What S New Build 2195 Build 2437

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What S New Build 2195 Build 2437

What’s new Build_93_7421 --> Build_95_11_8321


New: Do NOT remove the unTill logo from the screens.

Because reseller are sometimes removing the unTill® logo from every screen, make the unTill® logo hard coded on the screen. We all must be proud on our logo ! ! !


Now in POS on Start screen Untill LOGO is automatically drawn in the right bottom corner of screen, on all other screens: in the top of screen in a position left =336px, top = 20px. The logo drawing can be turned OFF, add in Untill.ini in section [Common] the line: NoUntillLogo=1 (This was just a warning, next time it WILL BE hard coded.)

New Screen property is added "Table overview screen". If it's turn on, LOGO is drawn in the bottom right, else it's drawn in the top of screen.

New: Go to report screen from Direct Sales.

Distributor: unTill – United Kingdom Reseller: Gardiff

When we want to go to the report screen from the order screen in direct sales We need to go to normal sales first at the moment. Please make it possible to go directly to report screen from direct sales.


New: Cash declaration per Terminal.

Distributor: unTill – United Kingdom Reseller: Gardiff

1) Manager/Supervisor enters the float in to each terminal at the start of the day (just the total cash – not each type of note/coin). 2) Manager/Supervisor can add to the float during the day if required. 3) Manager/Supervisor can also perform an uplift during the day if required if the drawer is getting full (this just needs to be a total of cash removed from the drawer which prints a slip the user signs and leaves in the drawer). 4) Manager/Supervisor declares the float per terminal at the end of the shift/night. 5) System should have an option to declare individual terminals or all terminals consolidated. 6) Manager/Supervisor declares the Credit Card balance per terminal at the start/end of the shift/night. *3) Manager/Supervisor can also perform an uplift during the day if required if the drawer is getting full (this just needs to be a total of cash removed from the drawer which prints a slip the user signs and leaves in the drawer) this probably can be done trough 'cash out'. *4) Manager/Supervisor declares the float per terminal at the end of the shift/night most of the customers will ask for to block Z read report if cash declaration has not been performed I think at the moment the main issue is that the cash declaration is linked to clock in/out function, also that its per 'personal cash drawer' rather than computer. It is good idea to have cash declaration per user if each waiter is responsible for the money they take but in most of the places 2-3 members of staff are sharing 1 cash drawer.

When we created the action "Need cash drawer amount" - we supposed that the table would keep only balances - i.e. final values, such as : At the start day - drawer has 100.00 euro At the end day - drawer has 1000.00 euro ======Difference per day = 900.00 euro

Now we can compare with cash payments. UK guys want to have the possibility to add/remove money during the day so the amount of cash will be changed. Thus the table now keeps not only the balance, but the Balance and the Turnover.

At the start – the drawer has 100.00 euro - start balance. Add 10.00 – turnover. Add 20.00 – turnover. Remove 50.00 – turnover. At the end day - drawer has 1000.00 euro - end balance. So we have to distinguished somehow balance and turnover, because they will then require reports: How much was added directly to drawer (turnover). How much was removed (withdrawn) directly from the drawer (turnover). How much was at the start of day – balance. How much was at the end of day – balance. Turnover and Balance - actually are different values and should be kept in defferent tables I believe. And relations between values will be as following: End balance = Start Balance + Cash Payments + Positive turnover - Negative turnover Resume: we can use action "Need cash drawer amount" for balance, but we also need another action for entering cash turnover.

Solution: 1. Balance is filled by action "Need cash drawer amount". 2. Turnover is filled by "In/Out cash". Both actions allows to print ticket after the value is entered. In Z-report total cash balance can be calculated by formula: Start Cash Amount + In Cash + Out Cash - Sales paid by Cash = End Cash Amount


BO changes Parameters "Cash", "Credit Card" are added to Action "Need Cash Drawer amount" and ticket dataset "Cash Drawer Amounts"

POS changes Value in action "Need cash drawer amount" can now be negative. 1. New action "Need cash declaration" is added in restaurant. It works from any state. 2. Field Terminal is added in dataset "Cash declaration report" - the dataset also can be filtered by terminal.

