Delta Area Transit Authority

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Delta Area Transit Authority



RFP #DATA 2014-2

Release Date: MAY 23rd, 2014

Deadline for Proposals: June 23rd, 2014

Executive Director, John Stapleton

Contact Information:

John Stapleton – [email protected]

Cherie Gagnon – [email protected]

No phone calls will be accepted. Vendors may submit their questions or clarifications about this RFP via email to the email addresses above by the date specified in the RFP to receive responses. Background: Delta Area Transit Authority, 2901 27th Avenue N, Escanaba, Michigan, (hereafter referred to as DATA) provides public transportation services. DATA provides transit services to more than 38,000 county residents. DATA operates Monday through Friday from 6 am to 6 pm and has 17 vehicles. DATA transports about 133,000 passengers per year, of which 64 percent are seniors or disabled. The service is provided on a demand-response, advance reservation system making modern, efficient telephone communication essential.

RFP overview: DATA seeks a solution that integrates its communications system with a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) integrated voice and data system. All existing telephones will be replaced with either equivalent new analog or IP phones that have an Ethernet connection. The total base system cost is not to exceed $8,750.

DATA has two primary call center agents and wants a telephone communication system capable of supporting three. There are seven other PCs and users in the office. One user is the main office operator. DATA’s office has six incoming phone lines. The PCs have a Windows-based operating system.

Submitted proposals must show how the vendor’s system will meet or exceed the following requirements:


PART 1 General

A. This Section specifies the performance requirements for the new comprehensive Unified Communications system for the DATA. The technical specifications will acquaint the Bidders with the general function of the desired system and the specific requirements that DATA deems mandatory. The Bidder must be prepared to support the DATA in all of these areas. The specifications that follow are the minimum requirements that DATA deems mandatory for the System.

B. The Bidder's proposal must state in detail the extent to which the quoted system meets, exceeds, or fails to meet the following requirements.

C. A complete list of all System and user features must be included with the Bidder’s proposal.

PART 2 General System Requirements

A. The System will utilize VoIP technology and include Unified Messaging. If proposed solution includes server/call processor at each site, must appear as one unified system from a user standpoint. In case of a failure at any one site of either PRI or SIP trunking, or in the event of complete server / call processor failure, the proposed solution will automatically fail over, except where noted, to a backup server / call processor and route calls accordingly.

B. Bidders will provide as part of their configuration, all of the necessary hardware and software to make the system fully functional and provide Redundancy. Redundancy is defined as having the ability to make and receive internal and external calls, maintain voicemail, and all other system functions at each site during a System outage. This redundancy needs to work in instances where there is a loss of communication across the WAN.

C. The System proposed must satisfy DATA’s stated functional requirements and be capable of accommodating the capacity station and trunk quantities as stated in this RFP. The proposed System software must be the current release offered by the manufacturer, and be receiving the highest level of support from the manufacturer at time of project completion.

D. All hardware proposed must be the current offering of the manufacturer, and be receiving the highest level of standard support offered by the manufacturer. Factory refurbished hardware which is in "new condition" as well as used, shopworn, prototype, demonstrator models and the like are not acceptable.

2 General System Requirements (Continued)

E. The System shall have the ability for multiple administrators with unique logins with customizable levels of access to programming.

PART 3 Voice Switch Architecture

A. The proposed system must be based on the industry standard SIP technology.

B. System shall support analog circuits (FXS and FXO) and digital circuits (T1, E1, PRI and BRI), SIP trunking for integration with multiple SIP lines and redundant ITSP providers.

C. System must provide native SIP connectivity to ITSP trunking source without the need for any external / 3rd party hardware.

D. The utilization of Windows servers to add feature functions to the system will not be accepted in this configuration.

PART 4 Voice System Redundancy

Due to the critical nature of the DATA operations, the proposed system must provide the highest degree of reliability available. System must provide RAID1 option as well as option for spinning or solid-state hard drives. The proposed solution should include both hardware as well as network redundancy.

Describe how the system as configured provides hardware redundancy.

Describe how your system provides network level redundancy

PART 5 System Power

A. The System must be equipped with a regulated power supply which provides line filtering and prevents damage to the switching equipment from power line surges due to lightning or other transient voltage spikes and brown out conditions.

