District Governor S Message s1

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District Governor S Message s1

District Governor’s Message February 2011 I hope everyone enjoyed a Happy Christmas with On the 8th December we were part of the 40th family and friends. Chris and I had a relaxed festive Charter Anniversary celebrations at season with our children and grandchildren and took Portarlington/Drysdale Lions Club. This was also well the opportunity to catch up with some of our friends attended by Lions from all over the District. The who had been a bit neglected over the past few club’s only remaining Charter Member, Alan months. After recharging our batteries for a few Vallance, was awarded a Life Membership for his weeks we will be ready to start the New Year with service to the Club over the last forty years. renewed vigour. At our Convention it was decided that Camp Koala be We have visited over two thirds of our clubs so the taken on as a District project. Lion Adrian Miles has remaining months of my term will not be so hectic. been searching for a venue that is a little more cost efficient and closer to Melbourne and Geelong. Last We have heard that some Clubs invite members to week we accompanied Adrian to Camp Wyuna in bring their children or grandchildren to their Club Queenscliff, a camp owned and run by the YMCA. Christmas parties. What a great idea – Christmas is Past District Governor Keith Davis, and Lion Ted all about the children. There are also a number of Goodacre, who were the pioneers for Camp Koala, Clubs who help with food for the needy in their also came along. This venue certainly ticks all the communities, either with lunches for elderly citizens, boxes and is ideal for our needs. I urge all clubs to meals for the underprivileged or food boxes for needy support this project. They will need some families. Well done to these Clubs – you are fulfilling sponsorship to help with expenses and I hope you one of International President Sid’s themes. will be able to assist with this worthy cause. We have attended two noteworthy events over the 2nd Vice District Governor, Stewart Pyers will attend last few weeks. On 20th November the Lions Club of the Faculty Leadership Institute in Bali in the New Balmoral and District was chartered. The whole night Year. This will be useful training for his role as had a celebratory feel and was well attended by over District Governor in a couple of years. There are 10 100 Lions from clubs in our District. Past Council District Lions attending a Leadership Institute in Chairman, Bruce Hudgson, did a great job as MC. Melbourne in February. Lion Roger Thompson of Hamilton inducted twenty- one excited and enthusiastic members and I installed May we take this opportunity to wish all our members the new Club Officers. Many Clubs presented gifts of a Safe, Healthy and Happy New Year. Club paraphernalia, such as the gong and gavel, “Life is not measured by the breaths we take but by frame for the Charter and a beautifully made timber the moments that take our breath away”. lectern. Thanks to the sponsor Clubs, Coleraine and Cavendish, also We Serve Hamilton for all their help in getting the new Max Oberlander Club up and running. District Governor We congratulate President James Parker and the new Club members and ANZI Pacific Forum wish them success in www.lionsanzipacificforum.com all they undertake. 9 -11 September 2011 Registrations now with Club Secretary

From the DG’s Partner for inclusion on the V2 website. (or Chris’s Corner) Christmas is over for another year. All the mince pies and star – shaped shortbread are eaten, and I bet we are all searching for recipes on how to use up the Christmas Ham. But we have a brand New Year to celebrate and an opportunity to strengthen our resolve, as Lions and Partners, to serve the needy in our communities in 2011. During the weeks leading up to Christmas Max and I had the pleasure of celebrating the Festive Season with many of our Clubs at their Christmas parties. In Camperdown we went on a mystery bus tour, ending up at the Birregurra pub for a night of fun and fellowship. Santa’s glasses became foggy after receiving so many hugs and kisses from the ladies! At Port Fairy/Belfast the wind howled and the sea roared outside but inside we enjoyed a warm welcome and shared an evening with good friends celebrating a successful year of service to the community. We are enjoying our break at the moment and looking forward to the Council Meeting in mid January where we will catch up with our other District Governor’s and Partners, most of whom we haven’t seen since the International Convention in Sydney last June. Happy New Year to you all and may we all give thanks for a loving family and the circle of good friends who brighten our lives. Until next time Chris Oberlander Missing - Golden Lion Missing after retiring for the night (20th November), a small gold coloured lion. Very friendly, but he will be fretting. Finder please contact Jo at Lions Club of Balmoral on 5570 1302, 0438 701 298, or email [email protected]

