Creswell Parish Council

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Creswell Parish Council

CRESWELL PARISH COUNCIL Clerk: Mr. T.Doubtfire MINUTES A Meeting of Creswell Parish Council was held at the Staff Room, Tillington Manor Primary School, Young Avenue, HOLMCROFT on Monday 10 January2011 at 7.30 pm. AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. Chairman Ray Allsop hospitalised, Cllr. R. Sutherland, Pc. Paul Anderson. Attending: Parish Councillors J. Cantrill (Vice Chairman, R. Thomas, P. Bowen & Mrs. M.Redfern. Clerk. T. Doubtfire.

2. a). To accept the minutes of the last meeting of the 6th December 2010. These had been previously circulated and alteration on Page 2 from “3” to “£” was manually inserted by the Vice Chairman and initialled. Proposed as Accepted by Cllr. Bowen and Seconded by Cllr. Mrs Redfern. Passed unanimously.

3. To report the Proposed Development at Beaconside Akzo Nobel. Cllr. Thomas. This had still not come before the Planning Committee but expected shortly. (Inglewood Developments Primepoint expected to commence in the Spring) 4. Planning Applications& Issues. Update on a). 48a Creswell Grove situation. Clerk reported that further news had been received from the Planning Inspectorate. A Site Visit will take place on Thursday 20th January 2011 at 10.30 am. A decision should be published 5 weeks after that. b) Information Board and Frame opposite Perrin Memorial. This has been installed by the County Council on 6th January and has been liked very much. Cllr Thomas thanked the Clerk for organising the Information Board, this was endorsed by the Council. The postponed unveiling will take place when the Chairman has recovered. c) Network Rail Norton Bridge Junction. Nothing further had been heard from Network Rail or from the Chairman of Chebsey Parish Council. The Clerk was further requested to contact other Parish Councils to offer support to whatever of the 3 options was decided on. d) Xmas Chronicles. Editor Cllr. Cantrill was thanked by the Clerk who together with the other Councillors organised the posting to everyone in the Parish. 5. Police Officers Report &/or Public Participation. The Police Officers report was circulated and it had been very quiet in Creswell, report attached to Minutes. With one member of the Public in attendance the Vice Chairman invited him to comment. There was no comment. Update situation within the Parish. a). County/Borough Councillors Reports. Both Councillors had communicated to the Clerk over the past month and these passed on to the Parish Councillors.

6. To accept Financial Bank Statement current reconciliation of Bank Account activity & Purchase of Parish Council Laptop. The Clerk confirmed the delivery of the Samsung Parish Laptop from BT Direct complete with MS Windows 7 Operating System. The previous systems were having to be re-installed by Converter which has delayed the bringing it completely On Stream. A USB mouse needed to be purchased to aid accuracy over the Touchpad. This was agreed as it was only £12.99 inc. VAT. a). PRECEPT for 2011-2012. Cllr. Thomas confirmed that he and the Clerk had a Budget Meeting of 3 hours the previous week. It was estimated that the Carried Forward to 2011-2 would be approximately £700.All 3 Sub-Funds for this year were close to target except for the Elections Reserve which will be “topped up”. Office consumables were up and a Review of Asset Management for the Future will have to take place as much of this is supplied by the Clerk. Continuity of Amenity Rubbish Collection Service for next year was safe guarded. The PRECEPT for 2011-2 was proposed as £7930 (no change) and the Concurrent Fund of £305 be accepted paid at the beginning of the year. Proposed by Cllr. Thomas and seconded by Cllr. Cantrill and Passed unanimously. To go in the Next (February)Creswell Chronicles. 538/11

Current Financial since the last meeting 6th December 2010. Date Statement no. Balance Interest Income Payments 31st Dec 2010 25 2848.08 0.51 1948.78

Cheques written out since last meeting 6th Dec 2010. 107 Signs 2000 Perrin Noticeboard £80.00 £14.0 VAT Total £94.0 0 108 Office Expenses to Clerk Dec-Jan 2011 £58.87 *BACS Transfer to BT for Parish Laptop 21st Dec. £647.87 + £113.35 VAT Total £761.22 109 Cllr Mrs. M. Redfern Travel Expenses £20.68 110 Clllr. Thomas Various Expenses £23.48 (inc. £2.23VAT) *(BACS Transfer 12532269 BT Business Direct) Above certificated by Cllr. Thomas Parish Shadow Auditor. Proposed the above be Accepted by Cllr. Cantrill and seconded by Cllr. Bowen.Passed unanimously. Presented by Clerk & Shadow Auditor Cllr. R. Thomas. 7. Councillors & Clerks Reports Cllr. Bowen.(a). Proposed the location of a Salt Box alongside the wall of 49 Creswell Grove with junction of Wilkes Wood. No obstruction to the Pavement and easily observed. Seconded by Cllr. Redfern and Clerk to contact Staffs. Highways to confirm. (b). Iron Mountain end of Footpath/Cycleway. Request Street scene to put a “PoopBin”down towards the end of the Primepoint Footpath. Replace lids on the Rubbish Bins & do a litter pick along Creswell Grove/Eccleshall Road to Hidderleys Farm Parish Boundary. Cllr.Mrs. Redfern. Wished to thank the Clerk for writing to Royal Mail as the Service had significantly improved. Buses. In view of the proposed cuts in services from Woodseaves & Eccleshall the Parish Council should write to both Parish Councils for their support. Unanimously agreed and the Clerk pointed out he had already approached Arriva Bus Company together with both County & Borough Councillors due to concerns expressed by residents at the reduction in the Bus Service. He would also bring up the matter at the next Area SPCA meeting at Stone. Cllr. R. Thomas. Reported that the Chairman was recovering in Ward 7 and a signed card from The Parish Council had been delivered by Cllr. Redfern to his home. It was hoped that the Parish Council maybe able to visit in the near future. 1.Thanking the Clerk for the summary of Parish Council achievements over the years in The County Parish Councils (SPCA) Newsletter. He further suggested that this be copied and put in the Creswell Chronicles, agreed unanimously. 2. With Clerk going to the Area SPCA meeting at Stone on 27th January. 3. Will revisit the Golden Orient. 4. Rewrite the new LDF programme. Clerk. Reminded Cllr. Cantrill that Ron Dixon was waiting for a piece of timber from the Bus Stop for the new Plaque could be fitted. Notify Mayors Office about 4th July Perrin Day. Creswell Perrin Memorial Fund Committee. A date to be agreed as to the next meeting.

8. Calendar for next meetings of the Parish Year Calendar Meetings @ 7.30 pm will be: - Parish Council Meetings 2011. (Future dates have already been notified and on the Noticeboards & Chronicles :- 7th Feb, 7th March. 9.To receive items for information and correspondence list already distributed. Site: Contact: [email protected] T. Doubtfire CiLCA, MILCM. Clerk to the Parish Council, 17th January 2011 from notes taken on 10th January Meeting 2011 539/11

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