 337-38. Brattston, David W.T. "The Sacramentality of Study." Christian Education Journal 16.2 (1995) 7-12. Brattemo, Carl-Erik. "Interpretation of Proverbs in Schizophrenic and Depressive Patients." Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 37 (1961): 193-97. Bream, H. N., and C. A. Moore, ed. A Light unto My Path: Old Testament Studies in Honor of Jacob M. Myers. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1974. Breitkreuz, Hartmut. "The Study of Proverbs: A Case-Model of an Integrated Approach." Fabula 14 (1973): 247-52. Brekelmans, C. "Wisdom Influence in Deuteronomy." In La Sagesse de l'Ancien Testament. Edited by M. Gilbert. Leuven: University Press, 1978. Brenner, A. "Proverbs 1-9: An F Voice," in On Gendering Texts: Female and Male V oicers in the Hebrew Bible ed. A. Brenner and F. Van Dijk-Hemmes (Leiden: Brill, 1993) 113-30. Breslar, M.L.R. "Talmudic Proverbs and Stories." Notes and Queries, 9th series, 6 (1900): 501-502. Brewer, Patricia. "Age, Language, Culture, Previous Knowledge and the Proverb as Social Metaphor: A Study in Relationships." Diss University of Pennsylvania, 1973. Bricker, Daniel P. "The Innocent Sufferer in the Book of Proverbs," Ph. D. Diss., Fuller Theological Seminary, 1998. Bridges, Charles, Proverbs. A Commentary on Proverbs. NY: R. Carter 1847; reprinted The Banner of Truth Trust, 1977. Bright, John. "The Apodictic Prohibition: Some Observations." JBL 92 (June 1973): 185-205. Brock, S.P. "A Piece of Wisdom Literature in Syriac." Journal of Semitic Studies 13 (1968): 212-217. Brockmoller, Katrin. “’Chiasmus und Symmetrie’: Zur Diskussion um eine sinnvolle Struktur in Spr 31, 10-31,” BN 110 (2001) 12-18. Brongers, H.A. "Miscellanea Exegetica." In Ubersetzungund Deutung. Proverbs Bibliography 21

Edited by Alexander Reinhard Hulst. Nijkerk: Uitgeverij G. F. Callenbach B.V., 1977. Bronner, Leah. "King and Commoner in Proverbs and Near Eastern Sources." Dor Le Dor 10 (1982): 210-19, 259. Bronznick, Nachum M. "The Antithesis between `sl and yesarim in Prov 15:19" [Hebrew]. Beth Mikra 165 (2001) 171-176. Brookman-Amissah, Joseph. "Akan Proverbs about Death," Anthropos 81.1-3 (1986) 75-85. (MLA) Brooks, David. L. "The Ideological relationship between Old Testament Law and the Book of Proverbs," Ph. D. Diss., Dallas Theological Seminary, 2000. Brown, Colin. "The Parable of the Rebellious Sons." Scottish Journal of Theology 51.4 (1991) 391-405. Brown, John P. "Proverb-Book, Gold-Economy, Alphabet." Journal of Biblical Literature 100 (June 1981): 169-91. Brown, Stephen. "Structured Parallelism in the Composition and Formation of Canonical Books: A Rhetorical Critical Analysis of Proverbs 10:1-22:16." Paper presented at the Thirty-Fourth Annual National Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, 1982. Browne, Ray. "The Wisdom of Many: Proverbs and proverbial Expressions." in Our Living Traditions. An Introduction to American Folklore. Ed Tristram P. Coffin. NY: Basic Books, 1968: 192-203. Brueggeman, Walter A. In Man We Trust. Richmond: John Knox Press, 1972. ______. "Scripture and an Ecumenical Life-Style: A Study in Wisdom Theology." Interpretation 24 (January 1970):3-19. ______. "The Epistemological Crisis of Israel's Two Histories (Jer 9:22-23)." In Israelite Wisdom: Theological and Literary Essays in Honor of Samuel Terrien. Edited by J. G. Gammie, W. A. Brueggemann, W. L. Humphreys, and J. W. Ward. Missoula, MT: Scholars Press, 1978. ______. The Social Significance of Solomon as a Patron of Wisdom," in The Sage in Israel and the Ancient Near East. eds. John Gammie & Leo Perdue (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1990) 117-132. Brug, John F. "Exegetical Brief: Train? Initiate? Or Dedicate?" Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly 93.3 (1996) 205-207. Brundage, Shelley B. "Damaged Adults, Aphasic Adults, Right-Hemisphere -Damaged Adults, and Adults with Probable Dementia," Ph. D. Diss. Proverbs Bibliography 22

