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Document Index: ATTACHMENT No. 4 РИ-ИСУ08.


Registration Number З-67/ 19.04.2017

APPROVED BY, Executive Director: Date:


REGARDING: Development of a work design to build a water treatment plant for the waters from Lyulakovitsa tailings dam close to the contact water pond of a treatment capacity of 400 m3/hour.

І. Current state:

Assarel-Medet JSC Mining and Processing Complex is located in the Sashtinska Sredna Gora mountain at 11 km northwest from the town of Panagyurishte and 90 km to the east from the capital, Sofia (42.547516 degrees north latitude and 24.136276 degrees east longitude). It covers an area of 20, 000 dka under the conditions of a mountainous cross hilly relief. The average altitude is about 1,000 m as the lowest one is 600 meters and the highest is 1,500 meters. (according to the Baltic altitude system). A major unit of the company’s technological process flow is Lyulyakovitsa tailings dam. The latter is a depot of the final tailing from the Assarel Concentrator Plant. The facility has a main dam wall and a buttressed wall. The tailings dam stability is of a crucial significance. Under force majeure circumstances such as torrential rains which continue for a long time, the capacity of the free waters in the tailings dam pond increases several times and it is necessary that part of the waters be treated and discharged in the river system. Three technological conceptual designs have been prepared – evaporative facility, a classical technology of neutralization of up to рН10,5 and consequent рН adjustment and a technology which involves oxidation of metal ions and neutralization to рН8. An option has been selected for the respective location. ІІ. Requirements for the objective, contents and the peculiarities of the service 2.1. Objective and tasks A work design of a treatment plant for the waste waters from Lyulyakovitsa tailings dam shall be prepared which ensures that the waters are fit for discharging into the Lyulykovitsa river with the needed auxiliary processes and facilities.

2.2. Contents and peculiarities of the tasks The technical solutions need to be flexible and allow operation under various conditions.

Table 1.Patameters of the treated water No. Index description Unit From To

Treated water flow m3/hour 50 400 1 Suspended substances mg/dm3 98 24 2 Dry residue mg/dm3 Н.а 3187 3 Active рН reaction pH един. 4 >8.8 2- 3 4 Sulphates SO4 mg/dm 3.850 1930 5 Magnesium Mg2+ mg/dm3 35 20 6 Calcium Ca2+ mg/dm3 780 820 7 Sodium Na+ mg/dm3 30 65 8 Potassium K+ mg/dm3 Н.а. 40 9 Copper Cu++ mg/dm3 45 0,006 10 Manganese Mn++ mg/dm3 23,8 0,007 11 Lead Pb++ mg/dm3 <0,01 <0,01 12 Aluminum Аl+++ mg/dm3 131 l 0,18 13 Iron Fe+++ mg/dm3 98,5 < 0,03 14 Zink Zn++ mg/dm3 < 0,03 < 0,05 15 Silicon Si++++ mg/dm3 1,44 < 1 Note: The limit parameters values have to correspond to the water pH. .

Table 2. Individual emission limits. Indices of discharged waters Individual emission Index limits рН 6 – 8.5 Chemically consumed oxygen 70 mg/dm3 Insoluble substances 50 mg/dm3 Petroleum products 0.3 mg/dm3 Cyanides (total) 0,5 mg/dm3 Cyanides (free) 0,05 mg/dm3 Arsenic 0,05 mg/dm3 Cadmium 0,01 mg/dm3 Copper 0,1 mg/dm3 Chrome (six valence) 0,05 mg/dm3 Mercury 0,001 mg/dm3

2 Lead 0,05 mg/dm3 Nickel 0,2 mg/dm3 Zink 5,0 mg/dm3 Iron 1,5 mg/dm3 Uranium 0,6 mg/dm3 Radium 150 mBq/ dm3 Manganese 0.3 mg/dm3

