Draft Old Town Masterplan Consultation comments form

Have your say We would like your views on the Draft Old Town Masterplan. The masterplan and a ‘quick reference’ guide to the document are both available to view in hard copy at all local libraries and on our website: www.croydon.gov.uk/oldtown.

You can submit your completed form by:

Email:  [email protected]; or by

Post: Spatial planning service, Development & environment 6th floor, Zone B Bernard Weatherill House 8 Mint Walk, Croydon CR0 1EA

The public consultation will take place from Monday 10 February until midnight on Monday 24 March 2014.

Comments will be responded to as appropriate and will be published anonymously (with no names or personal details) on our website.

Please note environmental issues such as street cleaning and waste collection are not covered by this consultation. If you wish to report a local issue you can:  Sign up for a My Account for a quicker way to report online, book and pay for services and much more: www.croydon.gov.uk/myaccount.  Download our free My Croydon app for a faster, smarter better way to report local issues: www.croydon.gov.uk/app or the Android or iPhone store.  Call the council on  020 8726 6200  Text: “ENV” followed by a description of the problem and location to 60660. About you Q1. Which of the below applies to you? (Please tick all that apply)  Local business owner  Conservation area resident  Urban planner/developer  Resident of a different part of Croydon  Other (please specify) ______

Q2. How did you hear about this consultation?  Croydon Council website  Word of mouth  Letter  Site notice  Local press  Other (please specify) ______

Your views on the Draft Old Town Masterplan

The following questions ask for your views on each of the chapters of the draft masterplan. You don’t need to answer all the questions, you can just give comments on the areas that interest you.

Please give the page numbers that you are referring to and use the extra page provided if you need more space for your answers. You can refer to the masterplan guide for an overview of each chapter.

Q3. Please give us your comments on the information provided in chapter 2 “Setting the scene”?

Q4. Please give us your comments on the information provided in chapter 3 “The draft masterplan”? Q5. Please give us your comments on the information provided in chapter 4 “The components”?

Q6. Please give us your comments on the information provided in chapter 5 “Next steps”?

Q7. Do you have any other comments about the draft masterplan?

Q8. Have you found this consultation to be a useful and positive process?  Strongly agree  Agree  Disagree  Strongly disagree

Thank you for taking the time to provide your comments. This consultation constitutes public participation in accordance with Regulation 12 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.

What happens next?

We will consider all comments received during the consultation in formulating the final Old Town Masterplan, which will be adopted in the summer. If you would like to be kept informed of the progress of the Old Town Masterplan and / or updates to Croydon Local Plan policy and guidance, please provide us with your email address: ______and we will add you to the mailing list(s). For more information, you can email [email protected] or call the Spatial Planning Service on 020 8407 1385. We want to ensure that we consult with a variety of people, therefore please could you complete the equalities monitoring questions overleaf. Equalities monitoring (optional)

We will treat the information you provide in a sensitive and confidential way as required under the Data Protection Act 1998.

Gender:  Male  Female Age range:  under 18  18-24  25-34  35-44  45-54  55-60  61+

Ethnicity (which of these describes your ethnic group?) Asian / Asian British  Bangladeshi  Indian  Pakistani  Chinese  Other (please specify)

Black/African/Caribbean/ Black British  African  Caribbean  Other (please specify)

Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Groups  White and Asian  White and Black Caribbean  White and Black African  Other (please specify)

Other Ethnic Group  Arab  Other (please specify)

White  English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British  Irish  Other (please specify)

 Do not wish to declare ethnic group

Disability Do you consider yourself to have a disability?  Yes  No  Mobility  Visually impaired  Hearing impaired  Mental health problems  Learning disability  Other (please specify) Extra page for additional comments