Candidate Bio: At-Large Representative to PCC Policy Committee (Poco)
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PCC Elections: Guidelines for the Nominating Committee
The PCC Nominating Committee consists of the Chair-Elect (acting as Chair of the Nominating Committee), the Past Chair, and one other member of PCC Policy Committee selected by the Chair-Elect.
The Secretariat informs the Chair of the Nominating Committee of the number of at-large positions be filled on the Policy Committee in January or February of each year.
The committee identifies representatives from active full-, associate-, or funnel-level PCC institutions for candidacy to the Policy Committee.
Candidates must hold policy-setting positions at PCC-member institutions in order to be eligible to run for the Policy Committee. Examples of such positions include but are not limited to: heads, directors, coordinators, or managers of technical services, metadata services, cataloging departments, or units.
The Nominating Committee should consider the needs of the PCC Strategic Plan in choosing candidates.
The Secretariat provides the Nominating Committee with a spreadsheet containing the history of past election candidates for the committee’s information.
The Nominating Committee contacts prospective candidates to brief them on the duties of the Policy Committee and to ascertain their willingness to serve. Prospective candidates should be directed to the Guidelines for Elected Representatives to the PCC Policy Committee.
The Nominating Committee will confirm the slate of candidates by the end of March and inform the PCC Steering Committee. The Steering Committee will in turn notify the Policy Committee and the Secretariat of the slate.
The Secretariat will send each candidate a candidate biography form (see page 3 below). Since CVs and resumes cannot be uploaded into the balloting system, the form is used to provide brief biographical data, selected professional activities, areas of interest, and a brief statement of what the person thinks they are able to contribute to the Policy Committee.
The Secretariat will prepare the ballots using an online survey format and post the candidate biographies in April. Once the voting institutions are confirmed, the link to the survey is sent to PCC representatives to forward to library directors (or equivalent officers) at the beginning of May. Full-level and associate-level institutions are eligible to vote and each may cast one ballot. Funnel coordinators from the various PCC programs will each cast a single ballot on behalf of the members of the funnel they coordinate.
1 Task Timeline for PCC Elections
Time Frame Task Required for Every Step Who January PCC appoints Past Chair and Chair-Elect as Nominating Committee at ALA MW; PCC Steering Committee Chair-Elect recruits another member from PoCo January Secretariat informs Nominating Committee of the number of at-large vacancies on Secretariat PoCo February-March Nominating Committee recruits candidates Nominating Committee March Secretariat confirms names of PCC institutions on voting list Secretariat March 30 Nominating Committee informs PCC Steering Committee of slate of PoCo candidates Nominating Committee March 31 Steering Committee informs PoCo and the Secretariat of the slate of PoCo candidates PCC Steering Committee April Secretariat requests bio info from candidates Secretariat (1st week) April Secretariat collects bio info from candidates Secretariat (2nd week) April Secretariat prepares candidate statements, sample ballot, and survey for PCC election Secretariat (3rd week) May 1st Secretariat sends voting information/link for survey to PCC library representatives and Secretariat notifies PoCo that election has begun May 15th Secretariat sends reminder to PCC representatives about PCC election deadline Secretariat
May 29 Secretariat announces end of election Secretariat June 1 Secretariat reports election results to PCC Chair Secretariat June 1 PCC Chair notifies all candidates of results PCC Chair June 15 PCC Chair announces election results to PCC community PCC Chair or mid-month June Secretariat includes selection of new Chair-Elect on PCC Steering Committee agenda Secretariat (ALA Annual) October 1 Secretariat updates PoCo on Web site to include new electees to PoCo Secretariat October PCC Steering Committee asks PoCo to approve new Chair-Elect in advance of PoCo PCC Steering Committee Candidate Bio: At-large Representative to PCC Policy Committee (PoCo)
Thank you for agreeing to stand as a candidate for the PCC Policy Committee (PoCo). Voters wish to know about your qualifications and your interest in serving on the PCC Policy Committee as an at-large representative. The ballot cannot accommodate a resume or CV from candidates.
Please complete this form and return it to ______by ______.
PCC program affiliation: Name: Current Position: Department: Institution: Email address:
Link (URL) for your photo or web page:
Selected professional activities:
Areas of interest: [e.g. metadata roles and applications, cataloging, standards, automation, training, documentation, etc.])
Please state briefly what you would be able to contribute to the PCC Policy Committee.