No School- Presidents Day

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No School- Presidents Day

Monday February 16, 2015


Tuesday February 17, 2015 IEP MEETINGS:

Materials needed:

Imagine IT: Morning Message Dinah story Picture Card 168-sunshine, 17-baseball, 18-basketball, 54-eggplants, 61-footprints, 173-teapot

Word Work: 1. Singular and Plural Noun worksheet (cut & paste) 2. Singular and Plural Noun worksheet (fill in blank) 3. Homework: Singular/Plural Noun (adding s endings)

Guided Reading: “The Lazy Pig”

History: Harriot Tubman story KWL

Writing: extra writing story papers Peanut butter story Math – Cathers- (K) square attribute blocks (per child), squares (teaching tool 20), blunt-tipped scissors, glue workpage 267-268 14-2 Reteaching Workpage 14-2 Practice Workpage 14-2 Enrichment Workpage

Amy (1st/2nd)- Counters (12 per pair), number cubes (2 per pair, one with numbers 1-6, one with numbers 7-12), cups (1 per pair) workpage 149-151 4-9 Reteaching Workpage 4-9 Practice workpage 4-9 Enrichment Workpage

8:35-9:05 Calendar/Count to 100/WWW “GIRL” workpage

9:05-10:05 MATH Cathers- (K) Lesson 14-2: Squares Focus: Children will identify and describe squares

Materials: square attribute blocks (per child), squares (teaching tool 20), blunt-tipped scissors, glue

Set the purpose: You will learn about a shaped called a square in this lesson. Pose the Problem: John wants to find square toys in his yard. How can he figure out which toys are square?

Model: (Have students cut out the squares from teaching tool 20) Hold up a large square paper shape. Ask: Is this a square? Are all 4 sides the same length? How many corners does it have? Are all the corners the same? (Place the large square on the left side of the mat) Find the large square How do you know it is a rectangle? *Have them glue it on the left side (Hold up the smaller squares) Discuss why the shape is also a square. *Have children glue the two smaller squares onto the right side of the workmat. These are shapes that John wants to play with at the pool and in the sandbox. How are these shapes alike? How are they different?


Guided Practice/Independent Practice (workpage 267-268)

Homework: 14-2 Reteaching Workpage 14-2 Practice Workpage 14-2 Enrichment Workpage

Amy- (1st/2nd ) Lesson 4-9: Thinking Addition to 12 to Subtract Focus: Children will write related addition and subtraction facts to 12.

Materials: Counters (12 per pair), number cubes (2 per pair, one with numbers 1-6, one with numbers 7-12), cups (1 per pair)

Pose the Problem: draw a part-part-whole Write the subtraction problem 11-5 =____ above it How can you use the model and an addition fact to solve this?

Model: Give each child one cube Have 1 partner toss the 7-12 number cube first…put that # of counters in their cup. Put the cube with your # facing up above the model on page 149. Have the other partner toss the other cube Take out that many counters and put them in one part of the model. Think of an addition fact that will help you subtract. What is the subtraction fact that goes with your counters? How many counters are still in the cup?


Guided Practice/Independent Practice (workpage 149-151) Homework: 4-9 Reteaching Workpage 4-9 Practice workpage 4-9 Enrichment Workpage

(9:35-10:35Kf 2nd grade math room)

10:05-10:35 Library


STATION 1: Toni- - Counting by 5’s, 10’s, 2’s (computer PP) Counting to 100 (computer PP) WWW reading

STATION 2: WWW Writing

STATION 3: Black History Project (Rosa Parks & Ruby Bridges)

11:15-12:05 Lunch/Recess

12:05-12:30 Guided Reading/Word work-independent (Adrian, Alexis T., Noah, Tyrece) Group 1: Focus: directionality Review High Frequency words: *the, up, is, I, said

Discuss story word patterns -“I am up”, said the ____

-Read level 3 book “The Lazy Pig”