1. The following auxiliary subsites shall be developed: 1.1. Induction pipeline or concrete channel. If the option of a channel is selected, no mixing with surface rain waters shall be allowed. 1.2. Sandlock, if needed. 2. The treated waters shall meet the individual emission limits determined in a Complex Permit No. КР 404-НО/2010 г. 3. A work design shall be prepared for discharging the treated water into the Lyulyakovitsa river. 4. The detailed requirements for the technical equipment shall be specified at working meetings arranged for this purpose. 5. To Part Technology: - An optimal treatment technology shall be selected which is to be of a minimal cost price of the treated water and to comply with the requirements stipulated by Bulgarian standards and the latest achievements of scientific and technical progress in this area. - The technological treatment circuits shall comply with the best available technologies and to envision uniform facilities of the same technological level working in parallel whose operation could be discontinued for a certain period of time and bypass connections which allows discontinuing the operation of the individual facilities, technological levels and the entire treatment plant. - A possibility shall be envisioned for partial or full discontinuing of the operation of the Waste Water Treatment Plant with a bypass for the purposes of inspections, cleaning, ongoing or overall repairs. - Method and way of residue and water treatment. The technological circuits to treat the residues shall comply with the selected technology for their removal from the treatment plant and their utilization. The treatment plant residues shall be collected, transported, stored and/or disposed meeting the requirements of the applicable waste management standards. - The treatment plant shall be sized for uniform operation for 24 hours per day. - A potential for a periodic or seasonal operation shall be envisioned as the respective measures for preserving the equipment operation capacity shall be taken into consideration. - All units shall be considered to have a sufficient capacity which allows that the full treatment effect be achieved if any unit is stopped.

3 - The used reagents shall be available and delivered by more than one supplier. - An option for adding a desulfatization module into the system shall be envisioned as the latter shall undergo minimal technical modifications in the circuit. - The suggested technological solutions shall be reviewed at an intermediary stage by the Client. 6. The materials for the technical facilities of the treatment plant shall be resistant against corrosion for the substances which are contained in waste waters and residues. 7. Facilities and devices to measure the waste water quantities and the recirculation technological flows shall be envisioned to be placed in appropriate locations. Facilities and devices to measure the main quality indices of the treated waters and residue flows shall also be envisioned as components of the operative control and technological process management. Devices to measure the flowing water quantities shall be designed at the input and the output of the treatment plant without fail. 8. Power supply of at least two independent power sources shall be envisioned in the water treatment plant design. The water treatment plant shall be designed in such a way that the normal operational state be able to be readily restored after resolving a power outage. A diesel generator shall be envisioned for backup power supply to the pumps which pump untreated water to the tailings dam and other crucial consumers which have to be operational under emergency situations. 9. In order to exercise operational control and process management in the water treatment plant, a SCADA automated dispatch system shall be designed based on state-of-the-art simulation models of the technological processes and the respective software applications used in the world practice. The processes shall be managed from the same panel. 10. The operational premise shall contain a spare part warehouse, repair workshop, laboratory and a room for the personnel. 11. The treatment plant shall be designed with a minimal number of operators and it shall be easily managed and operated. 12. Designing a recycling water supply system with technological water. 13. An operational life of the facility of at least 30 years shall be envisioned as the technological parameters of the treatment plant shall be warranted and the long durability of the building structures and facilities shall be ensured (including when the adverse impact of waste waters is considered). 14. The design operational life of the mechanical equipment in the water treatment plant shall meet the requirements of its rate as per Bulgarian State Standard EN 12255-1. 15. The mechanical equipment shall be maximally standardized. 16. The waste water treatment plants shall be built on the area stated in Appendix No. 9.

4 2.3. Task fulfillment deadline – within 3 (three) months after signing the contract.

III. Scope of the task In order to achieve the task objective, a Work design to build a water treatment plant for the waters from Lyulakovitsa tailings dam close to the contact water pond of a treatment capacity of 400 m3/hour shall be developed meeting the following requirements: The work design shall involve the development of at least the following design parts:  Geodesy - Geodesy and layout plan. A balance of the earth moving works. An explanatory note containing the data of the adopted principles of geodetic works and the vertical planning of the site, data about the designed local geodetic networks: type, description of the solution, point location, tools, measurement, coordinate system: 1950 (local), altitudinal Baltic system, processing, results, accuracy, features of the selected and coordinate points, output points and benchmarks needed for design and construction, etc.  Engineering geology and hydrogeology – to a degree of accuracy which is sufficient for the development of the work design for the subsite.  Engineering geological and hydrogeological studies in the region of the envisioned for building facilities shall be conducted, involving geological and geological characteristics of the region, data about the specific construction conditions such as measures taken with regards to seismic activity, soil types, failures, requirements for special protection of the geological base and/or underground water, lithological rock types and weathering degree, category of construction soils, physical and mechanical indices of the rock types, conditional estimated loads (bearing capacity of the layers), modulus of deformation, trench for excavation, underground waters and their lever and aggressiveness, recommendations for laying the foundations and necessity for using any special construction materials such as sulphate resistant concrete, etc.  Architecture – planning solution, building indices, distribution, plan of the roof lines, façade images, insulations, floor structures and flooring, cross and longitudinal vertical sections, architectural details which clarify the performance of the individual building and installation works. Specification of the materials which are planned to be used (materials, products, sets and systems) for the architectural part with the technical requirements to them in compliance with the applicable norms and standards; the way in which they are processed, laid and/or installed; color image of the site, etc. The water-proofing on the roofs which is to be used in the work design shall be Sarnafil TS 77-20 for the horizontal surfaces and TG 66- 20 for the vertical surface sides, vents, stacks, etc. with a mechanical attachment to the roof structure. Drawings, bill of quantities, quantity surveys and an explanatory note shall be attached.