New: New Stock reports.

Distributor: unTill – United Kingdom Reseller: Gardiff

The customer needs a really simple buying product/ingredient report: Ingredient name, class, supplier name, cost price, buying size. * Supplier name, cost price, buying size not coming up in 'ingredients' data set. where do I need to take this information from?

Also another report is needed for articles: Article number, article name, selling size, department/group/category, ingredient for the article. * How can I link ingredient to an article on reports?

1. Dataset "Sold stock ingredients" - it seems has all data. 'Ingredient number', 'Ingredient', 'Average cost', 'Usage U/M', 'Sold amount', 'Sold value', 'Single sales price' 2. Dataset 'Sales and cost'. 'Article number', 'Article', 'Department', 'sold quantity', 'theoretical cost'. "Related ingredient" is absent, because in common case there is no direct link between article and ingredient. Restaurant Article can consist of several ingredients, if f.e. it's linked to recipe and vice versa - ingredient can be a part of several Restaurant Articles. 'Theoretical cost' - shows calculated Prime Cost of article basing on cost of ingredients. New field "Supplier name" is added to dataset "Sold stock ingredients" New dataset "Initial count items" is added in Stock reports context. It has most fields same as datasets "Invoice" and "Invoice items".

New: Show Login on the Start screen.

Distributor: unTill – United Kingdom Reseller: Gardiff In the UK they don't use the table overview as a start screen, they always work in direct sales and when something needs to be placed on a table they go from the order screen to the tables. What they really want is to have Login screen as start screen. They also have a problem that when Guest is logged in on order screen, the scanner is still scanning articles. This can be solved when the login screen is shown, unTill® is expecting a login code for a user and not barcode for article. If we can have an automatic LogOff after X seconds on the order screen and then show the login screen, all will be solved.


BO changes Common Data/Hardware/Computers - General. A new value "User login" is added in combo box "POS startup message". If this value is chosen and POS starts in direct sales mode, the first step will be "Login user".

New: Add automatic “Service Charge”.

Distributor: unTill – United Kingdom Reseller: Gardiff

When a table has more than “x” covers, add automatic service charge to that table.


BO changes New settings "Automatically add service charge %" and "Covers" in Restaurant Settings.

POS changes If the parameter values is above both >0, the Number of Covers of current order exceeds "Covers" parameter value, Order is not partially paid, current Service Charge amount = 0,- unTill® automatically changes Service Charge to "Automatically add service charge %" value.

New: Add Options to Ordered articles.


New option "Show only Combo/Promo"/"Show Combo/Promo items" is added to the dataset "Ordered_articles".

Done New: Add to dataset.

Distributor: unTill Spain Reseller: Infoself

Please add field 'Original Single Price' to datasets 'Options' and 'Menu Modifiers'.


New: No Void reason for Bonus articles on reports.

Distributor: unTill France Customer: Flam’s

Article was ordered with price 4.5, then it was automatically voided because untill decided (article is included into bonus group) to change price to 2.0 and they see Ordered 4.5 Voided 4.5 - with no reason Ordered 2.0 What they need: Both show auto-voided articles which appears after Bonus.


Now, voided articles report does not show auto-voided articles with Bonus.

New: Items Order like in POS (Department order articles).

Make the "Item Ordered" like it they are shown in POS. (Department Normal Articles/Special Articles) Now it is too difficult to arrange the sequence of all articles.


BO changes Department form in “Items Order” dialog combo box "Articles in line" is added. By default it's value=10

New: Cash declaration.

Distributor: unTill UK Customer: University of Westminster (and others)

At the end of the shift - Cashier needs to make a "Cash Declaration" before printing the X- Report (or Z-Report) They have to count all the money and bring it into the system in detail. The number of £50 / £20 / £10 etc ... The system is calculating the total per each, will make a complete total of it, and will report the difference with the actual total in the system.


BO changes 1. New setting "Cash declaration" is added to User form in BO. 2. New screen dataset "Notes & Coins" is added. The buttons, linked to the dataset should be put on new screen/layer. The screen/layer will be opened, once after Clock in/Clock out operations if setting "Cash declaration" is turn ON. User has to click on every button to put amount of notes/coins in his drawer.

