Clerical Committee Meeting
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CLERICAL COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, March 13, 2007 – 6:30 p.m. Historic Depot, 50 North 4th Avenue, Canton, IL
Those in attendance of committee members. Aldermen Les Carl, Kevin Meade, Larry Sarff. Also Aldermen Joe Berardi, Jim Hartford, Eric Schenck, Sonya Lewis. Others attending: Mayor Rodney W. Heinze, City Clerk Nancy Whites, City Treasurer Kathy Luker, City Attorney Chrissie Peterson, Police Chief Jeffrey Fritz, Fire Chief John Stanko, Public Works Director Clif O’Brien, Wastewater Treatment Supt. Joe Carruthers, Water Treatment Supt. Greg Pollittt, Zoning Officer Clark Wilson, Street & Garbage Supt. George Spahn, System Maintenance Supt. Bill Terry, SRPED Mark Rothert, Video Services Joe Ginger. Also in the audience was members of the Chamber of Commerce, Tye Reed, Ward 1 Candidate Jason Strandberg an Angie Lingenfelter, News Media of Daily Ledger John Froehling, Journal Star Jenny Freeman, WBYS Mark Bixler.
FINANCE Alderman Les Carl, Chairman
Bills. Motion and second by Aldermen West/Sarff, to send all bills to council for consideration. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report. City Treasurer Kathy Luker presented her report with a negative balance of $40,552.83 in the Health Care Fund. Kathy said will receive $7,000 from reinsurance to add to that fund. Kathy mentioned that under #15 DUI Fund and #16 Vehicle Fund is being shown for the first time on her treasurer’s report. Page 2 of the report shows the bonding, and this is the first time funding amounts are below what we have borrowed. Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/West, to send onto council. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.
Budget Report. City Treasurer Kathy Luker showed the amended budget figures under General Revenue Fund of $6,498,143.00, with 90.3% being received of the last 10 months. Kathy also showed a pie chart of all the departments, and Aldermen Carl and Schenck both said they appreciated it. General Fund Expenditures of the Amended Budget total is 46,667,387.00 with 81.0% being spent of the last 10 months.
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Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/West, to send onto council. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.
Hotel/Motel Tax for Canton Park District for Bi/Tri Classics. Mark Rothert introduced Park District Manager of Jon Johnson an he reported this is the 16th Annual Lakeland Bi/Tri Classic and they are requesting $3,000 from the Hotel/Motel Grant Funds. In the year 2006 the City of Canton gave the Canton Park District $2,000 for their Bi/Tri Classic event. The total budget for the proposed program or event is $17,250.00. This entails swimming, biking, running. And they do this repeatedly. The event will be held on August 4th, 2007 Motion and second by Aldermen Meade/Sarff, to allow the funding of $3,000 from the Hotel/Motel Tax Grant funds for the Canton Park District Bi/Tri Classic, to be held on August 4th, and refer to council for consideration. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.
Hotel/Motel Tax for Fulton County U of I Extension Office Familiarization Tour of Canton Loop of the Illinois River Country Nature Trail. Mark Rothert SRPED introduced Angie Sanders who mentioned this is the first time they have done this nature trail. Alderman Carl told Angie, this ia an excellent idea. Motion and second by Aldermen Meade/Sarff, to allow the funding of $750.00 from the Hotel/Motel Grant funds for the Familiarization Tour of Canton Loop to be held on May 18th, 2007, refer to council for consideration. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.
Mark Rothert SRPED Funding. Mark Rothert asked for the committee to consider funding the Chamber of Commerce again with $100,000 as this only represents 10% of the Chambers funding.
Mark then presented the Spoon River Partnership for Economic Development Budget that is listed below.
