2 Read and Answer

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2 Read and Answer

Unit 1 Test A


1 Listen and write. Vocabulary 3 Make words with the jumbled letters. 1 son 2 P A N A J 3 1 Yoko is from J apan _____ . 4 M E A C I R A 5 2 Jessica is from A______. 6 O U N I S C 3 Tina is my c______. Score: __/5 M I L A F Y Read 4 This is my f______. 2 Read and answer. O T O P H 5 This is my p______album. My name is Marc and I’m from Gabon. I’m ten years old. My parents are Marlene and E Y A N K Raul. My brother is Sam. He’s ten years old, 6 Nelson is from K______. too. We’re twins! My little sister is Lola and she’s only one. She’s very small and very Score: __/5 happy! 1 Marc is from _ Gabon _ . Communication 2 Marlene and Raul are Marc’s ______. 4 Match the questions and answers. 3 Sam’s age is______. 4 Marc and Sam are______brothers. 1 What is your a I’m from Poland. 5 Lola is Marc’s little______. name? 6 Lola is ______year old. 2 Where are you b I’m 12. from? Score: __/5 3 How old are c His name is you? Alfred. 4 What is your d She is 69. mum’s name? 5 What is your e My name is Alec. grandpa’s name? 6 How old is your f Her name is grandma? Jenna.

Score: __/5

PHOTOCOPIABLE© 2017 National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Hopscotch 2 Unit 2 Test A 3 Unit 1 Test B


1 Listen and write. 1 so n______2 ______3 ______4 ______5 ______6 ______Vocabulary 3 Make words with the jumbled letters. Score: __/5 P A N A J 1 Yoko is from Japan____. Read M I L A F Y 2 This is my f______. 2 Read and answer. O U N I S C My name is Marc and I’m from Gabon. I’m 3 Tina is my c______. ten years old. My parents are Marlene and M E A C I R A Raul. My brother is Sam. He’s ten years old, too. We’re twins! My little sister is Lola and 4 Jessica is from A______. she’s only one. She’s very small and very E Y A N K happy! 5 Nelson is from K______. 1 Marc is from Gabon. O T O P H 2 Marc’s age is ______. 6 This is my p______album. 3 Marlene is Marc’s______. 4 His brother’s name is______. Score: 5 His sister’s name is______. __/5 6 Marc’s sister is small and______. Communication Score: 4 Match the questions and answers. __/5 1 What is your a She is 69. name? 2 Where are you b I’m 12. from? 3 How old are c Her name is Jenna. you?

PHOTOCOPIABLE© 2017 National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Hopscotch 3 Unit 3 Test A 2 4 What is your d His name is Alfred. mum’s name?

5 What is your e My name is Alec. grandpa’s name? 6 How old is your f I’m from Poland. grandma?

Score: __/5 Unit 2 Test A

Listen Score: __/5 1 Listen and circle. 1 There is a computer / bed in this bedroom. 2 This room has got an armchair / a picture. 3 There is a chair / lamp in the bedroom. 4 The desk is new / old. 5 He likes an old / a new picture. 6 She can draw / sing.

Score: __/5 Vocabulary Read 3 Match. 2 Read and tick or cross . 1 a video games My name is Carlos and I’m from Spain. I like my bedroom. I’ve got a new desk and a 2 b flowers computer. I can play video games in my bedroom. I can read books at my desk, too. I haven’t got a carpet on the floor, but I’ve got 3 c chess a picture of Amsterdam on the wall. My bedroom is nice! 4 d football 1 Carlos is from Spain. 2 He’s got a new desk. 5 e window 3 He can play chess in his bedroom. 4 He reads books at his desk. 6 f floor 5 He’s got a carpet in his bedroom. 6 He’s got a picture on the wall. Score:

PHOTOCOPIABLE© 2017 National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Hopscotch 2 Unit 2 Test A 3 __/5 b I like to play games. 4 What has your living room got? Communication a I can play video games. 4 Read and tick. b It’s got lots of windows. 5 Have you got a lamp in your room? 1 What’s in your bedroom? a I can read books. a It’s got a nice bed. ✔ b Yes, it’s on my desk. b It’s got a nice living room. 6 Can you play chess? 2 What rooms are in your house? a No, I can’t. a It’s got an armchair and a desk. b Yes, I can dance. b It’s got a kitchen, a living room and two bedrooms. Score: 3 Can you sing and dance? __/5 a Yes, I can.