Now dataset "Cash Notes & Coins " has parameters. Parameters allows you to choose what fields are show on the button. Among them you can see "Image". Image is assigned in BO Entity manager Currency, tab sheet Notes & Coins.

New: Cash declaration report.

Create dataset, which will show Notes & Coins values. Create new entity manager "Notes & Coins". It will have 2 fields: name, cost. BO changes 1. New dataset "Untill.Cash declaration" is added in report context. 2. Report for currently created Cash declaration is possible to print directly from Cash Declaration from. For this new settings "Cash declaration ticket" and "Cash declaration layout" are added on the first page of Computer settings.

BO changes 1. New entity manager is added "Notes & Coins" 2. New embedded entity manager is added to Currency on second tab. It links "Notes&Coins" with the Currency.

New: Personal log files.

Create an action to put behind any button: Restaurant: Personallog This action should have parameter Free Text. When the button is pressed, a line should be written to a Personal.log file. Date/Time - User - Trans.nr - PC - Free text


New: Multiple EAN codes per article

Reseller : EBM Denmark Customer: Ferry boats EAN numbering up to 10 pcs. at. article.


BO changes Article file – page 6.Controls Added Barcodes with comments.

New: Add to dataset.

Reseller : unTill Belgium - Alfapos

In the dataset Articles we do have price; price without discount; Single price ... but we don’t have; single price without discount, please add this to the dataset.


New: Stock – Automatic balance invoice.

Distributor: unTill - South Africa Customer: Featherbeds Some time ago a request was made for Tech Republic to automatic balance a stock invoice. This works great for Czech Republic but for South Africa they need it the old way. Make a setting in the Back office: Automatic balance stock invoice Yes/No.


New: Client cards to be used in Football stadia.

Reseller: DSP Interface – unTill Belgium Client: Stade de Mons / Bergen

1. At the moment “Guest” can make new card and make deposits to cards ... this should be impossible, when they use login from that screen, after login unTill shows the start screen. It should stay on the card screen. 2. It should be not possible for a waiter to modify the card number field so after the card is swiped the card number field is filled and only a manager should be able to change it. 3. Maximum limit to deposit parameter in the back office. 4. Max length for card field. 5. Anonymous records with existing card number?


BO changes 1. New parameters "Client card deposit limit" and "Card field maximum length" are added to restaurant Settings "Page 7". 2. In UntillLabel element property form button "Security.. " is added. It's allows to define security level like one in Untill button.

POS changes 1. If entered a deposit value > "Restaurant Settings.Client card deposit limit", Untill shows an error. 2. If entered a Client card number > "Restaurant Settings.Card field maximum length", Untill shows an error. 3. If security level is not sufficient, User can not set focus on the label. If the label has property "Focused". 4. After user swiped a card, active field moves to Deposit Balance automatically. 5. Guest cannot swipe card as well as input card number, suing virtual keyboard. Only logged in user can do that. 6. To prevent showing start screen after Login, they should add action "Change client card info" on button OK on the Login screen. 7. Anonymous users are not created by unTill now.

New: Add to dataset articles.

Distributor: unTill Netherlands (Arjan) Customer: Overall

Add to the dataset Context "Bills" source "Articles" the "Sales Area".


New: Table number to Combined tables.

Distributor: unTill Netherlands Customer: Overall

When "Combine Table" is used, having the ability to print the original Table number on the Preparation ticket. I.e. Combine table 25(25) and 29(25), open table 29 and place an order, now table 25 will be printed but it should be 29(25). Open table 25 and order, should be printed 25(25).


In dataset "Order" new field "Native table number" is added.

New: Implementation of Newyse.

