Beer Parish Council s4

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Beer Parish Council s4

Beer Parish Council

The Parish Council Meeting was held on Tuesday 13 December 2016 at 7pm at the Mariners’ Hall. Copies of minutes and reports are available on request.

Present: Cllr. M Richards (Chairman) Cllr. D Clinch Cllr. F Gage Cllr. M Green Cllr. G Hirons Cllr. U Makepeace Cllr. G Pook Cllr. M Westlake

In attendance: A Dallaway (Clerk); two members of the press

1. Apologies accepted by the Council: Cllr. M Graham, Cllr. L Harrison, Cllr. L Vine

2. Declarations of Interest: There were none declared.

3. Universal dispensation: The Council agreed a universal dispensation for all Councillors (including those recently co-opted) for the duration of the Council to enable them to participate and vote in relation to precept planning matters.

4. Items to be dealt with after the public, including the press have been excluded: Council agreed that there were none.

5. Public participation: There were no members of public in attendance at the meeting.

6. Approval of minutes: The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 1 November 2016 were approved and signed as a true record. Action points from the meeting: 01/11/2016/5 Negotiations regarding the creation of a physical traffic restriction on Common Hill are on- going – the matter will be raised with DCC Officers at the Seaton Coastal Traffic Meeting. 01/11/2016/6 The Clerk notified the police of the parked vehicles causing an obstruction at the junction of New Cut and Clapps Lane – the Neighbourhood Team will monitor the situation. The matter will also be raised at the Seaton Coastal Traffic Meeting. 01/11/2016/7 A local resident has produced a design for the grate for the brook outside Bay View. The Council agreed that the design and installation should go ahead. 01/11/2016/7 Locality funding has enabled the purchase of a camera for installation on local footpaths to act as a deterrent against dog fouling. Suitable signage will also be displayed. An awareness raising campaign will be launched in the New Year to try to eradicate this anti-social behaviour. Locality funding is also available for the purchase of a bench for Ash Hill play area.

7. Police Report: There were no representatives from Devon & Cornwall Constabulary in attendance at the meeting but a report had been provided. There was one crime in November 2016 – theft of two kayaks from the beach.

8. Reports – Chairman, Clerk Chairman’s Report:  The double yellow lines outside Lion Villas have yet to be installed. This matter will be raised at Seaton Coastal Meeting.  A drain at Underleys requires jetting out. Cllr Knight advised that this had been scheduled for action.  Local residents have noted the regular presence of a traffic warden in the village out of season and expressed regret that the traffic warden is not more readily available to help address the illegal parking issues in the summer months.

Clerk’s Report:  No matters raised

Bpcmins13122016AD 1 9. Financial report: i) The Council approved the bank reconciliation to the end of November 2016 ii) Cheques required: 001749 £33.64 Bradfords Building Supplies (materials/clothing) 001750 £30 RBL wreath for remembrance (reimburse Martin Richards) 001751 £36 DALC (Cllr training) 001752 £648.99 PC laptop and software (reimburse Geoff Pook) 001753 £106.63 Camera & SD card (reimburse Martin Richards) 001754 £109.99 PC laptop software (reimburse Annie Dallaway) 001755 £120 Chairman’s allowance The Council resolved to approve the cheques listed above. RESOLVED

10. To approve the minutes and recommendations from the Finance & General Purposes Committee Meeting held on 29 November 2016. RESOVLED

11. To approve the precept figure for 2017/18. The Finance & General Purposes Committee recommended a 4% increase in the precept figure for 2017/18 to reflect the increasing costs and financial responsibilities falling to the Parish Council. There will be a significant reduction in the Council Tax Discount Grant for 2017/18 – £323 CTDG with £17448.52 precept at 4% increase. The Council resolved to approve a 4% increase in the precept figure for 2017/8 - £17448.52. RESOLVED

12. Mendip Mule motorbus service 2017 – to consider request for donation to service costs The Mendip Mule motorbus service will be operating in Beer again in 2017 but for a much longer season. The operators have requested a donation towards service costs. Councillors expressed support for the service but agreed not to make a financial contribution. The Parish Council is keen to support the service in other ways, for example offering a reduced rate for overnight coach parking and helping out with advertising. The Clerk will write a letter of support. ACTION: CLERK

13. Citizen Advice Bureau – request for donation The East Devon CAB service has a lease on premises in Seaton for the next 5 years and hopes to extend provision within the local area. Councillors agreed to make a donation of £50 towards service costs. RESOLVED.