Revenues FY2008
City of Canton
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General Fund $100,000 Hotel/Motel Tax $ 60,000 Industrial Park TIF $ 95,000 Chamber of Commerce $ 35,000 SRPED Fundraising $ 40,000 Revenue Total $350,000
Economic Development Focus Areas Industrial Park $ 95,000 Phase 1 Engineering & Administration $ 15,000 Improvements (Mercantile Court; Lot Grad $ 60,000 Marketing in appropriate venues $ 15,000 Signage replacement $ 5,000
Special Events/Tourism (source-hotel/motel funds)$ 60,000 Marketing of Canton (TV, Midwest Living) Various Sporting Tournaments Spoon River Festival Cruise-In Spoon River Drive Bi/Tri Classic Farmer’s Market Summer Music in the Park Canton Loop “Familiarization Tour” Potential Ideas for New Events Antique Tractor show Mushroom Festival Fishing Derby Duck Blind Draw Hunting & Fishing expo Antiques Trail
Downtown: $ 45,000 Façade/2nd story Enhancement Grant Program $ 25,000 Streetscaping Planning Implementation $ 20,000
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Business Attraction and Suport: $ 9,000 Int. Convention Shopping Centers $ 2,000 Peoria Area recruitment/expansion strategy $ 5,000 Business Retention and Expansion Program $ 2,000
Community Improvement/Other $ 7,000 Gateway Cleanup $ 7,000 Grant Writing $ - Residential Development $ - Sub-total ED Focus Areas $216,000
Personnel (2FTEs) $100,400 Salaries $ 85,800 Benefits $ 6,000 Payroll Expenses (State & Federal) $ 8,600
Miscellaneous $ 13,500 Contracted Labor/Repairs $ 200 Dues (subscriptions & orgs membership) $ 1,200 Insurance (Director & Officer, Gen Liab) $ 1,500 License & Permits (State & Federal Filing) $ 100 Office Supplies $ 500 Printing & Reproduction $ 500 Professional Services (Web/Tech Support) $ 1,500 Travel/Training Meals $ 3,000 Miscellaneous $ 5,000 Expense Total $329,900
Mark Rothert mentioned that Ameren CIPS needs to sign off on the pole agreement and they will be ready to put up the flags.
Mark Rothert also suggested to have Mercantile Court finished as it was not in the original lay out of the area, in the Enterprise Park.
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Alderman Carl asked Mark that about several months ago you came before council with a grant proposal from Vandewalle & Associates for $7,500 for sidewalks improvements downtown. Mark said he did not remember doing that. Alderman Meade said, we have to give Mark approval to work on the grant. Alderman Carl said, he thought we did, and Mark was doing that work. We discussed West Central Illinois Regional Council services as well as yourself working together as a joint representative. Mark said he did not recall any directive to do that. I know there was discussion if Vandewalle & Associates should do the work, or Western Illinois Regional Council. Mark said he would be happy to work with either one. Alderman Hartford said, he had talked with someone in the office of Western Illinois Regional Council and they have not released anything yet. Alderman Meade said, he anticipated the grant funding being released real soon, but this is the action to get Mark working on our behalf on this. Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/Carl, to allow Mark Rothert to began drafting the paper work for the possibility of a grant from Western Illinois Regional Council, refer to council for consideration. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.
Alderman Carl remarked to Mark Rothert, that in talking to the city attorney we have reservations about the TIF funds and Hotel/Motel funds. And we don’t know if we can delegate our responsibility to your organization. Mark Rothert answered, we don’t perceive the funds actively going to our organization. They are there because you want us to be your Economic Developer. Alderman Berardi remarked to Mark Rothert, I don’t want you to pre-judge what I have to say. I just want you to listen what I have to say. Want to talk about the whole economic picture of the last 4 or 5 years. Then I’ll bring it up to what your talking about, which I think we are on the same line. But maybe we’re going in opposite directions simply because of communication factor. And also what has not been done.
Alderman Berardi talking to Mark Rothert. I’ll just give you a little synopsis of how I see it and other people see it, and why I think your sort of ticker
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shot when you looked at the proposed budget, as you only saw $25,000 for Economic Development.