University of Minnesota, 1993. Uses Proverbs for scoring tests. Brunet, A. "Proverbes (22:17-24, 22) et la Possibilite D'une Source Egyptienne." Sciences Ecclesiatiques 1:1 (1948):19-40. Brunner, Hellmut. Altagyptische Erziehung. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1957. ______. Altagyptische Weisheit. (Zurich: Artemis, 1988). Bryant, Margaret M. Proverbs and How to Collect Them. Greensboro, NC: American Dialect Society, 1945. ______. "The People's Sayings. How You can Help Record Them." New York Folklore Quarterly 1 (1945):50-56. ______. "Proverbial Lore in America Life and Speech." Western Folklore 10 (1951): 134-42. ______. "Proverbs: Proverb Lore in American Life and Speech." New York Folklore Quarterly 8 (1952): 221-226. Bryce, Glendon E. A Legacy of Wisdom: The Egyptian Contribution to the Wisdom of Israel. London: Associated University Presses, 1979. ______. "Another Wisdom 'Book' in Proverbs." Journal of Biblical Literature 91 (1972): 145-57. ______. "'Better'-Proverbs: An Historical and Structural Study." Society of Biblical Literature Abstracts and Seminar Papers, vol. 2. Edited by L. C. McGaughy. Missoula, MT: Society of Biblical Literature, 1972. ______. "Omen-Wisdom in Ancient Israel." Journal of Biblical Literature 94 (1975): 19-37. ______. Review of The Intellectual Tradition in the Old Testament, by R. N. Whybray. Journal of Biblical Literature 94 (1975): 596-98. ______. Review of Wisdom in Israel, by Gerhard von Rad. Theology Today 30 (1974): 436-42. ______. "The Structural Analysis of Didactic Texts." In Biblical and Near Eastern Studies: Essays in Honor of William Sanford LaSor. Edited by G. A. Tuttle. Grand Rapids: Wm B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1978. Buccellati, Giorgio. "Wisdom and Not: The Case of Mesopotamia." Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (1981): 35-47. Buchanan, Daniel C. Japanese Proverbs and Sayings (Univ of Oklahoma Press, 1987). Proverbs Bibliography 23

Buchanan, George Wesley. "Midrashim Pre-Tannaites." RB 72 (1965) 227-239. Budge, E. A. Wallis. Facsimiles of Egyptian Hieratic Papyri in the British Museum with Description and Summary of Content. Second Series. London: Longmans and Company, 1923. ______. The Teaching of Amen-em-Apt Son of Kanekht: The Egyptian Hieroglyphic Text and an English Translation with Translations of the Moral and Religious Teachings of Egyptian Kings and Officials Illustrating the Development of Religious Philosophy in Egypt During a Period of about Two Thousand Years. London: Martin Hopkinson and Company, 1924. Buhlmann, Walter. "Vom rechten Reden und Schweigen: Studien zu Proverbien." The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 40 (1978): 86-87. ______. "Vom rechter Reden und Schweigen; Studien zu Prov 10-31 orbis. Biblicus et Orientalis 12 (1976). Bullock, C. Hassel. An Introduction to the Old Testament Poetic Books: The Wisdom and Songs of Israel. Chicago: Moody Press, 1979. Bundschuh, Rick and Tom Finley. Junior High Talksheets: Psalms and Proverbs (Grand Rapids: Youth Specialties, Zondervan, 1994). Burbridge, A.T. "The Justification of Wisdom." The Journal of Theological Studies. 5 (1904): 455-458. Burckhardt, John L. Arabic Proverbs: or the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians. London: Curzon Press, 1972 (originally 1817). Burden, Jasper. "No-one is an island: proverbs, context and the Bible," Missionalia 18 (April 1990) 181-194. ______. "The Wisdom of Many: Recent Changes in Oldt Testament Proverbs Interpretation," OT Essays 3 (1990) 341-59. Burdett, David. "Wisdom Literature and the Promise Doctrine." Trinity Journal 3 (Spring 1974):1-13. Buridant, Claude (ed.) "Rhetorique du proverbe." Revue des sciences humanines, 41, no. 163 (1976): 309-436. Burke, Kenneth. "Literature as Equipment for Living." in K. Burke. The Philosophy of Literary Form. Studies in Symbolic Action. Baton Rouge: Louisiana University Press, 1941: 253-62. Burkard, Gunter. Textkritische Untersuchungen zu agyptischen Weisheitslehren des alten und mittleren Reiches. AA 34 (Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1977). Proverbs Bibliography 24

Burns, Camilla. "The Heroine with a Thousand Faces: Woman Wisdom in Proverbs 1-9," (Ph.D. dissertation, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA, 1990). (have copy) Burns, John B. "`Arits, a "Rich" Word." Bible Translator 43.1 (1992) 124-130. Burns, John Barclay. "Proverbs 7:6-27: Vignettes from the Cycle of Astarte and Adonis." Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 9.1 (1995) 20-36. Burns, Ronald. "Iron Sharpens Iron...:" An Exegetical Study of Proverbs 27:17," (M.Div. Thesis; Grace Theological Seminary, 1993). Byargeon, Rick W. "Echoes of Wisdom in the Lord's Prayer (Matt 6:9-13)." J of the Evangelical Theological Society 41.3 (1998) 353-365. Byargeon, Rick W. "The Structure and Significance of Prov 9:7-12." J of the Evangelical Theological Society 40.3 (1997) 367-375. Bychowski, Gustav. "Certain Problems of Schizophrenia in the Light of Cerebral Pathology." Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases 81 (1935):280-98. Proverbs Bibliography 25 C Back to Top

