St Joseph the Worker

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St Joseph the Worker

As we come and worship, we remember the wurundjeri people, the original custodians of this land ST JOSEPH THE WORKER FIRST READING Numbers11:25-29 ______NORTH RESERVOIR ______Are you jealous on my account? Who decrees that all people may prophesy? 79 Wilson Boulevard, North Reservoir 3073 Parish House/Office Tel: 9460 3013 Fax: 9460 8832 RESPONSORIAL PSALM SALMO RESPONSORIALE Email: [email protected] The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart. I precetti del Signore fanno gioire il cuore. School Tel: 9469 7800 Fax: 9462 2949 SECOND READING St James 5:1-6 SUNDAY MASS TIMES: Fr Emmanuel Bonello–Parish Priest WEEKDAY MASS TIMES: Your wealth is rotting. Mb: 0431 643 674 Sat 6.00pm - English Sr Estelita Manabo-Pastoral Associate Mon. 9.10am Comm. Service GOSPEL ACCLAMATION CANTO AL VANGELO Sun. 9.00am - Italian Ms Marisa Steele -Acting School Principal Tue. 10.00am Italian Alleluia, Alleluia! Alleluia Alleluia, Sun. 10.30am – English Mrs Liz Pistoni – Parish Secretary Wed. 9.10am - English Your word, O Lord, is truth: La tua paorla, Signore, e’ verita’: Thur. 9.10am - English make us holy in the truth. Alleluia! consacraci nella verita’. Alleluia. Maltese Mass Fri. 9.10am - English Sat. 8.30am - English st 1 Saturday of the Month 6.00pm Sat. 8.30am - English GOSPEL Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 Sat. 8.30am-English Anyone who is not against us is for us. If your hand should cause you to sin, cut it off. Baptisms – Sunday 12.00pm Reconciliation: Sat. 10.30am Marriages - By Appointment THANKS TO THOSE WHO GAVE LAST WEEK 1st Collection - Thanksgiving Offering…………………………..$710.00 - Loose Money…………………………………….$434.00 26th Sunday, Year B 27 September 2015 2nd Collection - Presbytery………………………………………..$450.00