B. The System must be properly grounded to protect against the effects of ground loops, pickup noise, and excessive ground current.

C. System should be a “green” system utilizing the minimum amount of power.

D. System must provide for graceful shutdown in the event of a power outage.

PART 6 Voice System Diagnostics, Testing, and Alarm

A. The System must include native diagnostic tools for real-time monitoring of system events for the purpose of monitoring, troubleshooting, logging, and reporting hardware, software, and carrier related issues.

B. Native diagnostic tools must be nondisruptive, and must not adversely affect normal call processing. Bidders will specify native diagnostic tools and system monitors available by the system.

The System must provide event notification with the ability for System Administrator to define event- level severity.

The System must record all alarm event conditions and failures, as they occur, in a fault log in near real-time.

The System must have real-time monitors to determine system resource usage.

The System must have real-time monitors to examine packet level exchanges between the System and connected service provider(s) for both TDM and SIP trunking.

The System must provide real-time monitors for Auto Attendant / IVR session activity. 3 Voice System Diagnostics, Testing, and Alarm (Continued)

The System must provide real-time monitors with graphical interface to view circuit status, network status, server hardware status.

The System diagnostics must be both locally or remotely accessible to allow the System Administrator as well as the proposed vendor if granted access, to remotely monitor, control, and correct faults in the system. All costs for remote diagnostics and maintenance access must be included in the proposed System price.

PART 7 Voice System Traffic

Bidders must engineer the proposed System to be non-blocking at the equipped and wired for capacities. Non-blocking capabilities shall be maintained as the system grows to the capacity requirements.

PART 8 Voice System Interfaces

A. The System shall function as a totally integrated appliance capable of switching and transmitting voice communications, Instant Messaging, Fax origination and termination, Conference Bridge on an IP data network.

B. The System must be able to interface to the public telephone network through telephone company trunks and facilities that service the local area. It shall be capable of accepting any mix of trunks and tielines, including: Primary Rate Interface (PRI) and local dial tone services (POTS or Centrex), and SIP trunking.

C. The system must be interfaced into the District’s existing public address system, allowing paging access from any telephone as well as support native SIP paging devices.

PART 9 System Size Requirements

A. System and station equipment must be proposed in the quantities that will satisfy the configuration as described in this document. Analog trunk ports represent either analog business lines and/or Centrex lines. The proposed system must be capable for at a minimum ten percent (10%) growth in additional telephones / telephone licenses without any additional hardware requirements.

1. Location

1. IP Stations a. Administrative w/ speakerphone – 3 b. Office w/ speakerphone – 6


4 Equipment Requirements

PART 1 Station Equipment

A. Only SIP-based IP telephone sets will be accepted.

B. IP sets are required in various line/feature configurations as itemized:

1. Office telephones must be equipped with a full duplex speaker phone, and a minimum of six programmable keys, and to also include soft key functionality. Line or feature appearances, along with calling information are to be via an LCD display. Phones must be able to be put into emergency mode by administrative phone changing soft key functions for response to emergency.

2. Administrative telephones must be equipped with minimum 12 programmable buttons with up to 20 functions and be a full duplex speaker phone. Must be a paperless telephone for DESI labels. Phone must also have the ability to switch other telephones to emergency mode.

3. All administrative telephones must be headset compatible.

PART 2 Voice over IP (VoIP)

A. As DATA is specifying a VoIP system, the Bidder will be required to troubleshoot and perform any modifications to the proposed Voice Communications System configuration necessary to provide quality voice services over the existing IP network.

PART 3 Voice System Features

A. Features offered by the proposed system must be implemented and controlled by software programs that can be changed locally by DATA’s personnel and expanded as the needs of DATA evolve.

B. The system hardware must be an appliance that is modular in design, with no loss of equipment utility caused by expansion to the projected maximum trunk and station line size. There must be minimal downtime required to accomplish projected growth, or to add features when they become available.

C. The system software proposed must satisfy the DATA’s stated functional requirements and be capable of accommodating the capacity station and trunk quantities. The proposed software must be a current offering of the manufacturer, and be receiving the highest level of support from the manufacturer.

D. The system must consist of standard products or components whose performance, reliability, and maintainability can be demonstrated.