Unit 2 Test B

Listen 5 He hasn’t got a carpet in his room. 6 He’s got a picture on his desk. 1 Listen and circle. 1 There is a computer / bed in this Score: bedroom. __/5 2 This room has got a picture / an armchair. 3 The boy has got a lamp / chair in the bedroom. 4 The girl’s desk is old / new. 5 He likes a new / an old picture. 6 She can’t draw / sing.

Score: __/5 Read 2 Read and tick ✔or cross ✘. Vocabulary My name is Carlos and I’m from Spain. I like my bedroom. I’ve got a new desk and a 3 Match. computer. I can play video games in my a floor bedroom. I can read books at my desk, too. I 1 haven’t got a carpet on the floor, but I’ve got b football a picture of Amsterdam on the wall. My bedroom is nice! 1 Carlos is from Spain. 2 2 He’s got a computer in his room. c chess 3 He plays video games on the floor. 3 4 He reads books in his room.

PHOTOCOPIABLE© 2017 National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Hopscotch 3 Unit 3 Test A 4 d video games b No, I can’t. 4 3 What has your living room got? e window a It’s got lots of windows. 5 b I can play video games. 4 Can you sing and dance? fflowers a I like to play games. b Yes, I can. 6 5 Have you got a lamp in your room? Score: a Yes, it’s on my desk. __/5 b I can read books. 6 What rooms are in your house? Communication a It’s got a kitchen, a living 4 Read and tick. room and two bedrooms. 1 What’s in your bedroom? b It’s got an armchair and a desk. a It’s got a nice bed. ✔ b It’s got a nice living room. Score: 2 Can you play __/5 chess? a Yes, I can dance. Unit 3 Test A

Listen 1 Ryan’s home is on a farm / in a town. 2 The white animals on Ryan’s farm are rabbits / goats. 1 Listen and write. 3 Oscar is a white / black goat. 1 a long ___tail____ 4 Oscar / Fuzzy has got a home in Ryan’s 2 a black ______room. 3 white ______5 The orange and white fur is on 4 a brown ______a hamster / pig. 5 short ______6 Ryan’s favourite animal in the house is a 6 a funny ______cat / hamster. 7 green ______Score: Score: __/5 __/6 Read 2 Read and circle. My name is Ryan and we have got lots of animals on our farm. We have got rabbits, pigs and goats. We’ve got white goats and one black one. His name is Oscar and he’s my favourite goat. I’ve got a hamster in my room and his name is Fuzzy. He’s small and he’s got orange and white fur. He’s my favourite animal in the house! We’ve got cats too, but I like Fuzzy the best!

PHOTOCOPIABLE© 2017 National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Hopscotch 2 Unit 2 Test A 3 Vocabulary The cow is ______grass. 3 Look and write. eating jumping playing Score: running __/4 swimming 1 4 Communication 4 Match. 1 What animals a I’ve got a duck do you like? and a hamster. 2 What animals b It’s swimming The ducks are The lambs are have you got? in the water. swimming. ______. c It’s brown. 2 5 3 What colour is your guinea d It has got a pig? really long 4 What are those neck. lambs doing? e I like horses and The pigs are The horse is rabbits. ______. ______. f They are eating 5 What is that grass. 3 duck doing? 6 What has an ostrich got?

Score: __/5

Unit 3 Test B

Listen pigs and goats. We’ve got white goats and one black one. His name is Oscar and he’s my favourite goat. I’ve got a hamster in my 1 Listen and write. room and his name is Fuzzy. He’s small and 1 a long ___tail___ he’s got orange and white fur. He’s my 2 a black ______favourite animal in the house! We’ve got 3 white ______cats too, but I like Fuzzy the best! 4 a brown ______1 Ryan’s home is on a farm / in a town. 5 short ______2 The white animals on Ryan’s 6 a funny ______farm are goats / rabbits. 7 green ______3 Oscar is a black / white goat. 4 Fuzzy / Oscar has got a home Score: in Ryan’s room. ___/ 5 5 The orange and white fur is on a pig / hamster. Read 6 Ryan’s favourite animal in the 2 Read and circle. house is a hamster / cat. My name is Ryan and we have got lots of Score: animals on our farm. We have got rabbits,

PHOTOCOPIABLE© 2017 National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Hopscotch 3 Unit 3 Test A 6 __/5 Vocabulary 3 Look and write. eating jumping playing running swimming 1 4

The ducks are The cow swimming. is______2 5 grass.