5  Building and construction – designing the reconstruction of existing facilities and building new ones. Shuttering and reinforcement plans. Foundations of machines and devices. Construction and installation details. Specific details of the building structure components. Anti-corrosion protection of concrete and metal surfaces, anti-abrasion protection. Statistical calculations with detailed drawings and data, manufacturing drawings of metal structures, specifications of devices, materials, permissible deviations, control and takeover of the construction components and explanatory note, ongoing supervision of the construction supervision, including the preparation of a Construction Opinion. Drawings, bill of quantities, quantity surveys and an explanatory note shall be attached.  Technology – water treatment technology with technological and hydraulic calculations. Technological flow of the water and residue route. Sizing the technological facilities and connections. Detailed technological drawings. Description of the technology and operation mode under all possible operation mode options. Description of the technology considering its technical and economic indices (capacity, specific electric power consumption, degree of mechanization, reagent consumption, etc.). Supplying water, electric power, air and others to the facility. Technological circuits, sections and axonometric schemes, technological calculations, specification of the operational equipment, the mechanization degree of the technological processes, needed manpower, raw material and fuel supply for the operations, etc. Characteristics of raw material and auxiliary material consumption, electric power, technological fuels, reagents, air, water consumption, waste water generation, heat balance of the operations, load circulation and other indices which are typical for the technological solutions, achieved occupational health and safety conditions, sanitary services and fie precaution. Arrangement of mechanical repairs, warehouses and laboratory control; drawings in an appropriate scale (plans, profiles, sections, installation plans, details, detailed data). Drawings, bills of quantities, quantity surveys and an explanatory note shall be attached.  Hydrotechnical facilities – situational and alignment location of the envisioned facilities and pipelines corresponding to the current terrain. Hydraulic sizing of the system, initiatives to ensure protection against hydraulic shock, etc. Drawings, bills of quantities, quantity surveys and an explanatory note shall be attached.  Equipment – mechanical and technological equipment, reinforcing steel along the pipeline route, material, technical requirements for the manufacturing of the respective equipment, protection of the metal parts against corrosion. Drawings, bills of quantities, quantity surveys and an explanatory note shall be attached.  Water Supply and Sewrage System – A domestic module with a restroom and a washing sink shall be envisioned to the treatment plant. Water supply and general piping schemes in the water treatment plant, external networks and internal facilities, longitudinal and cross sections, axonometric details, installation plans, technical parameters of the facilities, details, hydraulic 6 calculations, specification of the materials. Drawings, bills of quantities, quantity surveys and an explanatory note shall be attached.  Electrical part, including Electric Power Supply, Electric Equipment “Electric Engineering Facilities and Lightening Protection, grounding device, local lighting. Electric Power Supply to the Water Treatment Plant – backup and alternative, lighting facility, electrical equipment, lightening protection, bill of quantities and cable carnet. The needed power supply lines and devices, complex switchgears, circuit breakers and secondary commutation of the Indoor Switchgear at the Recycled Water Substation (the Recycled Water Substation is provided in Attachment No. 7). The lightening protection facility shall be designed with a lightening receiver of overtaking action with overtaking time of up to 27µs. Drawings, bills of quantities, quantity surveys and an explanatory note shall be attached.  Evacuation plan in compliance with the effective norms and standards, including needed emergency, evacuation tables, schemes and lighting bodies.  Energy efficiency in scope and contents in compliance with Regulation No. 7 from 2004 for the energy efficiency, heat preservation and energy saving in the buildings (State Gazette, issue 5 from 2005).  HVAC - Drawings, bills of quantities, quantity surveys and an explanatory note shall be attached.  Instrumentation and Automation – The technical requirements stated in the Attachment No.5, Automation Technical Requirements shall be observed for the design of this part. Drawings, bills of quantities, quantity surveys and an explanatory note shall be attached.  Information and Communication Systems, including fire alarm system as per the requirements in Attachment No.6, Technical Requirements for Information and Communication Systems. An automated fire extinguishing facility shall be designed in the switchgear at the substation. Drawings, bills of quantities, quantity surveys and an explanatory note shall be attached.  Vertical planning, connection to existing servicing roads, grassing – approaches to build the facilities, area dewatering, cultivation of the ambient space, area fence. Longitudinal and cross profiles, drawings, bills of quantities, quantity surveys and an explanatory note shall be attached.  Roads – designing of building and servicing roads. Drawings, bills of quantities, quantity surveys and an explanatory note shall be attached.  Fire precaution. The development shall comply with the effective normative acts.  Occupational Safety and Health Plan in compliance with Regulation No.2 from 2004, which is to include a part for Manufacturing and Installation of Guiding Tags and Tables and a way for development that eliminates all risks of potential contamination in compliance with the effective normative acts. It shall also take into consideration the site conditions. - Arrangement plan 7 - Construction situation plan - Complex plan schedule for the sequence of the building and construction works - Measures and requirements to ensure occupational safety and health during the building and installation work performance, including the specific hazard area. - A scheme of temporary arrangement of the traffic and its safety along haulage and evacuation roads and pedestrian walkways on the construction site and the approaches to it. - A scheme of the places on the construction site where the presence of two or more workers is envisioned. - A scheme of the places on the construction site where there are specific hazards - A scheme of the places where to install lifting devices and scaffoldings. - A scheme of the places to store construction products and equipment, temporary workshops and waste containers. - A scheme of the location of sanitary and domestic premises. - A scheme for power supply, water supply, heating sewerage, etc. - A scheme and type of the alarms in case of calamities, incident, fire or accident with a determined spot where first aid shall be rendered.  Manuals for operation, maintenance, repairs and preventive maintenance activities with compulsory included optimal input, technological and output parameters as well as technological equipment monitoring, including: - Instruction for stopping and starting the water treatment facilities. - Measures to avoid massive contaminations - Instructions for extraordinary mode of operation – discrepancies and corrective actions. The stated instructions shall comply with the Work Instructions from the Integrated Management System for Quality, Environment, Occupational Safety and Health for mining water treatment РИ-ИСУ and РИ-ИСУ of Assarel-Medet JSC. The requirements under the stated instructions shall be given to the contractor.