Send articles about your club, portfolio or members to: [email protected] [email protected] by 15th day of month for publication in the next District Governor’s Newsletter and: [email protected]

Lions International District 201V2 Newsletter – February 2011 Page 2 DG Max’s Visitation Schedule – February 2010 Tuesday 1st Natimuk Thursday 3rd Heywood Saturday 5th Cabinet Meeting Horsham Sunday 6th Cabinet Meeting Horsham Monday 7th Rupanyup Wednesday 9th Hamilton Monday 14th Footscray Tuesday 15th Penshurst Tuesday 22nd Lismore Wednesday 23rd Sunshine Thursday 24th Geelong Corio Bay Saturday 26th Merino Digby 40th Anniversary Sight & Hearing To DG Max and Lions Lady Chris, all Cabinet members and Lions of 201V2 a Merry Christmas, and enjoy your Lions work in the New Year. On behalf of the deaf and hearing impaired people of Australia thank you to the Lions members and Partners who attended the South Barwon 2010 Convention, and supported the Hearing Dog stand. Merchandise sales were $610.00 plus donations into the Dog of $63.00 for a total of $673.00. Recycle for Sight The recycle programme in our District is going very well with reports I have received at the Convention and phone calls. Some examples of glasses collected Hamilton 2000, Portland 2800, Torquay 5 boxes, Birregurra 2 boxes, Warrnambool 3 boxes. I have received about 1500 at Convention and cabinet meetings. Ken Leonard Chairman and Chief Executive Lions International, Recycle for Sight Australia Inc. said “Keep up the good work” the gift of sight to the 3rd World as the little girl said “Thank you Lions I can see”. Max Begely Cabinet Chairman Hearing Dogs and Recycle for Sight