PLEASE NOTE THAT THOSE WHO ARE ROSTERED ON TO READ OR GIVE COMMUNION AT MASS Us and Them ARE KINDLY ASKED, IF POSSIBLE, TO ARRIVE 10 MINUTES BEFORE MASS STARTS LECTORS - THIS WEEK 27/09/2015 SPECIAL MINISTERS When Jesus says, “whoever is not against us is for us,” he’s teaching the disciples about being a part 6.00pm (SAT) – Sr T Fitzsimmons & E Saliba R Iuele & P Nguyen of an inclusive community without an ‘us and them’ mentality. The disciples wanted to protect their 9.00am (SUN) – M Crupi & G Tempone L Catena, A DiRico & G Barbaro identity by separating themselves from others who didn’t follow them: an ‘us and them’ attitude, if 10.30am (SUN) – J Iaria & N Sua T Nguyen, S Rottura, D Herbert you like. For example, the clearest definition of Labor could be, ‘not Liberal’, just as many AFL S Dakin & J Mengolian football fans would happily support any club but Collingwood. The ‘us and them’ attitude can also include nationality, religion, race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality, as we often define ourselves by LECTORS – NEXT WEEK 04/10/2015 SPECIAL MINISTERS those whom we identify as others or outsiders. “Whoever we are,” we say, “we are not them.” 6.00pm (SAT) MALTESE MASS (Selected) MALTESE MASS (Selected) Even if we see the error in the ‘us and them’ mentality, we often insist on drawing at least a few lines 9.00am (SUN) – P Sparano & C Agostinelli M Piscioneri, G Calvi & M Forte in the sand. So, we compare ourselves to some people because their way of living seems dreadful to 10.30am (SUN) – Sr Estelita & N Raveche A Filippone, J Frangiosa, L De Marco us. If we do not hate the sinner, still we can and must hate the sin. A simple enough solution, so it J Kearney & R Gatto seems, as we look to the next part of the gospel: if your hand causes you to sin, then you are in all the more trouble. Thinking this way we measure Christian identity according to a strict moralism and separate ourselves from lower, more crooked paths. MONEY COUNTERS 28/09/2015 E Claridge, F Carabott & G Canavan But Jesus does not think this way. He defines his community according to his invitation and our 05/10/2015 S Dakin & D Herbert willingness to join him in carrying out the Father’s will rather than by membership in his group. He tries to teach this way of self-understanding to his disciples, but they struggle to understand his meaning because of their fixation on being ‘the greatest’. When Jesus refers to causing “one of these YOUR PRAYERS ARE REQUESTED FOR THE FOLLOWING little ones…to sin,” he continues to teach them about true community. RECENTLY DECEASED The “little ones” are people who are routinely abused and dismissed; they are not the greatest in their Fr John HANNAH OMI, Filomena STAGNITTI, Maria Rosa (Rosina) CROCITTI world’s judgment. They are caused to sin, or “to stumble” (more closely translating the Greek), if they associate their faith in Jesus with an identity that seeks power over others. Here we find the ANNIVERSARIES clearest path to exclusion from Jesus’ community: when we devalue other people, when we exclude Concetta SCHIPANO, Antonio GALATI, Giuseppe TARANTO, Bartolo (Bob) PALAMARA, ourselves from Jesus’ company. His community must be wary of members who act in this way, for Giovanni & Lucia MASCIOTRA, Antonio & Giovanna TULIPANO, Maria SUTERA, they put the whole body in peril of losing his presence. Rocco CORNELIO, Pasquale TIMPANO, Angelina TODARO When Pope Francis was once asked in an interview who he is, he replied, “I am a sinner.” The question of Christian identity is not about moralistic perfection. It is about mercy and hospitality. In Jesus’ presence everyone has a place at the table. Over some wine and cheese, learn how to engage with friends, family and colleagues when the child sex abuse crisis within the Catholic Church comes up and you are asked your opinion as a Catholic. The discussion will be chaired by Fr Shane Mackinlay. Cost: $10 (suggested donation) Details and RSVP: Kathleen on 0422 353 480 FIRST EUCHARIST Congratulations to Jonathan Matthew Cornelio who will receive and the sacrament of Eucharist for the first time this Sunday, during the 10.30am mass. May God’s blessings be always with Jonathan and his family! SOLENNE CELEBRAZIONE ALLA VERGINE DEL S. ROSARIO DOMENICA 4 OTTOBRE COMMUNION SERVICE Nella nostra parrocchia di San Giuseppe Lavoratore Please note there will be NO COMMUNION SERVICE on Monday 28 September. PROGRAMMA Ore 2.00PM BAPTISM Preghiere e Inni. Congratulations to Leon Hapuarachchige Don son of Shantha and Lorane, who will be baptised this weekend. Processione con la statua We welcome him into our parish community and assure the family of our prayerful best wishes on this happy Recita del S. Rosario con i Misteri presentati dai bambini. occasion Ore 3.00PM ITALIAN COMMITTEE Santa Messa Martedi 29 Settembre Adorazione Eucaristica ore 9.00am con riflessione e preghiera. Vi aspettiamo numerosi. concelebrata con Monsignor Carmelo Refalo da Malta, Padre Emanuele Bonello e Padre Giuseppe Yu. FUNERAL Preghiera di affidamento alla Madonna. Rosary for Maria Rosa Crocitti will be recited on Monday 28 September at 10.30am followed by Funeral Mass. Benedizione con il S.S.. Sacramento ai malati e famiglie. Accompagnato dal coro di Holy Name con musicista Padre Raffaele Rossi. MEMORIAL MASSES Wednesday 30 September 7.30pm – Caterina Damiano (1mth) Thursday 1 October 7.00pm – Maria Romeo (1mth) FOR THOSE WHO'VE COME ACROSS THE SEAS –