 Construction arrangement and performance project, including a sequence of the activities, building and installation technology, equipment selection, etc. A linear and network complex plan and a plan-schedule for the construction sequence.  General arrangement plan – location, boundaries and dimensions of the construction area envisioned for designed buildings, facilities and networks, areal and geological conditions, landscape conditions and limits, overall situational, functional and special solution and its connection with the adjacent territories; transportation connections and the approved indies for the road and other communication areas; the solutions for the connections to the surface and underground networks of the technical infrastructure. 8  Environment and environmental regulation – initiatives for environmental and water protection, restoration and rehabilitation of damaged areas and infrastructural elements. The work design shall comply with all resolutions and permits regarding the normative environmental regulations issued so far.  Prevention plan for production accidents (Emergency plan);  Instructions for conducting water tests. Technological circuit and technical solutions for switching to an operational mode and a program for carrying out single tests and 72-hour tests under operational conditions in order to prove the system parameters and issuing a certificate as per Regulation No.3 for these activities; a bill of quantities for the needed tools and consumables.  Detailed quantity registers and specifications of the used materials and bills of quantities for the individual parts as well as a summarized bill of quantity (the building and installation works and equipment delivery are split in the bills of quantities. The needed tools and equipment which ensure the water tests and single tests shall be envisioned in the bills of quantities.  Explanatory notes for the individual design parts with the needed calculations, drawings and details.  Preparation of terms of references for the delivery of specific materials, devices and technological standard and non-standard equipment. The detailed requirements about the technical equipment shall be specified at arranged for the purpose meeting between the client and the contractor.  Miscellaneous (if any) depending on the technical solution and on discretion of the quoting companies, included in the price of the work design.  Reproduction of the work design – It shall be provided in 7 (seven) paper originals in Bulgarian and on 1 (one) CD (the graphical parts – in AutoCAD 2004 – dwg-format, the text parts – in Word and the detailed quantity registers and bills of quantities – in Excel).  Author’s supervision on the site in order to comply with the design during the building and installation phase and to ensure that the occupational safety and health and environmental protection rules are met in compliance with the legislation of Republic of Bulgaria. The design company shall prepare a Program (presented for each part of the design) in order to exercise author’s supervision in man hours needing for the project implementation considering the specifics and complexity of the respective task, travel times, tests and the final commissioning of the site in order to justify the needed time frame during which author’s supervision shall be exercised by the design company. The client requires that the design company shall be available once per week in order to exercise author’s supervision, takeover of the completed construction and bills of quantities to the construction certificates. The number of man hours needed for author’s supervision until the full construction completion is based on this requirement and the construction timeframe determined by an expert. The way for exercising author’s control is stipulated in Author’s Supervision Methodology which is an - Attachment to the draft contract. 9  Preparation of as-built documentation in 3 (three) paper originals and 1 (one) CD (the graphical parts shall be in AutoCAD 2004 – dwg-format, and the text parts - in Word) The individual parts of the design shall be developed in a way ensuring the close interconnection between them, with a detailed explanatory note and calculations which substantiate the suggested design solutions and their compliance with the requirements of 169 of the Territorial Planning Act for safe, secure, healthy and widely accessible environment. IV. Other designing initiatives. Specific requirements: 1. The conceptual layout solutions shall be coordinated with the client before proceeded to detailed design development. 2. The contractor shall prepare the work design in compliance with the criteria and the requirements of Regulation No.4 from May 21, 2001 for the scope and contents of investment projects. All technical solutions shall comply with Eurocode, the effective standards, rules and instructions for occupational safety and environment and water protection. 3. The contractor shall identify and apply all normative documents, requirements and guidelines applicable to the project. In the project implementation process, the Contractor shall follow the modifications in the applicable norms which affect the project results. 4. Occupational safety shall be ensured in the future site and all preventive measures shall be undertaken in order to avoid any potential accidents. 5. While preparing the work design, the design company shall take into consideration the possibilities to implement to project on the particular location by using the existing infrastructure to a maximal extent, including approaches, power supply, etc. The technical solution shall be highly reliable, energy efficient and the facilities shall be fit for maintenance, servicing and repair activities. 6. The calculations which substantiate the design solutions shall be attached to all parts of the work design in order to guarantee a high extent of security while they are being built and in their future operation. 7. The needed tools and equipment which ensure the water tests and single tests shall be included in the bills of quantities. В 8. Terms of Reference for the delivery of specific materials, devices, technological standard and non-standard equipment shall be prepared. The design company shall coordinate and give their opinion about the Terms of Reference and the quotation proposals for the delivery of specific materials, devices, technological standard and non-standard equipment, including the opinions of manufacturers of such equipment. 9. Details which require delivery of specific equipment shall be marked with “ON HOLD” and shall be further developed in the working phase after the particular equipment selection and they shall be planned for implementation in the bill of quantities and the quantity survey.