The lambs are The pigs are ______. ______. 3

The horse is ______grass. Score: __/4 Communication 4 Match. 1 What animals a It has got a really do you like? long neck. 2 What animals b I’ve got a hamster have you got? and a duck. 3 What colour is c They are eating your guinea grass. pig? 4 What are those d It’s swimming in lambs doing? the water. 5 What is that e I like horses and duck doing? rabbits. 6 What has an f It’s brown. ostrich got?

Score: __/5 PHOTOCOPIABLE© 2017 National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Hopscotch 2 Unit 2 Test A 3 Unit 4 Test A

Listen Vocabulary 3 Make words. 1 Listen and write. O T Y H P O S 1 Kate, Let’s ___go____! 1 toy shop 2 OK, Mike. Go ______. R E T A W 3 Don’t ______. 2 w______4 Be______, Mike! G I B D E R 5 ______! 6 Look ______. 3 b______E O P L E P Score: 4 p______/5 A M E C A R 5 c______Read D A R N E G 2 Read and write. 6 g______I’m Charlotte, and I’m from a small town in Score: Scotland. My town is really nice. There’s a __/5 big market with lots of great food. There’s a long street with shops, and there’s an old church on my street. There are two parks in Communication town. There’s a small lake in the big park. 4 Circle. There aren’t any nice museums in my town, 1 Let’s go to the shops. but we’ve got a new cinema. That’s my a OK. favourite place! b Be careful. 1 Charlotte is from a small __town__. 2 Where is the cinema? 2 The market has lots of great ______. a It’s very big and new. 3 The shops are on a long ______. b Cross the street and go left. 4 There is an old ______on 3 What have you got in your town? Charlotte’s street. a We have got a museum and a 5 The big park has got a ______. theatre. 6 The town hasn’t got good ______. b The museum is very old, but it’s nice. Score: 4 What is there to do in London? __/5 a We can go to Hyde Park. b I’m from London! 5 Are there any nice parks in your town? a Cross the street and go right. b Yes, we’ve got lots of them! 6 Let’s cross the street. a Stop! Look left and right. b Go right.

Score: __/5

PHOTOCOPIABLE© 2017 National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Hopscotch 3 Unit 3 Test A 8 Unit 4 Test B


1 Listen and write. 1 Kate, Let’s __go___! 2 OK, Mike. Go ______. 3 Don’t ______. 4 Be______, Mike! 5 ______! 6 Look ______. Vocabulary Score: 3 Make words. __/5 O T Y H P O S Read 1 t oy shop __ G I B D E R 2 Read and write. 2 b______I’m Charlotte, and I’m from a small town in D A R N E G Scotland. My town is really nice. There’s a 3 g______big market with lots of great food. There’s a E O P L E P long street with shops, and there’s an old 4 p______church on my street. There are two parks in A M E C A R town. There’s a small lake in the big park. There aren’t any nice museums in my town, 5 c______but we’ve got a new cinema. That’s my R E T A W favourite place! 6 w______1 Charlotte is from a small __town__. 2 The ______has got great food. Score: 3 The ______are on a long street. __/5 4 An old church is on Charlotte’s ______. Communication 5 The big ______has got a lake. 4 Circle. 6 Charlotte likes the ______. 1 Let’s go to the shops. Score: a OK. __/5 b Be careful. 2 Let’s cross the street. a Go right. b Stop! Look left and right. 3 Where is the cinema? a Cross the street and go left. b It’s very big and new. 4 What is there to do in London? a I’m from London! b We can go to Hyde Park.

PHOTOCOPIABLE© 2017 National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Hopscotch 2 Unit 2 Test A 3 5 What have you got in your town? Score: a The museum is very old but nice. __/5 b We have got a museum and a theatre. 6 Are there any nice parks in your town? a Yes, we’ve got lots of them! b Cross the street and go right.

