East Hanover Township, Lebanon County s1

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East Hanover Township, Lebanon County s1

East Hanover Township, Lebanon County Municipal Building 1117 School House Road Annville, PA 17003

May 22, 2017

The Board of Supervisors met here in regular session at 7:30 pm. Chairman - Matt Hetrick Present Vice-Chairman - Edward Heagy Present Secretary/Treasurer - Dennis Grubb Present

The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Matthew Hetrick. Hetrick led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.

The minutes of the April 24, 2017, Township were presented for approval. Heagy motioned to accept the minutes as presented, Grubb 2nd the motion and with all three Supervisors voting in favor, the minutes were approved.

Payment of Bills The following payments were presented for approval:

Township checks #5999 through #6032 in the amount of $23,340.40 Automatic withdrawals in the amount of $133.10 Ono Sewer Fund checks #2736 through #2738 in the amount of $2,124.55 Ono Sewer – Capital Expenditure No Checks were written from this account in May Recreation checks #1172 through #1176 in the amount of $907.28 Recreation – New Dev. check No Checks were written from this account in May State check No Checks were written from this account in May Fire Tax Account check #176 in the amount of $55.59 Gaming Revenue check No Checks were written from this account in May

On a motion made by Grubb, 2nd by Heagy and with all three Supervisors voting in favor, the afore-mentioned bills were approved for payment.

Solicitor’s Report – Attorney Matt Karinch Reporting Re. David Ober – Attorney Karinch indicated that Ober has until Monday, May 29, 2017 to pay $2,697.50 in fines and fees. If Ober does not comply by the 29th, Karinch will take additional action against him.

Road Foreman’s Report – Howard Lerch Reporting Lerch advised that the road crew has been busy with the following: -patched holes in dirt roads -repaired snow plow hitch -purchased safety harness to be used with the new lift and then fixed various NL Community Banners -continued work to bring street signs into compliance with the new codes

Lerch advised that he has talked to Jim Milot, of Hanover Engineering, about FTIG’s future plans for AWOL road. Milot was in need of some information, which Lerch provided for him. Re. the Cold Spring Road Project – In conjunction with the Dirt and Gravel Roads Program – The proposed project (Part 1) for roadway improvements to Cold Spring Road was properly advertised and bids were received until 1:00 pm of this date. Howard Lerch (E.H. Twp Road Foreman), Ed Heagy (E.H. Twp Supervisor) and Karl Kerchner (Lebanon County Conservation Representative) presided over the bid opening. Representatives from CriLon Corp. and Wexcon, Inc. were also present at the bid opening. The results were as follows: Long’s Excavating 129,000.00 Jay Fulkroad & Sons, Inc. 162,402.82 Wexcon, Inc. 53,925.00 Kresge Excavating 70,080.00 Farhat Excavating LLC 93,875.00 CriLon Corp 46,808.44* Low Bidder Heagy motioned to award the project to CriLon Corp at the low bid price of $46,808.44. Grubb 2nd the motion, and with all three Supervisors voting in favor, the motion passed.

The 2nd part of this project will be defined and prepared for bid next year.

Re. Price Quotes for Salt Shed Construction – Lerch advised that he continues to gather quotes for this work. He will have prices to present at the next meeting.

Planning Commission Report – Tom Ehrhart Reporting Re. Dan Hostetter Farm – Biosolid Notice - The Township received correspondence indicating that approval was given for biosolid distribution on the Dan Hostetter Farm. 3 residents were present at the Planning Commission’s meeting to express concerns over this matter. The Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission will continue to research our role in this matter.

Re. Noah Kreider & Sons Final Lot Plan - The Planning Commission reviewed a final lot application plan submitted by Act One for Noah W. Kreider & Sons, LLP, however, the Planning Commission won’t submit recommendation for approval of the plan until a cover letter is sent to the Township from County Planning indicating their involvement.

Note - Grubb advised that the Township has now received the letter from County Planning, but that the Board will have to wait until next meeting to take action as they will need to have the Planning Commission’s recommendation to approve.

Property Maintenance/Zoning Violations Re. Ned Bomgardner’s Property, located at corner of Ono Road and Swatara Road - A complaint was received about the upkeep of this property, indicating that vegetation is growing wildly and not being cared for. The tall vegetation has fallen over into the creek and it is now impeding the water flow for the neighbor.

Heagy advised that he stopped by the property and determined that the creek issue is now resolved, but there is a lot of debris in the back yard. The floor in the building is all soggy, as it gets water under it.

