Spelling, Handwriting and Times Tables

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Spelling, Handwriting and Times Tables

SPRING 1 SPRING 2 SPRING 2017 How we travel How we travel Topic Curriculum Spelling, handwriting Spelling, handwriting and times tables and times tables History Transport through the ages How have people travelled throughout history? Geography Rivers and floods 3 How do rivers affect people’s lives and movements? Science Forces and Magnets

History Invaders to Britain- Anglo-Saxons/Vikings How and why did people invade Britain? Geography Coasts and mountains 4 How has the land and sea affected people’s lives and movement?

Science Sound Electricity

History Explorers –Marco Polo Shang Dynasty in China What were the achievements of early civilizations? Geography Volcanoes and earthquakes 5 How does earth activity affect people’s lives and movement?

Science Earth and Space Forces

History New World explorers and settlers How and why did people explore and settle across America? Geography Extreme Weather / Hurricanes 6 How has the weather affected people’s lives and movement?

Science Electricity Light

Year 3 Histor Geography Science DT Music Art PE MFL Computing RE/PSHE y Week 2&3 The Mapping of UK Notice Floating Rivers Composition Art Passing over, To learn simple I can use a set of RE Skill: history rivers that transporta based on the theme of history under or around vocab for parts data to make a English Link: of some tion. flowing water/ writing skill: a partner of the body. graph transp Maths – compare & forces verse. Impressi PHSE Skill: ort order measures need Research onism – considering Develo contact and Musical skills: Monet – the values. p Science – observe & between enquiry of Tempo, dynamics and river chronol measure two existing timbre. scenes Science ogical objects. designs. Link: underst Literac graphs. anding SE: I can Using y: make research to Non- Maths simple inform own fiction Orderin observati designs. text g ons chronol Make, test ogically and evaluate designs Week 4&5 Travel Label parts of a Compare Art Moving along To learn the RE Skill: by river how Science skills: apparatus months of the English Link: river things links : Experim year. Describ Maths move on Enquiry enting PHSE Skill: e co-ordinates different and with compassion connec surfaces research. Impressi and tions onist aspirations. and SE: I can Asking painting contras make a questions. techniqu English Link: ts simple es & Handwriting. predicati Predictions observa Scienc on and I and tional e – can observatio drawing floating describe ns. investig what has Recording ation happene and (then d. conclusion evaluat e)

Literac y instruct ions

Week 6&7 The Water Cycle Compare Art Assisted flight To learn simple RE Skill: history and skills: using words/phrases English Link: of Science – scientific group Experim partners/benche to describe the ships knowledge together enting s/springboard weather PHSE Skill: Develo a variety with Peace and p of Impressi creativity. chronol materials onist ogical dependin painting English Link: underst g on techniqu Poetry. anding whether es & they are observa Maths magnetic tional Orderin or not. drawing g chronol SE: I can ogically record my Literac observati y ons in a Report variety of writing ways.

Week Train Flooding – cause Observe Floods, Composition Art Introduction to To learn vocab I can control RE Skill: 8&9 travel and effect how with a different theme. skill: Invasion for some inputs and outputs English Link: Describ magnets Destruction and force. Painting Games classroom using variables to e Literacy – attract or an Cornerball, objects. control a robot. PHSE Skill: connec diary/newspaper repel Experiment with loud Impressi Score in a Fellowship tions report each and powerful sounds. onist Corner, and other and river Endball, English Link: contras identify scene Netball, Suffixes. ts that Basketball magnets Literacy: Literac have two Setting y poles. descripti Biogra on phy SE: I can writing describe (Georg the e observati Steven on using son) the correct vocabula ry. Week 10&11 Car UK floods Predict Art To learn colours. RE Skill: transp whether skill: English Link: ort Maths – data two Painting handling magnets and PHSE Skill: Describ will Impressi . e Science – present attract or onist connec data repel river English Link: tions each scene and other contras dependin Literacy ts g on link: which Setting Maths poles are descripti Compa facing. on ring measur SE: es/dist Begin to ances record what I Literac found out y in a Report scientific writing way. Week 12&13 Air River Severn case Predict Art To follow a short RE Skill: travel study whether skill: story/learn a English Link: two Exhibitio simple song. Describ Literacy – Non- magnets n - PHSE Skill: e chronological report will Evaluat connec attract or e/ peer English Link: tions repel assess . and each work contras other ts dependin g on Literac which y poles are News facing. Report writing SE: (Wright Begin to brother record s) what I found out in a scientific way Year 4 Histor Geography Science DT Music Art PE MFL Computing RE/PSHE y