-ask comprehension questions -characters? -What was the problem & how was it solved? 12:30-1:00 Imagine It Unit 3 Lesson 10 Morning Message (WRITE WILL ERRORS)

Kindergarten News -errors in morning message -omit the period (.) -begin 2nd sentence with lowercase letter -have students find the errors

Oral Language -make silly sentences with students that involve words that begin with /d/ or /p/ (Ex: Dinah dances…Dinah the dinosaur dances…Dinah the Dinosaur dance with difficulty)

Phonemic Awareness -Picture Card 168-sunshine -ask students to say the word -identify each of it’s word parts (sun/shine) -take away one part (sun) -say “shine” -What part of the word did I take away? (sun) -What is sunshine without sun? (shine) -What is sunshine without shine? (sun)

-Continue with picture cards: 17-baseball, 18-basketball, 54-eggplants, 61-footprints, 173-teapot

1:00-1:20 Word Work 1. Singular and Plural Noun worksheet (cut & paste) 2. Singular and Plural Noun worksheet (fill in blank) 3. Homework: Singular/Plural Noun (adding s endings)

1:20-1:30 Snack

1:30-2:00 History Harriot Tubman KWL- fill out what you know (K) -fill out what you want to know (W) Read Harriot Tubman story

2:00-2:45 Writing Mini Lesson: -A way of writing more… set a goal for myself to write 2 sentences instead of 1. -another goal: spelling…try the best you can and move on

-Keep your pen in your hand the whole time and write

*Have extra writing story papers in the middle of table 1 and allow students to get a new one when they are done with a story

Allow students to write!

2:45-3:00 Dismissal Wednesday February 18, 2015 Materials needed:

Imagine IT: stories (Dinah & popcorn) d” and “p” card (each student)

Writing: Information Writing Checklist (pg 49)

Math - Cathers (1st/2nd)-workpage 153-155) 4-10 Reteaching workpage 4-10 Practice

AMY (K)-Circle attribute block (per child) (teaching tool 36), Circles (Teaching tool 21), blunt tipped scissors, glue workpage 269-270 14-3 Reteaching workpage 14-3 Practice workpage 14-3 Enrichment workpage ______8:35-9:05 Attendance/Calendar & Count to 100/www worksheet “GIRL”

9:05-9:35 Music

9:35-10:35 MATH Cathers-(1st/2nd)- Lesson 4-10: Problem Solving: Draw a Picture and Write a Number Sentence Focus: Children will draw pictures to solve addition story problems.

Materials: none

Set the purpose: You have seen pictures in your math book that go along with the problems you have to solve. Many times the pictures help you to decide what you have to do. Today you will learn how to draw pictures to help you solve problems. Model: What do you have to show first? (6 fish)…draw it Then what do you do? (Draw 3 more fish) How can you use the picture to help you solve the problem?


Guided Practice/Independent Practice (workpage 153- 155)

Homework: 4-10 Reteaching workpage 4-10 Practice

Amy- (K)- Lesson 14-3: Circles Focus: Children will identify and describe circles

Materials: Circle attribute block (per child) (teaching tool 36), Circles (Teaching tool 21), blunt tipped scissors, glue

Pose the Problem: The animals in the zoo like to play with toys that are shaped like circles. How can we figure out which toys are shaped like circles?

Set the purpose: You will learn about a shape called a circle in this lesson.

Model: (Have children cut out the shapes from teaching tool 21) Hold up the large circular paper. Is this a circle? Does it have any sides? Does it have any corners? How else can you describe this shape? *Place the large circle on the left side of the workmat Find the large circle. How do you know it is a circle? These are the shapes of the toy that the animals like to play with in the zoo.


