2008 EMS Users Group Conference
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2008 EMS Users Conference DRAFT AGENDA Atlanta, Georgia Sunday, Sept 7, 2008 - Wednesday, Sept 10, 2008 www.emsusers.org
Sunday Sept. 7 19:00 - 21:00 Welcome Reception Hospitality Suite
Monday Sept. 8 07:00 – 08:00 Continental Breakfast & Registration 08:00 – 08:15 Welcome and Conference Review 08:15 – 08:45 Keynote – Raleigh Nobles, VP of System Operations, GSOC-Georgia Systems Operations Corporation 08:45 – 09:30 PEPCO EMS Replacement Project - Manley Higgins, PEPCO/PHI 09:30 – 10:15 PJM EMS Upgrade: Adventures in SOA, CIM, and Virtualization John Baranowski, PJM Interconnection, L. L. C. 10:15 – 10:30 Break 10:30 – 11:15 NYISO Market System Evolution - Brian Hurysz, NYISO 11:15 – 12:00 State Estimator for CAISO Market – Relevance and Readiness Dr. Soumen Ghosh, CAISO 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch 13:00 – 13:45 CIM and Utility Integration Curtis Crews, ERCOT and Margaret Goodrich, Project Consultants, LLC 13:45 – 14:30 Human Factors of Visualization Theory vs. Operator Needs Steve Hedden, ComEd/Excelon 14:30 – 14:45 Break 14:45 – 15:30 DTS Implementation Experience – Tom Chambers, Minnesota Power 15:30 – 16:15 EMS Front End Processor Diversification – FEP Architecture and Technology at First Energy – Rick Murphy, First Energy 16:15 – 16:25 EMS User Conference Board and Committee Introductions 16:25 – 16:45 Vendor Introductions 17:00 - 21:00 Vendor Demos (Hors d'oeuvres and bar served until 19:00)
Tuesday Sept. 9 07:00 - 08:00 Continental Breakfast 08:00 – 08:45 NERC CIP Compliance and Control Center Remodeling – SDG&E Experience and Impact to Grid Operations - Mike Espinoza, SDG&E 08:45 – 09:30 Managing the NERC Regulatory Landscape Banjamin Church, FPL Energy and Tobias Whitney, Burns & McDonnell 09:30 – 09:45 Break 09:45 – 10:30 Austin Energy's Renewable Energy and Demand Side Management – Reza Alaghehband, Austin Energy 10:30 – 11:15 Smart Grid – Andy Bordine, Consumers Energy and Mark Knight, KEMA 11:15 – 11:55 Panel Discussion and Roundtable – Open to all questions and topics 11:55 – 12:00 Closing Remarks and Meeting Adjourned 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch 13:15 – 17:00 Concurrent sessions (Tour and Training) Tour: GSOC Control Center Tour Training: Overview and Application of IEC TC57 Standards: CIM, GID, IEC 61850, and ICCP-TASE.2 – by Ralph Mackiewicz, SISCO, Inc.
Wednesday Sept. 10 07:00 - 08:00 Continental Breakfast 08:15 – 12:00 Concurrent sessions (Tour and Training) Tour: GSOC Control Center Tour Training: NERC CIP – Gary Finco, National and Homeland Security (INL) Presentation Abstract:
PEPCO EMS Replacement Project In the spring of 2007, PHI embarked on a project to move to a common EMS platform for all of its operating regions. At the time, PHI had two different vendors EMS’s, one for Pepco, and one for ACE/DPL. To provide for the needs for PHI blueprint for the future initiative and to gain the efficiencies of a common platform in maintenance, training, and support, PHI initiated a procurement process to obtain bids to replace both EMS systems.
The PHI EMS’s include two EMS instances, each with a dedicated back up control center system. The systems include the typical SCADA, Power System Applications, and user interfaces to monitor and control the PHI power system grid as part of the PJM operating region.
PHI selected the EMS vendor after a through evaluation of the offerings of the two existing EMS vendors for PHI. PHI is in the process of implementing a multi-phase project to replace the Pepco EMS first, followed by an upgrade to the current version EMS for ACE/DPL.
PHI plans to complete the Pepco phase of the project by December 2009 to enable compliance with the NERC CIP standards. The ACE/DPL phase of the project is scheduled for completion in December 2010.
NYISO Market System Evolution An overview of NYISO's market will be provided including description of systems that implement those markets. Evolution of systems over time to meet the demands of customers and changing markets will be discussed. NYISO's system architecture will be described along with future state architecture vision.