14. Beer Social Club site – to consider proposal for registration as an Asset of Community Value Beer Social Club is due to close and the CLT is preparing a scheme to develop the site for affordable housing. Cllr Pook has proposed that the site be registered as an Asset of Community Value under the Community Right to Bid scheme, to enable sufficient time (6 months) for the CLT to prepare a bid. The Council expressed support for this proposal. Cllr Pook will complete the application on behalf of the Parish Council. ACTION: CLLR POOK

15. Asset Review forms – to review action points All Asset Review forms have now been returned. The following matters require attention: The Meadows parking bays – the volunteer group will weed the parking bays in October 2017, prior to the change in the Terms & Conditions which will in future oblige permit holders to keep their parking bays free of weeds. A tree stump has been removed from one of the parking bays – Councillors will liaise with the Workman to level out the area. Townsend Coach & Car park – the Workman will cut back the vegetation and remove the debris. Cllr Richards will organise a quote for the repair of the stone wall. ACTION: CLLR RICHARDS

Cllr Hirons has produced a Risk Assessment for Townsend Coach & Car Park – this can be used as a template for all Parish Council Risk Assessments. The Clerk will circulate the Risk Assessment for

Bpcmins13122016AD 2 comments. Cllr Hirons will liaise with the Workman to ensure that all Risk Assessments are up to date regarding working practice. ACTION: CLLR HIRONS

16. Parish Council surgery – to receive report A forward plan of Parish Council surgeries will be produced for the New Year. ACTION: CLERK

17. Environment Report – to receive an update and discuss Community Engagement initiatives Cllr Westlake reported that the brook clearance was now complete. A new post and rail fence has been erected on the Starre Bank footpath. A schedule of jobs will be prepared for the Spring.

18. EDDC asset transfer – to receive an update The Parish Council has approved the draft Asset Transfer budget, which includes the Parish Council’s budget figures for 2017/18. The Clerk will submit the Asset Management Plan to EDDC. ACTION: CLERK

19. Beer Coastal Community Team – to receive an update: Cllr Pook provided a progress report on the approved short term projects:  Visitor Survey – the survey is now complete and the results will be presented to the CCT Steering Group in the New Year. Cllr Pook thanked local volunteers for their help with the survey.  A walking leaflet for the village – templates have been produced for consideration but the format has yet to be confirmed.  A shower for the West beach – quotes are currently being prepared.

20. Neighbourhood Plan – to receive an update and reports from the Steering Group The Steering Group met in November to review the Public Consultation report and to approve amendments to the draft Plan. The Clerk has updated the plan in the light of consultation comments received and the latest draft will be sent to EDDC to produce a screening report for a Strategic Environmental Assessment. The Clerk will also forward the latest draft to the consultant for comments. Once the SEA is in place and the final draft confirmed the Plan will go to statutory consultees prior to submission to EDDC for inspection. Ultimately, a public referendum will be necessary to adopt the Plan.

21. Planning: Minutes from the Planning Committee meeting held on 15 November 2016 had been previously circulated. The Council resolved to accept the recommendations of the Planning Committee. RESOLVED

22. Reports of EDDC and DCC Cllrs including matters for attention Cllr Pook, EDDC raised the following items:  The Local Government Boundary Commission for England has formally commenced an electoral review of EDDC. Cllr Pook reported that EDDC has proposed that the Beer & Branscombe ward be extended to include Southleigh, in recognition that it is a predominantly rural ward. EDDC also endorses the Parish Council’s recommendation that Beer & Branscombe remains a single Councillor ward.  Cllr Pook highlighted the current NEW Devon CCG consultation programme on the review of community hospital bids within East Devon.

Cllr Knight, DCC raised the following items:  The bollards have now been installed on the green at the end of Couchill Lane to restrict vehicular access.  The damaged sign at the Nibb at the top of Long Hill has been scheduled for repair.  There will be a new Conservative candidate for the next DCC elections.

23. Reports of Parish Council representatives on other bodies:

Bpcmins13122016AD 3  Cllr Makepeace reported that the RHS Britain in Bloom Silver Gilt banner will be erected above Pecorama’s flower bed at the entrance to Central car park.

24. Correspondence/Literature: As on Appendix A.

The meeting closed at 8.30pm.

Date of next Parish Council meeting: TUESDAY 10 JANUARY 2017

Date: ………………………………….. Chairman: ………………………….

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