Unit 5 Test A

Listen 4 She can’t wear sandals with her uniform. 1 Listen and write. 5 She can wear her own clothes to school. 1 6 She isn’t wearing a jacket with her dress______uniform today. 2 ______Score: 3 __/5 ______4 ______5 ______6 ______

Score: __/5 Read 2 Read and tick ✔or cross ✘. My name is Jia. I’m thirteen and I’m from China. Today is my first day of school and I’m very happy! I’m wearing my new uniform. It’s a blue skirt and a white shirt. I’ve got black shoes and white socks. I can’t wear sandals or my other clothes. I can wear a jacket to school with my uniform, but I’m not wearing it today.

1 Jia likes her school.

2 Her uniform has got four colours.

3 Her shoes and socks are black.

PHOTOCOPIABLE© 2017 National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Hopscotch 3 Unit 3 Test A 10 Vocabulary Score: __/5 3 Look and write. Communication 1 4 4 Match. 1 Are you wearing a I’m washing a my shoes? T-shirt. 2 What are you b She’s wearing wearing? a nice new shirt______dress. 2 5 3 What are you c No, these are doing right now? my shoes! 4 How many socks d I’ve got have you got? twelve pairs. 5 What is the e I wear my ______teacher wearing? shorts. 3 6 6 What do you f I’m wearing wear in the my uniform. park? Score: __/5 ______Unit 5 Test B

Listen China. Today is my first day of school and I’m very happy! I’m wearing my new uniform. It’s a blue skirt and a white shirt. 1 Listen and write. I’ve got black shoes and white socks. I can’t 1 wear sandals or my other clothes. I can wear dress ______a jacket to school with my uniform, but I’m 2 not wearing it today. ______3 1 Jia likes her school. ______2 Her uniform is blue and white. 4 3 Her shoes are black and her socks are ______white. 5 ______4 She can wear sandals with her 6 uniform. ______5 She can’t wear her own clothes to school. Score: 6 She’s wearing a jacket with her __/5 uniform today.

Read Score: 2 Read and tick ✔or cross ✘. __/5 My name is Jia. I’m thirteen and I’m from

PHOTOCOPIABLE© 2017 National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Hopscotch 2 Unit 2 Test A 3 Vocabulary 3 Look and write. 1 4

shirt______2 5

______3 6


Score: __/5 Communication 4 Match. 1 Are you wearing a I’m washing a my shoes? T-shirt. 2 What are you b I’m wearing my wearing? uniform. 3 What are you c No, these are my doing right now? shoes! 4 How many socks d I wear my have you got? shorts. 5 What is the e I’ve got twelve teacher wearing? pairs. 6 What do you f She’s wearing a wear to the park? nice new dress. Score: __/5

Unit 6 Test A

Listen 1 Listen and tick.

PHOTOCOPIABLE© 2017 National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Hopscotch 3 Unit 3 Test A 12 1 TV Vocabulary music 3 Match. 2 slow 1 play a friends fast 2 phone b books 3 16 3 read c homework 17 4 watch d bikes 4 every day 5 ride e TV at the weekend 6 do f games 5 a book homework Score: 6 race __/5 pavement Communication Score: 4 Read and circle. ___/ 5 1 What do you do / you do at the Read weekend? 2 Read and write. 2 I listen to music in / on my free time. 3 Can play / you play Hide and Seek? I’m Harry, and my best friends are Kyle and 4 I often win / win often races. John. I do lots of things with them. We like 5 There are eighteen songs here, and one video games, and we play together. John more makes nineteen / twenty. doesn’t ride a bike, but I ride bikes with 6 Today I’m learning / I learn to ride a Kyle. Kyle doesn’t watch TV, but John does. skateboard. I watch TV with John. Kyle lives in my street and I see him every day. John lives Score:__/ across town and I see him at the weekend. 5 Kyle and John are friends, but they aren’t best friends. That’s OK. We have fun together, and that’s cool! 1 Harry plays video games with John and Kyle. 2 Harry rides bikes with ______. 3 Harry watches TV with ______. 4 Harry sees Kyle ______. 5 Harry sees John ______. 6 Kyle and John aren’t ______.