Cadbury,Henry J. "Egyptian Influence in the Book of Proverbs." Journal of Religion. 9:1 (1929): 99-108. ______. "New Wine in Old Wine-Skins." Expository Times 84 (1973): 164-168. Callaway, Phillip "Deut. 21:18-21: Proverbial Wisdom and Law," JBL 103.3 (1984): 341-352. Cambridge History of Judaism. ed. W. D. Davies & Louis Finkelstien. Vol. 1. (Cambridge University Press) ch. 9 "Wisdom Literature in the Persian Period." pp. 189-218. Camp, Cladia V. "The Wise Women of 2 Samuel: A Role Model for Women in Early Israel." CBQ 43 (January 1981):14-29. ______. Wisdom and the Feminine in the Book of Proverbs, (England: JSOT Press, 1985). ______. "What's so Strange About the Strange Woman?" Gottwald Festschrift, 17-31. ______. "Wise and Strange: An Interpretation of the Female Imagery in Proverbs in the Light of Trickster Mythology," Semeia 42 (1988) 14-30. ______. "Woman Wisdom as Root Metaphor: A Theological Consideration," in The Listening Heart ed Kenneth Hoglund et al., (JSOT suppl. 58; 1987) 45-76. ______. "The Female Sage in Ancient Israel and in the biblical wisdom Literature," in The Sage in Israel and the Ancient Near East. eds. John Gammie & Leo Perdue (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1990) 185-204. ______. "Wise and Strange: An Interpretation of the Female Imagery in Proverbs in Light of the Trickster Mythology," Sem 42 (1988) 14-36. ______. "What's So Strange about the Strange Woman," in The Bible and Politics of Exegesis (FS N. Gottwald). Ed. by D. Jobling et al. (Cleveland: Pilgrim, 1991) 17-31. Camp, Claudia, and Carle Fontaine, "The Words of the Wise and Their Riddles," in Text and Tradition. Ed. by Susan Niditch (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1990) 127-59. Cancro, Robert. "Abstraction on Proverbs in Process-Reactive Schizophrenia." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 33.3 Proverbs Bibliography 26

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______. The Sage in Ecclesiastes and Qoheleth the Sage," in The Sage in Israel and the Ancient Near East. eds. John Gammie & Leo Perdue (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1990) 263-274. ______. The Tree of Life: An Exploration of Biblical Wisdom Literature (NY: Doubleday, 1990). ______. Wisdom's Song: Proverbs 1:20-33. Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.3 (1986) 456-460. ______. Proverbs 22:1-9," Int 41 (1987) 398-402. ______. "Wisdom and Creation," JBL 104 (1985) 3-11. ______. "Recent Research on Proverbs and Qoheleth," Currents in Research Biblical Studies 1: (1993) 119-40. ______. Proverbs. Word Biblical Commentary (Dallas TX: Word Books, 1998). ______. "Can the Book of Proverbs Be a Player in 'Biblical Theology'?" BTB 31 (2001) 4-9. Murphy, Roland and Elizabeth Huwiler. Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs (Peabody, MA: Hendrikson, 1999). Murray, David. "Proverbs." In D. Murray. Lawyers' Merriments. Glasgow: James MacLehose and Sons, 1912. 47-59. Myers, J. M. "Solomon." in IBD vol 4, 399-407. Mylonas, G. E., ed. Studies Presented to David Moore Robinson on His Seventieth Birthday. St. Louis: Washington University, 1951. ______. Proverbs. Word Biblical Commentary Series. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1998. Proverbs Bibliography 104 N Back to Top

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1982 reprint). Thomas, D. Winton, ed. Documents from Old Testament Times. New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1958. ______. "The Root yada in Hebrew." Jour Theo Stud 35 (1934): 298-306. ______. "Notes on Some Passages in the Book of Proverbs," JThS 38 (1937) 400-03. ______. "A Note on lyqht in Proverbs xxx.17," JThS 42 (1941) 154-55. ______. "A Note on bl yd'h in Prov 9:13," JThS 4 (1953) 23-24. ______. "Textual and Philological Notes on Some Passages in the Book of Proverbs," VTSup 3 (1955) 280-92. ______. "'w in Proverbs XXXI 4," VT 12 (1962) 499-500. ______. "A Note on da'at in Proverbs XXII. 12," JThS 14 (1963) 93-94. ______. "The Meaning of hata't in Proverbs X. 16," JThS 15 (1964) 295- 96. ______. "Notes on Some Pasages in the Book of Proverbs," VT 15 (1965) 271-79. Thomas, J. Heywood. "Philosophy and the Critical Study of Wisdom Literature." (pp. 290-94). ??(1977-83) ****** Thompson, Harold. "Proverbs." In H. Thompson. Body, Boots and Britches. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1940. pp. 481-504. Thompson, John M. The Form and Function of Proverbs in Ancient Israel. The Hague: Mouton and Company, 1974. Tiffou, Etienne. Hunza Proverbs (Spring 1993, ISBN 1-895176-29-8 $19.95) Get this. Tilley, Morris Palmer. A Dictionary of the Proverbs in England in the Sixteenth and Seventeeth Centuries. (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1950). Timm, Hermann Evangelische Weltweisheit. Z fur Theologie und Kirche 84.3 (1987) 345-370. Tininis, Juozas. "Similes in Lithuanian Folk Proverbs." Lituanus, 17.2 (1971): 48-54. Titelman, Gregory. Random House Dictionary of America's Popular Proverbs and Sayings. (Random House, 2000). Tolbert, Philip. "Consider the Ravens: Reflections on the Themes of Creation and Spirituality. Epiphany Journal 14.2 (1994) 18-29. Toombs, Lawrence E. "O.T. Theology and the Wisdom Literature." Journal of Bible and Religion 23 (1955): 193-96. Proverbs Bibliography 133