Vandewalle & Associates, we’re paying them $60,000 for Economic Development and I feel were paying them for what you should be doing. That is $148,000 for Economic Development just for you too. Now, if that isn’t enough, people are thinking we’re not doing our share in this town for Economic Development. And $42,000 for a Comprehensive Plan to have a plan for what we want to do with Economic Development. That comes up to $190,000.00 now. Did we not pay to have $70,000 for Inmon Trailers removed from the Enterprise Park? That is Economic Development! Now the total is $200,000 in the name of Economic Development Don’t pre-judge what I’m doing here. Did we not pay $32,000 to remove Inmon trailers off of the IH site? That total now is $290,000 for Economic Development. Did we not pay Canton Area Development Corporation during David Byerly’s reign of $400,000 for Economic Development? Now, the total is $690,000. Are we not paying the environmental people to do testing on the site over $30,000. That brings the total to $720,000. And were paying thousand of dollars to Bell, Boyd & Lloyd and don’t know how much for the same, to make that site a viable economic situation. You ask for control or money from the Hotel/Motel Funds of $125,000 and you want another $100,000 from the city to help fund SRPED. And what my question is, for what? We have not seen any bricks or mortar or anything! Don’t pre-judge! Were at $720,000 for Economic Development You’ve asked for another $225,000.00. That is one million dollars this city is been asked to contribute to Economic Development. We’ve done more, and in fact there should be some over site on this is ridiculous of what we’re getting back. And what the value is, for the citizens. They have a right to gripe. I want to ask Alderman Carl a question! Alderman Carl, when was the last time you met with Vandewalle & Associates? Alderman Carl answered, I’ve never met with Vandewalle & Associates. Alderman Berardi ask Alderman Carl, when was the last time you met with Bell, Boyd & Lloyd? Alderman Carl answered, one time this year. Alderman Berardi remarked, so the city council has met one time. You’re the finance chairman taking care of our
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finances in our city, do you see where I’m coming from? Now, we have a conflict over the Enterprise Park. We have some major things happening. And the reason that we do, and the reason I feel that’s my committee because this belong to my committee of Building & Grounds, simply because that is who David Byerly interacted with when he was Economic Development Director and interacting with anything having to do with the IH site. So when I went back and reviewed everything that happened in the last several years, I said, hey! I’ll get on top of this, my committee will! I went to talk to different people and we have some major major projects that can happen there. I asked Alderman Carl to sit in on the discussion. We’re very excited about one of them. I don’t care who does it, but I want it through my committee, because I want the city council to know what’s going on, and I want experience people dealing with these people that know these people. And also, when your talking about that site, the Industrial Park and grading lots, that is not necessary, and what is necessary is making the lots smaller and more feasible. We are taking steps to do that. We have talked to engineers about doing several things there. And what I’m saying is, were duplicating things and Mark, it isn’t costing any money! You want money to do it. I’m not saying it won’t cost us money. So we are talking about 3 possibilities and one is most solid. I’m ready to do something. Vandewalle & Associates should get paid for what they produce. We have you here and you should be doing this work, with support from people who know people, and how to get things done. When were talking about SRPED and CDAC. Mark Rothert interrupted and said, I’m hearing you say your committee! Alderman Berardi said, I have not presented anything to my committee, I go to the Finance chairman, so I know where we stand on money. And he has a better relationship with the mayor and city attorney better than I do. And no one is surprised at that remark. So I have go ask him to get certain information back. Mark Rothert mentioned, quite frankly that’s an issue city council will have to decide on whose territory is what. I don’t want to be between two committee’s. Alderman Berardi said, what I pass on is poorly in some cases but it’s what I necessarily feel people have suggested. We just had a meeting with one of the biggest developers in the Midwest. And he said our biggest asset is Canton Lake. And he told us why and what should be done, and some of the
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ways of going about it. The Mercantile Drive is a waste of money if you look at the plan, and the size of those lots. When we met with the developer over Canton Lake and Alderman Schenck and I talked about this over the weekend. My first thought was looking at the lake. Be to the benefit of Canton and Economic development we spend $50,000 of the Lake Fund, $125,000 Hotel/Motel Tax funds. Been a lot of talk about the pavilion and the cost is $46,615.00, the earthwork, repair of bath houses, plumbing, picnic benches, full hook ups, custodian, concrete, new handicapped accessible boat dock, speed bump construction, and all this from the $46,615.00. Plus a arboretum, study and trail for $109,000.00. For a total of $150,000, and we have the money. This is something somebody will see and have the opportunity to enjoy it. Bird watchers want the trails. I’m willing to work and turn this over, but not like it has been done before.
