Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 First Day of School Welcome

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Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 First Day of School Welcome

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 7 8 9 10 11 First Day of School Classroom rules Welcome Back! & procedures Classroom rules & procedures HW: pp.1-8

14 15 16 17 18 The national test Psychology as a OHS Minimum Day/ History of Psychological Essay writing profession and the Back to School psycholog perspe Return summer history of Night y and ctives work psychology History of psychologi What is psycholog cal psycholo Begin APP y and perspectiv Study for Ch 1 gy? Psychologi psychologi es test pp. 9-22 and Ch 1 st chart cal Vocabular perspectiv Chapter 1 y es Vocabular y Due

21 22 23 24 25 Chapter 1 Test Go over Ch 1 Tests The scientific Conducting Other forms of APK for Chapter 2 method and experiments as psychological conducting psychological research psychological research pp. 27-33 Ch 2 Vocab research pp 41-50 & pp. 33-40 naturalistic observ.

28 29 30 31 1 Pitfalls of research, Minimum Day Present selected Chapter 2 test Go over tests ethics in Ethics and statistics summer Assign chapter research experime projects & Take home nts pp. 61-70 Genes and making reinforcem behavior sense of ent assgt Study for Ch. 2 test data & Bring summer Ch 3 Vocabulary experimen t write-ups Black: Classroom work; Red: student evaluations; Blue: Homework; Purple: Special events

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 4 5 6 7 8 Labor Day Chromosomes, DNA, Neurons—disc. Divisions of the Parkinson’s genes & home-work and in- nervous disease anatomy class ex. system Cerebral palsy of a and (film clip) neuron Dollar Bill endocrine Experimen system pp. 84-89 & Vocab t & write- pp. 71-83 up 11 12 13 14 15 Alzheimer’s disease Measuring brain Continue brain Continue brain Brain anatomy Chap Projects due activity anatomy anatomy and Sperry Jeopardy Brain anatomy Experiment Study for test Chapter 3 Vocab Vocab Due pp. 89-102 Quiz Review for test 18 19 20 21 22 Chapter 3 test Ch 4 Anticipatory Sensation and Minimum Day Vision Set perceptio Subliminal Discussion and Assign Chap n Persuasion with in- experiment Projects class exercise Sensation/perceptio pp. 109-116 n Chapter 4 pp. 118-125 overview Vocabular y

pp. 116-117 25 26 27 28 29 Continue vision and Hearing Vestibular, Chapter 4 Vocab Additional topics eye kinesthetic and Quiz on the anatomy smell with Taste & skin senses skin experiments with experiments senses and pp. 129-134 theories pp. 125-129 of sensati on

pp. 135-141 Black: Classroom work; Red: student evaluations; Blue: Homework; Purple: Special events

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2 3 4 5 6 Perception with Gestalt ESP with Chapter 4 Test Go over test Consciousness experiments experiment Anticip set for End First Quarter chapter pp. 141-151 Ch 5 Vocabulary Study for Ch 4 test pp. 157-165 Outside Article 9 10 11 13 13 Consciousness Day dreaming, Stages of sleep and Dreams and dream Minimum Day circadian sleep theory theory Dreams and sleep rhythms Chapter 5 Vocab disorder & the Quiz s (film pp. 166-172 stages of Enjoy Powder Puff clips) sleep FB Enjoy Homecoming

pp. 172-177 pp. 178-181 16 17 18 19 20 Hypnosis (film clip) Psychoactive drugs Psychoactive drugs Meditation, hallucin- Sensory Chapter Projects ations, biofeedback deprivation Due pp. 181-188

Study for chapter Test 23 24 25 26 27 Chapter 5 Test APK for Ch 6: Learning and Learning and Classical Chapter 6 Learning classical classical conditioning and Vocabulary conditioning with conditioning operant experiment Conditioning pp. 195-205 Lamp Exp & 205-215

Black: Classroom work; Red: student evaluations; Blue: Homework; Purple: Special events

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 30 31 1 2 3 Operant Operant conditioning Stanford Prison Exp Insight learning, Tolman’s and Conditioning Chapter 6 Vocab Quiz Operant cognitive Bandura’s Social learning condition mapping, theories ing in feedback class & Take Gardner’s reinforce transfer survey online ment project

pp. 215-227 6 7 8 9 10 Additional theories Chapter 6 Test APK regarding How we form Veteans’ Day of cognition memories learning Assign Chap. Proj pp. 233-238 Study for test pp. 239-251 Chapter 7 Vocabulary 13 14 15 16 17 Sensory and Sensory and working Retrieval of Retrieval of Memory lapses, working memory information informati memory loss, memory on memory Memory lapses, improvement pp. 252-256 & memory Flashbulb pp. 257-266 loss, Mem. Proj. memory pp. 267-278 improvem ent Chapter 7 Vocab Quiz 20 21 22 23 24 School Holiday School Holiday School Holiday School Holiday

Thanksgiving Black: Classroom work; Red: student evaluations; Blue: Homework; Purple: Special events

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 27 28 29 30 1 Language and the Schemas, Problem Chapter 7 Test The process of Emotions and units of thought Solving and emotion controllin Creativity Theories of emotion g pp. 279-291 pp. 297-311 emotions Study for Ch. 7 Test pp. 311-317 Minimum Day pp. 318-324 4 5 6 7 8 Motivation Maslow and Horner & Hunger motivation Sexual Motivation In-class Achievem Glucostatic theory Article Discussion Chapter 8 Vocab experim ent and Hunger Motiv article Quiz ent Motivatio pp. 325-336 n with pp. 336-353 experime nts 11 12 13 14 15 Stress Stress and General Reactions to stress Controlling stress Chapter 8 Test Holmes-Rahe Adaptatio Type A and Type B Stress Lab Scale n Personalities Study for Ch 8 Test and Syndrome Study for final PTSD 18 19 20 21 22 First Semester Pre-final Jeopardy Finals Finals Finals review activity Periods 1, 2 & 7 Periods 3 & 4 Periods 5 & 6

pp. 359-366 Study for Final Exam pp. 359-366 25 26 27 28 29 Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break