Score: __/5

PHOTOCOPIABLE© 2017 National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Hopscotch 2 Unit 2 Test A 3 Unit 6 Test B

Listen Vocabulary 3 Match. 1 Listen and tick. 1 play a TV 1 TV 2 phone b books music 3 read c homework 2 fast 4 watch d friends slow 5 ride e bikes 3 17 6 do f games 16 4 at the weekend Score: every day __/5 5 homework a book Communication 6 pavement 4 Read and circle. race 1 What do you do / you do at the weekend? Score: 2 There are eighteen songs here, and one __/5 more makes twenty / nineteen. 3 I listen to music on / in my free time. 4 I win often / often win races. Read 5 Today I learn / I’m learning to ride a 2 Read and write. skateboard. I’m Harry, and my best friends are Kyle and 6 Can you play / play Hide and Seek? John. I do lots of things with them. We like video games, and we play together. John Score: doesn’t ride a bike, but I ride bikes with Kyle. __/5 Kyle doesn’t watch TV, but John does. I watch TV with John. Kyle lives in my street and I see him every day. John lives across town and I see him at the weekend. Kyle and John are friends, but they aren’t best friends. That’s OK. We have fun together, and that’s cool! 1 Harry plays video games with John and Kyle. 2 Harry and Kyle ______. 3 Harry and John ______. 4 Kyle sees Harry ______. 5 John sees Harry ______. 6 Kyle and John are ______.

Score: __/5

PHOTOCOPIABLE© 2017 National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Hopscotch 3 Unit 3 Test A 14 Unit 7 Test A

Listen 5 Mandy can / can’t ride a horse. 6 Mandy likes watching / doing show jumping 1 Listen and write. Score: __/5 1 tennis______

2 ______

3 ______

4 ______

5 ______

6 ______

Score: __/5 Read 2 Read and circle. Mandy: Do you like swimming, Frank? Frank: No, I don’t. I can’t swim. Mandy: Oh, I see. You can learn to swim, can’t you? Frank: Yes, but I don’t like sports in water. I like basketball and football. Mandy: Sometimes I play basketball with friends. That’s great fun. I don’t like football. I can’t score a goal! Frank: Haha! What other sport do you like? I really like show jumping. I watch it on Mandy: TV. Frank: Oh, that’s nice. Can you ride a horse? Mandy: Yes, but I can’t do show jumping. It is fun to watch. Frank: Yes, it is! 1 Frank can / can’t swim. 2 Frank doesn’t like water-skiing / basketball. 3 Mandy plays football / basketball with her friends. 4 Mandy can’t score a goal / kick a ball in football. PHOTOCOPIABLE© 2017 National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Hopscotch 2 Unit 2 Test A 3 Vocabulary 3 Look and write. 1 4 Unit 7 Test B

Listen ice hockey ______1 Listen and write. 2 5 1 tennis______

2 ______

3 ______3 6 4 ______

5 ______

6 ______Score:__/5 Score: Read __/5 2 Read and circle. Communication Mandy: Do you like swimming, Frank? 4 Read and tick. Frank: No, I don’t. I can’t swim. 1 What’s your favourite sport? Mandy: Oh, I see. You can learn to swim, can’t a I think ice hockey is great. you? b I listen to sport on the radio. Frank: Yes, but I don’t like sports in water. I 2 What winter sport do you like? like basketball and football. a I like swimming. Mandy: Sometimes I play basketball with b I like riding a sledge. friends. That’s great fun. I don’t like 3 Why do you like football? football. I can’t score a goal! a It’s great to score a goal. Frank: Haha! What other sport do you like? b I like watching TV. 4 Do you like volleyball? Mandy: I really like show jumping. I watch it a Yes, I like basketball. on TV. b No, but I like football. Frank: Oh, that’s nice. Can you ride a horse? 5 How do you play football? Mandy: Yes, but I can’t do show jumping. It is a You kick the ball to score a fun to watch. goal. Frank: Yes, it is! b I like having fun with my team. 6 Do you do 1 Frank can / can’t swim. karate? 2 Frank likes water-skiing / basketball. a No, I don’t. 3 Frank likes playing football / riding a b Yes, I can. horse. 4 Mandy always / sometimes Score: __/5 plays basketball with friends. 5 Mandy doesn’t like football /