10 10. The work design shall require minimal investment and a minimal period for construction works. 11. All the parts of the work design shall be coordinated by all designers who have worked on it. 12. If installation facilities and / or high risk facilities are to be installed , the design company shall prepare work designs for their registration and regularization in a scope and volume in compliance with the enforced normative base for this activity. V. General requirements to the quoting organizations - Competition part 1.The quotation shall contain Work Program and a table for the task implementation, including the initiatives which are to be performed, the completion period in calendar days, the total value in Leva, exclusive of VAT. The quoting companies shall provide an explanatory note for the contents of the design development in a scope and volume which complies with the designer’s vision. The envisioned technology for waste water and residue treatment shall be described in the explanatory note . Note: The Explanatory Note shall not be a copy of the Terms of Reference but it shall contain initiatives, activities and methods which the designer plans to implement in order to meet the set requirements. 2. The quotations shall contain a detailed description of the activities with particular fixed prices and a summarized total quotation price. The design price for the individual parts and the total price shall be quoted in Leva ( exclusive of VAT), prepared and specified according to Regulation No.1 of the Association of Investment Project Engineers and the Association of the Architects in Bulgaria in order to determine the minimal prices in the engineering investment designing and the respective methodologies for the particular design developments in order to allow their more thorough reconciliation. 3. The total design price shall be presented by parts in compliance with the Terms of Reference in the following format: Table No. 1 No. Task Spent time Value scale of fees as (man per Regulation No.1 of hours) the Association of Investment Project Engineers (Leva, exclusive of VAT) 1. Work Design