______. "The Theology and Ethics of the Book of Proverbs," Consensus: A Canadian Lutheran Journal of theology 14.2 (1988) 7-24. Toorn, Karel van der. "Female Prostitution in Payment of Vows in Ancient Israel," JBL 108 (1989) 193-205. Torczyner, H. "The Riddle in the Bible." Hebrew Union College Annual 1 (1924): 125-49. Torrey, Charles C. "Proverbs, Chapter 30." JBL 73 (1954): 93-96. Tournay, Raymond. "Proverbs 1-9: A First Theological Synthesis of the Tradition of the Sages." in Scripture: The Dynamism of Biblical Tradition. vol 20 (NY: Paulist Press, 1966): 51-61. Tov, Emmanuel. "Recensional Differences Between the Masoretic Text and the Septuagint of Proverbs," in Of Scribes and Scrolls: Studies on the Hebrew Bible, Intertestamental Judaism, and Christian Origins presented to John Strugnell eds. Harold Attridge, John Collins, Thomas Tobin (NY: University Press of America, 1990) 43-56. Towner, W. Sibley. "Proverbs and Its Successors," in Old Testament Interpretation Ed. by J.L. Mays, D. L. Petersen, and K.H. Richards (Nashville: Abingdon, 1995). Toy, Crawford H. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Proverbs. ICC. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1904. Treischmann, John. "A Biblical Theology of the Fear of the Lord in the Wisdom Literature." Th.M. thesis, Dallas Theological Seminary, 1975. Trench, Richard C. On the Lessons in Proverbs. Being the Substance of Lectures Delivered to Young Men's Societies at Portsmouth and Elsewhere. New York: Redfield, 1853 (later editions also with the title Proverbs and Their Lessons). Trible, Phyllis. "Wisdom Builds a Poem: The Architecture of Proverbs 1:20-33." Journal of Biblical Literature 94 (December 1975): 509-18. Tritton, A. S. "Proverbs xxv 22." Jour Theo Stud 21-22 (1920-21): 172-73. Trusler, John. Proverbs Exemplified, and Illustrated by Pictures from Real Life. Johnson Reprint Corp. 1970 (originally by S. R. Publishers Ltd. Yorkshire England, 1790). Tsadka, Yitzhak. "(Prov 18:22) - A Semantic-Syntactic Analysis of "masa'" [in Hebrew]." Leshonenu 56.4 (1993) 353-360. Tsumura, David T. A "Hyponymous" Word Pair: 'rs and thm(t) in Hebrew and Ugaritic. Biblica 69.2 (1988) 258-269. Proverbs Bibliography 134

______. "The Vetitive Particle 'y and the Poetic Structure of Proverbs 31:4," Annual of the Japanese Biblical Institute 4 (1978) 509-18. Tur-Sinai, Naphtali Herz (= Harry Torcszyner). "The Riddle in the Bible," HUCA 1 (1924) 125-49. Turner, P. D. M. "Two Septuagintalisms with Sthpizein." (Prov 16:30; 27:20 et al) VT 28 (1978): 481-82. Turner, Charles. Studies in Proverbs. (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1977). Tuttle, G. A., ed. Biblical and Near Eastern Studies: Essays in Honor of William Sanford LaSor. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1978. ______. "The Sermon on the Mount: its Wisdom Affinities and their Relation to its Structure." JETS 20 (1977): 213-230. Proverbs Bibliography 135 U Back to Top

