Us History Mid-Term Exam Review

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Us History Mid-Term Exam Review


 Marbury v. Madison. Describe  Territorial acquisitions and this court case (the issue); dates; sectionalism importance. [NOTE prompts.]  Literary nationalism-Cooper, Emerson, Irving  George Washington’s farewell  Pet Banks address. Date. Main points  Erie Canal made.  Dred Scott v. Sanford  Lincoln and slavery  Lincoln and preserving the Union  Bill of Rights. When ratified;  South and cotton diplomacy political position of those  Sharecropping demanding it; state main rights  Radical Republicans enumerated in each amendment.  Pre-Civil War politics and economy  State’s rights  Louisiana Purchase. Describe th th th with facts (dates, persons  13 , 14 , and 15 amendments involved, land mass).  Black codes Importance of.  Civil War and nationalism  Kansas-Nebraska Act  Cotton gin. Date. Inventor.  Causes of the Civil War Describe. How it affected  Balance of power-Federal v. state agricultural productivity.  Transportation revolution  Western expansion-consequences  Buffalo hunters  George Washington and alliances  Failure of populism  Aim of US diplomacy 1789-1811  Interstate commerce act/Sherman  Democratic-Republican beliefs Antitrust Act  Whiskey Rebellion  Problems of farmers in the west  Loose construction  Immigration after 1860  Virginia and Kentucky  Settlement houses Resolution  Gospel of Wealth  Federalist beliefs  Labor unions-benefits  Hudson River School  Labor unions- difficulties  Nullification Controversy  Robber barons and beliefs  Seneca Falls Convention  Lives of immigrants  Missouri Compromise  Reasons for immigration  Theory of Nullification  Andrew Carnegie on wealth  American Indian Policy 1800s  Knights of Labor  Jefferson and the LA Territory  AFL  Railroads in the north  Social gospel  American system  8 hour workday  John Marshall’s court  laissez-faire economics  Women’s right movement  Open Door Policy  Imperialism US HISTORY MID-TERM EXAM REVIEW

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