Guided Practice/Independent Practice (workpage 269-270)

Homework: 14-3 Reteaching workpage 14-3 Practice workpage 14-3 Enrichment workpage


AMY- 2nd QUARTER LITERACY ASSESSMENT STATION 1: Toni- - Counting by 5’s, 10’s, 2’s (computer PP) Counting to 100 (computer PP) WWW reading

STATION 2: WWW Writing

STATION 3: Black History Project

11:15-12:05 Lunch/Recess

12:05-12:45 Writing Session 7 “Teach the Information Writing Checklist (pg 49) “Teaching Point: Even though you are learning all these new things about “how-to” papers you still need to remember to what you already know about writing informational books.

*Share students writing from beginning of year to now.

*Before going off to write tell your partner what you plan to work on and/or share whole group

*Independent writing time! 12:45-1:15 Imagine It Unit 3 Lesson 10 Alphabetic Principle Review the Dd and Pp Sounds -Review Dd and Pp stories (Dinah & popcorn)

Listening for Final /d/ and /p/ -give each student a “d” and “p” card -have them repeat the word -hold up Dd or Pp card for the sound they hear (Use words in teacher manual)

Linking the Sound to the Letter -write the sets of words on the board -have students read them and make words starting with /d/ or /p/

1:15-1:45 Deatherage Language Lesson

1:45-2:00 Snack/Dismissal Thursday February 12, 2015 Materials needed:

Imagine IT: Pre-Decodable 14: We Carry Skills Practice Pg 31 & 32

Word Work: Singular Plural Nouns worksheet pg.1 & 2 (Writing Sentences with singular & plural noun words)

Reading Comprehension: The Daily News “School Children to Say Pledge” pg 3

Guided Reading: Read level 3 book “The Lazy Pig”

History: Harriet Tubman “L” on KWL chart fact worksheet

Math - Cathers (K)- Triangle attribute (per child) (Teaching tool 36), Triangles (teaching tool 22), blunt-tipped scissors, glue workpage 271-272 14-4 Reteaching workpage 14-4 Practice workpage 14-4 Enrichment workpage

AMY (1st/2nd) Lesson Topic 4 Reteaching

______8:35-9:05 Attendance/Calendar/Count to 100/ WWW workpage “GIRL”

9:05-10:05 Math: Cathers (K): Lesson 14-4: Triangles Focus: Childeren will identify and describe triangles

Materials: Triangle attribute (per child) (Teaching tool 36), Triangles (teaching tool 22), blunt-tipped scissors, glue Set the purpose: You will learn about a shape called a triangle in this lesson.

Model: (Have children cut out the shapes from teaching tool 22). Hold up a large triangular shape. Ask: Is this a triangle? How many sides does a triangle have? How many corners does it have? (Place the large triangle on the left side of the mat) Find the triangle. How do you know it is a triangle? *Have children glue the smaller triangles to the right side of the mat. These are the shapes of the sails that Lin wanted to find on the sailboats.


Guided Practice/Independent Practice (workpage 271-272)

Homework: 14-4 Reteaching workpage 14-4 Practice workpage 14-4 Enrichment workpage

Amy- (1st/2nd): Lesson Topic 4 Reteaching


AMY- 2nd QUARTER LITERACY ASSESSMENT STATION 1: Toni- - Counting by 5’s, 10’s, 2’s (computer PP) Counting to 100 (computer PP) WWW reading

STATION 2: WWW Writing

STATION 3: Black History Project

11:00-11:10 Reading Comprehension The Daily News “School Children to Say Pledge” pg 3 -Re-read story -Finish answering questions (#3, #4, #5)

11:15-12:05 Lunch/Recess

12:05-12:30 Guided Reading (Alexis R., Jaedyn, Russell) Group 2: Focus: Directionality and reading word for word w/pointing

Read together high frequency words in story *the, up, is, I, said

Discuss story word patterns -“I am up”, said the ____

-Read level 3 book “The Lazy Pig”

-Introduce title -predict what the story will be about -read story page by page making sure they are pointing to each word. -ask comprehension questions -characters? -What was the problem & how was it solved?