Grubb will contact someone to look into this matter.

NL Emergency Services Re.-Workman’s Comp. Update - Andy Martin reporting Martin advised that a court date of May 30th has been set to finalize the merger of the area Fire Companies. Shortly after that, the Township will be able to adjust the Worker’s Compensation responsibility.

NL Emergency Services provided written reports for April 2017 for the Board’s consideration.

MS4 Waiver – Dennis Grubb Reporting Jason Smith, of Hanover Engineering, has been working on the waiver request. Grubb is working with Jason Smith to make sure we are squared away on this matter. FTIG Access Control Planning Meeting – May 3, 2017 Dennis Grubb and Jim Milot attended the meeting held by FTIG officials on May 3rd. Grubb indicated that during that meeting Milot suggested to FTIG officials that they should take control of Biddle Road ,or Penn DOT should take control of that road, once their future use plans are in place, because we (E.H. Twp.) don’t want to be responsible for that when they are using that road to run 18-wheelers on it.

According to Grubb, PennDOT information indicates that Biddle Road isn’t built for 18-wheelers to utilize.

Boy Scout Eagle Scout Project – Griffin Smith A request has been received from Griffin Smith to make improvements to signage along the Swatara Creek Water Trail as an Eagle Scout Project. Grubb motioned to grant permission to Smith to work on the signage, Heagy 2nd the motion, and with all three Supervisors voting in favor, the motion passed.

Ono Sanitary Sewer Report Re. the Ono Pump Station – Joshua Kreiser, Pump Station Operator, submitted a written report indicating that all is functioning appropriately at the pump station. Kreiser also reported that the wet well was recently cleaned.

Fort Indiantown Gap Report - Mr. David B. Weisnicht, Deputy Operations Manager No representative was present. No written report submitted.

Recreation Report H.M. Levitz Memorial Park – Ross Henderson Reporting Henderson advised that regular maintenance is ongoing at the park.

Re. Northern Lebanon High School Senior Work Day – Monday, June 5th Henderson advised that he anticipates expenses for this event to be as follows and requested the Board’s permission to move forward with these purchases: 1 load playground mulch – Zeager Brothers 60 yds at $16.29 per yard ( including delivery - $1,107.20) 4 loads of mulch from Scott Stouffer (Stouffer will donate 2 loads, Twp. buys 2 loads at $18 per yard) Pizzas for the students for lunch from Little Csesars Donuts – approximately $60 (BG’s Market) Drinks from Grantville Supermarket Grubb motioned to cover the cost for all of the afore-mentioned expenses for Senior Work Day, Heagy 2nd the motion, and with all 3 Supervisors voting in favor, the motion passed.

Re. Paving the Driveway at the Caretaker’s Home at the Park – Lerch has starting with the prep-work on the driveway and he has gotten estimates for the paving project as follows: Lebanon Valley Asphalt $11,351 Hoffer Paving $12,200 Hackman Paving $12,510 Martin Paving Would not bid - they are too busy Heagy motioned to employ Lebanon Valley Asphalt at a cost of $11,351 to pave the driveway at the Caretaker’s Home at H.M. Levitz Memorial Park. Grubb 2nd the motion and with all three Supervisors voting in favor, the motion passed.

Re. Easter Egg Hunt – Grubb advised that at the last meeting Henderson indicated to the Board that participation was dwindling in the annual Easter Egg Hunt at Levitz Park and he wondered if they should continue the event. Grubb advised that the Board discussed the matter and they are in agreement that the event may be cancelled. Henderson indicated that they will cancel for 2018. If there are many complaints, they can always start it up again.

Ono Fire Company Report No report given. State Police Report No representative was present. No written report submitted.

Resident’s Forum (Please state your name & address before speaking) No matters were raised for discussion.

Correspondence/Other Items: The following correspondence was received and was available for inspection if anyone so desired: -Texas Eastern -Emergency Repairs to existing pipeline system at various locations in Lebanon County -Lebanon Pipeline Awareness -May 22 – 23 , Pipeline Fighters -Lebanon County EMA -Skywarn Training Night, June 1st -Lebanon Co. Conservation Dist. -Linford Snyder Timber Harvest -Old Line Environmental, Inc. -Notice for Biosolids Land Application – Daniel Hostetter