Newyse Newyse is an existing booking systems for hotels. 3rd party (Nilesh Wani, Rob Sonke, Jean-Pierre) are developing SOAP service for using with Newyse server. unTill communicates to SOAP service in following cases:

 Get list of pre-paid articles for given card  Process "Newyse Voucher" payment (new payment type implemented for Newyse)  Process "Newyse On-account" payment (new payment type implemented for Newyse)

Newyse flow in unTill

 Table opened  Card can be swiped, to perform authorize in Newyse and obtain the list of pre-paid articles. This may be skipped if prepaid-articles are not going to be used  Ordering o Pre-paid articles get zero price in unTill. Use "pre-paid price" field to obtain pre-paid price. For newyse products with type "Number" - newyse internal price stored. For products with type "Value" (vouchers) - unTill price stored. o If pre-paid articles has been ordered, they sent to Newyse (pre-paid method). o Normal articles can be exchanged to pre-paid, even after order has been confirmed. o Pre-paid articles can be voided. Negative request sent to Newyse in this case. o Combo-articles can be added to pre-paid groups and ordered as pre-paid. All included items gets zero price as well. When combo-article ordered as pre-paid (type Number) the internal price separated between it's items proportionally to their original prices. o Normal Combo-articles can be exchanged to pre-paid. o Normal article with options can be exchanged to pre-paid article with options, when article and all of his options are available in the list of available pre-paid products for authorized client.  Payment is made: o "Newyse" payment type: request to Newyse sent (amount, ...). If no authorization has been made, client is requested for card.

New in unTill  Backoffice o "Restaurant / Product / Pre-paid article groups" entity o "Restaurant Settings / Page 7 / exchange to p/p void reason" setting o New payment type added "Newyse". This type can be used when Newyse configured for current PC  POS o New screen "Newyse authorization" which is called from "Order" screen. When card swiped and client authorized, screen automatically closed and got back to order screen. Otherwise error shown. The screen must have: . "auto show/auto hide" . Label with field "Newyse customer / Customer ID" . Ok & Cancel buttons o New dataset for buttons "Pre-paid groups" which shows the list of pre-paid groups available for authorized Newyse customer o New dataset for buttons "Pre-paid group articles" which shows the list of articles within selected pre-paid group o New dataset for buttons "Articles for exchange to pre-paid" which shows the list of articles from current order which can be exchanged to pre-paid o New dataset for screen labels "Newyse customer" (customer name, reservation id, etc) which shows customer which is currently authorized o New action "Show pre-paid articles" which shows layer with pre-paid groups and articles o New action "Show articles for exchange to pre-paid" which shows layer with articles from current order which can be exchanged to pre-paid o New action "Reload pre-paid articles" which updates the list of articles for currently authorized customer. You will have to reload list when you reopen table which was initially authorized o New fields "pre-paid price", "pre-paid kind" (0 - pre-paid articles, 1 - vouchers) , "pre- paid VAT", "pre-paid netto VAT" in datasets: . Sold articles . Ordered Articles . Articles & Options New: Fields added in Newyse.

Please make Newyse account details (name, reservation number, resort, account balance) available for use in tickets. (we want to print this on the bill)


New fields in dataset "Order": Newyse: Account Balance Newyse: Card Number Newyse: Customer ID Newyse: Customer Name Newyse: Reservation ID Newyse: Reservation Number Newyse: Resort Newyse: Open table Newyse: Order articles Newyse: Pay with Newyse on-account

These fields can be placed on Bill to represent Newyse customer information. Every time when a bill is printed having Newyse CustomerID non-empty, balance requested with SOAP before printing the bill. This will be done if bill has pre-paid articles or paid with "Newyse on account" payment.

New: Newyse – Manual input card code.

Is it possible to give in the code of a card manually instead of swiping the card? When a card is broken of the MCR/reader doesn´t work, users can manually give in the cardcode. This is already possible for Newyse on-account, please make it also possible for action Authorize in Newyse


BO changes New action added "Restaurant: Input Card". Button with this action must be added to layer "Swipe card". It shows input card dialoge.

New: Newyse communication indicator.

Create an indicator that unTill is communicating with Newyse, an hourglass for example. This is because most users don´t understand that some communication is needed and they get impatience and pushing all buttons

Done New: Scrollable screens.

Make the possibility to scroll screens.

BO changes A new Screen element "Scroll panel" is added in the screen element toolbox. To make a screen layers be scrollable: 1. Put the "Scroll panel" on the first layer, which is opened automatically by unTill (f.e. on the start screen - layer with POS start table number). 2. Add layer whit Auto Show = false, Auto Hide = false and add to them Scroll Panel element. 3. Put all tables on top of the Scroll panel.

