San Francisco / Eastbay INTERGROUP of SLAA

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San Francisco / Eastbay INTERGROUP of SLAA


San Francisco / EastBay INTERGROUP OF SLAA

January 18, 2014 MEETING

The January 2014 meeting of the San Francisco/East-Bay Intergroup of Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous met at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco. The meeting was called to order at 10:00am by the chair (Conrad). We led with the Serenity Prayer, followed readings of the 12 steps and 12 traditions. Rich agreed to be timekeeper.

Present: Conrad G, Jenny S, Rich E, Mark W, Shelley S, Curry, Chris Mc, Joyce H, Jeffrey G, Doug S, Jeannine L, Margaret H, Mike J, Jamil, Duane T, Walter B, Billie Jo V, Monica A, Michelle P, Sara D, Sarah E.

Introductions and 30 second check-ins

The Chair passed around the sign-in sheets for group officers, meeting representatives, and visitors. The business item agenda sheet was passed as well.

The group inventory and topic of discussion was Tradition 1

Approval and amendments of the December meeting minutes.


Webmaster report: Duane found a way to record how each meeting donates, this is not a PayPal function.

Jeannine’s name was misrepresented as ‘Genie’ on attendance list.

Doug was present; name was not included on December attendance list.

Amend wording: 4.2013/8-D1: Should intergroup create a new [“draft literature officer”] position.

Duane motioned to approve, 2ND by Walter. (passed 13-0-3)

Officer Reports:

Chair (Conrad): Received necessary information from outgoing chair, will bring updated sign in sheets next IG meeting. Will research less expensive insurance rates over the next month and report back. Current insurance lapses at the end of April. Open to fellows contacting him with recommendations.

Delegates (Mark & Walter): Received 32 page agenda for ABM 2014.

Noted highlights from Walter:

• Greater Delaware Valley Intergroup submits discussion about changing the actual verbiage of the 40 questions to more accurately reflect issues Sex and Love addicts encounter while addressing our addiction. • Discussion item about canceling the annual face to face ABM conference if there are fewer than five agenda items, and scheduling a special conference meeting instead (intent to save Intergroups and the fellowship funds that could otherwise be used to reach out to still suffering addicts. (p. 16)

• Agenda review sub-committee wants feedback about what constitutes ‘conference approved’ literature. All delegate information is available on FWS website.

FWS Conference Committees

Conference Service Committee (Conrad): working out service related pamphlet, time consuming but making slow progress.

Treasurer (Chris Mc.): Distributed fiscal report.

Events Coordinator (Sarah E.): Planning sponsorship workshop with outgoing events coordinator. Planning to do auction/talent show event, and seasonal celebration this year.

Out of time for officer reports.

Mark motion to extend reports 10 minutes, 2nd by Shelley, (passed 16-0-2)

Public Information (Joyce): Currently producing a list of city libraries in Alameda County. Will then check which branches have SLAA texts and making decisions about which libraries would benefit from text donations.

Communication Officer (Margaret): Disbursed January Intergroup messenger to email list. Reviewed communications officer position description.

7th Tradition Officer (Jeffrey): Disbursed some ABM information at meetings to publicize intergroup meetings within S.L.A.A.

Literature Officer (Billie Jo 2013 outgoing officer): Fully stocked on literature. Printed meeting schedules are out of date, new Rockridge meeting not included on these schedules. Not sure if more should be printed so as to encourage meetings to print their own. Billie Jo can no longer serve as literature officer as of this meeting. Has printed service position description for next literature officer.

Hospitals and Institutions (H&I) – vacant service position

Web Registrar (Duane): Thinking about splitting meeting schedules by listing East Bay and San Francisco meetings separately to lend to ease of member meeting searches. (Chair recommended adding to business meeting agenda)

5 minute break at 11:01 am

Reconvened with the serenity prayer at 11:07am

Intergroup Business

(1) Officer Elections 1. Literature Officer: Jamil nominated; does not meet requirements, but willing.

Doug nominated; declined. Monica nominated; declined. Mike nominated; declined.

Walter moved we waive sobriety requirements to accept Jamil as literature officer. Mark W. 2nd. Jamil declined nomination after group discussion. Motion and 2nd withdrawn.

Shelley volunteered; does not meet requirements.

30 second of silence

Michelle motion to waive sobriety requirements. Walter 2nd. Did not pass.

1. Hospitals and Institutions (H&I) officer: no nominations.

Walter motion to table H&I election until business item [2013/11-D2: Due to lack of support and resources consider closing the H&I position. (Rich E)] is addressed. 2nd by Mark W. (passed 15-1-2)

Election tabled.

(1) Motion/Discussion Items

2013/11-D2: Due to lack of support and resources consider closing the H&I position. (Rich E) Discussion opened.

Motion by Jeannine. 2nd by Jeffrey: Close H&I position (passed 11-5-3) Friendly Amendment offered by Walter: change ‘close’ to ‘suspend’ to open at a later time. Amendment not accepted by motion maker.

2013/7-D2: I have written an alternative answer to the question, “How do I get started in SLAA” and I move that it be reviewed by intergroup and proposed for the next ABM in 2014 for conference approval. (Miriam B.) Tabled for wording by motion maker, 9/19/13.

Discussion not sponsored, item removed from agenda.

2013/8-D1: Should intergroup create a new officer position/literature distributor? Duties;

Walter motion to table this discussion, Mark W. 2nd (passed 13-1-4)

Business Concluded.

Chair call for announcements:

• Women’s’ SLAA retreat in Malibu sometime in May, flyer available on website.

• Literature office position open; orders will not be filled until position is occupied. • H&I position closed.

• Sponsorship Workshop in the works, to be first or second weekend in March.

• Wednesday night meeting in Oakland seeking treasurer.

• Thursday night men’s meeting in Berkeley seeking support and co-secretary.

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