1.1 Geodesy . 1.2 Engineering geology and hydrogeology

11 No. Task Spent time Value scale of fees as (man per Regulation No.1 of hours) the Association of Investment Project Engineers (Leva, exclusive of VAT) 1.3 Architecture 1.4 Building and construction 1.5 Hydrotechnical facilities 1.6 Technology 1.7 Equipment 1.8 Water Supply and Sewrage System 1.9 Electrical part 1.10 Evacuation plan 1.11 Energy efficiency

1.12 HVAC 1.13 Instrumentation and Automation 1.14 Information and Communication Systems 1.15 Vertical planning

1.16 Roads 1.17 Fire precaution 1.18 Occupational Safety and Health Plan 1.19 Instructions for conducting water tests 1.20 Construction arrangement and performance project 1.21 General Arrangement Plan 1.22 Plan for management of construction wastes 1.23 Plan for preventing production accidents (Emergency plan) 1.24 Environment and environmental regulation Integrated for the – initiatives for environmental protections price of the work design 1.25 Work projects for registration and Integrated for the regularization of lifting devices or high risk price of the work facilities design

12 No. Task Spent time Value scale of fees as (man per Regulation No.1 of hours) the Association of Investment Project Engineers (Leva, exclusive of VAT) 1.26 Instructions for conducting water tests. Integrated for the Technology and program for conduction price of the work single tests and 72-hour tests in operational design conditions. 1.27 Detailed quantity registers and Integrated for the specifications for the used materials and price of the work bills of quantities for the individual parts design and a summarized bill of quantity. 1.28 Explanatory notes for the individual project Integrated for the parts with the needed calculations, drawings price of the work and details. design 1.29 Preparation of Terms of Reference for Integrated for the delivery of specific materials, facilities and price of the work technological standard and non-standard design equipment. 1.30 Specific requirements to the Work Design Integrated for the price of the work design 1.31 Miscellaneous depending on the technical Integrated for the solution and upon discretion of the quoting price of the work companies, if any. в design Total for the Work Design: ІІ Author’s supervision with technical assistance in order to comply with the design during the building and installation phase and to ensure that the occupational safety and health and environmental protection rules are met in compliance with the legislation of Republic of Bulgaria. The design company shall prepare a Program (presented for each part of the design) in order to exercise author’s supervision in man hours needing for the project implementation considering the specifics and complexity of the respective task, travel times, tests and the final commissioning of the site in order to

13 No. Task Spent time Value scale of fees as (man per Regulation No.1 of hours) the Association of Investment Project Engineers (Leva, exclusive of VAT) justify the needed time frame during which author’s supervision shall be exercised by the design company. 1 Hourly rate for the Author’s supervision with technical assistance 2 Total number of man hours needed for the Author’s supervision with technical assistance Total value of the Author’s supervision with technical assistance in Leva, exclusive of VAT ІІІ Preparation of as-built documentation in 3 (three) paper originals and 1 (one) CD (the graphical parts shall be in AutoCAD 2004 – dwg-format, and the text parts - in Word)

1 Hourly rate for preparing the as-built documentation 2 Total number of man hours needed for the preparation of the as-built documentation Total value of the as built-documentation preparation ІV Maximal performance bond in % from the total design value (minimum 10 %) V Way of payment: - Advance payment in % of the total design value (if an advance payment is to be made, the latter shall be secured with a bank guarantee) - Payment scheme VІ Deadlines

14 No. Task Spent time Value scale of fees as (man per Regulation No.1 of hours) the Association of Investment Project Engineers (Leva, exclusive of VAT) 1 A deadline for the work design preparation 2 A deadline for preparing and submitting an opinion for the technical correspondence of quotations for delivery of technological, standard and non-standard equipment and materials for design needs, considered from the date on which the technical part of the submitted quotations for the respective equipment and/or materials by the Client to the Contractor by signing a takeover certificate. 3 Deadline for preparing the As-Built Documentation for the respective sub-site.