POS changes Click on Scroll Panel and move mouse horizontally, the layers will be Pulled by the mouse cursor. When the cursor passes 1/4 of screen width, the mouse cursor can be released and the new layer will become active instead of old one.

New: If articles on hold – Different border color.

If articles are in On Hold state, show different color border for the table. New setting in restaurant settings should be added.


New: Implementation of iTesso – Universal standard with Hotel Concepts.

Implementation of the universal standard with Hotel Concepts.

Existing Hotel Concepts screen is compatible with iTesso system but can be enhanced with new elements to get new functionality.

POS Changes New screen list added "Room info" which should be placed on "Hotel Guest Info" (existing for HC) screen. New action "Get Room Details" which makes request to server and fills "Room info" (1) list with details. Room number or Folio Number must be specified. New screen list "List of Hotel Guests" added. New screen should be added with this list (at least one column must have "Auto show" enabled). This screen will appear when more than one guest or reservation attached to specified Room number or Folio Number New fields: "Payment/(Hotel) Transaction Number" (for BILL), "Payments/(Hotel) Transaction Number" (for reports) added. Into this field value returned by iTesso server stored. Implemented

New: unTill Ok after last course – Menu.

Using the menu article, unTill is expecting an action “unTill OK” after choosing the last course. Please make it possible to auto confirm after last course.


New: Screen saver for Client display.

Reseller: Gardiff – unTill England

To Avoid presenting last bill information on the client screen forever when the system is not used for long time, we would like to have kind of screensaver that kicks in after x seconds (BO setting). We can for example show a string instead, this can also be BO setting. Client screen = Rear display.

BO changes 1. New following controls are added on the form Computer - 6.Rear display: "RD Screen saver" - contains layout with screen saver. "Show after(minutes)" - shows X amount of minutes, on the expire of the Screen saver is printed on rear display.

POS changes If "RD Screen saver" value is defined, Screen saver layout is printed after X minutes from the last Article/Bill was printed in Rear Display.

New: Focus on screen after start up.

When you start up pos, and then swipe a card to login a waiter, it does not work. We have to first touch the screen and then swipe card works


New: Create new TPAPI for reservations.

Create a new 3rd party soap interface for reservations in unTill. All existing functionalities like they are present in unTill should be supported by the API. Reservations can be requested, created and edited both by unTill in POS and 3rd party by soap interface. TPAPIRES should become in LS as additional feature for the license.

Finished New: T&A Report changes

1. New fields "Lunch" and "Break" are added to TA report table 2. Date and Time are split by TAB in CSV file.

New: Time scheduled printing.

Create the possibility to print a report time related.


BO changes To configure scheduled printing user has to do the following: Configure a printer target in Export Targets entity (potentially export target may be File, Printer (Email, RSS in the future)). Create an export which refers to this target. Create a scheduled export task which refers to export

New: Print Waiter report from HHT.

Make it possible to print a Waiter report from HHT.


You can print reports to POS printers from HHT, but you can't preview and you can't print A4 reports from HHT.

Bug Fixing:

Bug: TIP is not printed on Re-Print bill.

Distributor: unTill Scotland – Lapsley. when I open table order some articles, then go to payment screen and add tip for example 25 euro then press cash on my bill the tip is shown but when I then go to control screen and reprint bill same ticket then the tip is not shown.


Bug: Transaction structure: Void shows strange behavior.

Voided orders are show many times on form Transaction structure.

Fixed Bug: Combo Article: Account history issue.

1. Order Combo article vat%=0%, items vat = 6% 2. Pay by account 3. Print Account history report.

Result : Price = 100 Netto Vat value = 100 Vat = 14. Problem is: Vat <> 0, but Netto Vat=Price


Bug: Backspace does not work.

When using a Keyboard for the entrance of a new customer, the backspace does not work.


Bug: Split bill by article and pay with 2 cards.

Reseller: unTill Belgium – Cimlux Luxembourg

Order some articles Go to the payment screen Split bill by article Select some articles Confirm selection for payment Enter value and press credit card Then press credit card again to pay remaining Result : Minus articles appear??