State Estimator for CAISO Market– Relevance and Readiness The relevance of the State Estimator (SE) solution used in real time operations and the availability and performance criteria used to determine SE’s readiness for the applications for market operations at California ISO (CAISO) are discussed. In order to enhance the performance of the SE, CAISO updated the SE algorithm from the Fast Decoupled (FD) method to the Orthogonal method. The detailed comparisons of the SE performance based on the two methods are also discussed. While the SE solutions continue to be used by traditional EMS applications at CAISO, this presentation focuses on SE solutions used by the new applications in real time i.e., CAISO Nodal LMP Real Time Market. The approach used to transfer the Real Time SE solution to the applications, using the XML data format, is also discussed
ComEd Human Factors of Visualization Theory vs. Operator Needs ComEd has participated in an industry study and developed several “Visualization” enhancements in the Transmission Control Center since August 14, 2003. We have solicited feedback from our operator’s as much as possible. The purpose of this presentation is to discuss the modeling from a human factors viewpoint versus a survey of our operations personnel.
CIM and Utility Integration Using the CIM as the base to define and exchange the data across the enterprise is discussed. The primary purpose of the presentation is to discuss the implementation and scheduling issues as well as the data issues, from an operational and planning perspective. Some of the lessons learned will also be presented as will some solutions and recommendations for others who wish to use the CIM as the exchange and integration platform.
DTS Implementation Experience A Dispatcher Training Simulator (DTS) has been implemented and in use at Minnesota Power since early 2006. The presentation focuses on the implementation process, post-implementation maintenance/upgrades, staffing and supporting projects. Finally, a case study is presented showing a real example of a scenario used in MISO’s Annual Restoration/Blackstart Drill.
EMS Front End Processor Diversification - FEP Architecture and Technology at FirstEnergy This is an overview of the direction FirstEnergy has taken to improve the availability of data acquisition and control at critical transmission substations. The architecture utilizes physically diverse Front End Processor hardware to prevent a total communication loss in the event of a disaster at a major facility. This effort was acknowledged by being awarded a NERC Example of Excellence award in 2007.
SDG&E NERC CIP Compliance and SDG&E Control Room Remodel With the Goal of Substantial Compliance behind us, we begin the task of implementing projects and plans to become Compliant by June 2009. This goal must be completed to successfully make Auditable Compliance by June 2010. Our goals include maintaining data, documents, documentation, logs and records. To accomplish these tasks a series of processes must be tracked or implemented across the organization. Some of the lessons learned include identifying the responsible business units and the need to openly communicate with Human Resources, General Counsel, Legal, Corporate IT, Corporate Security, Regulatory and Internal Auditing.
SDG&E Control Room remodel has been completed and includes a new Mapboard, Operator Consoles, Video Wall and heads up displays. One of the unique features is a Situation Room. The room is designed as an overflow area for the occasional system emergencies. Operator input was utilized to develop the design and create the finished product.
Managing the NERC Regulatory Landscape While registered asset owners are developing Compliance Management Programs within their organizations, they are faced with numerous organizational, procedural and technology challenges. At this session, these challenges will be evaluated and practical approaches to managing NERC Compliance Programs will be discussed.
1. Organizational Structure – defining a structure of relationships internally and with other neighboring registered entities can be challenging for some utilities. Evidence of communication and compliance can be lost if the company is not well organized to manage their Compliance Program. Part of this session will be to examine centralized and decentralized compliance programs and examples of their organizational effectiveness. 2. Process – in most cases, policy and procedural documentation already exists within many organizations that address some aspect of NERC compliance. The “devil is in the detail,” however, and this presentation will discuss common mistakes asset owners have made in defining their documentation standards. The session will analyze specifics of addressing the documentation issues of the NERC standards. 3. Technology – once the organization and process structure has been defined document management tools and workflow engines can be used to help maintain or improve the efficiency of utilities’ NERC Compliance Programs. The presentation will discuss the requirements for Compliance Automation to help companies plan for the right systems to help address their needs.
Smart Grid This presentation will take a look at what Consumers Energy is focusing on for the early stages of Smart Grid Enablement during their AMI pilot phase. The focus will be on how these building blocks will interact with other systems from a communications standpoint and what this means for the EMS environment. We will also take a look at where the industry as a whole is headed in this area.
Training: Overview and Application of IEC TC57 Standards: CIM, GID, IEC 61850, and ICCP-TASE.2 This session will provide a basic technical overview of IEC TC57 standards, illustrate how they complement each other, where they overlap, and describe some of the potential applications. The standards involved will include IEC 60870-6 TASE.2 (ICCP), IEC 61850 (Substation Automation), IEC 61968 (CIM), IEC 61970 (CIM and GID), and IEC 62351 (Security).
Training: NERC CIP vs. Security National & Homeland Security Directorate Mission and Programs DOE National SCADA Test Bed products and partnerships DHS Control Systems Security Program products and partnerships “Security the Never Ending Process” NERC CIP 002-009 Top 10 Cyber Security Vulnerabilities from NERC CIPC NERC CIP vs. Security