Notes: 1. When calculating the value of the parts in the respective design, if you consider that some parts are not needed, you should put Zero in the price proposal. If additional parts are needed to the design, please describe them in the explanatory note and incorporate them in the prices of the parts stated in the Table, specifying to which part they are allocated. Any modifications in the scope and volume in the Terms of Reference shall be stated, highlighted and substantiated with additional texts. 2. The total price is considered maximal for a fully completed work design. 3. The quotation shall contain a financial scheme for the design payment. The deferred to a maximal extent deadline for the amount payment shall be preferred. The proposed financial scheme shall give an idea about the implementation stages and payment conditions. If advance payment is envisioned, it must be stated what per cent of the total design price it would be; what intermediate payments are envisioned and when they have to be paid, what percent of the total design value the final payment is. A proposal shall be made about the type and conditions to secure the advance payment, if such is envisioned in the payment scheme. 1. The quoting company shall submit a maximal performance bond (minimum 10 % of the total design value), with regards to the quality preparation of the detailed quantity registers, quantity, detailed bills of quantity and material specification needed for the design. The performance bond shall be released within 30 (thirty) days upon the approval of the Final Takeover

15 Certificate for the accomplished building and installation works on the site. The performance bond is not restored if the value of the omissions in the detailed quantity registers, detailed bills of quantity and material specification needed for the design is higher with 5 (five) % of the total contract price for the construction than the value of the actually performed building and installation works. The selected contractor assumes responsibility for the design quality during the construction implementation which it secures with a performance bond at he amount of 20, 000 Leva, including VAT, in cash (deposit) or unconditional and irrevocable bank guarantee. 5. Penalties for the task performance 6. Income and cost report and a balance sheet for the previous two years. 7. The quoting organizations shall propose a DEADLINE (in calendar days) for performing the investigation and design works with a detailed time frame for the individual parts as per Table No. 1. Note: The deadlines shall be determined as efficient work time as a correlation factor of 1,0 tp 1,3 shall be applied to the overtime which converts holidays and weekends into business days. 8 Readiness to start work (in calendar days). 9 The quotations shall be valid for not less than 120 days upon their submission at Assarel-Medet JSC. 10 The quoting companies shall endorse and seal each page of the attached draft contract thus certifying that they are familiar with and agree with all clause in it. 11 References by 3 (three) other previous or current clients and a reference list of clients with telephones, addresses and contact persons shall be submitted for sites of a similar nature. 12 A team for the subsite performance. (The quoting company shall submit a list with the names of the team members with evidence for professional and practical experience in the design of sites of the same type and individual certificates from Association of Investment Project Engineers for 2017 of the specialists responsible for the task implementation with an included project manager in the list and capable persons who would eventual exercise technical supervision upon the Building and Construction part. 13 Site inspection and filling in a declaration for site inspection (The quoting company shall make a mandatory inspection of the site and assess well the work scope). A filled in declaration for site inspection shall be attached using a template by the Client. We request that you make the site inspection in the first one-third of the period for the quotation preparation in order to have more time for you to assess the complexity, scope, volume, peculiarities and the completeness of the quotation proposal. 14 Submitting a Confidentiality Declaration which is to be signed during the site inspection.

16 - Non-competition (technical part) 1. Exact address, contact persons, e-mail, fax, telephone. 2. Current status certificate of the company 3. Requirements for assistance by the Client 4. The quoting companies shall present a copy of the insurance policy, as per Articles 171 and 172 of the Territorial Planning Act and the Regulation for the rules and conditions for compulsory insurance in design and construction approved in Enactment by the Council of Ministers No. 38 from February 24, 2004, promulgated in State Gazette, issue 7 from March 2, 2004. 5. Availability of a quality management system. 6. Self-reference, bank letters of reference. (The quoting company will be preferred if it has performed such type of activity before.)

VІ. Way and criteria for accepting the fulfilled work - Accepting completed designs by signing a takeover report for the task. - Accepting Layout solutions by the Work Group. - Approved report by the Expert Technical and Economic Council of the client for accepting the Work Design. - As-built documentation preparation. - Approved certificate for successfully conducted 72-hour tests for proving the planned indices and construction parameters.