Week 2&3 Anglo Relief map of the Identify Make a Viking music, learning Art Passing over, To learn to I can use a RE Skill: Saxon UK with mountains how sound box through song. history under or around describe parts of formulae to English Link: invade & seas sounds guitar skill: a partner the body. calculate rs are Music to tell tales. Printing PHSE Skill: Develo Maths – measures made. Research techniqu considering p and Writing verse on Viking es – the values. chronol Science – analysis SE: I can enquiry of gods. Hokusai ogical use existing mountai Science underst simple designs. n art Link: anding texts to Graphs. find Using Literacy: Map informati research to Non- compre on from a inform own fiction hensio source. designs. text n Make, test Literac and y evaluate Charac designs ter profiles Science Week 4&5 Anglo Mountain features / Recognis curriculu Art Moving along To learn the RE Skill: Saxon how they are e that m links : skills: apparatus months of the English Link: Place formed vibrations Enquiry Observa year/seasons. names from and tional PHSE Skill: Describ Science – sound research. landsca compassion e investigation (then travel pe and connec evaluate) through Asking drawing aspirations. tions the questions. & make and Literacy - medium a English Link: contras instructions to the ear Predictions collagra Diary extract, ts and and ph spellings. recognise observatio printing Spellin that ns. plate g sound Recording investig gets and ation fainter as conclusion Atlas the researc distance h from the sound source increases . SE: I beginnin g to consider likely outcome s and write what I found out. Week 6&7 Anglo Mountain Climate Find Art Assisted flight To learn RE Skill: Saxon patterns skills: using words/sentence English Link: life Maths – data between Observa partners/benche s to describe the and handling the pitch tional s/springboard weather. PHSE Skill: culture and landsca Peace and Describ Science – present volume. pe creativity. e information drawing connec SE: I can & make English Link: tions identify a Poetry, and the collagra handwriting. contras patterns. ph ts printing Use a plate range of source s

Picture analysi s Literac y Persua sive writing about jobs

Week Viking Avalanches / Construct Anglo Saxon music, Art Introduction to To learn vocab I can use an RE Skill: 8&9 Invasi tourism a simple continuation from the skill: Invasion for classroom algorithm to English Link: ons series Greek/ Roman Collagra Games objects. control a robot. Develo Case Study - circuit influence from Autumn ph Cornerball, PHSE Skill: p Snowdon and term. How music has printing Score in a Fellowship chronol recognise progressed throughout mountai Corner, ogical Literacy – posters/ which history. n scene Endball, English Link: underst leaflets/ persuasive materials Netball, Reading, anding writing (peer would be Literacy: Basketball inference. assessment) a good Poetry Order conducto events r. chronol ogically SE: I can make a Literac clear y predictio News n and try reports to explain with scientific ideas. Week 10&11 Viking Coastal features Construct Art To learn RE Skill: longsh a simple skill: colours/describe English Link: ips Literacy – non- series Collagra objects. Describ chronological report circuit ph PHSE Skill: e (comprehension) and printing . connec recognise mountai tions which n scene English Link: and materials contras would be Literacy: ts a good Poetry conducto Scienc r. e – floating SE: I can investig make a ation clear (then predictio evaluat n and try e) to explain Literac with y scientific instruct ideas. ions