Mayor Heinze ask Alderman Berardi, did you say you met with Alderman Schenck over the week end about lake projects? Alderman Berardi answered, um, hum! Mayor Heinze ask, was that a posted meeting? Alderman Berardi stated, your burning up about things. Mayor Heinze told Alderman Berardi, you have answered my question. Alderman Berardi told Mayor Heinze, you’re not the chairman of this committee. Mayor Heinze said he was asking the chairman. Alderman Berardi said you were looking at me and asking me. Mayor Heinze said to Alderman Carl, if he would ask Alderman Berardi if he met with Alderman Schenck over the week end about business. Alderman Carl said to Alderman Berardi, did you have a meeting with Alderman Schenck over the week end about lake issues? Alderman Berardi stated, “I don’t believe it is any of Mayor Heinze’s business.” This is the stuff you get when you spend hours and hours doing something, you get this little nitpicking thing of conflict of interest, when you bring people together.
Alderman Schenck ask the city attorney if there would be any problem using Hotel/Motel Tax Funds for these kind of things? Chrissie Peterson answered, for items like this, directly marking Canton, when I looked at this it is clearly promoting our community. The proposal Mark Rothert made earlier about paying for a press trip, I question if that is legitimate use of the funds.
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Alderman Schenck said if we look at marketing activity as a project an involve visitors guide and somebody’s time, we could legitimately use Hotel/Motel Tax Funds for their time putting together. Alderman Schenck said, my comment to the partnership, you broken out different revenues sources. The type of budgeting for you is project type of budgeting. Instead of spaghetti and ragout. We have tangible things. My on going count of how council may be able to support the partnership is a project type of approval and budgeting process. This would be my suggestion on how to structure your budget. Mark Rothert said, the figure of $60,000 is just a arbitrary number. Alderman Schenck said to Mark, it’s a matter of how you package those projects.
Alderman Meade stated, what we’re talking about here, is not how much money were going to provide for their operation. We look at budgets of what is the best use, the bottom line of this whole budget is how much are we going to give to the partnership for Economic Development? The last two years we agreed to a three year deal of $100,000 a year. Someone has to run the office better, and it happens to share the Partnership. Alderman Meade said to Alderman Berardi, you asked about Vandewalle & Associates, and Bell, Boyd & Lloyd. I review with them on a regular basis, that’s my committee. If we want them to come to council, they’ll be here, but will pay for it. Alderman Berardi ask, how often are they in town? Alderman Meade answered, I e-mail them regularly. Most of the information from Bell, Boyd & Lloyd is not public knowledge, Chrissie Peterson knows about it, the mayor knows about it. Alderman Berardi said, I did not give my powers away, I’m representing the people, and I have a right to know exactly what is going on with Bell, Boyd & Lloyd, and I have a right to know what the conversations are with Vandewalle & Associates as it affects the City of Canton. Alderman Meade said he agreed, and also said when its appropriate to make pubic will do that in open session. Were all in this to make Canton the best place. Mark Rohert is the Economic Development Director an everything economic should be funneled through him and the development committee. We’re all set up to work together. The request we approved was a three year deal. How much money are we going to give the Partnership?
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Alderman Sarff said, his impression of the creation of this committee is that Mark was hired as our point man. It’s a joint effort between the city and the business community. I’ve always directed my information I receive and give to the Economic Development. I’m in favor of supporting $100,000.00.
Alderman West said he agrees with both Alderman Meade and Alderman Sarff.
Purchase of Command Vehicle. Police Chief Jeff Fritz reported that in the current fiscal year there was $36,000 budgeted to replace two (2) vehicles. Due to budgetary concerns in Fall of 2006, I was asked to cut $18,000 from the police department budget and not replace one (1) of the vehicles. It was related at that time there may be a possibility of re- considering the purchase of this vehicle in January of 2007 depending upon the condition of the budget. The December 2006 Treasurer’s Report presented at the Clerical Meeting on January 9, 2007 reflected revenue’s exceeding expenditures by $314,355.00. At the Mechanical Committee meeting on January 23, 2007, I delivered a presentation to council on my proposed programs for fiscal year 2007-2008 during which I requested to purchase and additional vehicle, a four-wheel drive heavy service vehicle as a command vehicle, in the current fiscal year budget. It was recommended that funds that are available this fiscal year be used to purchase the command vehicle. I am now presenting this to the Finance Committee for consideration of the following.