VІІ. Other conditions

1. The Contractor selection principle is according to an approved methodology in which the competition conditions and the shown understanding in the explanatory notes are considered. 2. The Terms and Conditions to Contracts Concluded between Assarel-Medet JSC and External Partners in the Territories controlled by Assarel-Medet JSC regarding occupational safety and health, environmental protection, access rules and security to the site which will be introduced to the selected contractor when concluding the contract. 3. The prescriptions of the Occupational Safety and Health, Internal Control, Environment, Corporate Security departments and control authorities shall be mandatorily observed. 4. The quoting companies shall be given access to the site and the selected contractor will be allowed to work under appropriate conditions within the business time of the Company. 5. The quoting companies can make a site inspection after the preliminary coordination before the day of their visit. The quotations shall be presented by 15.30 o clock on 24.07.2017 in one of the following ways:

17 - Personally at the Filing Office of Assarel-Medet JSC, sealed in an envelope addressed to the Executive Director of Assarel-Medet JSC, 4500 town of Panagyurishte with the note: Quotation for: “ Development of a work design to build a water treatment plant for the waters from Lyulakovitsa tailings dam close to the contact water pond of a treatment capacity of 400 m3/hour. “

And Note: “To be opened in the presence for the appointed for the purpose committee!” - In ordinary mail or courier mail sealed in an envelope addressed to (as in the previous point) (the post seal It valid) - To e-mail: [email protected], personally to the attention of the Executive Director. Any proposals which have been received after the submission deadline and those which have been presented in unsealed or damaged envelope, shall not be accepted. In the period of the quotation preparation, the applicants can ask clarifying questions in writing to the contact person stated in the Terms of Reference not later than 3 (three) days before the quotation submission deadlines. Until the quotation submission deadline expires, any applicant can modify, supplement or withdraw its suggestion. The quotations will be opened and reviewed only in the presence of the appointed for the purpose committee. - The ranking will be done according to a firm methodology. - The results will be announced after the committee finishes its work. We draw your attention to the fact that the company's procedures for storage of bids, for transparency and adherence to principles during their consideration preclude any possibility for influencing of contractor selection by corruption. Furthermore, upon establishing of such attempts, the relevant officials will be dismissed on disciplinary grounds and the contracts with the respective partners will be terminated. VІІІ. Contacts Asasrel-Medet JSC, town of Panagyurishte Fax: 0357/ 60 260, Tel: 0357/60502– Water Management Project Management - eng. Bozhidar Mashev; Tel: 0357/60 ………………………………………..

ATTACHMENTS: 1. DRAFT CONTRACT – Attachment No.1 (This Attachment is not filled in by the applicants. They only endorse and put a stamp on each page of the proposed document, this certifying that they are familiar with and they agree with the draft contract clauses). 2. Declaration for site inspection – Attachment No.2

18 3. Confidentiality Declaration - Attachment No.3 4. Declaration for Construction Waste Management - Attachment No.4 5. Technical Requirements to the Instrumentation and Automation Part - Attachment No.5 6. Technical Requirements to the Information and Computer Technology Part - Attachment No.6 7. Scheme of the Recycled Water Substation - Attachment No. 7 8. Chemical composition of the tailings dam water - Attachment No.8 9. Terrain scheme – location - AttachmentNo. 9


Water Management Project Management 1.Investment Projects Director eng. Bozhidar Mashev eng. Ivaylo Vasilev /signature/...... ……. /signature/...... ……. Date:………………………….. Date:…………………………..

2. Operations and Technical Activities Director eng. Ivan V. Cholakov /signature/...... …….. Date:…………………………..

3. Concentrator Plant Project Manager...... eng. М. Poibrenski /signature/...... …….. Date:…………………………..

4. Head of Construction Department eng. Zdravka Karparov /signature/...... …….. Date:………………………….. 5. Head of Environment Department

eng. Mariela Dzhidzhinkova /signature/...... …….. Date:…………………………..

6. Head of Techology Management unit… …. eng. М. Yankova /signature/...... …….. 19 Date:…………………………..

7.Head of Recycled Water, Pump Stations and SX- EW Department eng. Stoil Troshanov /signature/...... …….. Date:…………………………..

8. Head of Automation Department eng. P. Matanov /signature/...... …….. Date:…………………………..

9. Head of Power Supply, Energy Efficiency and Investment Department eng. P. Deenichin /signature/...... …….. Date:…………………………..

10. Head of Information Technologies Department eng. N. Kuzmanova /signature/...... …….. Date:…………………………..

11. Head of Occupational Safety and Health Department eng. N. Uzunov /signature/...... …….. Date:…………………………..


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