Llanrhidian, Swansea. SA3 1EH. Tel (01792 390181) Fax (01792 391154) www.llanrhidian.swansea.sch.uk [email protected]

Weekly Newsletter No. 2 September 2013 “ Keep up to date with all our news by visiting www.llanrhidian.swansea.sch.uk or follow us on Twitter @llanrhidianp!”

The termly attendance race is off! Four classes are off to a flying start with 100%. Good luck everyone! And well done on last terms fantastic efforts! Remember our target is 95.4%!

Meetings for Parents There will be a meeting with your child’s class teacher on Wednesday 18th September at 5.30-6.30 in the classroom. This will enable the teacher to outline class routines and plans for the year ahead. As this will be for all parents, it will not be appropriate to discuss your individual child at this meeting. However, please make an appointment to meet individually with the teacher if necessary. We will also be holding parent evenings after half term. We hope to see you there. If you cannot make it please let your class teacher know so that any handouts can be sent home.

Monster Ball – “Family Fun for All” Thursday 24 th Oct From 5pm to 6.30pm PTA Volunteers needed!

Entry Price £1 includes a glow stick.

 Fancy Dress Competition  Outside Disco and Spooky Trail (Weather permitting)  Hotdogs and sweets  Beer and wine for grown up monsters

Water Bottles – Year 3 to 6 Keeping our children hydrated is important for their health and their concentration. Please send you child in with a water bottle, (or purchase one from the office £2), so that they can fill it from our water cooler.

Restavek Llanrhidian Primary School will be supporting the Restavek campaign which aims to end child slavery in Haiti. Jean Robert Cadet is an inspirational speaker who escaped this life when he was a teenager. He now travels the world telling his story, and is visiting us in Llanrhidian on October 4th. We hope to be able to present Jean- Robert with a donation towards this amazing appeal. In support of the appeal some staff are running the Swansea 10K. We are also holding a sponsored running event at the school for the children. This is part of the “Run to Read” campaign which aims to enable enslaved children to attend school. We will be sending home a sponsor form and more details soon.

Inspiring our children to be the best they can be. HEADTEACHER : MRS. D.E. CASWELL B ED ( HONS)

Llanrhidian, Swansea. SA3 1EH. Tel (01792 390181) Fax (01792 391154) www.llanrhidian.swansea.sch.uk [email protected]

Holiday Requests - Update You may have heard on the news that there will be some Welsh Government changes to holiday requests in Wales. We are still waiting for our directive on this, and will keep you informed. In the meantime, requests for holidays must be submitted via a form which can be down loaded from the website, or collected from the office. Holidays will only be authorized in exceptional circumstances.

Dinner Money Routines  Please send in advance for the week ahead (£1.95 per day) You may pay for more than one week if convenient. If sending in money with a child, please ensure it is in an envelope clearly marked with name and “dinner money” Cheques made payable to :- The City and County of Swansea  Parents will be contacted if arrears build up for two weeks or more

After School Clubs

Day Clubs Who is it for? Price Time

Monday ASC Rec to Year 6 £6 3.30-5.30 Tuesday ASC Rec to Y6 £6 3.30 – 5.30 Wednesday ASC Rec to Y6 £6 3.30 – 5.30 Sports Club Y3 to Y6 FREE 3.30 to 4.15 Thursday ASC £6 3.30 – 4.30

Every School Holiday Club Nursery to Y6+ £18 full day 8 – 5.30 Holiday £10 half day (Please ring 391698 or school for further information)

Forthcoming Dates – Please use school website for more details and dates.  September 2nd and 3rd – INSET DAY  September 13th -14th Year 5/6 Residential Trip  September 18th – Parent Meetings with class teacher  October 4th – Red and Green Day – Visit from Jean Robert Cadet - Restavek Campaign  November 4th – INSET day  November 20th – Visit from Minister of Rights Mr Jeff Cuthbert  December 3rd – Visitor from Children’s Commissioner Mr Keith Towler  December 20th – Puss in Boots Panto (in school hall)

INSET DAYS 2014 September 2nd and 3rd

Leaflets & Local information Please be aware that whilst we send out some leaflets on request, the events that are advertised are not endorsed by the school.

Llanrhidian Free Cycle – Can you join our re-cycling community? PLEASE REMEMBER THAT WE CAN MAKE USE OUT OF ALL SORTS OF THINGS! PLEASE ASK BEFORE YOU THROW! E MAIL/PHONE JAYNE IN THE OFFICE WITH ANY OFFERS. WANTED  Clothes for Concern – Raise funds for school and supporting African Families  Raffle prizes for the Summer fayre  Drum Kit for school Orchestra


Inspiring our children to be the best they can be.