Vocabulary Weeks 1 - 2 Practice Sheet s1
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Vocabulary Weeks 1 - 9
Name Date Hour Previous Words Achilles’ heel Diabolic Havoc Mentor Plagiarize Tawdry Asinine Disperse Heinous Mnemonic Plummet Travesty Catalyst Dunce Hierarchy Monarch Scruple Vindicate Charlatan Extract Homage Nefarious Serendipity Vindictive Countervail Fatal Hyperbole Patriarch Spartan Vocation Curtail Fathom Matriarch Pedigree Stentorian
New Words 1. Zealous (ZEL us) Extremely active, eager, devoted 2. Candid (CAN did) Honest, truthful, straightforward 3. Posthumous (POS chuh mus) Occurring after death 4. Enthrall (in THR ALL) charm, fascinate, please greatly 5. Parasite (PAR uh site) plant or animal that lives on or in another and feeds off this other’s body
Monday Use a vocabulary word to complete each sentence.
Tuesday Use a vocabulary word to complete each sentence.
Wednesday Use a vocabulary word to complete each sentence.
Thursday Use a vocabulary word to complete each sentence.
Friday Be ready for your test!
1. Because the number of deer in the area has started to , deer hunting has been temporarily banned. 2. Students didn’t always agree with what their parents believed would be the best possible solutions, and they tended to push back against the authority. Their parents may believe the decision is relevant and best, but with a teen, there may be ing objections. 3. If you want to call someone a jerk while sounding like a jerk yourself, is your go-to word. 4. While cooking was once viewed as women’s work, today many men have a in the field of culinary arts. 5. Oil companies have a long history of collaborating with repressive governments to valuable resources with little concern for the people who live near them. 6. If Lydia Larkin had heard Westlake's shout after she fired the shot at the rabid dog, it was apparently lost in her mind in the mayhem that followed. 7. Sydney took in his wounds again, unable to why her father would chain the dog in the yard without regard for his care. She simply could not understand how anyone could be so cruel because he didn’t like the breed of dog. Vocabulary Weeks 1 - 9
8. When she gave herself too much time to think, she began to understand the depth of the despair he must've been feeling. Her fate was uncertain, but his was sealed. She saw it on his face every time he looked at her. Where he'd once looked almost noble with his chiseled features and air of command, he now looked . His emotional exhaustion was clearly present. 9. In a interview, the athlete gave in depth details about his drug addiction and rehabilitation. 10. Under the military , a private must always follow a sergeant’s commands. 11. Biting her lip nervously, she read the flyer carefully. Because Sarah had never sung in public before, she was about trying out for the talent show, even though she had trained in voice lessons for several months. 12. The event had moved from a peaceful protest to a violent encounter with property destruction. The protestors created when they started to break store windows. 13. Because Mary is taking a new medication, her moods have become quite and change with the wind. One minute she is happy, the next second she starts to cry. 14. Even though she didn’t want to listen to her sister, Sara agreed with what Mom said. Quite simply, my mother is the family who has the final say in household affairs. 15. According to the newspaper, a dressed like a nun entered the church service and stole the collection plate right out of the minister’s hands. 16. Day after day, the same thing occurred. Roger found a person to argue or attack when the prisoners were in the common areas. To the inmate’s tendency to fight, the warden is placing him in isolation. 17. “I thought it was I who was supposed to be the one, the one who does terrible deeds,” said the figure from the shadows. “But the way you are acting makes me look like an angel!”