Lions International District 201V2 Newsletter – February 2011 Page 2 Young Leaders in Service Awards Peace Poster & In my last report, I endeavoured to explain the Operation Friendship workings of this very worthwhile programme but alas clubs have been reluctant to follow through with it. Peace Poster To date only two clubs, one being my own, the other Due to a glitch in my spreadsheet the level of Altona, have reported to me that they had undertaken participation reported in the December Newsletter to award worthy youths in their community. I did was slightly understated – we actually received 22 however read in our local newspaper that the Stawell entries. club had also participated, which was great to see. The theme for this year’s contest is “Children Know Would all clubs that participate or intend to participate Peace”. Kits will be available from early in February in the programme please report their intentions to me, – all you need to do is send me an email requesting I will be then able to offer my assistance with your the number of kits your club needs. endeavours. For those Clubs contemplating being involved in the Further to the Young Leaders in Service Awards project this year, and I hope that’s every Club in the Portfolio, let me list the benefits to both Lions and District, here’s a few initial things to consider – Young People and provide you with the Young  Which of your Members has an established Leaders in Service Awards, “Challenge Youth to relationship with the school(s) in your area? Serve” details.  Which of the teachers at the schools could be a Benefits for Youth: “Champion” for the project in the school (Of course it’s desirable that this be an art teacher, The Lions Young Leadership Award offers youth but that’s not imperative). these benefits:  Lions International sets strict criteria for size and • Encourages them to seek experience in community presentation of entries. Your Club Chairman involvement and leadership. must understand these, and clearly convey them • Broadens awareness of community service to the teacher involved. opportunities and organizations.  Consider how your Club will encourage and • Recognizes the value of their achievements. recognise the participating students, and how the Benefits for Lions: winner will be rewarded. The Young Leadership Award offers Lions these  Consider how your Club will promote the project benefits: and its participants in the wider community • Furthers the Lions motto, “We Serve,” by  Finally, commit to the project and send me your encouraging young people to pursue community order! service involvement Operation Friendship • Renews Lions members’ enthusiasm and It was with some sadness that we farewelled Lion commitment to youth and service, through exposure Joachim Buttke, and his friend Joachim Sandmann to commited and enthusiastic young leaders. who joined him for his last week in Australia. An • Strengthens public awareness of Lions and their email from Lion JJ showed that in the space of a few youth and service initiatives hours he went from warm and sunny Australia to • Introduces young people to future service and deep snow and freezing temperatures in Germany. leadership opportunities. He was just so thrilled at his experiences here, and By utilising this programme, we are showing the appreciative of the hospitality and friendship which younger generation that we really care about their was extended to him. service activities. This Award is one of the highest A big thank you is due to the Smittons, the awards that can be presented and comes directly Lochheads, the Capizzis and the Begleys for their from the International President. hosting of JJ and their continuing support of a great To those clubs that have taken up this programme, I project. say well done! It’s my endeavour to have all clubs in V2, to at least examine the possibilities of this District Governor Elect David has asked for programme. participants from Scandinavia this year, so we are advertising in the Lion editions in Norway, Sweden As Lions we have to try and encourage young people and Finland. Already I have received a request for an to consider community service and it is our Application Form. responsibility to see our organisation flourish into the Later in the year we will be looking for host families – future and one way to do this is to bring young people stay tuned. along on the ride with us. Bob Badham David Lowing International Relations and Peace Poster Chairman DC Young Leaders in Service Awards Email: [email protected] Lions International District 201V2 Newsletter – February 2011 Page 3 New Members – December 2010 District Governor Max welcomes the following new members who have joined the District 201V2 Lions Family recently and thanks their sponsors and supporters. New Member Sponsor Ararat Anthony Mansbridge Robert Sanders Ann Mansbridge Robert Sanders Balmoral Isla Mutch Charter Member Camperdown Margaret McMaster John Gee Robert Spicer David Gay Patricia Spicer David Gay Colac James DeGraaff Keith Oborne Geelong South Barwon Gordon Kieselbac Horsham Beverley Ellis Elaine Cutzar Peter Ellis Raymond Cutzar Lara Barrie Wynn Jeff Cahn Charles Leszky Judith Benbow Murtoa Barry Williams Mark Lieschke Ocean Grove Barwon Heads Gerard Berriman Graham Mulroney Portland Graham Sturzaker Tim Lang Simpson Leslie Morris Nich Weel Werribee Mark Dodge Bruce Hudgson Williamstown Samari Smith Barbara Sloan We wish a warm welcome to our new members and hope that you enjoy your time with our great Organisation. District 201 V2 Convention 2010 In our last report we missed including the stats for the Convention. They are as follows: 49 Clubs 302 Lions 108 Partners 18 Lionesses 311 Informal Reception 340 Banquet 260 Sunday BBQ Bob Badham 2010 Convention Chairman Email: [email protected] Lions International District 201V2 Newsletter – February 2011 Page 4 Membership Welfare January 2011 Lions, District Governor Max will be visiting your Clubs during the coming year and I would like The sincere sympathy of District Governor Max, you to notify me regarding any Lion who is unwell Lions and Lions Partners of our District 201V2 so that if time permits a visit to them may be are with those whose loved ones have passed arranged. away. To our new Members we welcome you to this Lion Kevin Buck and Lions Lady Anne (Loss great Organization. You will learn a lot, make of Sister in Law), Lion Bob Badham (Loss of many new friends, and have a lot of fun Mother), Mrs Jill Cunningham (Loss of Lion Ian Carpenter), Lions Lady Trish Fenton (Loss of Stay safe and have fun Lion Graham). Libby Witmitz, Our congratulations go to Lion Joyce Howcroft Welfare Chairman (60th Birthday), Lion Marlene Spicer (75th Birthday), Lion Gerry McGrath (70th birthday), Membership Statistics Lion Kel Davis (40 years of Service), Lion Members as at 31 Oct. 2010 1571 Steve Thomas (JD Richardson Award), Lion - New Members 18 Don and Lions Lady Win Forster (50th - Transferred in 3 Wedding Anniversary). - Reinstated 0 21 We wish other Lions who have had Birthdays this Less month cheers to you all and may you have many - Dropped In good standing 5 more. To all Lions who have been awarded - Deceased 2 recognition for their achievements throughout the - Other 4 months of December and January - well done. - Transfer Out 2 13 To our many Members and Partners who are on Members as at 31 Dec. 2010 1579 the “Sick List” we wish you all a speedy recovery. Increase/Decrease 2010-2011 47