E. All hardware proposed must be new and the current offering of the manufacturer, and be receiving the highest level of standard support offered by the manufacturer. Factory refurbished hardware which is in "new condition" as well as used, returned, shopworn, prototype, demonstrator models and the like are not acceptable.

F. The Contractor shall provide an overview description, including diagrams of the proposed system.

G. The Contractor shall provide a description of the proposed systems –architecture including a list of all hardware and licensing components.

H. The Contractor shall state the quantity of spare analog ports, as well as IP station capacity that are included in the base bid.

I. The Contractor will identify the quantity of licenses required for all devices.

J. The Contractor shall describe the maximum simultaneous conversations supported by the proposed system as well as whether the proposed system is non- blocking for voice calls.

K. The Contractor shall describe how the proposed system will provide for fault tolerance, identifying those capabilities that are included in the base bid and those that are optional. The Contractor shall describe the proposed system redundancy capabilities. The Contractor shall describe how a redundant switch over would occur and include any impact on the system operations or end users. Include failover options if all power is lost to the system.

5 L. The Contractor shall provide information on how the proposed system will support E-911 and associated database (PS/ALl), as currently identified by State law. The Contractor shall provide specific reference data (illustrations) showing system details as specific to this integration.

M. The Contractor shall provide information on how software upgrades will be provided and how often they are released. The Contractor shall provide cost of software assurance for one year and five years.

N. The Contractor shall describe the softphones available. The Contractor shall include description of features and cost on softphones. Applications are for both attendant use, as well as in place of an IP telephone.

O. The Contractor shall describe any call accounting functionality provided with the base system proposed.

P. The Contractor shall describe all unified messaging (voice, instant messaging, e-mail, fax) functionality provided with the base system, if any, and identify the third party systems they support.

Q. The Contractor shall describe the internal paging capabilities through the proposed IP telephones, whether pages can be directed to one telephone or to all telephones and whether they can be zoned. Include the total quantity of telephones that can be paged simultaneously.

R. In the pricing section of this RFP, provide pricing of all available models of telephones. Include this on the Unit Pricing Form, Supplemental B.

S. Please describe any feature that allows for a “one touch” initiation of call recording to enable the tracking of prank or threatening telephone calls. DATA would like the ability on prank or threat calls to have recording from the beginning of the call. Include all equipment requirements and cost for such.

T. Please describe the onsite 911 notification and/or internal pre-911 calling feature and provide a feature overview. Explain how it is sent (voice, email, text).

U. Please describe all “alert” messaging that can be sent to an operator to notify of 911 calls.

V. Explain the login / logout capabilities of the telephone set and application for such. Identify whether or not an additional license is required.

W. Please describe the capabilities of a mobile end user without a physical telephone, but with an assigned extension, and unified messaging.

X. Describe the system’s ability to provide “mobility” functionality. This is described as providing one number for incoming calls that the system will route to either the end user’s standard telephone, cell phone, or other selections. Describe how calls will be able to be transferred based on caller ID, time of day, and/or days of the week.

Y. DATA currently uses Active Directory. The proposed system is to be LDAP compliant for user authentication. Clearly state in your response if the proposed solution support LDAP/Active Directory Authentication.

Z. System must have the ability to instant message between users on the system or between any networked systems to the PC, Macintosh, or Linux desktop as well as mobile clients.

AA. Explain the capability to see presence between all locations. If there is additional hardware or software please include in proposal.

AB. Describe the ability to route calls based on presence of individual users on the phone system.

AC. Include a list of all devices that the proposed system interfaces with and the basis of that integration (e.g. client, web). This is to include, but not limited to iPads, smartphones, iOS, Windows OS.

PART 4 Voice Mail and Optional Unified Messaging

A. The Voice Mail system must permit calls received by this system to be transferred to the attendant console or other designated stations for alternate handling if the caller does not wish to leave a voice message, or requires more information or assistance. Once the call is transferred back to the voice communication system, the link between the two systems must be released to allow its use for another call. Multiple links must not be required to transfer control back to the voice communication system.

B. The Voice Mail system must permit the caller to transfer back to the voice communication system by dialing either the extension number or the party's name. 6 C. The Voice Mail system must be able to be used as an automated attendant to allow answering of external calls and then prompt the caller for the directory number or name of the person they would like to connect to. If the caller does nothing, the call must time-out and be routed to the attendant or another designated station. This will ensure that callers using a rotary dial telephone can be assisted.