18. The young musician was very humbled when he won the Entertainer of the Year award. When the singer accepted his trophy, he paid to all of his musical inspirations by thanking them in his speech. 19. If the politician uses one more in his speech, I will know he is exaggerating about all his claims. 20. Since you claim not to practice and talk about wanting to protect our environment, can you explain why you are throwing your plastic water bottles in the trash instead of the recycle bin? 21. The teenager kept her head down; fear of seeing disappointment in the eyes of her kept her silent. He had expressed numerous times for her to not be caught in the web of lies, and she had not followed his directions. Vocabulary Weeks 1 - 9
22. Everyone was shocked that the policeman was accused of the crime of murdering his wife. 23. Every chain of events starts with one push, a , the perfect mix of different elements that craft a path and make an outcome more likely. 24. Although Harry claims he is not a person, he seemed pretty happy when he heard his abusive boss was getting fired. After being treated unfairly, Harry believed the boss’s termination was justified. 25. Our math professor taught us a simple for remembering how to complete the equation. 26. King Arnold shook his head reluctantly. He was the last who held power in the north prior to the Spanish invasion. He was eventually succeeded by a group of people seeking a dictatorship. 27. One man, consumed with greed, employed his scheme to hack into people's computers and steal bank account information. 28. The man could not marry the woman he loved because she was born in a level of social that fell beneath his family’s rank. 29. As their prank, the seniors decided to try a different tactic. They wrote on the school walls, the doors, and the floors with paint that could not be removed. That senior prank was a thing to do. 30. At the young age of sixteen, James became the of his household after his father died. Serving in that role was a huge undertaking, but James accepted the responsibility without hesitation. 31. Don’t even try to use your charm and good looks to your obnoxious behavior last night. 32. In the African tribe, the families are steeped in tradition. Marriages are arranged, and female is expected to accept her husband that was selected just for her. Usually, the decides which man his daughter will marry. 33. Jennifer looked at her aunt’s green ring that looked like it came out of a Cracker Jacks box. Although Aunt Eloise had lots of money, she always wore such jewelry. 34. The rancher gathered his papers before getting into the truck headed for the stock yard. In order to sell their cows for premium prices, breeders must have proof of their herd’s . 35. When the newspaper editor discovered the reporter ______d, he fired him for taking credit for another person’s work. 36. The student did not realize he ed when he copied the paragraph from the magazine and used it in his paper. 37. When the housing market bubble burst, many people saw their property values . The down turn of the market and loss of profits caused many people to worry. Vocabulary Weeks 1 - 9
38. Even though she usually has a strong sense of right and wrong, Janet has no about mistreating people who mistreat her. 39. Although Jeremiah is known for being unlucky, he did once have the of being chosen as one of the city’s most exciting young people. 40. We worked through the science experiment on a daily basis, trying to prove the reaction between metals and chemicals was an absolute. We struggled with getting what we needed in the time we were given. Obtaining accurate and timely information continued to be our as more and more mistakes happened and time quickly passed. 41. The young man, standing in front of the drill sergeant, was no longer certain he had what it took to become a member of the army. Getting up early, running, going through the requirements of his boot camp were taking a toll on him. Maybe he just didn’t have the lifestyle necessary to be a functioning part of the military. 42. I heard Dad call my first, middle, and last name throughout the house. I cringed. When my father speaks in a voice, I know I’m in trouble. 43. Though not exactly conical in shape, there was a slight resemblance to a cap with the tip flattened. Students had to wear those in older days when they didn’t know their lessons. 44. I’ve struggled with deciding what I want to do after high school for some time now. Hopefully, listening to the career counselor’s speech will help me select a . 45. Will drove to his mechanic after his car engine made a clamor. The noise was so loud that even the driver beside him at the stop light looked over. 46. Remember to only spray a little perfume or the fragrance will throughout the house and irritate my sinuses. 47. Your comedy show was a , and I cannot believe you expected people to laugh at your unfunny jokes. 48. After Jake was injured in a home invasion, he moved his family to the country in hopes of creating a crime-free n environment. 49. Because my husband is a zealous supporter of the high school football team, he donates money to their organization every year. 50. Although the new evidence seems to the defendant of the breaking and entering charges, there is still the matter of the assault. So, even though it looks better for him, the defendant is still in hot water. 51. Katy’s nature led her to slash the tires on her ex-husband’s car. 52. My father is returning to school to learn skills for a new . He plans on going into real estate investment. Vocabulary Weeks 1 - 9