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Service Leads Director / Head of Service Susan Gardner Craig Portfolio Holder Cllr Peter Topping
APPROVED BY Status Date Final 11/04/20 Director draft 17 Final 30/04/20 Portfolio Holder 17
Reporting timetable
Progress reports on Business Plan implementation and progress against key measures will be monitored at monthly one to one meetings with the Programme Manager and the Senior Responsible Owner(s).
1 SECTION 1 – CONTEXT AND OVERVIEW (approx. 4 sides in total – link/signpost to other strategic policy documents where appropriate e.g. Housing Strategy, organisational structure charts)
This is the Business Plan for Corporate Services, Programme & Project Management (PPM) for 2017/18. It has been written taking into account the 5-year vision for the service. It describes how objectives will be achieved and business benefits realised within a robust monitoring framework and in the context of the Corporate Plan 2017-2022.
The Plan is divided into the following sections:
Section 1: Context, Overview and Vision Section 2: Operational Plan Section 3: Development Plan (service improvement & project based activities) Section 4: Delivery Plan Overview
What do we need the service to look like in 5 years and why? How are current and planned activities shaping this?
The organisation invested heavily in Programme and Project Management (PPM) in 2015. In five years time the service will have a fully operational, current and relevant PPM Policy and Toolkit that allows new and experienced Programme and Project Managers to run both effectively. The service, in association with the Programme Hub, will be recognised as a centre of excellence for PPM offering expertise, advice, assurance and scrutiny. This will add structure and process to PPM allowing Programmes and Projects to identify and realise business benefits and provide organisational development through lessons learned.
The formation of the Programme Hub, with qualified Programme Managers (MSP) and the core “team” of Prince2 qualified Project Managers, will act as champions and enablers to steer the organisation through the introduction of the new policy and process and create a new environment where PPM is based on embedded MSP and Prince2 best practice principles.
C. 5 YEAR VIEW – KEY ACTIVIES & PROJECTS What are the key activities and projects that will be delivered over the next five years? high level, key points only – detail for 2017/18 is in a later section). Include an activity or project in all of the years where it will feature i.e. if it spans 3 years include in all three boxes below.
2017/1 Delivery of the following Programmes and associated projects:
2 8 Business Improvement & Efficiency Commercialism Working Smarter Support the delivery of the Corporate Service Plans through PPM Support the delivery of the Planning & New Communities Greater Cambridge Ongoing programme delivery and benefits realisation Alignment of PPM across 3C partners and County
2018/1 Ongoing programme delivery and benefits realisation 9
2019/2 Ongoing programme delivery and benefits realisation 0
2020/2 Ongoing programme delivery and benefits realisation 1
2021/2 Ongoing programme delivery and benefits realisation 2
The Business Improvement & Efficiency Service came into existence in December 2012. The service was responsible for the development and delivery of a corporate programme of activities under the banner of the Business Improvement and Efficiency Programme (BIEP), the Development Control Improvement Plan (DCIP) and the Commercialisation Programme to improve services, deliver savings and generate income. The service strives to improve efficiency and value for money within a visible financial strategy. The service is now evolving into becoming the organisational lead for all PPM. The service consists of one Programme Manager. The remainder of the Programme Hub and Project Managers are made up of existing staff from other service areas. The service acts as catalyst for change, giving greater awareness of organisational change, the triggers, the process and the impact it can have. The programmes facilitate innovation and encourage organisational ambition. The service leads by example to deliver an exceptional customer experience and lead a programme of change to transform service delivery, save money throughout the organisation and identify and promote income generation opportunities. The Corporate Programme Manager ensures a consistent approach and provides a framework for monitoring progress, outcomes and lessons learnt. Each programme will have a benefits realisation plan in order to ensure the delivery of the outcomes and benefits identified in the Business Case, linked to Corporate Plan objectives. Programme and project business cases will be kept under review to ensure they remain on track to deliver benefits within agreed tolerances around cost, timescale and quality. A corporate PPM approach has recently been agreed by EMT based on the success of the BIEP and the recommendations of a recent internal audit.
3 PPM is to be aligned across the Shared Service partnership and the County Council.
The service area itself has no specific budget. The main cost being the salary of the Corporate Programme Manager. Any Project related costs are included within the Business Case for that project.
The Corporate programme Manager is the only permanent member of staff within this part of Corporate Services. The remainder of the Programme Hub and Project Managers are made up of existing staff from other service areas.
The adoption of new PPM processes and principles by EMT Publication of update Project Management Toolkit Overview and support of all other corporate projects that are not part of an established Programme through PPM policy development Support to Project Managers through training and development. Contribution to Shared Services as Intelligent Client
Identify key political, economic, social, technological and environmental opportunities and risks/ threats impacting, or likely to impact, on delivery plans and operational service over the next 5 years (cross-referencing service and strategic risk registers as required)
The service is a driver for organisational change and business efficiency. It is required to support and facilitate other service areas to reduce service budgets through improvements and efficiencies and to generate a surplus or cover operating costs through projects that generate an income. The aim to help ensure the financial future for the organisation. Key risks are resources/capacity to deliver/government policy. Opportunities e.g. shared services, digitisation.