2007 Ford Explorer $21,851 Trade-in $6,000 Net Cost $15,851 2007 Dodge Durango $21,897 Trade-in $6,000 Net Cost $15897 2007 Ford Expedition $23,202 Trade-in $6,000 Net Cost $17,202 2007 Chevy Tahoe $31,688 Trade-in $6,000 Net Cost $25,688
I am requesting up to $18,000 for the purchase of a new vehicle. If approved, I would attempt to purchase a vehicle in one of the top three categories above currently on a dealer’s lot so that we would take delivery of it and pay for it still within this fiscal year. Alderman Sarff asked the chief why would you buy a command vehicle instead of line vehicle? Police Chief Jeffrey Fritz answered, the vehicle will
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not be used as a command vehicle, it will be 4-wheel drive, will have certified equipment to work out of the mobile command. Jeffrey said I am trying to replace the one vehicle we took out of service this year. Motion and second by Aldermen West/Meade, to allow the Police Department to purchase a vehicle in the amount of $18,000 from a local dealer, and refer to council for consideration. Discussion. Alderman Sarff said he will vote against as he feels the police department should be a regular car. The motion carried by voice vote, and one nay was heard from Alderman Sarff..
Depreciation Account. Taken off of the agenda, discussion was not held.
Farm Lease. Alderman Carl said he had reviewed the city’s farm too late for this year as fertilizer has been used. Alderman Carl recommended the farm ground be put out for bid to allow bow hunting for the coming fall season. We could do what the county has done and that is having outfitter. List the use of the land between $5,000 to $10,000. Alderman Schenck suggested sending this recommendation to the Lake, Buildings & Grounds Committee. Wastewater Treatment Supt. Joe Carruthers explained that his experience with an outfitter your done with your land as you will not be able to utilized it.. But the land still serves our site for our applications. The only access will be through a locked gate, an we have signs designating “no trespassing.” Motion and second by Aldermen Meade/Sarff, be referred to Lake, Buildings & Grounds Committee. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.
Retirement of K-9 Roko. Police Chief Jeff Fritz mentioned that the police department K-9 “Roko” has been on inactive duty for several months due to having to undergo surgeries to repair ruptured discs in his back. On February 28, 2007 he had a postoperative recheck examination at the VCA Aurora Animal Hospital. I subsequently received a letter from Heidi L. Barnes Heller, DVM of the animal hospital stating that although Roko has recovered well from surgery she does not recommend any jumping activities due to the risk of another disc rupture. This includes, but is not limited to,
11 Clerical Committee 3-13-07 jumping in and out of cars, stairs, decks, beds, or couches. Therefore, she does not recommend his return to active duty. Based on the results of this evaluation, I am recommending that K-9 “Roko” be retired from duty. I talked to Roko’s handler, Officer Mike Eveland, and he would like to take possession of Roko if authorized by the City. It is my recommendation that he be allowed to take possession of Roko, as well as assume all the maintenance costs and other responsibilities associated with pet ownership. Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/Meade, to retire the K-9 Roko and to have an agreement drafted for Roko handler Mike Eveland to have possession and to assume all the maintenance costs and other responsibilities associated with pet ownership. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.
Alderman West left the meeting at 8:40 p.m.