Week 12&13 Viking Coastal protection Construct Art To follow a short RE Skill: life measures a simple skill: story/sing a English Link: and series Exhibitio song. culture Case Study – East circuit n - PHSE Skill: Describ Anglia and Evaluat e recognise e/ peer English Link: connec Literacy – which assess . tions non-chronological materials work and report would be contras a good ts conducto r. Investi gate SE: I can artefact make a s clear predictio Literac n and try y to Report explain writing with scientific ideas. Year 5 Histor Geography Science DT Music Art PE MFL Computing RE/PSHE y

Week 2&3 Ancien Mapping of Describe Build a Pentatonic scales Art Assisted flight To learn to I can use data for RE Skill: t volcanoes and plate the tower to (Oriental sounds), history using describe a financial English Link: civiliza tectonics moveme withstand appraising music using skill: partners/benche classroom modelling activity- tions nt of the an musical vocabulary. Chinese s/springboard objects Shopping list PHSE Skill: Develo Maths – measures Earth, earthquak Marco Polo song. art and (colour/size). considering p and other e culture the values. chronol Science – analysis planets, – ogical relative to Research shadow Science underst the sun in and puppets Link: anding the solar enquiry of Graphs and system. existing Literacy: prediction. designs. Non- compar SE: I can fiction isons use a Using text range of research to resource inform own s to find designs. informati on Make, test relevant and to my evaluate informati designs on. Week 4&5 The Volcanoes – how Use the Science Art Moving along To learn vocab RE Skill: Silk they are formed idea of curriculu skill: apparatus for different English Link: Road the m links : Commu types of Describ Science – Earth’s Enquiry nicating transport. PHSE Skill: e investigation (then rotation and ideas compassion connec evaluate) to explain research. through and tions day and drawing aspirations. and Literacy – night and Asking – contras Instructions the questions. creating English Link: ts moveme charact Diary extract, Mappin nt of the Predictions ers/scen spellings. g of sun e for trade across and shadow routes the sky. observatio puppet ns. show Maths SE: I can Recording Data use a and analysi range of conclusion. s resource Distanc s to find e informati measur on ing relevant to my informati on. Week 6&7 Marco Volcanoes case Describe Art Developing your To learn vocab RE Skill: Polo study – Mount Etna the skill: own routines for English Link: Recou moveme Making using apparatus sports/hobbies. nt Maths – data nt or the shadow PHSE Skill: historic handling moon puppets Peace and al and the creativity. events Literacy – non- sun and Literacy: chronological reports earth. Traditio English Link: Literac nal tales Poetry, y SE: I can handwriting. Biogra use a phy range of resource s to find informati on relevant to my informati on. Week The Earthquakes – Explain Traditional Greek Art Invasion To tell the time I can follow RE Skill: 8&9 Shang cause and effect that music- learning the skill: Games, from (half instructions and English Link: Dynast unsuppor guitar in traditional Making Score in a past/quarter create a game y Literacy – diary or ted Greek tuning. shadow Corner, to/quarter past). using Hopscotch PHSE Skill: Develo newspaper report objects puppets Endball, on the IPAD Fellowship p (peer assessment) fall Netball, chronol towards Literacy: Basketball, English Link: ogical the Earth Traditio Football, Reading, underst because nal tales Touch Rugby, inference. anding of the Uni-Hockey. force of Living gravity in the acting Shang between dynast Earth and y the falling Describ objects. e connec SE: to tions investigat and e the contras weight of ts the objects. Week 10&11 Investi Earthquakes – Identify Art To follow a short RE Skill: gating Case study - Italy the skills: story/read a English Link: artefac effects of Moving short poem. ts Maths – data air image – PHSE Skill: handling/ measures resistanc shadow compassion Use a e, water puppet and range resistanc videos aspirations. of e and Chinese resourc friction. calligrap English Link: es hy Diary extract, SE: To spellings. plan and investigat ed the effects of the different forces. Week 12&13 Investi Earthquake Recognis Art To have a short RE Skill: gating prevention e that skill: conversation English Link: Lady some Exhibitio with someone. Fu Hao Literacy mechanis n - PHSE Skill: Persuasive writing/ ms, Evaluat Peace and Ask advert poster including e/ peer creativity. historic levers, assess al pulleys work English Link: questio and Poetry, ns gears, handwriting. allow a Literac smaller y force to Biogra have a phy greater affect.

