Langwathby Parish Council
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![Langwathby Parish Council](
Clerk: Sarah Fairlamb Chairman: Cllr Doug Banks 7 Low Farm The New Mill Langwathby Langwathby Penrith Penrith Cumbria Cumbria CA10 1NH CA10 1NH Tel: (01768) 889181 Tel: (01768) 881631 E-mail: [email protected] 12 March 2014 To the Members of Langwathby Parish Council
You are summoned to attend a meeting of the Parish Council to be held at 7.30pm on Thursday 20th March 2014, at the Village Hall, Langwathby (Back Room).
Sarah Fairlamb Parish Clerk AGENDA
1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes To authorise the chairman to sign the minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held Thursday 16 January 2014 as a true record.
3. Declarations of Interest Members are invited to declare “Disclosable Pecuniary Interests” and “Other Registerable Interests” relating to any item on the agenda.
4. Public Participation 4.1 To receive comments and representations from members of the public in relation to any item on the agenda. 4.2 To receive reports from District and County Councillors
5. Neighbourhood Planning Mr Fergus McMorrow, Eden District Council, to give a presentation on Neighbourhood Planning.
6. Village Hall To receive report from Village Hall Committee representative.
7. Planning Matters 7.1 14/0055 Land off Storey Bank, Langwathby - proposed agricultural small holding
8. Highways and Land Matters 8.1 Property Inspections To consider action to be taken 8.2 War Memorial, Langwathby To consider action to be taken 2
8.3 Maintenance - Langwathby Cemetry To consider action to be taken 8.4 The village green and sports field, Edenhall To consider action to be taken 8.5 Damage to the village green, Langwathby To consider action to be taken 8.6 Gate at The Meadows To consider action to be taken
9. Finance 9.1 To note the following balances: Penrith Building Society £8,598.49 Barclays £203.45 VAT to be claimed £19.66 Total Assets £8821.60
9.2 Accounts to be ratified:
gca-webdesign G Anderson webhosting £71.86 PWLB Loan repayment £3,726.00 Norris & Fisher Annual insurance £1,566.03
9.3 Accounts to be paid
S Fairlamb Clerks quarterly salary £600.00 Postage £6.60 Ink £12.49 E.on 31 Jan - 28 Feb £69.66
9.4 To note the following receipts:
Able Memorials 3311 Armstrong £50.00 VHC E.on 1-18 Nov £52.36 E.on 23 Nov £68.02 Cater Kwick £91.95 Scottish Fuels £553.04 C Parsons Electrical £401.52 Field View Electrical Inv 6309 £36.00 Chubb £79.52
10. Insurance To consider action to be taken
11. Arrangements for Annual Parish Meeting To consider action to be taken 3
12. Councillor Matters An opportunity for Councillors to raise issues on behalf of residents. Note: no decisions can be made on these matters but they may be placed on a future agenda of the Council.
13.Correspondence, notices and publications The following are the only items received since the last meeting and not on the agenda: CALC Circular March Eden District Council - Tree Preservation Order No. 157 Rory Stewart - A Chain of Light to unite Britain Post Office - changes to Langwathby PO Mr T Daltry - Neighbourhood Planning Rural Opportunities Bulletin - Supporting Communities in Neighbourhood Planning Programme - grant support Planning Services, Eden District Council - Invitation to host an event re Updated Parish Charter
14. Date of next meeting – To confirm the date of the next meeting which is scheduled for Thursday 8 May 2014 (Annual Parish Meeting) at 7.30pm in Back Room, Langwathby Village Hall.
Following this meeting there will be a short meeting of the Langwathby Williamson Trust. 4
1. Apologies for absence
2. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 21 November 2013 (printed below)
3. To decide the award of Langwathby Citizen of Year.
WILLIAMSON LANGWATHBY TRUST Minutes of Meeting held 21 November 2013
Apologies for absence Mr S Peet, Mr M Holliday, Mrs C Merrie. Mr P Jackson tendered his apologies the following day.
Present Cllrs: Mr D H Banks, Mr W Mounsey, Mr I S Harrington, Mrs C Merrie, Mr B Benn, Mr C Little, Mrs M Robinson
38 Minutes
Resolved that the Minutes of the Meeting held 21 March 2013 be agreed and signed as a true record by the Chairman.
39 Accounts for the Year Ended 30 September 2013 Resolved that the accounts for the year 30 September 2013 be approved and signed by the Chairman.