Triangle Shetland Sheepdog Club of North Carolina s3
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President: Chuck Dasnoit Vice-President Barbara Thompson Secretary: Cathy Whitaker Treasurer: Lynn Michael Board Members: Frank Fletcher, Krystn Messer and Kristy Pedersen
Newsletter Editor: Cathy Whitaker, E-mail: [email protected]
Membership Chairman: Kristy Pedersen, E-mail: [email protected]
This is the official publication of the Triangle Shetland Sheepdog Club of NC, and is published at least quarterly in the interests of the club members. Articles of interest to sheltie owners will be accepted for publication; views expressed in the articles are not necessarily those of the club members or the club itself.
Membership information: Annual dues for an individual are $10.00, and $15.00 for family membership. Dues are payable to the Membership Chairman when submitting an application or in December for the following year.
Meetings: Meetings are held on the second Thursday at 7:00 PM, usually in the homes of members. Meeting locations, dates, and directions are published in the newsletter for your convenience.
Advertising is accepted for the publication, at a rate of $5.00 per page. Ads can be sent to the Editor with the appropriate fees. Upcoming Meetings:
Thursday, September 9, 2004 Meeting at Krys Messer’s House
Meeting Minutes:
June 10, 2004
The President called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.
The Secretary read the minutes of the May meeting. Krys made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Chuck second the motion, unanimously passed.
Membership – An application was read for the first time for Allison Parr.
Secretary’s Report – Nothing to report.
Treasurer’s Report – We had a beginning balance of $6,888.61. We had no income for the period, expenses of $690.99 giving us a closing balance of $6,197.62. A donation was made to the family of Chris Parkhurst for which several thank you notes had been received for the club by the treasurer.
Membership Chairman’s Report – An application was read for the first time for Allison Parr.
Old Business:
Show Chairman’s Report –
Report from Barbara Thompson, Trophy Chair—she is donating water buckets with one flat side for first in conformation classes one of the two days.
Lynn will send out the contract and deposit for the photographer.
Cathy spoke with Carl Williford, sweeps judge for Saturday, November 6 and he is willing to steward the breed ring after completion of his assignment. She also spoke with Robin McTaggart about doing the same thing on Sunday, November 7. Robin said she’d let us know.
Diane was going to check with a co-worker whose son’s Boy Scout troop might be interested in providing food for both days of the show. Frank suggested that if we weren’t able to find someone to provide food, he and his wife would be willing to handle food for the show so that the club received the revenue. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously passed for Dianne to check with her friend about the Boy Scout troop. If they weren’t able to provide food service, Cathy would talk with Frank about his suggestion.
Cathy will make signs for the day of the show to designate “show areas” so that anyone visiting the APS adoption center would be aware of the restriction on dogs entering the show premises who were not entered in the show.
RV parking is only allowed by the administration building (the old caretaker’s cottage). The cost for RV parking will be $15 per night, payable to the club and sent to Lynn. No refunds will be made if reservation is cancelled.
A motion was made, seconded and unanimously passed to change the amount of money for sponsoring prizes for the various classes. The following were set as a guidelines:
BOB $60 BOS $30 WD/B $40 RWD/B $40 HT $40
A motion was made, seconded and unanimously passed to accept these amounts as guidelines.
New Business:
Krys received a complete set of Pacesetters, back to the first edition which was donated to the club. It was discussed whether to sell them on eBay, Sheltie classifieds or send a note out to the old Sheltie list. It was decided to list them in the Sheltie classifieds for $600 or best offer and split the proceeds with the donor—50/50.
Judges for 2005 Specialty: After discussion, the following list was agreed upon to be sent to the club members to vote for the 2005 specialty breed judges:
Kim Schive Jacquelyn Corwin Denise Cornelsson Frankie Carothers Sharlene Defee-Rubenstein Glenda Henson Barbara Wright Mona Simmonds Pepper Power Carol Chapman
It was decided that this year’s selection process would be handled differently. An e-mail will be sent to all members asking them to select a judge for the first day of our specialty. Krys will notify everyone of the judge selected and then send out the names again (minus the selected individual) and ask that everyone select a judge for our second day. Once that individual is selected, Krys will let everyone know who was selected as well as who the individual was who got the second highest votes for the first round and then for the second round. The individuals who received the second highest number of votes for each round will be the alternates for their respective days. Frank made a motion to accept this selection process, Krys seconded the motion, it was unanimously passed.
Donna Crabtree and Joanne Mather were suggested for sweeps judges. Joanne Mather could also be an obedience judge.
Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Members present: Lynn Michael, Chuck Dasnoit, Cathy Whitaker, Krys Messer, Elizabeth Sandling, Dianne Hawes, Barbara Thompson, Barbara Nelson, Bob Jordan, Shauna Dasnoit, Kelly Harrison and Frank Fletcher
Guest attending: Alison Parr
VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT—NEWSLETTER EDITOR HAS A NEW E- MAIL ADDRESS (again). I can be reached at [email protected]. The old address with AT&T will work through the end of September.
PICNIC, PICNIC!!!! See the end of this newsletter for details about our annual picnic. Please RSVP to Linda Nicholas as soon as possible so she knows how many people to expect.