Ulrich, Eugene, et al., ed. Priests, Prophets, and Scribes (FS J. Blenkinsopp). JSOT Sup 149 (Sheffield: Sheiffield Academic Press, 1992). Upadhyaya, Hari. "Attitude of Indian Proverbs Toward High Caste Hindus." Proverbium 3 (1965):46-56. Urdang, Laurence. Penguin Dictionary of Proverbs. Penguin. Uys, P. H. de V. "Justic and Righteousness towards the less Privileged in the Book of Proverbs." Ned. Geref. Theologiese Tydskrif 9:3 (1968): 183-85. ______. "The Term 'almana in the Book of Proverbs." In Studies in Wisdom Literature. Edited by W. C. van Wyk. Die Ou Testamentiese Werkgemeenskap in Suid-Africa 15 & 16 (1972-73). ______. "The Term yatom in the Book of Proverbs." In Studies in Wisdom Literature. Edited by W. C. van Wyk. Die Ou Testamentiese Werkgemeenskap in Suid-Africa 15 & 16 (1972-73). Proverbs Bibliography 136 V Back to Top van der Ploeg, J. "Prov. XXV 23." VT 3 (1953): 189-192. Van Der Weele, Steve J. "Proverbs 8 and William Collin's 'Ode on the Poetical Character'," Papers on Language and Literature 12 (1976): 197-200. van der Weiden, W. A. Le Livre des Proverbes: Notes philologiques. Biblica et Orientalia, 23 (Rome: Biblical Institute Press, 1970). [Reviewed by J. A. Emerton in JTS 25 (1974):476-481; and by R. W. Klein in CBQ 33 (1971): 304-305]. ______. "Prov. XIV 32B 'Mais le juste a confiance quand il meurt." VT 20 (1970): 339-50. van Dijk, J. A. La Sagesse Sumero-Accadienne: Recherches sur les Genres Literaires des Textes Sapientiaux avec Choix de textes. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1953. Van Hecke, Pierre. "Polysemy or Homonymy in the Root(s) r'h in Biblical Hebrew. A Cognitive-Linguistic approach." Z fur Althebraistik 14.1 (2001) 50-67. Van Leeuwen, Raymond. "Proverbs 30:21-23 and the Biblical World Upside Down" JBL 105.4 (1986): 599-610. ______. The Problem of Literary Context in Proverbs 25-27: Structures, Poetics, Semantics (SBLDS: Atlanta: Scholars Press, May 1988). ______. "Proverbs." In The New Interpreter's Bible. Nashville: Abingdon, 1997. ______. "Proverbs 25:27: once again" VT 36.1 (Jan. 1986): 105-14. ______. "A technical metallurgical usage of ys' [Prov 25:4]," ZAW 98.1 (1986): 112-13. ______. "Proverbs 30:21-23 and the Biblical World Upside Down." JBL 105.4 (1986) 599-610. ______. "The Sage in the Prophetic Literature," in The Sage in Israel and the Ancient Near East. eds. John Gammie & Leo Perdue (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1990) 295-306. ______. Wealth and Poverty: System and Contradiction in Proverbs," Hebrew Studies 33 (1992) 25-36. ______. "Liminality and Worldview in Proverbs 1-9." Semeia 50 (1990) 111-144. Proverbs Bibliography 137

______. Proverbs XXV 27 Once Again. Vetus Testamentum 36.1 (1986) 105-114. ______. "Wealth and Poverty: System and Contradiction in Proverbs," HS 33 (1992) 25-36. ______. "Building God's House: An Exploration in Wisdom," in The Way of Wisdom (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2000) 204-12. van Parys, M. "Prov. 8, 22 Chez les peres cappadociends." Irenikon 43:3 (1970): 362-79. van Roon, A. "The Relation between Christ and the Wisdom of God according to Paul." Nov Test 16 (July 1974): 205-39. van Rooy, "H.F. "Riglyne vir die prediking oor wysheidsliteratuur, toegespits op die boeck Spreuke [Guidelines for Preching on Wisdom Literature, the Book of Proverbs in Particular]," IDSK 25 (1991) 303- 22. van Wyk, W. C. "The Fable of Jotham in Its Ancient Near Eastern Setting." In Studies in Wisdom Literature. Edited by W. C. van Wyk. Die Ou Testamentiese Werkgemeenskap in Suid-Africa 15 & 16 (1972-73): 89-95. ______. Studies in Wisdom Literature. OTWSA 15 & 16 (1972-73). Vattioni, Francesco. "Ancora il vento del nord di Proverbi 25,23." Biblica 446 (1965): 213-16. ______. "Proverbes, XXX, 15-16." Rev Bib 72 (1965): 515-19. ______. "Note sul libro dei Proverbi." Aug Rom 9 (1969): 124-33. (Prov 8:26, 29; 3:35; 7:20, 27; 30:1; 31:1) ______. "Studi sul libro dei Proverbi." Aug Rom 12.1 (1972): 120-68. (Extensive Bibliography 40 pages; cp with this biblio) ______. "La casa della sagezza (Prov. 9,1; 14, 1)." Augustinianum 7 (1967) 349-51. Vawter, Bruce. "Prov 8:22: Wisdom and Creation." JBL 99.2 (1980): 205-16. Venter, P.M. "Spreuke 7:6-23: 'n poetiese verhall," Skrif en Kerk 8.2 (1987) 206-222. ______. "Holisme en totaliteit (Holism and Totality)." Hervormde Teologiese Stud 47.4 (1991) 1088-1098. Verdaasdonk, Hugo. "Concepts of Acceptance and the Basis of a Theory of Texts." In Pragmatics of Language and Literature. Edited by Teun A. van Dijk. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1976. Proverbs Bibliography 138