Now paying a split bill by several cards is impossible - POS error message shows.

Bug: Error with Covers layer on the order screen.

If Covers is asked after a table is opened, untill wants to show the numeric layer from the start screen instead of the Order screen. This gives problems.


Now it works as following: If Untill needs a field "New Numeric Value", it searches it on its current screen. If it does not find it, it shows another screen. So if, in some state, unTill shows New Numeric value from a wrong screen (as it was before), just add Numeric layer to the current screen. If this is impossible, like with Covers, asked when a table is opened - don't add own Numeric layer on the start screen. unTill will show Numeric layer from the Order screen.

Bug: Percent discount on selected items.

Reseller: Gardiff - unTill United Kingdom

Since B94 when trying to make a % discount on an article, all articles in the bill will get the discount.


Bug: Layer stays visible while Split.

Payment split by articles layer stays visible, after payment is completed. Payment screen should return to the original state.


Bug: Menu article on handheld.

Distributor: unTill Scotland – Lapsley

After upgrade to version 7935 there is an issue with promo’s on the hand helds. They have a button that activates the promotion, then 2 or 3 choices (it’s a set menu). After upgrade, the hand held freezes and brings up the message ‘Disconnected’ and the IP address.


Bug: Fixed discount value with option.

Reseller: DSP Interface – unTill Belgium

Article with price 2 euro, this has options with price 1,5. When given a fixed discount on the article with value 2 euro and then undo the discount, the price of the article returns, but the options price is gone.


Bug: Payer name not visible.

After update to 94.2 field Order=>Payer Name is not visible anymore in screen after action 'Need Payer Name'.


Bug: Order in the Future: Repeat order.

Distributor: unTill Belgium – FTS

When you make an OIF for 15:00h and you want this order to be repeated in the future, it will get 16:00h while originally it was set to 15:00h.


Bug: Table X already opened by waiter Y on PC Z.

Finally we discovered how to reproduce the problem when the message "Table X already opened by waiter Y on PC Z". Logon with Waiter 1 and open table and place an order, then confirm. Then split this table with Waiter1 and order some more, then confirm. Now logon with Waiter2 and try to open the table.... message is shown. You can only open the table again with other waiters when Waiter1 open table and close again.


Bug: Changing working hours T&A.

When trying to change the working hours in BO the following error occurs: Field "total_cost_pvertime" not found. This only happens when trying to change the first line of worked hours for a employee.


Bug: Logoff does not refresh in Direct Sales.

Distributor: unTill – United Kingdom Reseller: Gardiff Customers, using direct sales DB, are getting error messages 'the table xxx is being requested by the machine 192.168.x.x' few times per day. I think is being caused by when 'guest' is logged in but the direct sales table, assigned to the 'guest', is not been used. 'Log Off' script does not release the table number which has been used for the previous transaction. So if I'm logged on, I ring something on to the till and cash it off in direct sales - the script logs me out, logs the 'quest' on, but the table number used by me will stay on the screen.

Fixed Bug: Split bill by articles.

This bug happens in the following case: The part of order is transferred to another table, then the bill is paid using split by articles.


Bug: T&A report takes much too long.

Distributor: unTill – United States Customer: Amaya’s

When trying to print A4 Time and Attendance report untill reboots. Reproduced the problem in the office on db from Amaya’s (1 month). When taking the report for 1 day it is be printed but after a very long time.


The speed has increased not in dozen times but in 5-7 times.

Bug: Deleted item still linked.

Deleted ingredient is still linked to restaurant article.


Bug: Periods not (always) respected on the HHT.

Distributor: unTill - Czech republic Distributor: unTill - The Netherlands Antilles

My customer is using "Happy Hour" automatically set via periods. If there is change of price level based on period, it's not changed for HHT at once. Ordering via HHT still goes in normal prices, but ordering from PC (pos terminal) works correctly based on periods...


Now immediately after a period is changed, cached prices are updated in all POS.

Bug: € sign is not printed.

Since 94.x the Euro sign (€) is not printed on tickets anymore. Also on a on-screen preview we don't see the Euro sign.


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