Kb Autism Services
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KB AUTISM SERVICES in support of
1st Annual Autism Spectrum Easter Conference “Why Do They Do That?” Understanding Behaviours that Challenge in Individuals with ASD Wednesday 27th March 2013 9:30am – 4pm (registration from 9am) At … Newcastle Lions Club, 324 Morrison Lane, Miramichi, NB. E1V 3M3
Delivered by… Kevin Baskerville – KB Autism Services + Autism Outreach Service (Intensive Support – Manager), Leicestershire LEA, UK
Kevin has been involved in the field of Autism for 20 years – as a teaching assistant, teacher (Australia, Birmingham, Kuwait, Warwickshire & Leicestershire), consultant (Geneva Centre for Autism, Toronto www.autism.net) - he has presented workshops on a variety of subjects related to ASD – across Canada, US, South Africa, Ireland & UK – he has developed this course to make it practical to help parents & practitioners. (Kevin is married to a Miramichier!!)
Course Content:
In this workshop the function of behaviours exhibited by our individuals with an ASD will be discussed. Participants will learn ways to analyse behaviour (Functional Analysis) to help them try to understand a function for behaviour. Once understood ways to analyse behaviour strategies will be discussed to try to problem solve situations, as well as looking at strategies to help. All ages will be discussed. There will be opportunity to ask questions and discuss issues. Kevin uses a variety of approaches in his presentations - Lecture style, group discussion, discussion of resources and video evidence. This course would be ideal for parents/professionals who are supporting school-aged children and/or adults with an Autism Spectrum Disorder – Kevin has had experience of teaching at elementary, high & special school settings and has also worked with adults with an ASD.
Kevin hopes to make conferences in the area an annual event around Easter – he plans to bring up accomplished colleagues from the ASD World to Mirmamichi each Easter – more details to come. He already has had interest from accomplished professionals within the field for a 2-day conference in Easter 2014. More details at the conference.
For more information about the course please email: Kevin [email protected]
A free noon luncheon of soup and sandwiches, as well as coffee breaks will be served compliments of The Newcastle Lions Club
Cost: $120.00 Professionals $90.00 Parents
Early Bird (before Jan 31 st ) = Professionals $100.00 & Parents $80.00
Donations from profit will be made to the Autism Resources Miramichi, Restigouche Autism Center (Atholville), Chaleur Autism & Asperger Family Center (Bathurst)
Ideal for parents, professionals (Teaching Assistants, Teachers, Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapist, Social Workers, FSW’s, Carer’s etc etc)
To secure a place on the course please complete form below and email to [email protected] or print off and return to Kevin Baskerville, 561 Newcastle Blvd, Miramichi, NB E1V 2K9
Secure a place with FULL payment to ‘Kevin Baskerville via cheque sent to above address or request an invoice to be sent to your employer or Interac e-Transfer to CIBC Transit/account number : 00904/78-53637 (please email if you are e- transferring) ……………………………………………………………………….. Name: ______
Address (Work or Home): ______
Contact Phone Number: ______
Email: ______Parent or Professional (please circle)
How old is your child or child(ren) you are supporting? ______(Miramichi Mar13)