Rick Semonis Health Insurance. Dan Oaks Insurance Committee Chairman reported, the City requested proposals on the health insurance for this year. They not only requested quotes for a self-funded plan, but for fully-funded plan also. After receiving the quotes and going over them with Rick Semonis we are recommending that the City go with the fully-funded plan with Health Alliance and stay self-funded with the dental coverage (Health Alliance would administer this). This benefit plan would mirror our existing plan so it would not require negotiations to make the switch. Some of our reasoning for the switch from being self-funded is the fact that we are actually below the recommended number of participants to self-fund. It would make budgeting for health insurance easier because we will know exactly what our cost will be. Also Health Alliance has a track record of NOT offering low 1st year rates and then charging large increases upon renewal. We would like to offer that if you choose to stay self-funded we feel that Health Alliance would be the better choice. HCH has served the city well for the last 6 years, but we feel that Health Alliances’ disease and case management are better and will result in lower claims down the road. The administrative cost comparison are HCH $40,951.00 and Health Alliance $38,324.00.
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Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/Meade, to accept Health Alliance for dental coverage and staying self-funded with recommendation from Rick Semonis Health Care Consultant, and send to council for consideration. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.
Greenwood Cemetery Payment. City Treasurer Kathy Luker reported this is a request for the final payment to Greenwood Cemetery for the fiscal year 2006-2007 of $13,400.00. The City of Canton received $25,500 in property taxes on behalf of the Cemetery. The total amount we will have to pay to Greenwood for this fiscal year is $52,000, a difference of $26,900.00. Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/Meade, to approve the final payment to Greenwood Cemetery for the fiscal year 2006-2007 of $13,400.00, and refer to council. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.
Leander Construction for Payment #8 in the amount of $156,628.30. Motion and second by Aldermen Meade/Sarff, to approve payment #8 in the amount of $156,628.30 from Leander Construction. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.
Fire Apparatus Generator Repair. Fire Chief John Stanko reported that on Thursday, March 8th, we had a problem with the 220 volt 10,000 watt hydraulic electric generator on Engine 1 analyzed by a technician from Global Emergency Products, our authorized Pierce repair facility. As it turns out, the main bearings for the armature are bad. We are unsure what other internal damage may also exist. This generator is run by a hydraulic pump that is connected to a power take-off unit attached to the truck’s transmission. In its current configuration, the armature of the generator turns any time the engine is running. This generator provides electrical power for our high wattage scene lighting, pump for our hydraulic rescue tools (Jaws of Life), smoke removal fans, and other electric powered small tools and equipment. It is an integral part of the truck necessary for fire and rescue responses as well as both fire fighter and citizen safety. Received two estimates for repair. Both estimates are to remove the hydraulic generator, hydraulic pump and PTO unit for rebuilding. The first estimate, from AMPS (the manufacturer) has a total cost of $13,081.59 and provides a one (1) year warranty on all new parts. The second estimate, from Harrison, has a total cost of $9,647.09 and provides a two (2) year warranty
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on all new parts and labor. Both estimates include conversion to a “hot switch” PTO, which would eliminate the generator armature turning at all times the engine is running, thus reducing the otherwise continuous wear on the bearings and other generator parts. The “hot shift” PTO technology and option were not available at the time the apparatus was manufactured. Conversion to the “hot shift” PTO during the rebuilding process costs $200.00. Once the generator rebuilding has been completed, the re- installation and upgrade to the “hot shift” PTO would be performed at the repair facility in Washington, Illinois. Estimated time for rebuilding of the generator is a minimum of two (2) weeks. The repair estimates are based on a “worst case” rebuilding scenario and does not include shipping costs. A second option would be to replace the defective AMPS generator with a new Harrison hydraulic generator, pump and “hot shift” PTO. Total cost for a completely new unit is $11,994.40, which includes a $1,5000 trade in allowance for the old AMPS generator. The basic warranty for the new unit is two years of 2,000 hours on parts and labor. However, there is a limited lifetime warranty available on the new generator for the life of the unit. The lifetime warranty option must be submitted back to Harrison to keep the lifetime warranty effective. The estimated annual costs for the scheduled maintenance are as follows: Year 1 $ 50.00 Year 2 $ 50.00 Year 3 $190.00 Year 4 $ 50.00 Year 5 $875.00
For the fifth year, the unit is replaced with a refurbished unit from Harrison an the old unit is returned. A new five year recurring maintenance cycle then begins. Scheduled maintenance would be completed by our city mechanic. Due to its higher reliability as well as lower maintenance frequency and costs, Harrison is now the preferred provider of hydraulic generators to Pierce Manufacturing. As of this time, we have approximately $5,500 left in equipment maintenance budget. I anticipate there will be some surplus funds at the end of the fiscal year in other contractual services, operating supplies, and
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training that could be transferred to cover the shortfall in the maintenance budget line item. John Stanko recommended the new Harrison hydraulic generator. Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/Meade, approve the purchase of a new Harrison hydraulic generator through Global Emergency Products at an anticipated cost of $11,994.40 plus shipping, and refer to council. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.