Black: Classroom work; Red: student evaluations; Blue: Homework; Purple: Special events

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 2 3 4 5

Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break

8 9 10 11 12 Go over Fall Finals Physical Physical Harlow, Cognitive APK: Perform as Development of Developm developm develop developmental child children ent of ental ment: psychologists children problems, Piaget Chapter 9 discussio pp. 366-375 Vocabular pp. 376-381 & n of pp. 381-387 and y USN&WR article, begin Article “Are Boys spring the psychol Weaker ogist Sex?” chart 15 16 17 18 19 M. L King Holiday Social Development: Adolescence: Adolescence: Social development: Freud and Erikson physical, social, sexual Freud and Erikson cognitive and moral and development pp. 387-395 and social; USN & WR Chapter 9 Vocab pp. 396-403 article Quiz

USN&WR Article 22 23 24 25 26 Erikson and Women’s aging Adulthood: Minimum Day Complete adulthood menopau Thanatology chapter and test se review

USN&WR Article Study for Ch. 9 Test Black: Classroom work; Red: student evaluations; Blue: Homework; Purple: Special events

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 29 30 31 1 2 Chapter 9 Test Personality Theory Freudian Theory Continue Freud Theories of APK; Chapter persona Project lity: Freudian Theory pp. 419-429 and Defense pp. 409-419 Ch 10 Vocabulary spring Mech; psych. Jung, chart Horney, Adler 5 6 7 8 9 Theories of Theories of Theories of Theories of Trait theory person personalit personality: personali ality: y: Defense the ty Defens Mechanis Humanists pp. 438-443 e ms, Jung, Mecha Horney, pp. 430-437 nisms, Adler Jung, Chapter 10 Vocab Horney, Quiz Adler and the Humani sts

12 13 14 15 16 Lincoln’s Birthday Personality types Chapter 10 Test Testing to measure Complete testing and tests individual discussion and True Colors test differences discuss article Theories of Intelligence Study for test pp. 451-462 Chapter 11 pp. 463-468 Vocabular y 19 20 21 22 23 Washington’s BD Theories of Theories of Theories of IQ Tests and their intelligen intelligence intelligence uses ce Chapter 11 Vocab Quiz

Black: Classroom work; Red: student evaluations; Blue: Homework; Purple: Special events

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 26 27 28 1 2 Testing theory Testing methodology Minimum Day Defining Defining Psychological and and Overcoming test Chapter 11 Test psycholo psychological social issues in anxiety gical disorders testing pp. 483-491 disorders pp. 491-497 Study for Ch 11 Test with APK pp. 469-478 activity

5 6 7 8 9 Mood disorders— Mood disorders— Anxiety-based Anxiety-based End Third Quarter discuss discussion and film disorders disorders Anxiety-based ion disorder with pp. 497-506 s film Chapter 12 Vocab clip Quiz augme ntation 12 13 14 15 16 Somatoform and Review of eating Schizophrenia Schizophrenia Personality dissociative disorders disorder disorders and begin s schizophre pp. 510-517 pp. 506-510 nia Review for test 19 20 21 22 23 Chapter 12 Test Minimum Day Defining Insight therapy Cognitive- Defining psycholo behavio psychologi gical pp. 542-548 and ral cal therapy therapy biomed therapy pp. 523-530 chart Chapter 13 Vocabulary pp. 531-542 26 27 28 29 30 Cognitive- Cognitive-behavioral Cognitive-behavioral Chapter 13 Test Spring Break behavi therapy therapy oral and and therapy Biomedical Biomedic Approach al HW: 565-574 Chapter 13 Vocab to therapy Approach Quiz to therapy Study for Ch. 13 Test Black: Classroom work; Red: student evaluations; Blue: Homework; Purple: Special events

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2 3 4 5 6 Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break

9 10 11 12 13 State Testing Newcomb and Asch Obedience to Bystander effect; Situational power, Social psychology, Authoity Darley social situationism and and reality Zimbardo’s 583-601 Latane Chapter 14 Vocab Stanford Prison 574-583 State Testing Quiz Experiment State Testing State Testing Chapter 14 Vocabular y 16 17 18 19 20 Situational power, Social attraction Complete Chapter Chapter 14 Test Go over tests social theory 14 Review for reality national test/cou rse final Review for Chap 14 test

23 24 25 26 27 Review for national Review for national Review for national Review for national Final review for test/cour test/cour test/cour test/cour national se final se final se final se final test/course final

Black: Classroom work; Red: student evaluations; Blue: Homework; Purple: Special events

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 30 1 2 3 4 National A. P. Post test activity Post test activity Post test activity Post test activity Psychology Test/Course Minimum Day Final 7 8 9 10 11 Post test activity Post test activity Post test activity Post test activity Post test activity

12 13 14 15 16 Post test activity Post test activity Post test activity Post test activity Post test activity

19 20 21 22 23 Senior Checkout Finals Finals Finals OHS Graduation Periods 1, 2 & 7 Periods 3 & 4 Periods 5 & 6

Black: Classroom work; Red: student evaluations; Blue: Homework; Purple: Special events

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