May 2017 - List of Checks – General Fund

Date Check # Description Amount 05/15/17 6014 Bryan Blatt 1332.21 05/15/17 6015 Daryl Emrich 79.39 05/15/17 6016 Howard lerch 1,485.19 05/15/17 6017 Joshua Kreiser 472.80 05/15/17 6018 Sheila M. Seaman 74.88 05/16/17 6019 PA One Call System 43.00 05/16/17 6020 Chemung Supply Co. 34.95 05/16/17 6021 Moyer’s Service Center 126.77 05/16/17 6022 PA Townships Health 5,897.52 05/16/17 6023 B & G Machine Co. 195.00 05/16/17 6024 Garcia Garman & Shea 3,000.00 05/16/17 6025 Verizon Wireless 273.65 05/16/17 6026 Meyer Oil Company 395.24 05/17/17 6027 Candoris Technological 248.00 05/17/17 6028 Kreiser Fuel Service 34.00 05/17/17 6029 Media One PA 694.80 05/17/17 6030 Herr Signal & Lighting 250.00 05/17/17 6031 Goodyear 909.04 05/17/17 6032 Service Supply Corp 89.98 05/31/17 6033 Bryan Blatt 1,332.23 05/31/17 6034 Daryl Emrich 325.50 05/31/17 6035 Howard Lerch 1,543.31 05/31/17 6036 Joshua Kreiser 1,152.36 05/31/17 6037 Larry Shuey 283.61 05/31/17 6038 Ross Henderson 709.80 05/31/17 6039 Dennis L. Grubb 118.27 05/31/17 6040 Matthew S. Hetrick 132.41 05/31/17 6041 Ross Henderson 335.20 05/31/17 6042 Sheila M. Seaman 401.63 TOTAL $21,970.74 May 2017 – “ACH Transactions” – General Fund

Date Check # Description Amount 05/17/17 ACH PA Dept. of Revenue 133.10 TOTAL $133.10 May 2017 – Ono Sewer Project – Checking Account

Date Check # Description Amount 05/16/17 2737 Kline’s Services, Inc. 708.81 05/16/17 2738 Commonwealth of PA 1,380.03 TOTAL $2,088.84

May 2017 – Ono Sewer Project – Capital Expenditure Fund

No Checks were written from this account in May 2017.

May 2017 - Recreation Fund Checks

Date Check # Description Amount 05/16/17 1175 Jono Hardware, LLC 237.86 05/17/17 1176 Pure-Test Water Lab 76.00 05/31/17 1177 Little Ceasars 212.00 05/31/17 1178 BG’s Value Market 81.00 TOTAL $606.86

May 2017 – Recreation Fund Checks (New Development – Recreation Fees)

No Checks were written from this account in May 2017.

May 2017 - State Fund Checks

No Checks were written from this fund in May 2017.

May 2017 – Fire Tax Fund Checks

Date Check # Description Amount 05/16/17 176 Kreiser Fuel Service 55.59 TOTAL $55.59

May 2017 – Gaming Income Fund Checks

No Checks were written from this fund in May 2017. APRIL 2017 DEPOSITS

General Fund – Checking Date of Deposit Description Amount 05/02/17 East Hanover Twp – Fire Tax – Fuel Reimbursement 168.42 05/02/17 Lebanon County Probation Dept. 606.01 05/23/17 Transfer from Prime Investor 25,000.00 05/25/17 District Justice 1097.36 05/25/17 Recorder of Deeds 4298.28 05/25/17 Lebanon County Probation Department 103.15 05/25/17 County of Lebanon – Municipal Tax 341.34 Lebanon County Treasurer – Municipal R.E. Tax 2,320.14 Interest .20 TOTAL $33,934.90

General Fund–Prime Investor Date of Deposit Description Amount Keystone Municipal Collections – EIT - Current 43,380.81 Interest 13.78 TOTAL $43,394.59

Traffic Impact Fee - West – Checking Acct. Date of Deposit Description Amount Interest .00 TOTAL $.00

Fire Tax Fund – Checking Date of Deposit Description Amount Lebanon County Treasurer – Fire Tax 4,639.93 Interest 2.66 TOTAL $4,642.59

State Fund – Checking Date of Deposit Description Amount Transferred from Prime Investor 0 Interest .0 TOTAL $0

State Fund – Prime Investor Date of Deposit Description Amount Commonwealth of PA – Liquid Fuels Funds 0 Commonwealth of PA – Road Turnback 0 Interest 9.38 TOTAL $9.38

Recreation Fund – Checking Date of Deposit Description Amount 05/02/17 Park Customers 1,975.00 05/02/17 Park Customers 1,900.00 Interest .08 TOTAL $3,875.08

