Request for Certification and Release of Funds Form s2

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Request for Certification and Release of Funds Form s2

Request for Certification and Release of Funds Form Change in Scope ALL CERTIFIED PROJECTS MUST FOLLOW NM STATE POLICIES AND PROCUREMENT CODE


PROJECT NAME CMIS Web Enhancement and Customization


LEAD AGENCY New Mexico Corrections AGENCY CODE 770 Department (NMCD)


EXECUTIVE SPONSOR Jolene M. Gonzales, Deputy Secretary, Administration Erma Sedillo, Deputy Secretary, Operations Charlene Knipfing, Division Director Probation and Parole


AGENCY HEAD Joe R. Williams, Secretary of Corrections

AGENCY CIO/IT LEAD Lawrence C. Pacheco, Chief Information Officer

PROJECT DESCRIPTION (PROVIDE A BRIEF DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE FOR THIS PROJECT) Comments: This project is the customization and Web enhancement of the Criminal Management Information System (CMIS) from a client-server environment to a Web environment using the Service Oriented Architecture. In 1999 NMCD acquired from the state of Utah the Offender Tracking System, CMIS. CMIS was customized to support NMCD’s business operations. Although, NMCD implemented this system in 1999; the system was developed in 1994 with a technology that is now old and difficult to maintain and enhance. Today, this system is shared between nine Department of Corrections across the United States. Each state is a member of the National Consortium of Offender Management Systems (NCOMS). This consortium leverages monies and technical resources from member states to build and enhance CMIS.

When NCOMS agreed to move CMIS to a Web environment, the Idaho Department of Corrections (IDOC) committed a one-million dollar appropriation to convert the current Power Builder code to Java. NMCD worked with IDOC and the NCOMS’s technical committee to ensure the new Java code would meet best practices and National IT Standards. Recently, the NCOMS Technical Committee defined a standard for NCOMS applications. The standards is that NCOMS will develop applications using the Service Oriented Architecture. In preparing for this project NMCD completed a Gap Analysis that provided the Modular Design for CMIS that enables the project to be completed in a phase approach. In addition, NMCD upgraded the infrastructure and have successfully tested a proof of concept for the new environment.

The current appropriation provides funding to enhance three circuital modules within the

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CMIS system along with the Application Security. The modules are the Offender Management Programs (OMP) module, the Probation and Parole (Community Corrections or Field Service) module and the Booking (Reception and Commitment) module.

This enhancement will utilize new web technology, design standards, and stream line NMCD business requirement for users who manage and supervise offenders. The CMIS tracks approximately 26,000 offenders that are under the jurisdiction of the Corrections Department. This includes tracking offenses, time accounting, classification, case load management, daily count and other information relating to supervision. This project is in support of NMCD’s mission and goals which is outlined in the NMCD FY07 Information Technology Plan.

Planned Start Date 02/21/2005 Planned End Date 06/30/2010

JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGE IN SCOPE CERTIFICATION (INCLUDE BUDGET ADJUSTMENT REQUEST; BUSINESS VALUE AND/OR PROGRAM RESULTS) Comments: Change in scope addresses:  LFC Audit findings  Risk of improper or early release and potential related press activities  Issues with Release, Discharge and Goodtime systems and processing

Due to initiatives and identified issues related to the Release and Discharge module, this change request re-prioritizes this module with the currently scheduled Reception and Commitment Module. Through the approval of this change request the Release and Discharge module will be moved “in scope” of Phase I and Reception and Commitment module will be moved to Phase 2 of the project.

In addition, the current NMCD Goodtime project is being moved into scope and under the CDCMIS umbrella to tie in activities which are addressing current LFC Audit findings and issues NMCD has recently identified in the calculation and application of Goodtime. This is required due to the dependencies which exist between Goodtime and the Release and Discharge module requirements and activities. These activities tie in closely with the intent and expected outcomes of this change to resolve cited issues in a positive way. By moving these project activities within the umbrella of the CDCMIS and the relevant dependencies and requirements for the Release and Discharge module will be addressed and project success ensured. NMCD had previously expected the Goodtime activities to be complete prior to the Release and Discharge module activities.

