West L.A. College AFT Adjunct Faculty Meeting September 17, 2009 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. in AT-A 116

Attendance: Joshua Stern; Sandi Pinio; Antonio Gonzalez; Lucy Blake; Faz Elahi; Evelyn Liskin; Betty Jacobs; Mary Jane McMaster; Bruce Anders

Bruce Anders, Faculty Grievance Rep, convened the meeting at 1:05 p.m.

Minutes: Bruce reviewed important highlights from the August 26th meeting, which was an adjunct faculty orientation meeting. Staff Development funds set at $150.00 per Instructor (including adjuncts) for one academic year, ending June 2010. Counseling has three new systems, and information should be shared with students: e-chat; audit-tracking of Ed. Plans; and a new transcript request system. Adjuncts who do not know as a certainty that they are union members should check their paycheck stubs. Faculty whose stubs say, “1521 member” are, in fact members. Faculty whose stubs say “fee payer” are not members. All faculty in both categories have 1.4% deducted from their salary. Joining does not increase deductions, and expresses solidarity with union principles and efforts to achieve fair pay, healthcare, and good working conditions. The Academic Senate has one vacant seat for adjunct faculty. The other is filled by Faz Elahi. Minutes were read and approved.

Adjunct Faculty Office: Olga has secured a new location for the adjunct faculty office space to replace the space lost to construction. It is now located in a portable building, next to Building A-6. It is equipped with six workstations and printer, and has telephone for campus business, Scantron machine, and six 4-frawer file cabinets with hasp and hooks, so individual drawers can be locked for storage space. About half are now occupied. Please, no eating in this room and no students. Entry combination: 2-4-5. Adjacent to this space in the same building is a Faculty/Staff Lounge. It is equipped with refrigerator, microwave, and comfortable furniture. No students allowed. Entry combination: 2-3-4.

Adjunct Reps: Bruce distributed a list of Adjunct Reps and stressed the importance of at least introducing oneself to h/er Rep. Reps function to represent us in division meetings and can vote in elections of division chairs. They serve for a term of one year. In Spring 2010, another election will be held.

Health Insurance Benefits Update: Bruce distributed pages from the Health Benefits Highlights Booklet, and noted that the full publication is available at both district and union websites. Highlights: Adjunct member must have completed a .2 or higher part- time faculty position in the LACCD during at least three of the previous eight consecutive semesters to be eligible. Eligibility includes an Access-Only Plan and a Premium Only Plan (POP). In the latter (POP), you are eligible if you are assigned to teach a .33 or higher FTE load in the upcoming semester and you are not eligible for coverage under another group insurance plan. In the POP, the LACCD contributes for

1 part of the cost of premiums. For the former (Access Only), you are eligible if your current teaching load is at least a .2 but less than a .33 FTE. For the Access plan, you pay the group premium cost.

Part-time faculty enrolls through the ESS portal. Instructions coming later in September.

Important numbers, addressees, and dates: www.Laccd.edu/health www.aft1521.org

Health Fair (Cal-PERS reps available) 10/14 , 9:30 – 11:30 in AT-A 116

Adjunct Faculty Workshops: 9/19 at Harbor College and 9/26 at Valley College

LACCD Health Benefits Center: 1-888-428-2980

Article 16 Review: Bruce and the group reviewed the article on seniority, closely.

Questions/Issues from the Members: The question was raised, Why are ETUDES training classes no longer available on campus? The answer offered was that they have been cut as a cost-saving measure.

Motion: We, as a body of adjunct Instructors are alarmed by the cancellation of the online/hybrid teacher training, in this advanced pedagogy. By eliminating this, we are compromising the quality and integrity of our future online program. M/S/P

Meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m.

Next meeting, Thursday, October 15, 2009, Winlock, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.