Hughesville Junior/Senior High School s3

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Hughesville Junior/Senior High School s3

Danville Secondary Course Overview 2017-2018

Course: Physical Education Teacher: Mr. Freeman, Mr. Fortunato,and Ms. Vuchinich

Course Introduction: Course Text or Student Materials:

Physical Education class will continue the development of the Dynamic Physical Education for Secondary School Students by Robert P. student’s physical skills through participation in physical activities Pangrazi & Paul W. Darst and sports previously learned. Emphasis is placed on lifetime activities, fitness improvement/maintenance and sportsmanlike Student materials: Heart rate watches, fitness recording sheets. behavior.

Units of Study: Student Objectives: Standards/Anchors:

Study of various sports and games regarding The student will: 10.3.12.A history, rules, benefits of participation and the  Learn physical skills that allow them to Assess the personal and legal consequences of skills, techniques and strategies needed to participate in and enjoy physical unsafe practices in the home, school or participate within each activity. Some of the activities now and throughout their community. activities are listed below. adult years.  Calculate resting, target and maximum 10.3.12.D heart rate as it relates to personal Evaluate the benefits, risks and safety factors fitness planning. associated with self-selected life-long physical  Make decisions and choices in taking activities. increased responsibility for themselves. 10.4.12.A Evaluate and engage in an individualized physical activity plan that supports achievement of personal fitness and activity goals and promotes life-long participation.

10.4.12.B Physical Education: Analyze the effects of regular participation in a 1. Team Handball self-selected program of moderate to vigorous 2. Fitness Testing physical activities. a. Crunches/Sit-ups b. Push ups 10.4.12.C c. Mile Run Evaluate how changes in adult health status may d. Sit and Reach affect the responses of the body systems during e. Shuttle Run moderate to vigorous physical activity. 3. Volleyball 4. Ultimate Frisbee 10.4.12.D 5. Omni-Kinball Evaluate factors that affect physical activity and 6. Team Builder Activities exercise preferences of adults. 7. Walking 8. Lifting 10.4.12.E 9. Fitness Circuits Analyze the interrelationships among regular 10. Kinect-4 Fitness participation in physical activity, motor skill 11. Badminton/Pickleball improvement and the selection and engagement 12. Flag Football in lifetime physical activities. 13. Mat Games 14. Orienteering 10.4.12.F 15. Mountain Biking Assess and use strategies for enhancing adult group interaction in physical activities.

 Study of current technology used in 10.5.12.A PE/fitness assessments. Apply knowledge of movement skills, skill related fitness and movement concepts to identify and evaluate physical activities that promote personal lifelong participation.

10.5.12.B Incorporate and synthesize knowledge of motor skill development concepts to improve the quality of motor skills.

10.5.12.C Evaluate the impact of practice strategies on skill development and improvement. 10.5.12.D Incorporate and synthesize knowledge of exercise principles, training principles and health and skill-related fitness components to create a fitness program for personal use.

10.5.12.E Evaluate movement forms for appropriate application of scientific and biomechanical principles.

10.5.12.F Analyze the application of game strategies for different categories of physical activities.

Instructional Plan:

Class will start with a review of previous material and discussion of current class goals. The student will recognize and apply proper warm-up and cool-down procedures associated with class activity. Student will be actively engaged during class applying principles related to physical activity. Teacher will guide class activity. Each teachers expectation may be different for grading and class rules.

Student Assistance:

Students receive additional instruction from the teacher’s webpage, through handouts, and emails. Teacher is available before school, during resource, and various times during the school day for one on one support/additional help.

Assessments and Evaluation: Grading: Homework/Procedures:

 Demonstration of authentic skills PHYSICAL EDUCATION GRADING Homework may be assigned when student tasks testing (occurring everyday) PROCEDURES are not completed at school. When help is needed  Personal fitness keeping skill sheet the student may meet with the teacher to discuss (occurring on fitness days) 1. Preparation/Participation: Physical help needed.  Class participation (occurring Education is a participation class; everyday) therefore, this factor will account for the  Teacher observation (occurring majority of your grade. Points will be everyday) accumulated for each day of active  Fitness testing (occurring multiple participation. times through semester)  Target heart rate/resting heart rate Preparation includes being on time for evaluation (occurring multiple times class, dressing appropriately in Physical through semester) Education attire, and not leaving early from class.

In the affective domain, students will exhibit responsible personal & social behavior that respects self & others in a physical activity setting. This includes safe practices, adherence to rules & procedures, etiquette, cooperation, and ethical behavior/positive interactions with others.

2 points = actively involved in the entire class

2 points = preparation for class

1 point = Affective domain Student and Parent Communication:

Communication will occur through teacher web pages, open house, parent-teacher conferences, progress reports and e-mail. Teachers can also be reached by DAHS phone: 271-3268 ext.1100.

Student Expectations and Classroom Rules of Conduct: Danville Handbook

Students will appropriately participate and follow all policies as outlined in the Danville Student Handbook, which contains procedures regarding absences, classroom behavior, make-up of work, academic integrity and all other student conduct guidelines.


1. Although no formal uniform is required, students are required to have a change of proper attire for P.E. participation. Proper attire consists of shorts or sweat pants, T-shirts or sweatshirts, and sneakers. Jewelry should be removed on an as needed basis.

2. Students are expected to be on time for class. 5 minutes are given at the beginning and end of class to change P.E. clothes.

3. There are a limited number of classes in a 9 weeks period. ATTENDANCE is vital for success! If a student needs to be excused from activity due to illness or injury, a written parental excuse must be presented before attendance is taken. A maximum of 2 consecutive parental excuses will be accepted. A doctor’s excuse is required if a student needs to be excused for more than 2 consecutive classes.

4. Students have the opportunity to make up any class that is missed due to a legal/excused absence. This should be completed within 2 weeks of the absence. No credit or make-up will be permitted for unexcused absences or for class cuts. Computer processed reports will be used for students who may NOT participate in Physical Education class due to a doctors note.

5. No food or drink is allowed in the gym areas.

6. Injuries/illness should be reported to the teacher immediately.

7. At the end of class, students must remain in the designated class area or the locker room area until the bell rings.

8. All clothing, valuables, etc. should be locked in a locker. A valuable box is also locked in the office. Valuables (ex. – jewelry/money) can be placed in this box at the beginning of class.

9. Follow your instructor’s directions as well as class directions; this is important for your safety as well as for the safety of others.

10. Do not touch/pick up any equipment until your teacher gives you instruction to do so.

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