Water Bill Processing. Water Treatment Supt. Greg Pollitt reported that 7 financial institutions were contacted to submit a quote and only 2 of the financial institutions replied by sending in a quote. Mid America National Bank $ .25 ($.25 cents) for a transfer and $28.00 a month maintenance fee. The National Bank $.17 ($.17 cents) for a transfer and $750 a month for maintenance fee. Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/Meade, approve the Mid America National Bank for water bill processing of $.25 cents for transfers, with $28.00 per month for maintenance fee. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.
Purchase of Portable Radios. Police Chief Jeffery Fritz brought before the committee the request to purchase 28 Kenwood TK-2180 portable radios. These new portable radios would be equipped with an emergency button that if the officers were unable to make a voice transmission more secure through scrambling the radio signals so that scanner users cannot understand the radio traffic. The cost for these new portable radios is $23,248.40. In addition, there would be a cost of $1,450.55 to upgrade the Communications Center radio consoles to be compatible with the emergency and encryption functions of the new portable radios, bringing the cost to $24,698.95. If the equipment is purchased before May 15, 2007 we would be eligible for rebates from Kenwood in the amount $1,450.00, reducing the total cost to $23,248.95. This is a budgeted expense in the Police Department Depreciation account, with $26,000 being allocated for the purchase. The purchase would be from Ragan Communications. Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/Meade, send to council for consideration. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.
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Budget 2007-2008. Alderman Carl sent this to Monday night at 6:30 p.m. and for the department heads to attend, as the meeting tonight has a lot of issues to cover.
The Finance Committee adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
LEGAL & ORDINANCE Alderman Craig West, Chairman
Pre-Annexation Agreement for Landolin A. & Jodi A. Eberle. Zoning Officer Clark Wilson mentioned this area is in Westgate Subdivision as they want city water. Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/Carl, to send on to council. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.
Parking Problem on Lawrence Drive. Alderman Sarff explained that problems have been since last fall of residents approaching him to resolve parking problems of cars blocking mail boxes, can’t see to back out of their drives. Alderman Sarff suggested to take parking off between 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 o’clock p.m. Monday through Friday. Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/Carl, to instruct the city attorney to draft an Ordinance for removal of parking in a one block area on Lawrence Drive from Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous.
Foreign Fire Insurance Ordinance Revision. Fire Chief John Stanko reported that in April 2000, our city ordinance governing the operation of the Foreign Fire Insurance Fund was revised. The revisions were made to bring our ordinance into compliance with changes that had been made in the state statute. At that time, there was discussion concerning creating a three member board to administer the funds or to creating a board that, in essence, consisted of all sworn fire fighters. Ultimately, a three member board was selected with the thought it would simplify operation of the fund. Board members are elected each year from among all sworn fire fighters and serve without compensation. Since that time, the board has done well administering the Foreign Fire Insurance Funds. Restrictions are placed on
16 Clerical Committee 3-13-07 the spending of the funds by state statue, and the board had complied with those provisions. The funds are audited annually with no problems found. However, on regular occasions, the three member board has consulted with and taken advisory votes from the other members of the fire department concerning expenditures from the fund. This has been done so that all members of the department have had the opportunity for input into what projects are undertaken or which significant purchases are made. In those instances, the board members then voted to reflect the desires of the department members. After discussions among the members of the fire department over the past few months, it appears that it may be prudent to amend the city ordinance governing the operation of the Foreign Fire Insurance fund to reflect that all seventeen (17) sworn members of the Canton Fire Department be allowed to participate directly in the decisions concerning expenditures from the fund. Participation by all department members could be easily accomplished through the use of a secret ballot voting system over the course of all three shifts. Elections would still be conducted each year for a president and secretary/treasurer of the Foreign Fire Insurance Fund. Signatures of both the president and secretary/treasurer would be required on any checks drawn on the account. Other provisions of the ordinance would remain the same as those provisions are in compliance with current state statutes. By amending the ordinance, we feel it would allow for proper operation of the Foreign Fire Insurance Fund with input from all sworn fire fighters in much the same fashion that has, in reality, been used for the past seven years. Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/Meade, to have the city attorney draft an amendment to the ordinance for replacing the three who can vote to 17 members allowing to vote. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.