Vincelette, Gary. "The Concept of Speech in the Book of Proverbs." (Th.M. thesis, Dallas Theo. Sem., 1976). Vischer, Wilhelm. "L'Hymne de la Sagesse dans les Proverbes de Salomon 8: 22-31." Etudes Theologiques et Religieuses 50 (1975) 175-94. Visotzky, Burton. The Midrash on Proverbs: Translated from the Hebrew with an introduction and annotations (Yale Judaica Series, 26, 1992) ______. "Midrash Eishet Hayil." Conservative Judaism 38.3 (1986) 21-25. ______. Midrash Mishle. New York: Jewish Theological Seminary, 1990. Vlach, John. "The Functions of Proverbs in Yoruba Folktales." Studies in Yoruba Folklore. Ed. John Vlach. Bloomington, Indiana: Folklore Forum, 1973 (= Folklore Forum, Bibliographic and Special Series, no. 11). pp. 31-41. Vogel, Dan. "Ambiguities of the Eagle." Jewish Bible Quarterly 26.2 (1998) 85-92. Von Rad, G. "Job XXXVIII and Ancient Egyptian Wisdom." In Studies in Ancient Israelite Wisdom. Edited by James L. Crenshaw. New York: KTAV Publishing House, 1976. (See also his The Problem of the Hexateuch and Other Essays). ______. Old Testament Theology. New York: Harper and Row Publishers, 1962. ______. The Problem of the Hexateuch and Other Essays. Translated by W. E. T. Dicken. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966. ______. Wisdom in Israel. Nashville: Abingdon, 1972. Classic! Von Rohr Sauer, Alfred. "Wisdom and Law in Old Testament Wisdom Literature." Conc 43 (1972): 600-609. Voorwinde, Stephen. Wisdom for Today's Issues: A Topical Arrangement of Proverbs. (New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, 1981). Vries, Simon J. de "Observations on the Quantitative and Qualitative Time in Wisdom and Apocalyptic," IW (1978) 263-76. Vsey, Vincent. "Proverbs 17:6b (LXX) and St. Ambrose's Man of Faith." Augustinianum 14 (1974):259-76. Proverbs Bibliography 139 W Back to Top

Waegeman, Maryse "The Perfect Wife of Proverbs 31:10-31," in Goldene Apfel in silbernen Schalen (Frankfurt: Lang, 1990) 101-07. Walcot, P. "Hesiod and the Instructions of 'Onchesheshonqy." JNES 21 (1962): 215-19. Waldman, Nahum M. "A Note on Excessive Speech and Falsehood." Jew Quart Rev 67 (Oct 1976- Jan 1977): 142-45. (Prov 27:6, 17:7) Walker, Colin S. Scottish Proverbs (Birlinn Ltd, 2001). Wallis, Von Gerhard. "Zu den Spruchsammlungen Prov. 10,1-22,16 und 25-29." Theologische Literaturzeitung 85.2 (1960): 147. Walsh, Mary-Elizabeth. "The Role of Imagery and Abstraction in Proverb Comprehension: A Dual-Coding Analysis," (Ph.D. Diss.: University of Western Ontario, Canada; 1988). Got it looks good. Waltke, Bruce K. "The Book of Proverbs and Ancient Wisdom Literature." Bibliotheca Sacra 136 (July-September 1979): 221-38. ______. "The Book of Proverbs and Old Testament Theology." Bibliotheca Sacra 136 (October-December 1979):302-17. ______. "Lady Wisdom as Mediarix: An Exposition of Proverbs 1:20- 33," Presb 14 (1988) 1-15. ______. "The Authority of Proverbs: An Exposition of Proverbs 1:2-6," Presb 13 (1987) 65-78. ______. "The Role of the Valiant Wife in the Marketplace." Crux 35.3 (1999) 23-34. ______. "Does Proverbs Promise Too Much." Andrews University Seminary Studies 34.3 (1996) 319-336. Ward, James M. "The Servant's Knowledge in Isaiah 40-50." In Israelite Wisdom: Theological and Literary Essays in Honor of Samuel Terrien. Edited by J. G. Gammie; W. Brueggemann; W. L. Humphreys; and J. W. Ward. New York: Union Theological Seminary, 1978. Ward, W. A., ed. The Role of the Phoenicians in the Interaction of the Mediterranean Civilizations. Beirut: American University of Beirut, 1967. Wardlaw, Ralph. Lectures on the Book of Proverbgs 3 vols. (1869) Good Books Reprint, Washington, Harold C. "The Case of the Drunken Scribe: Prov Proverbs Bibliography 140

23:31-35 and Ancient Egyuptian Scribal Instruction," SBL Wisdom Section Paper, Chicago, 11/21/88. Have proposal submitted to SBL. ______. "Wealth and Poverty in the Instruction of Amenemope and the Hebrew Proverbs: A Comparative Case Study in the Social Location and Function of Ancient Near Eastern Wisdom Literature," (Ph.D. dissertattion, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1992). Published by SBLDS 142 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1994). ______. "The Strange Woman . . . of Proverbs 1-9 and Post-Exilic Judean Society." in Second Temple Studies 2 Ed. by T. C. Eskenazi and K.H. Richards (Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1994). 217-42. Watson, Charles. "Abstract Thinking Deficit and Autism in Process and Reactive Schizophrenics." Journal of Abnormal Psychology 82 (1973): 399-403. Watson, Charles, Duane Plemel and M. Burke. "Proverb Test Deficit in Schizophrenic and Brain-Damaged Patients." Journal of Nervous and MentalDiseases 167. no. 9 (1979):561-65. Watson, Wilfred. "Further Examples of Semantic-Sonant Chiasmus." Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46 (1984):31-33. Also vid his work on Classical Hebrew Poetry JSOT Suplement Series 26, 1984. Waugh, Charles. Proverbs: A Study in Interpersonal Communication (Th.M. thesis, Western Conservative Baptist Seminary, 1986) Weber, Rhiannon and Lawrence Evans. Signposts from Proverbs: An Introduction to Proverbs (Banner of Truth, 1988). GET Weekley, Ernest. "Proverbs Considered." Atlantic Monthly 145 (April 1930): 504-512. Wehrle, Josef. Sprichwort und Weisheit: Studien zur Syntax und Semantik der Tob... min-Spruche im Buch der Sprichworter (St. Ottilien: EOS, 1993). Weiden, W. A. van der. "Prov. XIV 32b, 'Mais le juste a confiance quan il meurt," VT 20 (1970) 339-50. Weinberg, S. "The Book of Proverbs and Pentateuchal Literature." Tarbiz 42 (1973): 492-95. (In Hebrew) Weinfeld, M. "The History of Petition in Israel and the Nations." Eretz-Israel 16 (1982): 93-99. [In Hebrew] ______. "The Origins of the Humanism in Deuteronomy." Journal of Biblical Literature 80 (1961): 241-47. Proverbs Bibliography 141