D. The Voice Mail messaging system must provide a menu feature for special applications of DATA. All incoming calls will be routed via automated attendant to a series of voice menus that direct the caller to the appropriate person or department. If the caller is looking to receive routine information, recorded bulletin boards will be created to provide recorded announcements, detailing a variety of DATA’s events and special activities to provide other commonly requested information without requiring human intervention.

E. Voice greetings, prompts, and announcements must be easily recorded from a standard telephone set.

F. All voice services (voice menus, announcements, routing) must be controlled based on time of day and day of the week.

G. A minimum of Users total 12 voicemail boxes should be available at cutover.

H. The Voice Mail system must be equipped with a minimum of 12 access ports at cut-over. The system must be capable of supporting a minimum of 24 ports to meet future requirements.

I. Storage requirements for the Voice Mail system must be a minimum of 400 hours at cut-over. The system must be capable of archiving voicemail for up to one year.

J. The Voice Mail system must provide automatic activation/deactivation of a message waiting indication.

K. The Voice Mail system must provide urgent and private message classification. A message can be tagged as urgent or private. When a recipient logs into the mailbox, the message description notifies the recipient which message(s) are urgent and will play urgent messages first. Messages marked as private will be noted as private prior to playing message.

L. The Voice Mail system must enable users to broadcast and transfer messages.

M. The Voice Mail system must provide password protection of individual voice mail contents with Admin definable password strengths, Passwords must be userchangeable.

N. The Voice Mail system must automatically route the caller to the called user's voice mailbox without requiring the caller to make any special entries in the stationbusy and stationno answer situations.

O. The Voice Mail system must allow the user to immediately provide an answer to a voice message from an Inside station without the need to logoff or look up the caller's directory number.

P. Voicemail and faxes must be accessible from workstations and telephones as well as sent via email.

Q. The ability for the user to interface with the system in order to play, rewind, pause, forward and other control functions.

R. If not part of the cost of the base SYSTEM, the Bidder shall provide pricing for optional Unified Messaging for all mailboxes on the system.

S. Voice mail messages must appear as .wav files in the users email system and the user must be capable of listening to them, forwarding, saving or transferring them.



In addition to the unit pricing below, all Bid Proposals shall include a detailed Bill of Materials that notes each item, part number, and unit price.

Provide this Bill of Materials, attached to and submitted with the Bid Proposal. These unit costs, which shall be considered firm pricing during the Contract period and not subject to change, will be used to determine costs for additions and deletions during the Contract period.

In addition to the Bill of Materials, please include the following unit prices for this project:

The following unit prices shall include all charges for labor, material and equipment, overhead and profit, taxes, insurance and incidental expenses.

IP Multi-line Telephones Model ______Quantity ______$

Model ______Quantity ______$ Model ______Quantity______$ Model ______Quantity______$ Model______Quantity______$


IP Wireless Multi-line Telephone Model______Quantity______$

IP Single-line Telephone Model ______Quantity______$


IP Wireless Single-line Telephone Model______Quantity______$

IP Conference room speakerphone Model______Quantity______$

Cost for GUI interface including IM, Model______Quantity______$ Call handling rules, and full presence

Softphone Model______Quantity______$

Wireless Headset Model______Quantity______$

Busy Lamp Field / Direct Station Selection (BLF/DSS) Quantity______$

Cost for GUI interface including IM, Quantity______$ Call handling rules, and full presence

Telephone License Quantity______$

Unified Messaging – additional license Quantity______$

Voice Mail – additional license Quantity______$

Three foot Cat 5e patch cord (each) Quantity______$

Maintenance Cost

Provide the cost per year for (Post Warranty Period) maintenance based upon the configuration specified in the RFP.

State how the maintenance cost is computed (flat rate, cost per license, etc.) and provide a breakdown of cost per component so that the Owner may evaluate changes to the configuration.


8 Proposal Submission: Please submit proposals by mail or hand delivery in an envelope marked “Phone System” to Delta Area Transit Authority, 2901 27th Avenue N, Escanaba, Michigan 49829. Late submissions will not be accepted. Proposals may be withdrawn by written request prior to the due date.