Enviromark payment agreement of retainage. City Attorney Chrissie Peterson mentioned that the retainage amount of $18,690.82 is being requested from Enviromark. The payment agreement was written by their attorneys and they denied any liability for matters asserted under the IEPA Notices. Alderman Sarff asked why release the retainage if there is still a problem? Chrissie Peterson stated, Enviromark determined the work that was done, and no formal notice was given to Enviormark of unsatisfactory work.
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Section #12 of the Non-Waiver in the contract, has provisions of appropriate notices to be given. Alderman Berardi commented, to let Enviromark not be given their retainage back at this time and let them sue if they want to. Motion and second by Aldermen Meade/Sarff, send onto council for recommendation. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.
The Legal & Ordinance Committee adjourned at 6:44 p.m.
Residential TIF. Alderman Meade mentioned that city attorney Chrissie Peterson will check on cost from Bell Boyd and Trigg.
Enterprise Zone. Alderman Meade stated that he recently learned from Tony Fahrenbruch that he had decided not to buy property from the City at the Industrial Park (lot 17) but will instead buy an existing building at that site from a private party. Tony was putting a business of Trac Equipment Development. (Tractors)
SRPED Mark Rothert update. Mark Rothert Spoon River Partnership for Economic Development gave the following Economic Development Briefing. Industrial Park Progress: SRPED proposal for use of Industrial Park TIF funds submitted via budget, awaiting city council direction. Tony Fahrenbruch, Trac Equipment Company, planning to purchase private lot/building at the Industrial Park for his new business. Special Events/Tourism: Bi-Tri Classic request submitted Canton Loop Familiarization Tour request submitted Two more requests possibly in near future, both dealing with musical entertainment
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Downtown: Zook building has come down, passed his information on to contacts that may look at the site for development. Blessings Primitives is interested in doing a similar sidewalk area improvement like Café Europe, that proposal will be coming before the City Council soon Music in the park events being planned for this summer for Jones Park Submitted grant through “My” to obtain funding ($5,000) to start a façade improvement program in the downtown.
Business Attraction and Support: Talks ongoing with three potential developers wanting to bring larger scale developments to Canton. These projects are still in the early stages of development. In the past week four local existing business owners or entrepreneurs were referred to the WIU Small Business Development Center for assistance in expanding or start-up.
Community Improvement: Pole Banners should be up by the end of the month after utility real estate managers sign off on Pole Use Agreement.
Other: Attended the 2007 Rural Development Conference in Peoria, March 7th and 8th. Attended Heart of Illinois Legislative Reception in E. Peoria, March 13. Working on Safer Routes to School Grant in partnership with the Park District and School District Added the Canton Loop section to the website.
The Community & Industrial Development Committee adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
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Alderman Larry Sarff, Chairman
EXECUTIVE SESSION – NEGOTIATIONS, GRIEVANCE & PERSONNEL TO DISCUSS - POLICE & PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS; AND, PROBABLE IMMINENT LITIGATION. Motion and second by Aldermen Meade/Carl, to go into executive session for Police & Public Works Contract negotiations; and, Probable Imminent Litigation. Roll Call. AYES – Aldermen Carl, Meade, Sarff. (Alderman West left the meeting at 8:40 p.m.)
The regular scheduled Clerical Committee convened for executive session at 9:01 p.m.
The Clerical Committee came out into open session at 10:25 p.m.
Recording Secretary,
Nancy Whites, City Clerk