The Parole Board Module which is currently scheduled in Phase III of the project is being moved to Phase II as the activities of the board activities follow closely with the Release and Discharge activities and will provide NMCD and the Parole board the ability to address Legislative Finance Committee audit findings for this process and the interaction of the two organizations.

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Total Appropriated Amount $1,100,000.00 Amount Previously $1,100,000.00 (include any new funds) Certified Requested Amount this No Change Remaining Appropriation No Change Certification not Certified


Date Amount Funding Source(s) (use specific citations to laws, grants, etc.) October 2004 $80,000.00 Phase Zero – Seed Money / GAP Analysis

February 2007 $1,020,000.00 Certification through Implementation


Fiscal Year Amount Funding Source(s) State General Fund C2 $300,000 Extended by: Appropriations Laws of 2007, Chapter 28, Section, 7, Item 27 Laws of 2006, Chapter 109, Section 7, Item 24

State General Fund C2 $400,000 Extended by: Appropriations Laws of 2005, Chapter 33, Section, 7, Item 29 Laws of 2004, Chapter Laws of 2007, Chapter 28, Section, 7, Item 27 114, Section, 8, Item 29

Laws of 2003, Chapter $400,000 Extended by: 76, Section, 7, Item 19 Laws of 2004, Chapter 114, Section, 8, Item 29 Laws of 2005, Chapter 33, Section, 7, Item 29 Laws of 2007, Chapter 28, Section, 7, Item 27

BUDGET Comments:

Description FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 Current Future Future Certified Funding Funding Project Request Request

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Staff - $27,000 Int er nal Consulting $53,000 $1,020,000 $0 $1,472,465 $1,645,080 Services Hardware


TOTAL $80,000 $1,020,000 $0 $1,472,465 $1,645,080

INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION & VALIDATION APPROACH (INCLUDE SUMMARY OF THE LATEST IV & V REPORT) Comments: IV & V has been engaged for the project and has been involved in the Change Control Process that the CDCMIS project has followed for the internal review and approval of the change as well as the external request for change in scope being considered by the PCC during the January 2008 meeting.

IMPACT OF SCOPE CHANGE (INCLUDE SIGNIFICANT RISKS & MITIGATION STRATEGY; SECURITY, CONSOLIDATION & MAINTENANCE STRATEGIES; RECORDS RETENTION; & BUSINESS PERFORMANCE MEASURES) Comments: This change has limited impact to Phase I of the project and falls within scope of the overall project. Work effort is expected to be consistent with previously scheduled modules and budget remains within previously certified funds.

Specifically the change directly impacts the Phase I scope in terms of the modules which will be addressed within the current phase of the project.

Change will help to address LFC Audit findings related to release, discharge, goodtime calculation.

Positive Outcomes resulting from this change include: . Emphasizes the importance of public safety as offenders are released. . Promotes accurate release information avoiding early or late release of inmates. . Contributes to a more seamless transition from prison to the community. . Enhances open lines of communication with community resources/supervision. . Provide the Parole Board, the Prison and Probation & Parole a tool that would, for the first time, improve offender tracking throughout the continuum of supervision. . Increase communication between all three facets of Corrections. . Decrease the assignment and completion time for Parole Plans within the State. . Possibly decrease the number of in-house Paroles because of the decrease in completion times.

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Risk of delaying the scheduled Reception and Commitment module is low as the module in the client server environment is currently working and meeting day to day needs of the Corrections Department. It has been determined by a functional team within the CMIS project that moving this module out further in the timeline will pose no risk to safety or jeopardize the organization in the day to day operations of the state prison system.

This change will provide a measurable positive improvement to Business Processes that will improve Business Performance and Performance Measure reporting.



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