Proposals must include: business name, address and primary contact person; price; experience with this type of project; qualifications of individuals performing the work; three references with the business’s name, address, contact person and that person’s email and phone number; and proof of bonding and insurance. The contractor must submit a written certification on company letterhead, signed by an authorized representative, accepting the terms and conditions of this solicitation.

Bidders must submit three (3) copies of their proposals in printed format. Proposals must consist of complete and detailed responses to the requested information in the RFP document, as well as the required FTA forms that must be signed and dated. One copy must be labeled “Original” and the two other proposals must be marked “Copy.” Proposals must arrive in an envelope that is clearly marked “Phone System Proposal” and received by the specified deadline of 4 p.m. (local time) on June 23rd, 2014.. Late proposals will be rejected and unopened.

Proposal Conditions: Submitted proposals become DATA’s property. Proposal contents are considered valid for one hundred and twenty (120) days after the submission deadline. DATA reserves the right to waive any informalities or minor defects and to accept or reject any or all of the submitted proposals for sound, documentable, business reasons, and to postpone the proposal due date. Conditional proposals will be considered non-responsive and may be rejected unless DATA gives specific approval to a written request received at least ten (10) working days prior to the proposal due date. All other interested parties will be notified of any changes to the project requirements. This RFP does not commit DATA to award a contract, to pay any cost incurred in the preparation of a proposal, or to preclude DATA from canceling, in part or in its entirety, this RFP, if it is in the best interest of DATA.

This is a firm fixed price contract. Payment will be by lump sum. Final payment will not be made until the project is completed to DATA’s satisfaction.

Questions about this RFP must be submitted in writing by email to John Stapleton at [email protected] or to [email protected] Phone calls involving the RFP or related questions will not be accepted. All questions and answers related to this RFP will be sent to vendors who were sent an RFP or who have submitted questions. All questions and/or comments must be received at least ten (10) working days prior to the proposal due date. Verbal comments are not part of this solicitation. Any contact or attempt to contact any other employees not specified in this RFP will result in the immediate disqualification of the vendor.

An optional site visit will be held on June 10th, 2014, anytime between the hours of 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM, at 2901 27th Avenue N, Escanaba, Michigan, at 2901 27th Avenue N, Escanaba, Michigan.

Terms and Conditions: This project is funded by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT). It is subject to the guidance in the Procurement Guidelines for Grantees Receiving Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Funds via MDOT, Revised February 7, 2014, and all subsequent editions, as available on the internet. The federal requirements for this project are the MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES LESS THAN $100,000, as attached and available on the internet.

The selected vendor will contract with DATA and receive a written Notice To Proceed, after DATA consults with MDOT about the agency’s selection for Procurement Award. DATA reserves the right to cancel the contract with thirty (30) days written notice. All applicable laws, ordinances, and the rules and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over construction of the project shall apply to the contract.

The selected firm must provide DATA and its authorized representatives safe access to the work at all times. The selected firm must provide DATA and its authorized representatives with the information and assistance necessary for them to make complete and detailed inspections. The selected firm is not entitled to a time extension or compensation for reasonable delays, inconvenience, or any other cause attributed to DATA’s reasonable inspection of the work.

The firm agrees to indemnify and hold DATA, its officers, agents, employees and/or trustees, harmless from and against any and all claims or causes of action brought against DATA and from any and all damages, losses, expenses, attorney fees, costs and liabilities sustained by DATA arising out of any claimed defect in the goods and services provided by the firm. The firm’s obligation under this paragraph shall include the obligation to indemnify and hold DATA harmless for negligence, whether active, passive or concurrent, in the performance of DATA’s duties and obligations pursuant to this project and agreement. 9 Evaluation Criteria:

The selection criteria for this solicitation are following and listed in order of importance:

 Ability to meet RFP requirements  Price, which will be evaluated by the following formula: lowest vendor price divided by this vendor’s price times available points  Adaptability to future growth  Training offered  Technical support  Warranty

The selection panel members are the agency’s executive director, finance director and maintenance supervisor. Any proposer falling within a competitive range as determined by the selection panel may be asked to give a presentation to the selection panel. The presentation can add up to 25 points to the submitter’s score. Presentations will be evaluated on overall understanding of the project. The agency reserves the right to award to other than the lowest price proposal and to the proposal providing the Best Value to the agency. The award will only be made to a responsive and responsible firm.


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