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Cogun Industries, Inc


Conference Call

CHURCH Palmetto Presbyterian DATE 11.28.07

LOCATION Mt. Pleasant, SC TIME 7:00- 9:20

JOB NO. BY P. Kase

CC: Cogun: tlc, bdm, smc Palmetto Presb: As desired

Attendees: Palmetto Presb Building Committee Cogun Albert van Overeem, Fred Anderson, Brian Felder, Monica Mastrianni, Ralph Detherell, James Martin, John Pat Kase Loesch, Rob Davis, Dick Redden, Mark McKinney, Chris Hulsey, Sandra Powell, Ryan Easterling, Pastor Mike Fitze

Absent: Buck Rogers, Charles Warren

Meeting objective and purpose was to kickoff the Cogun Development and Planning Agreement, introduce Cogun and the newly-formed building committee, overview the Cogun process and begin to understand expectations and preferences for site and facility design. Mark McKinney named Committee Chairman.

We mostly followed the following agenda;

Palmetto Presbyterian Church DPA Kick-Off Meeting Meeting #1 11.28.07

AGENDA 1) Open in Prayer

2) Team Introductions a. Cogun and Greenline Architecture Team Members b. Palmetto Presb. Committee Members – Discuss background, roles & resp., team photo

3) Overview of Process a. Define/Understand Committee Goals b. Questions/discussion of “Code, Calling, Context, Create” workshop summary c. Master Planning i. Charrettes; site and facilities Master Plan ii. Long-Term Vision for Campus/Phasing/Priorities iii. Decision-making sequence iv. Timing d. Sacred Cows? e. Develop Design Statement f. Cogun Process Review – ID Milestones g. Update financials i. Financial Statements 1. Income Statement 2. Budget(s) ii. Review Financial Feasibility

4) Percept Study

5) Housekeeping a. Report on Site/Civil b. Establish DPA Meeting Schedule with committee and Brian Felder c. Capital Stewardship firm update

6) Other Questions/Discussion

7) Review a. Action Items/Next steps

8) Close in Prayer


Discussion Detail

 Review of how we all got here and what has been done to date, including “Code, Context, Calling > Create Workshop”  Brian summarized the workshop from the architect’s perspective as identifying the following ranked building program priorities; - Worship space (and admin) - Fellowship - Youth  Monica asked, “As you approach your new site, what would you expect to see?” Responses; - Brush cleared out and a “peak/glimpse” of facilities - “Church in the woods” - Campus feel/lots of activity - Entrance off the new road (and 75’ of buffer off of Darrell Creek Trail per Carolina Park Design Standards) - 10 acres (of 14 total site) developable - Walking and golf carts? (Will have sidewalks per development standards) - Marketing of Carolina Park mentioned = “Carolina Park – A Park to live in.”  Monica asked, “ What is the first building you’d like to see as you approach the site?” Responses: - Worship facility. Exposure from at least 2 sides; north and west - Worship faces the corner? - Not seeing “front” of church as you come around the corner, but a strong architectural element of some sort e.g. freestanding Bell Tower or Steeple - Avoid big expanses of blacktop or parking - No clear-cutting of trees - Peaceful respite, worshipful - Q: Parking by front door? A: No, just for elderly and children - “Low Country traditional” - Brick vs. siding? Combination of exterior materials?

 Other area churches we like aesthetically; - Sea Island Presbyterian Beaufort (configuration, but not color and finishes) - Low Country Presbyterian Bluffton - Christ Episcopal (Mt. Pleasant) - The Chapel (not the main worship) at Sea Coast in Mt. Pleasant - others

 What about inside the facilities? Wish list for now and future? Responses: Worship - “Church Sphere” important - Pews vs. Chairs - Narthex as multipurpose space. Plan for narthex to hold overflow during high worship census times - Plan for expansion to future balcony? Cost implications/practicality/objective? - Sunday school in narthex and worship space (Question: is this congruent with our preference for pews vs. chairs??) - Radial seating preferred (Problem: takes even more sf to do that) - Center isle, very traditional - Cruciform shape considered? (Potential problem with line of sight from all seats?) - Choir in center rear or off to side of platform - Big font Baptism vs. pool - Q: Technology in worship area? A: Yes, retractable screens and projectors - Catering kitchen/coffee bar - Cry room with line of site to worship. Doubles as family room during funerals - Clear view glass vs. stained glass with views to wooded site

Administrative - Counseling area/Mike’s office - 6-8 staff? - Classrooms that hold 8-20

Nursery - Baby and toddler area (adjacent) - Mother’s day out area and eventual pre-school (but not day care)

Fellowship Area - Multipurpose fellowship/performing arts/social area, but no recreation - Eventual commercial kitchen Youth - Ideally will have their “own space”. Plenty of site to have this freestanding and separate from other facilities

Other - Columbarium - Memorial garden - Walking trails/passive park

 What are the “bare minimum” starter spaces? Responses: - Worship/admin for 350 (so plan for 400 @ 80%, at capacity). Est. 6,000sf - Fellowship/Christian Ed. Est. 4,000 sf - Affordability?

 Capacity discussion - 600-1,000 is our target site capacity - 450 average weekly worship in 2 services - Phase I sanctuary and parking might consume 2 acres maximum?

 Phase I affordability - No history of annual income from which to project - If, $1.8MM in construction cost for 10,000 sf in today’s dollars, this is a total project budget of $2.52MM. Need at least 350 average weekly worship at the national average and with a decent capital stewardship campaign, to even begin afford anything that size. Probalem: we don’t get to such a number at our temporary school facility - Pat will start financial feasibility after discussion with Mike. - Introduction to financial feasibility tool at our next meeting

Next Steps

 Next meetings; - December 19, 6:30 pm - January 9, 6:30 pm - January 23, 6:30 pm

 Brian and Monica to develop conceptual site plan(s)  Pat and Mike to project annual income and attendance as prerequisite for preparing financial feasibility  Committee to review Percept study (Pastor Mike has this binder) and summary of “Code Context Calling, Create Workshop”  Mike to hire Capital Stewardship Firm  Mark to connect as primary point of contact with Civil Engineer, Mickey Seabrook

The above constitutes Cogun’s understanding of the minutes of the meeting. Please advise Cogun, Inc. of any differences within three days of receipt of these minutes or they stand as part of the permanent record.

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