Lions International District 201V2 Newsletter – February 2011 Page 4

Leadership – (part of the MERL Team) Two outstanding quotes from two men in regard to Mentoring is often thought of as the transfer of Leadership and Human Behaviour:- wisdom from someone normally in a Leadership “ W e m u s t b e c o m e t h e c h a n g e w e position, who helps to guide a person. The two most w a n t t o s e e . ” common terms used to describe the person being M a h a t m a G a n d h i mentored are “mentee” and “protègè,” while two lesser used terms are “apprentice” and “student.” a n d A mentor cares about his/her/their protègès and goes “Watch your thoughts; they become words. out of their way to see they get the best possible Watch your words; they become actions. chance to fulfill their potential. It involves teaching, Watch your actions; they become habits. coaching and helping to build a high degree of Watch your habits; they become character. confidence. What brings out the full magic of Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. “Mentorship” is some degree of affection or warm - Frank Outlaw” friendship. As a Leader you need to be interactive with your As a Lion are you a “Leader”? If not, why not? fellow human beings whose support you require in Please go on line and take the courses available from order to accomplish your, and on occasion, their Lions International Online Courses to assist you in goals. To gain their support you must be able to both your “Personal” and “Lions” life. Help your understand and motivate. To understand and Lion/Lioness/Leo Club to the very best of your ability motivate people, you must know human nature. so you and your fellow members, without exception, Human nature is the common qualities of all human can truly meet the potential you have within you, and beings. People behave according to certain you can then provide further outstanding help to your principles of human nature. Lead by example and “Local, Australian and Worldwide Community”. We inspire those around you – by doing this, half your need you to lead and to continue our Lions motto “We task is complete. Serve”. Human needs are an important part of human nature. Finally, “Happy New Year to all Lions & Partners, Values, Beliefs, and Customs differ from country to Lioness’ & Partners and Leos and Families”. May country and even within group to group; in general all 2011 be a healthy and magical one for you all. people have basic needs. As a Leader you must understand these needs because they may be Mary Harlow powerful motivators. District Chairman - Leadership Multiple District 201 Convention Lion Eva Barwise, Phone 5277 3390 2011 - Launceston, Tasmania (message bank available) *Costs are subject to change based on confirmed Departing: Monday 4th April, 2011, Spirit of numbers of travellers. Tasmania OR Tuesday 5th April, 2011, Flights ex Melbourne connecting with a Coach Tour around Tasmania via the East and West Coasts Pick-ups will be from Devonport and Launceston arriving back in Launceston in time for the Convention. Cost: $2,270.00 (Twin share)*, $850.00 (Single)* Includes: 5 star coach travel, experienced coach driver and tour guide, motel accommodation, meals as per itinerary, entrance fees and travel transfers Does not include: Travel insurance, personal items and travel to and from Tasmania Returning: Monday 18th April, 2011 – in time for Easter More details and full itinerary available from

Lions International District 201V2 Newsletter – February 2011 Page 5 Lions Club of Geelong Hamlyn Heights (Secure car parking available at depot) Inc Time: 5:45pm sharp Theatre Night 2011 There will be two more pick up points – to be advised. Show: Doctor Zhivago – Musical, Additional pick-ups by strict arrangement only (The most breathtaking love story ever told) Bookings are essential for this event and full Date: Wednesday, 4th May, 2011 payment is required by 15th February, 2011. Venue: Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne Cheques can be made payable to Lions Club of Cost: $105.00 – includes Theatre ticket and Coach Geelong Hamlyn Heights Inc. Coach Captain: Lion Frank O’Neill For more information, Coach departs from: Please phone Lion Eva Barwise on 5277 3390 McHarry’s Bus Depot, Reeve Court, Breakwater Message bank available.