SE: To plan and predict the size of the force on the different mechanis ms.

Year 6 Histor Geography Science DT Music Art PE MFL Computing RE/PSHE y

Week 2&3 Aztecs Extreme weather Associate Build a Year 6: Folk music- Art Assisted flight To learn to I can use RE Skill: v mapwork with plate the tower to Songs that tell stories history using describe calculated fields in English Link: Mayan tectonics brightnes withstand about travellers. skill: partners/benche classroom a spreadsheet. I s s of a extreme Appraisal of folk music Navajo s/springboard objects can use data and PHSE Skill: Develo lamp or weather. and the stories within. sand (colour/size). variables. considering p the painting the values. chronol volume of Research - history ogical a buzzer and & Science underst with the enquiry of symboli Link: anding number existing sm Graphs and and designs. Literacy: prediction. compar voltage of Non- isons cells Using fiction used in research to text the inform own circuit. designs.

SE: I can Make, test make a and series of evaluate observati designs on and measure Science the curriculu impact. m links: Week 4&5 Christ Hurricanes – cause Compare Enquiry Art skill: Moving along To learn vocab RE Skill: opher and effect and give and Motifs apparatus for different English Link: Colum reasons research. and types of bus Maths – line graphs for symbols transport. PHSE Skill: comparison of variations Asking – compassion Recou different category in how questions. designs and nt storms compone for sand aspirations. historic nts Predictions painting al Science – present function. Literacy: English Link: events information and Non- Diary extract, SE: I can observatio fiction spellings. Literac explain ns. text y my Recording Biogra reasons. and phy conclusion. writing Week 6&7 Spanis Tornadoes – Case Use Art skill: Developing your To learn vocab RE Skill: h study - Tornado recognise Motifs own routines for English Link: conqui alley d and using apparatus sports/hobbies. stador symbols symbols PHSE Skill: s Science – when – Peace and investigation represent designs creativity. Ask (evaluate) ing a for sand historic simple painting English Link: al Literacy - circuit in Literacy: Poetry, questio instructions a Non- handwriting. ns diagram. fiction text Literac SE: y Discus sion writing Week The Volcanoes – how Recognis Year 6: Caribbean Art skill: Invasion To tell the time I can use RE Skill: 8&9 Pilgrim they are formed & e that music- Calypso. Create Games, from (half calculated fields in English Link: fathers plate tectonics light sand Score in a past/quarter a spreadsheet. I Recou appears painting Corner, to/quarter past). can use data and PHSE Skill: nt Case Study – Mount to travel Literacy: Endball, variables Fellowship historic St Helens in straight Myths Netball, al lines. and Basketball, English Link: events Science – Legend Football, Reading, investigation SE: I can s American inference. Maths (evaluate) choose Football, Word an Uni-Hockey proble appropria ms te method of recording and explain why. Week 10&11 Wagon Earthquakes – Explain Art skill: To follow a short RE Skill: trail cause and effect that we Create story/read a English Link: Describ see sand short poem. e Case Study – things painting PHSE Skill: connec California, San because Literacy: compassion tions Andres fault light Myths and and travels and aspirations. contras from light Legend ts sources s English Link: to our Diary extract, Literac eyes or spellings. y from light Diary sources writing to objects and then to our eyes.

SE:I can select from a range of resource s of informati on. Week 12&13 The Explain Art skill: To have a short RE Skill: Railroa that we Exhibitio conversation English Link: d see n - with someone. Describ things Evaluat PHSE Skill: e because e/ peer Peace and connec light assess creativity. tions travels work and from light English Link: contras sources Poetry, ts to our handwriting. eyes or Ask from light historic sources al to objects questio and then ns to our eyes. Literac y SE:I can Newsp select aper from a writing range of resource s of informati on.

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