Weingreen, J. "Rabinnic-Type Commentary in the LXX Version of Proverbs." in Proceedings of the Sixth World Congress of Jewish Studies, vol. 1; (Jerusalem: World Union of Jewish Studies, 1977): 407-415. Weisberg, David B. Guild Structure and Political Allegiance in Early Achaemenid Mesopotamia. Yale Near Eastern Researches, 1. New Haven: Yale University, 1967. Weiss, M. "The Pattern of Numerical Sequence in Amos 1-2: A Re-examination." Journal of Biblical Literature 86 (1967): 416-23. Welch, J. W., ed. Chiasmus in Antiquity. Hildesheim: Gerstenberg, 1981. Wendel, M. le Doyen Francois. Les Sagesses du Proche-Orient Ancien Colloque de Strasbourge mai 17-19 1962. (Paris: Presses Universitaires De France,1963). Collection of articles by Jean Leclant, H. Cazelles, P. Montet, A. Volten, H. Brunner, W. Zimmerli, H. Gese, J. Vergote. Westenholz, Aage. "Old Akkadian School Texts: Some Goals of Sargonic Scribal Education." Archiv fur Orienforschungen 25 (1974-77): 95-110. Westermann, Claus. Die Logien in der synoptischen Ueberlieferung in ihrem Verhaeltnis zu den Spruechen des Proverbienbuches; zu einem Kapitel in Rudolf Bultmanns Geschichte der synopticschen Tradition. in Schoepfung und Neuschoepfung; ed by I Baldermann, et al (1990) 241-244. ______. Forschungsgeschichte zur Weisheitsliteratur 1950-1990. (Stuttgart: Calwer, 1991). ______. Roots of Wisdom: The Oldest Proverbs of Israel and Other Peoples; Trans. J. Daryl Charles (Westminster/John Knox Press, 1994). Get Westermarck, Edward. Wit and Wisdom in Morocco: A Study of Native Proverbs. London: George Routledge & Sons, Ltd. 1930. ______. "On the Study of Popular Sayings." Nature 122 (November 3, 1928): 701-703. Whedbee, J. William. Isaiah and Wisdom. Nahsville, IL: A. R. Allenson, 1965. White, John. "The Sages' Strategy to Preserve Salom," in The Listening Heart ed Kenneth Hoglund et al., (JSOT suppl. 58; 1987) 299-312. Whiting, Bartlett J. "The Nature of the Proverb." Harvard Studies and Notes in Philology and Lit. 14 (1932): 273-307. Proverbs Bibliography 142

______. "The Origin of the Proverb." Harvard Studies and Notes in Philology and Lit. 13 (1931): 47-81. ______. "Some Current Meanings of 'Proverbial'." Harvard Studies and Notes in Philology and Lit. 16 (1934): 229-252. ______. Proverbs, Sentences, and Proverbial Phrases from English Writings Mainly before 1500 (Cambridge, Mass: 1968). ______. A Dictionary of American Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases 1820-1880 (1958). Done with Archer Taylor ______. Early American Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases (Cambridge Mass: Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press, 1977). ______. Modern Proverbs and Proverbial Sayings (Harvard Univ Press, 1989). ______. Chaucer's Use of Proverbs (Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature 11) (AMS Press, 1973). ______. When Evensong and Morrowson Accord: Three Essays on the Proverb (Harvard Univ. Press, 1994). Whiting, B.J. and Taylor, Archer. A Dictionary of American Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases 1820-1880. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ Press, 1958. Whybray, R. N. "Qoheleth the Immoralist? (Qoh 7:16-17)." In Israelite Wisdom: Theological and Literary Essays in Honor of Samuel Terrien. Edited by J.G. Gammie; W. Brueggemann; W. L. Humphreys; and J. W. Ward. New York: Union Theological Seminary, 1978. ______. "Prophecy and wisdom." in Israel's Prophetic Tradition: Essays in Honour of Peter R. Ackroyd. ed. Richard Coggins, A. Phillips, & M. Knibb. (NY: Cambridge University Press, 1982): 181-99. ______. The Intellectual Tradition in the Old Testament. Beiheft zur Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenshaft, 135. New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1974 ______. The Book of Proverbs. CBC. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1972). ______. "Proverbs VIII 22-31 and its Supposed Prototypes." VT 15 (1965): 504-12. Reprinted in Crenshaw's Studies in Ancient Israedlite Wisdom, 329-40. ______. "Slippery Words: IV. Wisdom." Exp Times 89 (1978): 359-62. ______. "Some Literary Problems in Proverbs I-IX." VT 16 (1966): Proverbs Bibliography 143