Lions International District 201V2 Newsletter – February 2011 Page 5 Youth of the Year

Happy New Year to you all. District 201 V2 Final Details I hope each of you had a great and safe festive One (1) application to host the District Final was season and are now looking forward to the remainder received and accepted by District Governor Max. of this Lions year. As mentioned in my previous Congratulations to the Lions Club of Sunshine City article PDG Mary and I were overseas and thought who will be the Host Club. Both District Governor we may get a white Christmas. Well we certainly got Max and I “Thank” President John and Members of that and the cold weather as well. With luck and long the Sunshine City Club. delays in getting out of some countries, it is good to District Final: be back home. Date: Saturday, 12 March 2011

I take this opportunity to thank everyone for their Host Club: Lions Club of Sunshine City Inc patience during my absence and hopefully all queries Venue: Club Italia, 128-152 Furlong Road, Sunshine, were handled by Cabinet Secretary PDG Terry (Melways Ref – 26 E5) Uniacke, whom I most gratefully thank. Time: 6:30pm for 7:00pm (Sharp) Thank you also to those Clubs who have already Cost:To be Confirmed (but will be reasonable) advised me of their YOTY Chairman. To those Clubs Meal - 3 Courses, Drinks - Bar prices who have not, and there are still a few, it would be Dress: Men - Lounge Suit, Ladies - After Five appreciated if you would please advise me asap so I Bookings: District YOTY Chairman, Malcolm Harlow may have an accurate database of participating 03) 9749 3863 (H) 0418 149 514 (M) Clubs which will assist me in the final end of year Email: [email protected] reporting – thank you. or Please note a hard copy of your Club’s The Lions Club of Sunshine City Registration Form is required by me, no emails or Club Chairman YOTY Chairman notations – Thank you. Lion Tony Weldon All Club, Zone and Region Chairmen, I require the 03) 9369 7752 (H) following please: – Email: [email protected]  For Club & Zone Chairmen I require a Copy of RSVP: Friday, 4 March 2011 your “Winners Form” as a matter of some State Final: See separate notice re details for urgency after your finals, this event.  Region Chairmen – I require the “Original National Final: Multiple District Convention Winners Form” immediately please Launceston – Saturday 16 April 2011 Thank you one and all. Malcolm Harlow All documentation from each level of The Youth of the District Chairman Youth of the Year Year programme is presented to NAB for their continued Sponsorship for the ensuing year. Christmas Cake Report - February 2011 Well did everyone have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year? I had an idea which I put into practice at the Kaniva Lions Club and that was to get the local Scout Group to sell our Lions Christmas Cakes on a door knock principle, which was done over two nights. The Scouts worked in groups of three and canvassed the town with the cakes in garden trolleys, which they pulled around. This had a threefold effect The Scouts did community service, they earned $1.00 per cake, and Lions sold more cakes. This was a great idea I thought until I got the familiar knock on the door. You guessed it there was a Scout to sell me a Lions Cake. Also the Scout Leader told me that you would be surprised at the amount of Lions who had not bought from the Club, but would buy from the Scouts. I have received the official sales figures of cakes and puddings which were sold by 201V2 and I want to say what a great effort you all put in to this project for 2010. 201V2 Lions sold 1,901 cartons of 1.5kg cakes and 722 cartons of the 1kg cake. We also sold 44 cartons of puddings. Thank you to all Clubs for making this possible Butch Witmitz Cake Chairman Lions International District 201V2 Newsletter – February 2011 Page 5 Lions Club of Merino/Digby Dress: Men - Lounge Suit, Ladies after 5, (Black Tie if you wish) Inc. Replies with cheque to: 40th Charter Anniversary Dinner Secretary Lion Ian Joss Saturday 26th February, 2011, Lions Club of Werribee Inc, Merino Hall 6:30 – 7:00pm P.O. Box 163, WERRIBEE VIC 3030 2 course Smorgasbord Dinner Enquiries to Ian Joss on B.Y.O. Drinks and Glasses Email: [email protected] Dance the night away with “Tarragal” Band or Mobile: 0417 536 637 Cost $30.00 per head. Please Note: The International Airshow is also Dress – Neat Casual, fun night. on at this time and accommodation bookings will be essential if you wish to stay overnight. R.S.V.P. Bookings with payment to Secretary Alf Lane, no later than 15/2/2011. PO Box 15, Merino 3310. Telephone/Fax: 03 5579 1211. Email: [email protected]