It’s that time of the year again. At our September meeting we will take nominations for our 2005 club officers. If you’d like to nominate someone, but won’t be able to make the meeting, please drop a note to a member of the Board (names on first page) or me and I’ll forward it on.
Planning for the future: Just a quick note to everyone—Kristy has volunteered to host our Christmas party again (unless someone is just dying to do it!)
2005 Specialty Judges: The results of the Ballot for 2005 are as follows:
First Ballot - Mona Simmonds. Frankie Carothers is the alternate if Mona cannot accept. Second Ballot - Pepper Power. Glenda Henson is alternate if Pepper cannot accept. Member News:
I hope club members will join me in expressing most heartfelt sympathies to Darlene Soblotne (Kuon Shelties) and her family as they process the pain and grief over losing Shelton, their 7-year old sable beauty, to a massive tumor on June 8. Shelton hung on long enough to be sure his Mama Darlene and Daddy Larry knew how much he loved them, and I am sure from the look in his eyes that he was much comforted by the fact they were there to hold him in their arms when he was gently released and quietly closed his eyes one last time. Shelton no longer suffers the enormous pain of the tumor that stole him so young, and it is my hope that the pain in Darlene's and Larry's hearts at this time will quite soon be replaced by the many wonderful memories of Shelton that will fill, and keep him alive in, their hearts for the rest of their days. There are never enough of the right words at a time like this, but Darlene and her family were blessed to have Shelton for the seven years he was with them. Love and quiet peace to you, Dar - Amy Butcher, Ailea
Anyone with puppies available, litters due soon, or adults looking for homes...please send an email to Krys at [email protected] (or [email protected]) with a brief note to let her know the basics like date of birth, color, sex. This is a great help in keeping the info current and available to pass on to callers or email inquiries. Thanks! Brags
From Jubilee: Alfie "finished his championship on Friday, July 30th in Ohio. Taking another 3 pt major with Nick & Joel. He is now CH Laureate Latitude. YIPPEEE!!!
From Coastal: Coastal had a very exciting weekend at the Greenville, S.C. shows. On Saturday, our Ch Jade Mist Coastal Cruiser went Best Of Breed over TOP Specials, under Mrs. Rayleen Hendrix. We had an equally successful day in the Group ring, proudly capturing the Group 2 placement under Mr C.P. Herendeen, owner-handled by Tammy Alden! Yes, there was celebrating that evening with family and friends!
On Sunday, Coastal Paradigm Surfer Girl, a Ch Jade Mist Coastal Cowboy daughter, was RWB at only 10 months of age! Summer is owned by Susan Robbins in Charlotte N.C. Congratulations to Susan and Summer! Watch this team as Summer matures into a gorgeous show dog in the future!
On August 7th Can Ch Coastal Wyndsong's Promise (12 American Points, one major) picked up two more points and a BOB over Specials. Keeper only needs a three-point major to add American Champion to his name! Keeper will no doubt be Coastal's first Am/Can Champion. He is loved and owned by Deborah Luper. Keeper was shown to these points by Jan Williams. On the same day, Deborah Luper handled Coastal Wyndsong's Continental Cruiser (a repeat of the breeding that produced Coastal Beach Bunny) to a 5 Point Major under Judge Joe Gregory. What makes this win even more outstanding is that Cruiser (Ch Jade Mist Coastal Cruiser X Wistwin Rosy Red) is 6 1/2 months old and it was his first AKC show! Way to go Deborah and Cruiser. This win only two weeks after his sire, Ch Chevy, won his first BOB his first weekend shown as a Special! We're about to pop all of our buttons here at Coastal!
From Solange: Solange Freelander ("Landen"), co-owned with Daveena Michael of Riverdance in PA, took WD and BOW for his first two points at Annapolis Kennel Club. In a handful of shows, he's also acquired two major reserves. His litter sister, Solange Maraschino ("Cherry") also went out to a few shows this summer and has two reserves from the 6-9 puppy class. Proud parents of these kids are our own CH Southwinds Solange Aidan' Abet ("Aidan") and Mindalyn Spring Fever ("Lorelei").
CH Mindalyn Fall Colors "Aubrey" has 6 new babies (4 boys, 2 girls) by Barwoods Santiago (whelped Aug 16).
Please send me your brags to share.
***If you would prefer to receive these newsletters via e-mail, please send me your e- mail address. Also, if anyone changes their current e-mail address, please send the new one to me so you can continue to receive these electronically.
Contact information for Triangle Sheltie Rescue: Intake Coordinator, Mike Tickle (919) 606-7132 - Adoption Coordinator, Randy Ross (704) 965-5432 web site - TRIANGLE SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB ANNUAL PICNIC
WHEN: Sunday September 12 beginning at 2:30 p.m. WHERE: Home of Linda Nicholas
FOOD: We will grill marinated beef and chicken. PLEASE BRING APPETIZERS, SIDE DISHES, DESSERTS
Anyone with ideas for PUPPY GAMES please email Linda or Dianne ([email protected]).
Please let Linda know if you're coming so we'll be sure to have enough chicken and beef ([email protected])