MALTESE MASS Justice for REFUGEES and ASYLUM SEEKERS Maltese Mass will be celebrated next Saturday 3 October at 6.00pm. This weekend’s Sunday is Catholic Social Justice Sunday when the Australian bishops present to us the FEASTS Social Justice Statement. This year’s statement is entitled: FOR THOSE WHO'VE COME ACROSS THE Wednesday 30 September – St Jerome SEAS – Justice for REFUGEES and ASYLUM SEEKERS. Copies of the statement are available in the Thursday 1 October – St Therese of the Child Jesus Narthex and near the side door. It is a challenging statement recalling firstly the words of Pope Francis in Friday 2 October – The Holy Guardian Angels Lampedusa where refugees lost their life: “We are a society which has forgotten how to weep, how to experience compassion – ‘suffering with’ others:” said the Pope, “the globalisation of indifference has THANKSGIVING ENVELOPES taken from us the ability to weep.” The Chairman of the Australian Catholic Social Justice Council, The current series of Thanksgiving envelopes end this weekend. Bishop Vincent Long, spoke of his boat experience in the Statement’s introduction: “For me, the A new series of Thanksgiving envelopes have been issued for the following six months and will be delivered to desperate plight of refugees is particularly poignant because I came to Australia as a boat person, fleeing your homes within the next week. as a teenager from Vietnam. I experienced communist oppression and I saw how tyranny and cruelty can We ask parishioners who are not currently listed through Thanksgiving to please consider supporting the parish leave people with no choice but to seek refuge elsewhere, in any way possible.” The Statement presents to in this way. Please contact the Parish Office for further details on 9460 3013. We invite those parishioners who distribute the Thanksgiving envelopes to please collect your allocated streets us an emotional call to respond by offering understanding, acceptance and solidarity to those who arrive from the sacristy. The distributors are as follows: B Nadenbousch, P Sparano, J Barbaro, S Ciantar, by boat seeking asylum. “In the words of the National Anthem, they have ‘come across the seas” said the J Kearney, R Di Guglielmo, T Sinopoli, Nancy Ziino, D Cipollone, R Catena, P Caligiuri, P Leggiero, A bishops, “but both sides of politics have exaggerated the challenge they present to this country. Australia’s Filippone, N Ziino, S Miano & V Zele. response has been to devise ever-harsher policies that aim to deter those fleeing war and violence and to incarcerate people who are in fact victims”. The bishops expressed concerns on the situation of the CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE BUILDING APPEAL detention camps for example they quoted the 2010 Australian of the Year, psychiatrist Dr Patrick Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 September, throughout the Archdiocese McGorry who described detention facilities as ‘factories for producing mental illness and mental This is the weekend on which Corpus Christi College launches its 2015 appeal, seeking to raise funds to add disorder’. There are some stories and expressive words from asylum seekers such as some words of a eight more rooms to the seminary in Carlton. These additional rooms are urgently needed to accommodate the poem written by a 17 year old asylum seeker held at Christmas Island: “If only you could feel how much increasing number of men answering God’s call to serve and to provide accommodations for them in their it hurts to be locked up behind the fence … if only you could know how much it means to me, to be a studies. Please support the seminarians in whatever way possible, particularly through this appeal—they are our normal person, like any other – like people outside the fence. … if only you could see how lonely I am priests of the future. Be generous at this weekend’s collections! Envelopes are available in church and there will without my family, and knowing they are not safe. … if only you could see how many dreams I have for be a special leaving collection. Details: 9657 0222 or my future.” Among the concerns and suggestions the bishops give us many reflections from the scripture: “As people of faith … do we see the face of Jesus Christ in those who’ve come across the seas?” Let us CATHOLIC VOICES AUSTRALIA, LOUNGE TALK: THE SEX ABUSE CRISIS follow the recommendation of Bishop Long by taking a copy of the statement to read it and reflect on it. Wednesday 30 September, 7.30pm Bishop Long offered his prayer so that this year’s Social Justice Statement will lead us to work for The Crypt, St Mary Star of the Sea, 33 Howard Street, West Melbourne acceptance, justice and dignity for refugees and asylum seekers. Together with the statements’ copies there are also available in the narthex and near the side door: Prayer Cards and the Ten Steps brochures. For further information about the Australian Catholic Social Justice Council look at the website:

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