12:30-1:00 History Harriet Tubman -ask what did you learn about Harriet Tubman? -fill out “L” on KWL chart As a class- fill out fact worksheet

1:00-1:30 Imagine It: Unit 3 Lesson 10 Reading a Pre-Decodable -Pre-Decodable 14: We Carry -picture walk -high frequency word “of” -read story

Skills Practice Pg 31 & 32

1:30-1:45 Word Work 1. Singular Plural Nouns worksheet pg.1 & 2 (Writing Sentences with singular & plural noun words)

1:45-2:45 Art

2:45-3:00 Snack/Dismissal Friday February 20, 2015 Send Home NEWSLETTER Send Home NEW WWW

OT: 8:45-9:00 Jaedyn Costa 9:35-9:45 Whole Group Lesson 9:45-10:00 Sierra Purvis & Alyssa Olgesby 10:00-10:15 Noah Carter & Russell Dearing

Speech: 10:35-11:05 Kierra Fishburn 1:15-1:45 Whole Group Lesson

SSL: 2:00-2:30 Whole Group Lesson

Materials: Math: Cathers (1st/2nd): Lesson TOPIC 4 TEST

Amy (1st/2nd): Haexagon Pattern blocks (per child) (Teaching tool 35), Hexagons (Teaching tool 23), blunt-tipped scissors, glue workpage 273-274 14-5 Reteaching Workpage 14-5 Practice workpage 14-5 Enrichment Workpage

WRITING: “My first soccer game” by: Alyssa Satin Capucilli TEACHER MANUAL PG. 62-65 ______

8:30-9:00 Calendar/Count to 100/www worksheet “GIRL”

9:05-9:35 Music

9:35- 10:35 Math Cathers (1st/2nd): Lesson TOPIC 4 TEST

Amy (K): Lesson 14-5: Hexagons Focus: Children will identify and describe hexagons

Materials: Haexagon Pattern blocks (per child) (Teaching tool 35), Hexagons (Teaching tool 23), blunt-tipped scissors, glue

Set the purpose: You will learn about another shape in this lesson

Pose the Problem: The HEXAGONS art Gallery needs new pieces of art. Only art with hexagons can be put in the gallery. How can you make new pieces of art for the gallery?

Model: (Have children cut out the paper hexagons from the teaching tool 23) Could this shape be a frame for a picture in the gallery? How do you know? Let’s draw a picture in the frame Now let’s put our picture in the art gallery.


Guided Practice/Independent Practice (workpage 273-274)

Homework: 14-5 Reteaching Workpage 14-5 Practice workpage 14-5 Enrichment Workpage


AMY- 2nd QUARTER LITERACY ASSESSMENT STATION 1: Toni- - Counting by 5’s, 10’s, 2’s (computer PP) Counting to 100 (computer PP) WWW reading

STATION 2: WWW Writing STATION 3: Black History Project (Rosa Parks & Ruby Bridges)

11:15-12:30 Lunch/Recess

12:05-12:30 Independent Reading Cathers & Amy-Sit with as many students and have them read a book at their instructional level

12:30-1:15 Writing Bend II Session 8 -Read “My first soccer game” by: Alyssa Satin Capucilli

Mini Lesson -Using a Mentor text -After reading book Ask: “What are some things that Alyssa Satin Capucilli does as a writer that I might try and why does she do those things?

Inquiry Set-Up -Let’s look at some things that she has done that we can do as writers. -As we read, let’s stop and notice some of the things that Alyssa does as a writer. -We’ll see if we can imagine why she does those things.

Active Engagement -I’m going to read these 2 pages, then you will turn to your partner and talk about what this “how-to” author did that you could do too.


*Time to write

1:15-1:45 Deatherage Language Lesson/Snack 1:45-2:00 Snack

2:00-2:30 Troppa SSL Lesson (fill in student planners)

2:30-3:00 Get ready for dismissal

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