Past Members and partners encouraged to attend Grovedale/Waurn Ponds Lions Club 25th Charter Anniversary Dinner Saturday 9th April 2011 Reserve the date now. Lions Club of Werribee 50th Charter Anniversary

Join with us on March 5th 2011

In the presence of DG Max Oberlander and PID Barry Palmer (Endorsed 2nd Intl. Vice President Candidate)

A Golden opportunity to meet MD201’s candidate for International 2nd Vice President

Cost $50.00 per head Three Course Dinner – Drinks at Bar Prices Light Entertainment Venue: Italian Social Club Werribee 601 Heaths Road Werribee 3030 6:30 pm for 7:00 pm

Lions International District 201V2 Newsletter – February 2011 Page 7 selling sausages and soft drinks at a fund raising Lions Club of Leopold day in the You Yangs National Park, Lara, to promote Healthy Parks. This event was organised by Parks Victoria and Barwon Health. The aim of the event was to provide funds towards the Geelong Hospital’s new children’s 25th Charter Anniversary ward with facilities for parents to stay with Buckley’s Entertainment Centre seriously sick children. Fellmongers Road, Breakwater During the day, the special guests were a family Saturday, 19th March, 2011 – 6:30 for 7:00 pm with a son who was a current long-term patient. 2 Course Meal - $32.00 per head The day consisted of different activity groups Dress Code: Gents, Lounge Suit/Black Tie, utilizing the national park. Activities included Ladies, After Five (Black/Silver Theme) mountain biking, orienteering both on foot and R.S.V.P. Wednesday, 2nd March, 2011 bikes, cross country running, horse riding, bush walking, rock climbing and guided ranger tours Special Dietary Requirements, Bookings and highlighting local wildlife. Payment to: Lion Valda Pritchard, P.O. Box 184, Leopold, 3224 A highlight during the event was when a Lions member came running from the toilet saying that Inquiries to: PDG John Greenwood – Ph. 5250 a possum and it’s young were watching his every 2122 or Lion Valda Pritchard – Ph. 5250 1446 move. Email: [email protected] The event raised $5,000.00 from all the activities. Altogether, 320 hours of volunteer labour were Children’s Ward a Winner contributed to make this a successful day. In the spirit of DG Max's theme for this Lions year ‘Working together in harmony’, the Lions Dennis Grant Clubs of Lara and Little River worked together in Zone 3 Chairman 2 hour shifts on Sunday 28 November 2010,

Lions International District 201V2 Newsletter – February 2011 Page 7 From The Desk of V2 Cabinet Secretary Terry Welcome back from your break. I trust that everyone MD Administration Manual had a safe and enjoyable Christmas break and that District Governor Max has discovered during his you are now refreshed and ready for the second half visits that some Club Officers are unsure of the of your busy Lions year. protocols and procedures for running a Lions Club. Balmoral Charter Multiple District Lions have produced an I wish to congratulate everyone involved in the “Administration Manual” which every Club should Balmoral Club charter. The new members are very have and pass on to incoming officers each year. enthusiastic and active and this Club will be a great This manual is a valuable tool for Club Presidents addition to our District and to the Balmoral and Secretaries in particular and is available from Community. Well done to Extension Chairman Lou Cabinet Treasurer Malcolm Smith for $20.00. Scholten and the Coleraine and Cavendish Club Websites members for their work in getting this Club going. Just a personal note: If your Club is looking to set up Deceased Members its own website then you could do worse than get Unfortunately, I am still getting situations whereby onto the Australian Lions FREE website service “Oz there have been delays in lodging a “Death Notice” in Clubhouse”. It is simple to use (I put Portland’s Web regard to a deceased Lion within appropriate site together and I’m certainly not a webmaster) and timelines. it has a password protected area for Club Members Should your Club have the misfortune of losing a only. Worth a look. member would you please ensure that both I and the District Welfare Officer, Lion Libby Witmitz, are PDG Terry Uniacke advised as soon as possible. Cabinet Secretary - [email protected] It is most important that District Governor Max and all District Lions recognize the contributions of any V Districts “Coins for Kids” deceased Lions and or partners in an appropriate Project manner.

Children Often In Need of Support

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