4 Identify: Key messages that the Service needs to communicate during the year Key Internal and external stakeholders How the Service is engaging with key stakeholders to design and develop services
Ensure that the PPM Toolkit is a current document that details how to run a successful Programme and/or Project giving advice, assurance and providing PPM document templates. All members, officers, service users, residents and partners are seen as stakeholders as the ability to run successful Programmes and/or Projects will identify and realise business benefits. Corporate programmes will include communication strategies and action plans, arising from detailed stakeholder analysis at definition stage. Digital by Default – access to information and services through improved electronic access/communications for staff, members, service users, residents and partners. Members: Scrutiny and Overview Committee has endorsed the new PPM approach and backed the Commercialisation Programme. Further member workshops could be arranged around specific Programmes. Officers: Continued and appropriate PPM Toolkit training. A continued approach using officers with relevant skills, experience and attributes to run and support projects rather than using external consultants. The programme Hub will be instrumental in supporting PPM.
This Section sets out the “Business as Usual” activities that Programme & Project Management will undertake to deliver value-adding services to customers.
Activity Link to Corporate Link to service aims Outcomes and Key risks to delivery Lead Plan Objective / and priorities (Section Performance (cross-reference to Officer Action 1D above) Measures Service and Strategic Risk Registers)
6 1 PPM - BIEP All The reduction on the The BIEP, DCIP and CP Risk Susan AN INNOVATIVE AND council’s annual Register will become the Gardner DYNAMIC ORGANISATION draw of the general Corporate Programme & Craig as Adopt a more commercial fund accounts in line Project Management Risk Senior and business-like approach with the Medium Register and will include all Responsible to ensure we can continue Term Financial current and future Owner (SRO) to deliver the best possible Strategy The programmes. services at the lowest programme Key risks are around possible cost measures. completion of projects in a The key measure will timely manner, projects failing be if the programme to realise financial benefits, met its objectives inadequate stakeholder without adversely engagement, and conflicting impacting normal priorities within the business operations. organisation and partners Post programme review and the use of a programme and project management approach to the delivery of the corporate plan. Improved service delivery to residents.
7 2 PPM – Commercialism All Hearts and Minds - The BIEP, DCIP and CP Risk Susan Programme The Corporate Plan 2016- Staff embrace Register became the Corporate Gardner 2021 commits SCDC to cultural change, Programme & Project Craig as SRO developing a commercial understanding and Management Risk Register and approach to service buying into the will include all current and delivery. The programme Vision future programmes. Key risks will bring together a Increased are around completion of number of resilience projects in a timely manner, commercialisation projects Giving the council projects failing to realise which are included in a more commercial financial benefits, inadequate 2015/16 service plans and stakeholder engagement, and AN INNOVATIVE AND entrepreneurial conflicting priorities within the DYNAMIC ORGANISATION outlook. organisation and partners Adopt a more commercial Innovative and business-like approach approaches to to ensure we can continue business to deliver the best possible operations and services at the lowest service delivery possible cost The programme will strengthen the ability of the council to meet the financial challenges of the future.
8 3 PPM – Working Smarter AN INNOVATIVE AND All Vision Statement: The BIEP,DCIP and CP Risk Susan Programme DYNAMIC ORGANISATION South Register became the Corporate Gardner Adopt a more commercial Cambridgeshire Programme & Project Craig as SRO and business-like approach Hall is a paperless Management Risk Register and to ensure we can continue office providing will include all current and to deliver the best possible flexible working future programmes. Key risks services at the lowest options for its are around completion of possible cost occupants whilst projects in a timely manner, generating an projects failing to realise income and financial benefits, inadequate realising savings stakeholder engagement, and for the Council by conflicting priorities within the renting and sharing organisation and partners space with public sector partners. SCDC staff have access to the space, equipment and support they need to be able to continue delivering excellent service, regardless of location.
Key measurables set out in Programme documentation; Outputs e.g. desk ratios, office space and Outcomes e.g. income, financial and environmental savings.
9 4 PPM – All corporate AN INNOVATIVE AND Embed a consistent corporate Using SCDC PPM The BIEP,DCIP and CP Risk Phil Bird Projects not included in a DYNAMIC ORGANISATION approach to programme and principles to give Register became the Corporate Programme This is as a Adopt a more commercial project management at SCDC effective PPM Programme & Project result of a and business-like approach training, support Management Risk Register and recommendation from an to ensure we can continue and assurance to will include all current and Internal Audit Report to deliver the best possible give the future programmes stating there should be a services at the lowest organisation a central overview of all possible cost consistent corporate projects approach
Development To continue with a corporate overview of Describe the All corporate Le Phil Bird objective non-BIEP projects to ensure that the desired outcome projects would ad project management toolkit is complied – what will it look be run in a off with like when it has consistent ice been achieved? approach r
Is this a No – Development Task, to be undertaken If Yes, project score Pro Project? in conjunction with Policy and Performance ject (Yes/ No) and Manager and Programme Hub. Siz description e (La rge , Me diu m, Sm all) Business Benefits How will it be measured? 1. All projects and programmes link to the Corporate Plan and corporate All projects will show the link into the Corporate objectives Plan through the project scoring mechanism
2. All projects and programmes will achieve outcomes and deliver benefits of Benefits realisation will become an important part strategic importance to the business of PPM
3. Staff will be trained and fully cognisant of PPM principles. This includes Shared PDR’s, Post Project Reviews and confirmation Services and other partners maximising joint opportunities from EMT that project managers should have, at least, attended the Toolkit Training Course 11 Outputs & products Resources Responsible Officer Target delivery date All projects will have (tailored) project The Programme Hub – five staff Corporate Programme Manager Completed management documentation covering all Service Areas and ongoing with new projects Completed audit of SharePoint 2010 Corporate Programme Manager and Corporate Programme Manager July 2017 website to identify and ensure Policy and Performance Manager comprehensive and accurate identification and configuration of all corporate projects Key risks The Projects are not completed in a timely fashion failing to deliver the service improvements/savings/income Conflicting operational priorities
12 Delivery Plan Overview
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