PHOTOCOPIABLE© 2017 National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Hopscotch 3 Unit 3 Test A 16 swimming. ______6 Mandy can / can’t do show jumping. Score: __/5 Score:__/5 Communication 4 Read and tick. 1 What’s your favourite sport? Vocabulary a I think ice hockey is great. b I listen to sport on the radio. 3 Look and write. 2 What winter sport do you like? 1 4 a I like swimming. b I like riding a sledge. 3 Why do you like football? a It’s great to score a goal. b I like watching TV. ice hockey ______4 Do you like volleyball? 2 5 a Yes, I like basketball. b No, but I like football. 5 How do you play football? a You kick the ball to score a goal. b I like having fun with my team. ______6 Do you do karate? 3 6 a No, I don’t. b Yes, I can Score: __/5

Unit 8 Test A

Listen Read 1 Listen and write. 2 Read and write. 1 drink______Fran is happy. It’s her birthday today. All her friends are doing things for her. Her friend 2 ______Kate is buying new sunglasses for her. Her friend Hannah is buying her a red helmet for 3 ______her bike. Fran wants a new bike and her dad is shopping. But he isn’t buying her a bike. 4 ______He’s buying her roller skates because she hasn’t got any. Her mum is making a nice 5 ______cake. She’s putting ten candles on it because Fran is ten now! 6 ______1 Today it’s Fran’s birthday____. Score: 2 Kate is buying Fran ______. __/5 3 Hannah is buying Fran ______.

PHOTOCOPIABLE© 2017 National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Hopscotch 2 Unit 2 Test A 3 4 Fran wants ______. 4 Match. 5 Her dad is buying her ______. 1 Are you ill? a I’m opening 6 Her mum is making her ______. presents! Score: 2 How are you b She’s ill. __/5 today? 3 How is your c It’s my party hat! sister? 4 What are you d Yes, I am. doing? 5 What are your e They’re roller friends doing? skating. 6 What are you f I’m better. wearing?

Score: Vocabulary __/5 3 Read and circle. 1 I’m ill / better and I’m not happy. 2 I always wear a helmet / party hat on my bike. 3 The children are happy. Everyone is smiling / flying! 4 Neil has got sunglasses / roller skates on his feet. 5 There are seven balloons / candles on Jake’s cake. 6 Let’s open the birthday bags / presents!

Score: __/5 Communication

Unit 8 Test B

Listen 5 ______6 ______1 Listen and write. 1 drink______Score: __/5 2 ______Read 3 ______2 Read and write. 4 ______Fran is happy. It’s her birthday today. All her friends are doing things for her. Her friend

PHOTOCOPIABLE© 2017 National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Hopscotch 3 Unit 3 Test A 18 Kate is buying new sunglasses for her. Her 1 I’m ill/ better and I’m not happy. friend Hannah is buying her a red helmet for 2 Let’s open the birthday presents / bags! her bike. Fran wants a new bike and her dad 3 Neil has got roller skates / sunglasses is shopping. But he isn’t buying her a bike. on his feet. He’s buying her roller skates because she 4 The children are happy. Everyone is hasn’t got any. Her mum is making a nice flying / smiling! cake. She’s putting ten candles on it because 5 I always wear a party hat / helmet Fran is ten now! on my bike. 1 Today it’s Fran’s birthday____. 6 There are seven candles / balloons 2 Who is buying her sunglasses? on Jake’s cake. ______3 Who is buying her a helmet? Score: ______/5 4 What does she want for her birthday? ______Communication 5 Who is buying her roller skates? 4 Match. ______6 Who is making the cake? 1 Are you ill? a It’s my party ______hat! 2 How are you b I’m opening Score: today? presents! __/5 3 How is your sister? c She’s ill.

4 What are you d Yes, I am. doing? 5 What are your e I’m better. friends doing? 6 What are you f They’re roller wearing? skating.

Score: Vocabulary __/5 3 Read and circle.

PHOTOCOPIABLE© 2017 National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Hopscotch 2 Unit 2 Test A 3

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