Recreation Fund – Prime Investor Date of Deposit Description Amount Interest .09 TOTAL $.09 Recreation – Levitz Park Trust Fund Date of Deposit Description Amount Interest Received .21 Dividends Received 0 TOTAL $.21

Recreation - New Development Fees Date of Deposit Description Amount Interest .13 TOTAL $.13

Ono Sewer Project – Checking Acct. Date of Deposit Description Amount 05/02/17 Usage Fees, Reservation Fees & Penalties 4,540.25 05/12/17 Usage Fees, Reservation Fees & Penalties 5,580.00 05/25/17 Usage Fees, Reservation Fees & Penalties 2,982.91 Interest 5.36 TOTAL $13,108.52

Ono Sewer Project – Capital Expenditure Acct. Date of Deposit Description Amount Interest .56 TOTAL $.56

Gaming Income Fund – Checking Acct. Date of Deposit Description Amount Commonwealth of PA – Slots 160,000.00 Commonwealth of PA – Table Games 47,897.68 Interest 16.17 TOTAL $207,913.85


General Fund Balances

General General Traffic Impact Fee Checking Prime Investor (West) 05/01/17 Balance $13,919.46 $516,284.41 $2,160.62 May Deposits 33,934.70 43,380.81 0 May Interest .20 13.78 0 Total May Funds $47,854.36 $559,679.00 $2,160.62 May Expenses -21,970.74 0 0 May Withdrawals -133.10 -25,000.00 0 05/31/17 Balance 25,750.52 534,679.00 2,160.62 Misc. Adjustment 0 0 0 06/01/17 Balance $25,750.52 $534,679.00 $2,160.62 Ono Sewer Fund Balances

Ono Sewer Fund Ono Sewer Fund Checking Account Capital Expenditures 05/01/17 Balance $201,567.50 $66,132.29 May Deposits 13,103.16 0 May Interest 5.36 .56 Total May Funds $214,676.02 $66,132.85 May Expenses -2,088.84 0 May Withdrawal 0 0 05/31/17 Balance 212,587.18 66,132.85 Misc. Adjustment 0 0 06/01/17 Balance $212,587.18 $66,132.85

State Fund Balances

State State Checking Prime Investor 05/01/17 Balance $4,280.38 $367,834.12 May Deposits 0 0 May Interest 0 9.38 Total May Funds 4,280.38 $367,843.50 May Expenses 0 0 May Withdrawal 0 0 05/31/17 Balance 4,280.38 367,843.50 Misc. Adjustment 0 0 06/01/17 Balance $4,280.38 $367,843.50

Recreation Fund Balances

Recreation Recreation Recreation Recreation Checking Prime Investor H.M. Levitz Park New Development Trust Fund Recreation Fees

05/01/17 Balance $6,196.22 $9,856.46 $25,067.94 $6,481.78 May Deposits 3,875.00 0 0 0 May Interest .08 .09 .21 .13 May Dividends 0 0 0 0 Total May Funds $10,071.30 $9,856.55 $25,068.15 $6,481.91 May Expenses -606.86 0 0 0 May Withdrawal 0 0 0 0 05/31/17 Balance 9,464.44 9,856.55 25,068.15 6,481.91 Misc. Adjustment 0 0 0 - Bad Check #1 -50.00 - Service Charge -10.00 - Bad Check #3 -50.00 - Service Charge -10.00 06/01/17 Balance $9,344.44 $9,856.55 $25,068.15 $6,481.91

Fire Tax Fund Balance

Fire Tax Fund Checking

05/01/17 Balance $101,441.52 May Deposits 4,639.93 May Interest 2.66 Total May Funds $106,084.11 May Expenses -55.59 May Withdrawal 0 05/31/17 Balance 106,028.52 Misc. Adjustment 0 06/01/17 Balance $106,028.52

Gaming Revenue Fund Balance

Gaming Revenue Checking 05/01/17 Balance $446,653.58 May Deposits 207,897.68 May Interest 16.17 Total May Funds $654,567.43 May Expenses 0 May Withdrawal 0 05/31/17 Balance 654,567.43 Misc. Adjustment 0 06/01/17 Balance $654,567.43

Upcoming Meeting Date: Next Meeting of BOS - Monday, June 26 , 2017 @ 7:30 p.m.

With no further business to discuss, Heagy motioned to adjourn the meeting. Grubb 2nd the motion and with all three Supervisors voting in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 7:53 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sheila M. Seaman Adminsistrative Assistant

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