482-96. ______. The Succession Narrative: A Study of II Samuel 9-20 and I Kings 1 and 2. Studies in Biblical Theology, Second Series, vol. 9. Edited by C. F. D. Moule et al. London: SCM Press, Ltd., 1968. ______. Wisdom in Proverbs: The Concept of Wisdom in Proverbs 1-9. Studies in Biblical Theology. Vol. 45. Edited by C. F. D. Moule. Naperville, IL: Alec. R. Allenson, Inc., 1965. [Reviews: J. M. Zinkand, in WTJ 39 (1976): 387-89; R.A.F. MacKenzie, in Biblica 56 (1975):266-67.]. ______. "Poverty, Wealth, and Point of View in Proverbs," The Expository Times 100.9 (1989) 332-336. ______. Wealth and Poverty in the Book of Proverbs (Sheffield: JSOT: supllement Series 99, 1990). ______. "The social world of the wisdom writers," in The world of Ancient Israel; ed by R. Clements (1989) 227-250. ______. "The Sage in the Israelite Royal Court," in The Sage in Israel and the Ancient Near East. eds. John Gammie & Leo Perdue (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1990) 133-140. ______. The Book of Proverbs: A Survey of Modern Study, HBIS 1 (Leiden: Brill, 1995). Exc. summary of 20th century Proverbs research. ______. "Yahweh-sayings and Their Context in Proverbs 10:1-22,16," in La Sagesse de l' Ancien Testament. Ed. M. Gilbert. BETL 51 (1979) 153-65. ______. "Thoughts on the Composition of Proverbs 10-29," in Priests, Prophets, and Scribes. Ed. by N. E. Ulrich et al. (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1992). ______. The Composition of the Book of Proverbs. JSOT Sup 168 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1994). ______. "City Life in Proverbs 1-9." in Jedes Ding hat seine Zeit... (FS D.Michel). Ed. by A. A. Diesel et al. BZAW 241 (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1996) 243-50. Widdowson, John. "The Things Tehy Say About Food: A Survey of Traditional English Foodways." Folk Life, 13 (1975): 5-12. Wifall, Walter. "Israel's Covenant Wisdom." Bible Today 64 (1973): 1046-52. Wiles, John Keating. "The 'Enemy' in Israelite Wisdom." (Ph.D. Diss: Southern Baptist Theo. Sem. 1982) Univ Micro Films 8227850. Proverbs Bibliography 144

Wilken, Robert L., ed. Aspects of Wisdom in Judaism and Early Christianity. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame, 1975. [Review M. J. Suggs, in Int 31 (1977):? Wilkerson, David. Pocket Proverbs: Wisdom to Live By. (Ventura: Regal Books, 1983). Wilkins, Eliza. "Know Thyself' in Greek and Latin Literature. Diss University of Chicago 1917. Chicago: University of Chicago Libraries, 1917. Willi-Plein, Ina. “’Eschet Chajil’: Weisheit und Lebensart in der Perserzeit,” Exegese vor Ort, 411-25. Williams, James G. "The Power of Form: A Study of Biblical Proverbs." Semeia 17-19 (1980): 35-58. ______. Those Who Ponder Proverbs: Aphoristic Thinking and Biblical Literature. Bible and Literature Series. Edited by D.M. Gunn. Sheffield: The Almond Press, 1981. ______. "What Does it Profit a Man?: The Wisdom of Koheleth." Judaism 20 (1971): 179-93. ______. "Proverbs and Ecclesiastes," in The Literary Guide to the Bible; ed by Alter and F. Kermode (1987) 263-282. Williams, Ronald, J. "Literature as a Medium of Political Propaganda in Ancient Egypt." in The Seed of Wisdom: Essays in Honour of T. J. Meek, ed. W. S. McCullough (Tronoto: University of Toronto Press, ?). ***** ______. "Scribal Training in Ancient Egypt." Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (1972): 214-21. ______. "Some Egyptianisms in the Old Testament." In Studies in Honor of John A. Wilson, September 12, 1969. Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization, vol. 35. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1969. ______. "The Alleged Semitic Original of the 'Wisdom of Amenemope.'" Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 47 (1961): 100-106. ______. "The Fable in the Ancient Near East." In A Stubborn Faith. Edited by E. C. Hobbs. Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1956. ______. "The Literature as a Medium of Political Propaganda in Ancient Egypt." In The Seed of Wisdom: Essays in Honour of T. J. Meek. Edited by W. S. McCullough. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1964. ______. "The Sages of Ancient Egypt in the Light of Recent Proverbs Bibliography 145

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